
Vol.4 Ch.40 – Worth The Wait

Chapter 40: Worth The Wait

Alisha liked to do most of the cooking herself. Helping her with chopping veggies and stirring pots was fine but for the most part Alisha was happy doing everything on her own. It wasn't like she hated it when I helped her, she just had this notion that she had to take care of everyone and part of that involved doing the cooking by herself. Of course, it helped that when she was cooking anything that involved fruit there would be nobody there to tease her for snacking a little too much. One time she'd tried to make a dish I'd told her about, chicken with grapes, and by the time dinner was ready she'd changed the dish to 'chicken very pointedly without grapes'.

All of that was to say that she always seemed a little embarrassed and thrilled if I came to help her in the kitchen, not unlike the way she acted during really hot and embarrassing bedroom activities. And that comparison became far more pronounced when Athena joined me in helping her prepare dinner.

When we'd reached the kitchen Alisha's nostrils had flared and she'd given me a sly look, telling me without saying it that she could smell Athena's arousal.

But instead of replying to her silent comment I simply started helping her and after a moment of standing around awkwardly Athena decided to make herself useful as well.

The first course Alisha was preparing involved the tentacle that had grabbed her during the fight against the spawn of Scylla, the one she'd said she would cook dinner out of. And she was making good on that promise. With a deftness that would seem out of character if you'd never seen her cook she carved out the suckers with their barbed hooks one by one. When the tentacle was finally safe for consumption she dumped it into a pot of boiling water. It was still well over an hour before dinner but octopus of all kinds required an extraordinary amount of time to cook properly.

If you've ever had octopus that was leathery and tough, that octopus was not overcooked but undercooked.

When she had that boiling away she pulled out an entire pork loin and asked me to trim the silver skin off it. The thing was maybe eight or nine pounds of meat and way too much for the seven of us to eat but I knew she would slice it thin and make sandwiches out of it.

As I prepared the meat Athena busied herself with chopping a head of garlic and a few bushels of herbs, which Alisha used to make a batch of garlic and herb butter. Apparently she'd gone to the local bakery while I had been busy with the others because once the butter was done she pulled out a few loaves of bread, cut them into thick slices and slathered them with the butter. I assumed she would be roasting these in the oven later.

Once I got done trimming the silver skin I halved the pork loin so it would fit in our largest roasting tray, then seasoned it with salt and pepper and placed it in the oven.

So, roasted bread with herb butter, pork loin and boiled Scylla spawn tentacle,” I mused out loud. “That's an interesting combination.”

Don't worry, that's several courses,” Alisha said. “We'll have the tentacle with a little tomato salad and the pork loin with some mixed vegetables. And the bread will be the side for both.”

What vegetables?” I asked. We didn't exactly have a vegetable patch in our garden. In fact, even the mystic fruit trees felt like an imposition on the impeccably groomed garden that Anna had had before we'd moved in with her. As such, we didn't have any fresh vegetables available whenever we wanted some.

Yume, Meli and I took a trip to the market earlier,” she said.

Meli?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at the nickname.

You should spend a little more time with her,” Alisha said in a low voice. “I'm sure you'll like her.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. We'd had that conversation before. I did not need another girlfriend. And I especially didn't need another girlfriend when things with Athena were still uncertain. The fact that I'd heard Athena pause in her chopping once the topic of Melinoe came up also worried me.

Sensing my apprehension Alisha decided to change the topic: “And I picked up a little dessert at the bakery while we were out.”

Grateful for the change in topic I joked: “And here I thought you would be the dessert.”

Feel free to make do but I'm looking forward to a nice slice of cake after dinner,” she said.

I considered. “Hmm... cake does sound better.”

She swatted my arm.

I kissed her forehead. Then I glanced over at Athena, who was looking a little jealous. “Want one, too?”

She grumbled for almost a minute before she muttered: “... Yes.”

Ordinarily I would have told her to speak up a couple of times but then decided to reward her for her honesty instead. I stepped up to her, brushed a few errant strands of hair away from her forehead and then placed a gentle kiss on it. When I pulled my lips away she was beet-red, from her hairline all the way down to her collarbone.


Dinner was an absolute delight.

The tentacle of the spawn of Scylla ended up tender as soft butter, with a mellow flavor, sweet and briny, and it was perfectly complimented by the fresh tomato salad and the savory garlic bread. During the main course that same garlic bread provided the necessary textural contrast to the juicy pork and the soft and sweet vegetables.

And the cake Alisha had bought? It was an elaborate affair with marzipan and butter cream, the sweetness balanced by a thin layer of apricot jam on top of a short pastry base. The cake was a work of art and I was sure it had been horribly expensive but gods above, it had been worth it.

Melinoe had been floored by the food we had whipped up this fast and given that she was likely used to Persephone's cooking her compliments meant far more than those of the average person. Alisha in particular preened under her praise, so much so that she started giving me the hungriest looks after dinner.

I was just as desperate as she was, but there was still the matter of Athena. Or rather, there was the matter of Athena and Melinoe. Just because Athena knew intellectually that Melinoe was aware of our relationship didn't mean she knew how to tell her cousin, or niece, whatever, that she was about to go upstairs and have her world rocked by the mortal she'd spent ten years complaining everyone's ears off about.

I was still wondering how to raise the topic when Melinoe spoke up. “So, when do we need to leave?” she asked Selene.

It's not too far out,” the paladin said. “We're not in any rush.”

What's this about?” I asked.

Melinoe gave me a smirk. “Wouldn't you like to know?”

Yume responded by smacking her in the face with one of her tails, then said: “While out in the market I heard tell that there was a performance of Angelica the Womanizer tonight, so I bought tickets for Selene, Anna, Melinoe and me.”

Oh,” I said, then realized what exactly she had done. “Oh!”

I'd never even heard of this play so I must say I'm quite curious,” Melinoe said, then turned to Anna. “From what I heard, you've dressed up as the protagonist of that play during a royal banquet once, haven't you?”

That's true,” Anna said with a slight blush on her cheeks. Her view of her own femininity had changed quite drastically since then but she could still adopt the role of the husky, seductive womanizer at the drop of a hat.

Should we start getting ready, then?” Yume asked calmly, though her gaze was focused on the look of longing Athena was shooting me.

Might as well,” Selene said and got up.


Athena was sitting on the bed, hands in her lap and absolutely mortified as she very pointedly didn't look at Alisha and me making out. I had my lovely elf pinned against the bedroom door, her legs wrapped around me, and held up only by the way I was crushing her against the wood.

Alisha was ravenous for me, the way she usually only got after several days of not sleeping with me. Apparently having Athena with us brought out her animal side.

But even if I was giving as good as I got I kept an eye on Athena in my peripheral vision. Her fists had been clenched over her knees but they were steadily wandering up her thighs as she watched us.

When she was about to soothe the ache in her lap on her own I broke the kiss with Alisha and said: “If you touch your pussy you can spend the evening frigging yourself while I plow Alisha in front of you.”

Fucking bastard,” she hissed but her hands arrested their upward motion and she decided to clutch her knees to keep her hands from wandering again.”

Take me to bed, Felix,” Alisha said, her tone low and full of desire.

I had wanted to spend a little more time giving Athena a show but I just couldn't deny Alisha when she used that tone of voice. And so I carried her to the bed as she clung to me.

Once she was on the bed she sat down next to Athena and ran a hand over her cheek. The goddess flinched at the sudden contact but then melted into her touch.

I believe you wanted to show me where our lover hurt you, didn't you?” And then she started tugging on Athena's toga.

I-I-I suppose,” Athena stammered, her face beet-red. Apparently she had only realized just then what exactly she had agreed to.

Athena sought out my gaze, asking me with her eyes if she was truly supposed to take her clothes off and only when I nodded did she slip her toga off, revealing that she was naked underneath.

I sat down on the bed and got comfortable, far enough away that Athena wouldn't be able to hide behind me. I was quite looking forward to whatever show Alisha would make of this. And she didn't disappoint.

Such a lovely body,” Alisha cooed. “Now, where did our lover hurt you? What did he do to you?”

Athena's breaths were coming fast and short and they grew even faster when Alisha placed a hand back on her cheek.

Did he strike you here?”

N-not there,” Athena admitted.

Did you want him to?” Alisha asked, her voice low.

Athena lowered her gaze and her blush turned a shade darker. I felt myself growing hard at the admission and made a mental note of it.

Where did he strike you?” Alisha asked.

M-my breasts,” Athena admitted.

These?” Alisha asked as she gently cupped Athena's chest.


Then let me kiss them better,” Alisha said, giving Athena a soft smile before leaning down and placing feathery kisses all over the perfect globes of Athena's breasts.

I had been too busy last time to admire just how perfect they were but gods, they were. The perfect size, just a little too large for how perky they were. The flesh was firm, the skin smooth and taut. Her nipples were a pretty pink, the areolae small circles around the hard little nubs. And Alisha was showering them in kisses, then began gently sucking on the nipples.

The sight was so arousing I had to take my pants off. Athena glanced over with longing in her gaze but I shook my head and she turned back to Alisha.

All better?” Alisha asked gently once Athena's nipples were hard as rocks.

Y-yes, thank you. He... he also choked me.”

Did he now?” Alisha asked and she couldn't keep herself from turning to me and giving me a smirk.

Yes,” Athena said. “It really hurt.”

Lean back,” Alisha said and began shoving Athena insistently until the goddess laid down on the bed. The moment she did Alisha was on her, placing wet, open-mouthed kisses all over her throat, kissing and licking the sensitive skin as Athena squirmed beneath her.

I'm sure he's hurt you elsewhere, hasn't he?” Alisha cooed once Athena's throat was covered in little hickeys.

He...” Athena was breathing heavily now. “He made me swallow his...”

His what?” Alisha asked, her voice full of hunger. “Say it.”

His cock...” Athena whined, opening her mouth wide to say the word, and Alisha took the opportunity to kiss her.

Their kiss was wide and open-mouthed, their tongues wrestling for dominance.

And did you like it?” Alisha asked into the kiss.

I loved it,” Athena admitted.

At that Alisha reached down between Athena's thighs and started rubbing her pussy, the goddess already so wet that Alisha's fingers produced a litany of filthy squelching sounds.

And what did he do to this pretty pussy?” Alisha asked.

He... nnhh... he... shoved his cock inside... mmhhh...”

Did he fill it all the way up?” Alisha asked.

He did,” Athena admitted.

Did it feel good?”

It felt so good!”

Should I kiss it better anyway?” Alisha asked, breaking the kiss.

Please... please... please...”

And so my lovely little elf slid down between Athena's legs and placed soft, wet kisses on the insides of her thighs. Athena squealed the moment Alisha's lips touched her skin and threw an arm over her eyes, trying to just enjoy the moment.

No, we couldn't have that.

I scooted over to her, grabbed her hand and then wrapped it around my rock-hard cock. Her eyes flew open and she shivered all over, then began pumping me up and down, up and down. Her touch was clumsy, her movements too jerky, and yet the fact that this goddess was jerking me off while my lover kissed closer and closer to her pussy drove me wild.

When Alisha finally reached the promised land Athena let out a huge groan and squeezed my cock, finally gripping it as tight as she needed to.

Good girl,” I groaned and started rolling my hips into her pumps.

Does it feel good?” she moaned.

Keep doing it just like that,” I said. “How about you? Do you like Alisha licking your pussy?”

I love it,” Athena admitted. “It feels amazing.”

Was the wait worth it?” I asked, a teasing note in my voice.

Fucking bastard,” she grumbled but jerked my cock faster in response.

So,” I said to Alisha, “do you like eating out a goddess?”

Alisha paused in her ministrations and looked up at me. She nodded her head subconsciously but then paused and got a sly grin on her face: “I think I like Yume's flavor better,” before she went back to licking.

Do you hear that, Athena?” I asked with a smirk.

You're both jerks,” she hissed, though it didn't stop her from jerking me off while rolling her hips against Alisha's mouth. If anything, her breathing had gotten more ragged after that comment.

We can stop, you know?”

Please don't,” she whimpered.

Then stop complaining and jerk me off, pervert goddess,” I said and she growled as she continued pumping me.

A moment later her growl turned into a squeal as Alisha pushed two fingers into her sopping pussy. Her fingers cramped around my cock and her pumps turned more and more frantic.

There we go,” I said, “you're not half-bad at this when you try.”

In truth it felt amazing. I certainly had gotten better handjobs before but Athena's sheer desperation made it that much better, the deathgrip on my cock feeling like I was thrusting into a tight ass. Speaking of... I smirked as I suddenly knew just what I was going to do to this pervert goddess. And how I'd get her into it.

But for now I decided to just reward her for the good job she was doing and leaned over to massage her breasts. No slaps this time, just gently cupping them in my hands and rubbing her nipples with my thumbs.

Oh, that feels amazing,” she moaned and Alisha responded to this by going even harder on her, licking and sucking and fingering with wild abandon, evidently sensing Athena's approaching orgasm.

The pervert goddess rolled her hips harder and harder, her breathing became rougher and more erratic, and her hand on my cock started jerking frantically. She was so desperate for it, desperate to come after all my teasing, and then she squealed out:

Please? Please may I come?!”

I paused in my tracks for just a moment, shocked at the question, before the sudden and desperate rush to cum flooded my body. I had done it. I had broken the pervert goddess to the point where she thought she had to ask permission to orgasm.

I thrust into her clenching fist one last time and as the cum began blasting out of my cock I ground out:

You may.”

She shrieked. There was no grace, no divine beauty in it. She shrieked like a pig on a spit, losing her fucking mind as she came and drenched Alisha's face while my cock covered her in sticky white cream.

When her orgasm subsided she was left a shivering lump of flesh on the bed, twitching and making small squeaking sounds, covered in sweat and cum. I shifted us around a little and laid her head in my lap, Alisha cuddled into my side as we just let her come down from her high.

How was it?” I asked once she seemed at least a little coherent again.

Stars above...” she breathed. “That... That was worth the wait.”

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