GODSLAYER: Dark Dreams Don’t Die.

Aftermath IN THE BATH!


Lexi POV 

I was still blushing... Everytime I thought about what happened four hours ago. That girl called me an angel... And she was so embarrassed afterward... now i was confused. My entire life, i hadn't felt any form of attraction to anybody, i know im only 13, but still... I indentified as female, though i never actually told anyone, and now i AM female... So i naturally thought id grow attracted to a guy, like most girls... but Captain,i mean, lieutenant Rojas's Sister was just so damn adorable, all blushing and stuttering... She barely got through the debriefing... And when it got to the Angel part she looked like a strawberry... 

I was thinking about this, a smile on my face, as i walked to the baths. The base didn't have private shower facilities, beleiving that bonding between soldiers was important, so instead there were communal baths, split by gender... I still found it embarrassing, being naked in front of others, so i usually waited until late to go bathe, but frankly I stink... Bad enough that Levi told me to go take a bath, when he passed me in the hallway. He looked like he was doing well, since i last saw him... Even though that had only been about a week ago, i worried, you know?

So i arrived at the baths, a simulated hot-spring, which was nice, and after rinsing my body thrice, i climbed in... the hot water was nice... But i couldn't get That cute blushing face out of my head... and, not realizing i wasn't alone, accidentally asked myself, aloud "I wonder if this means im a lesbian?" I was startled by the loud bark of laughter... It was General Aemelia.

"So, where did THAT come from, kid? You sneaking peeks in the locker rooms?"

"NO! I... Ummm... I saw someone being really cute, and i can't get her face out of my head."

"Oh, I see... Is this related to the misson today? Private Rojas And the Angel line?"

"Well... Sigh. yes. She was so red, and panicky, and it was adorable... And i cant stop smiling when i think of it."

"Well, that definitely sounds like Physical Attraction. So yeah, to answer your question, Id say that makes you At least Bisexual... So Little Angel, you gonna go for it? She's only two years older than you, and given what she said, she may be interested."

"No! I... I can't do that... i... I barely even know her, i can't just jump the gun like that!"

"Hahahaha! Give it time then... Who knows, maybe She'll be the one on the offensive instead."

I took a deep breath, and smiled... "Who knows. I'd like to be her friend, at least... but I'm worried she might be too embarrassed to even talk to me."

"Oh she definitely will... The story has already reached the gossipers... Its all over the base." the door opened, and a few Soldiers and Staff members, alongside fellow cadet students, entered...

"OH, LOOK! Its The 'ANGEL'! IS 'Sleeping Beauty' here too?"

"Pbbbbt!" I started laughing "It really has spread! So fast! Is this the power of Gossip?"

Nina, one of my classmates and Amelias Niece, Slipped into the bath next to me. "It sure is, Alexis... Angel Alexis, it has a nice ring to it. Aunt Aem, Why not make it her official call sign?"

Aemelia had a cruel look. "THATS A BRILLIANT IDEA! Yes, much better than that idiots suggestion of 'Foxy'..."

"Hey, Speaking of Foxy, Alexis... Wheres your tail? I don't see it."

"Oh... well, look." I leaned forward, showing nina what appeared to be metallic tattoos under my skin... moving Tattoos... "The Nanites that form it can retract into my skin... I really only need it in deployment mode to pilot Sierra, who has an entire control section requiring a tail... But honestly, i like it. its Metal, but soft as cotton... It doesn't respond well to water though... so i have to retract it to bathe."

"Wait! A tail control? Oh! I see, thats how it can move so freely in combat." Aemelia seemed amazed.

"Actually... My tail is also a defense mechanism... i just learned from Sierra today that anything Her tail can do, mine can do on a smaller scale... Apparently this includes the lasers... "

"HOLY SHIT, REALLY!" Nina jumped up, giving us allan eyeful of her large, perky D-cups... "I WANNA SEE! PLEASE ALEXIS! SHOW ME THE TAIL LASER!"

"Okay okay, just sit down before you brain someone with those Sandbags! Jeez, what do you eat, Nina! They're bigger than Aemelias! Aren't you only 16?"

"Hey, Leave my Funbags outta this! Show me the tail laser!"

Aemelia had an odd look on her face... and suddenly, she grabbed Nina's chest. "HOLY SHIT, THEY'VE GOTTEN BIGGER AGAIN! STOP! FUCKING! GROWING! Why? Why is my 16 year old niece Twice my size but half my height? TELL ME WHY?"

I chose that moment to escape, but as i left, Aemelia gave me a thumbs up and said "Good luck on what we discussed." I turned red, and left to the changing room... my tail deploying as i walked, flicking water off its tip.

Unbeknownst to them, in the very back of the bathing room, behind an artificial rock, Sat a very Red Hannah Rojas... Who was asking herself the same question... 

Hannah Rojas POV

The Angel was HERE... I watched her disrobe, her tail retracting into her skin, and felt like a voyeaur, but i couldn't stop looking... After she left sometime later, i sat in the bath thinking about what id overheard... And what id seen... white, white like snow, and pink... and... what was wrong with me. Suddenly a voice made me jump. it was General Aemelia, who i thought had left already. "So, did you enjoy the show, little Voyeaur? Eavesdropping is never a good thing, Private."

"I hadn't intended to,  Ma'am... but i couldn't face her, so i hid, and ended up overhearing, and seeing and..."

"Oh? What exactly did you See?"

"Pink and White... And silver... and... A FUCKING ANGEL! There, are you happy? I cant stop thinking about her face, and now her body too, and... General? Does that mean I'm a lesbian? Or am i just a pervert?"

"Only you can answer that, but you know the two aren't mutually exclusive. you could be both." She smiled, then headed for the changing room. 

I didn't feel anything looking at her naked body, or anyone elses... but that Angel girl... I felt my heart start to race, and my body heat up... Yeah... "I think i Might be."

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