Going Into the World!

Chapter 104

New Prison

The Johnstone Group’s new nest was completed at the end of last year. Located just north of LA, my heart is overwhelmed by looking at the oval five-story building that occupies a large piece of land.

The sea windows reflecting sunlight are shiny and boast such majestic features as a cosmic warship. In the middle, the place that rises up like a tower is eight stories high, so it feels like something important at first sight.

Haha. That’s my office right there.

With Google and Maiway at the forefront of the center of the command tower, I rotated around to create a new checkout business and construction, making it easy to access if I needed to.

Data centers protrude apart from the rear, just like the rear of a spaceship, and it looks like a power engine attached to it from afar.

Perhaps a power system and cooling system are installed to power the server room and control the temperature.

Through the entrance of the oval building, you reach the center and enter the building. In the hallway, we are moving furniture, pick-ups, and boxes from the previous building.

It’s been a month since I started moving, but I can’t move more than 5,000 employees a day. Over the past two months, we have been moving around the datacenter and the rest of the departments are moving on.

“This is the server room. We’ve integrated both our own server rooms and the servers that were out there. ”

With the guidance of the Data Center Head, there are many large servers in a line. Even with all those big computers running, the interior is very quiet.

As the large computers stood up, I felt like I was in a special place, like an aerospace agency.

I was proud of the men who were over two metres tall and boasting their huge bodies as they walked by.

I took a step to the other room, and this time there are hundreds of Rack towers, all of which are filled with thin Blades computers.

Many of these servers lined up like a measuring line, small lights flash in front of them what they do so hard, but there are as many as stars in the sky.

My mind becomes accustomed to the overwhelming and beautiful appearance.

I can’t imagine how many servers are running since I’ve been in and out of so many server rooms. So, are these all mine? Haha! I’m having a laugh.

Buildings in San Francisco, apparently skyscrapers and other companies, were impaired by the expansion of data centers.

The main data center was built on the outskirts of eastern North Carolina, and the headquarters could not afford to have this many computers.

The data centers in the east were all I had when I first built them, but they’ve probably grown at least a hundred times since then.

At first, I thought it was like that when I built the building, but when I filled it up, it feels different.

“Well, I think you built it well. Well done. By the way, how many servers are there? ”

I was surprised by the incredible equipment that I thought this was all mine, so I wondered how many computers were working. Do you have 10,000?

“There are 45,000 of them. ”

“Yes?! So many? Huh. This is completely out of my league. There’s a lot going on. I opened my mouth slightly because it was much bigger than I expected.

“Haha. That’s what our blade servers are made of. Thinner, less heat, more energy efficient.

20 can fit in a single tower rack. There are 500 racks in the server room that just came out, so there are 10,000 jobs in total. ”

I am a center head who kindly explains if I guessed the surprised look on my face. I asked how to deal with a fire or disaster. This is all my property.

“I’m on fire in this building, and these servers are safe. Temperature control devices installed on walls, floors, and ceilings have rapid cooling, even in those cases.

This is a serious joke, but the servers are still alive when everyone dies. Phew! ”

The center leader explains further and gives a hollow smile. It is said that there are various other advanced devices, and they also back up to the data centers in the east.

“Huh. This is the brain that powers America and the world. The one who controls the information is the real winner, and I am the one who moves the world. ’

The joyful imagination of becoming the last winner also lightly escaped.

I chewed it up and went up to my office.

Central Command Tower has an information room on the seventh floor and my office on the eighth floor. I put the information room right under my feet under my belief that information is power.

Thomas is also on the seventh floor, and I was wondering how he was doing.

Intelligence is working quietly to make sure it’s all set up.

Other departments are somewhat energetic about the open concept, so even the atmosphere here is secretive.

“John, are you here?” I went to Thomas’ office, and I’m working hard. Thomas, this man has no boundaries between work and life. I just do my job for fun. Nice pose.

“Oh, you picked a nice office. So, what are all these? ”

On top of the drawers on the side of the desk, there are various pieces, from a bridge model, a wooden plane, an hourglass to an old metal watch.

“Yes. I’ve been working on this for a long time. It’s a hobby.”

I asked why I made this. It’s a hobby. I have nothing to say. He made all sorts of things, whether he knew it was Da Vinci.

“What is this? It’s a comic book, right?”

On the bottom of the box is a comic book called Spider-Man. Is this guy still watching cartoons?

“Ahh. It was at home, but I brought my stuff with me this time. I’m gonna get a house around here, too, but I haven’t figured it out yet. ”

Thomas said, unlike before, I can’t go to San Francisco every day, so I brought all my personal belongings from home.

“Then let it go. What are you bringing? But his name is the head of the online intelligence team. ”

“Huh? How famous is this? We all liked our age. Haven’t you seen him? We were really popular in high school, but it wasn’t that crazy, was it? ”

Thomas thinks I’m strange that I don’t understand the value of this cartoon.

Come on, we used to do a series on TV. But I was so busy that I didn’t have time to see it.

“Really? I’m sorry. I was too busy back then. You know that, right?”

“Right? You’re not like us, are you? But this is a legend, a legend. Didn’t you see the XMen from last year? That was a hit. ”

Thomas talks about the excitement of X-Men, Spider-Men, and Hulk.

But I think Hulk came out of college. It’s a superhero with men’s nostalgia on it.

Now that I’ve heard Thomas’ story, I find it fascinating to be immersed in these characters.

I still don’t think I understand American kids emotionally. Maybe I came to school too late.

I’m still the eldest son. English from my mouth and tongue are native speakers, but the same mouth and tongue prefer miso stew over soup.

“John, can’t you make Spider-Man or Hulk out of Polygram? The X-Men came out last year. ”

“I know. That’s an inconvenient truth. ”

When I suddenly consider and write “inconvenient truth,” Thomas looks confused.

The X-Men came out of Sony and hit the big hits. Of course it can’t be good to hear. Sonny, these guys are really good. Nowadays, I keep getting angry all around me.

I think it’s a good idea for me to try Spider-Man, by the way.

The view is wide as I come up to my new office. When I was here earlier, I was busy decorating, but since I put all the furniture in, it looks good as a new building.

This time, I changed the monitors and desks so that the furniture and clippings were small. You’d better put the new booze in a new unit. Hehe.

“Spider-Man. This is from Marvel Entertainment.”

I worked hard on the internet and tried to get a strong feeling. Once I figure out what I want, I can get Jason, the head of the intelligence team, to look into it in detail.

Peter Kunio? Hmm. He’s a nice guy, huh? He specializes in running companies that are in deep water… Marble Entertainment is in deep water.

How are you feeling this year? Oh, that’s nice. ”

Looking back and forth, the price of stock that has declined in the last five years has started to rise this year.

Marvel Entertainment even filed for bankruptcy in ’96 and welcomed Peter Kunio for his life in a complicated interest.

Stock prices rose for the first time this year, seemingly successful in restructuring and creating new businesses.

It’s only $2-30 million, right? ‘

Over 90% of the company’s value has declined in the past five years, but it seems we’re barely moving on. Looks like it’s a long way to go.

“This won’t take long. Buy it.” ‘

At first, I thought about working together, but when I look at the price, my urge to buy impulses is still growing.

Even if this were to be a hostile takeover, I think 50 million would be enough. Assuming, of course, that there are no interruptions.

I was worried that some of the X-Men would be poisoned by their success.

I immediately called Jason’s Information Team Leader and instructed him to gather data on Marvel Entertainment.

He also asked Polo, who was in charge of the planning office, to research and report on how he could acquire Marble Entertainment and what problems would arise if he tried to do so.

“Welcome. What brings you here? ”

I was beaten with a smile from the incoming bay. Hagile, I just got a call from you saying I’d like to speak to you. I told you I’m in a new prison today, and I’m coming to see you.

It only takes about 30 minutes from polygram to the new dungeon.

“Last time you were here, I was outside.”

“Haha. I’m fine.” Last time I went by with Jennifer, I didn’t get to meet her because I was in the middle of something.

Polygram was complaining because it didn’t profit quickly, but now, a little over six months after the year, I realize that I want too much.

And I thought I should pay attention to the polygram.

Last year, I neglected to take over the game company acquisition, the Einevi, the Xbox, and the payment system to Johnstone Korea.

Other than connecting the Time Warner to get help, I had the idea that I would ‘take care of it’ without knowing it, not in my area of expertise.

After talking for a while, it seemed like Baysy was struggling in her own way. For now, I’m not deficient, so I’m not incompetent. The biggest problem is that it’s not easy to make a masterpiece compared to other major companies.

“The Titanic cost 200 million dollars, and the Man Black cost 90 million dollars. It is not easy to carry out several works at the same time with 100 million dollars assigned.

And our company is not yet easy to get adequate investment unless it is a reliable director and material to be treated as a startup. I need a little more attention. ”

Baysy complains, but accepts to some extent. It’s true that I recently acquired the ITbubble and was constrained from investing in it.

Even if I had money, I invested $100 million initially because there were so many holes to go into, but there were no continuous inflows.

“Then you can post a proposal through the Beach Man president, or you can call me directly. ”

The point of my question is, why didn’t you tell me? It means’. Do you know if I could have made more money?

Of course, now that Einevi is going to make 100 million dollars, and Johnstone Korea is working properly, in terms of money, there is much more stability than last year.

Last year, the money went in, there was no harvest, and the bubbles burst, saving on their own.

“I sent my proposal to the beach man. I’ve made a few suggestions. Didn’t you hear?”

“Khh-hmm. Did you?”

As I recall, the former owner of entertainment, Mr. Beachman, seemed to have mentioned money. Maybe it was because I was so busy.

Is this the problem with bureaucracy? The comments below don’t reach my ears. Even though he was coming, what he felt on the field was very mild to him.

At the same time, I knew what the President of Beachman said and did not take any special action.

The beach man had not said anything since then, so he forgot.

“Great, let’s set aside a budget this year. Let’s make it big. So, if you write a separate report, we’ll schedule a meeting. Let’s review this year’s business plan in full. ”

I spoke in a confident voice because I was going to take off my feet.

“Chairman, it’s…”

She suddenly lowers her voice and looks at me, but she looks a little sorry.

“Tell me? Can I ask you a favor? ”

I think I did something wrong or have a favor to ask, seeing that I keep my voice down for nothing. I looked over, and Baysy’s hand went into the suit’s pocket and took out an envelope.

“Sorry, here’s your resignation form. ”

“What? A resignation?! ”

The unexpected white envelope made me feel strange, but I was surprised by the sound of resignation and my voice rose.

Two months ago, the President of Beachman resigned for dry reasons. At that time, it was for personal reasons.

However, it feels strange to receive a resignation twice in a row. I trembled in words.

I looked at Mr. Bay’s face and asked him.

“May I ask why?”

The bay is a little slow after revealing a lot of force.

“Hmm. I was originally in charge of television and cable programming and distribution. At the moment, we have a lot of regrets about working only in the film sector. But now we have a great opportunity. I’m sorry.”

“Khh-hmm. You didn’t originally specialize in movies? ”

Whatever the reason, there’s no reason to feel good about leaving because you don’t like me. This guy, TV, movies, that kind of thing. Damn it.

“Are you willing to change your mind? ”

“I’m sorry.”

Seeing as I’m aware, I’ve already found another place. I didn’t think I would change my mind now. I asked you once in a formal manner.

I’m not the one who catches people who hate me. Yes! Everyone is more important to you. I understand because I remember leaving Yahoo for my future.

“Where are you going, by the way? ”

In my question, Baysy pauses and looks at me. I have a somewhat embarrassing face.

“I’m going to Columbia TriStar Television. ”

“What, Colombia? ”

I screamed in shock. What the hell are you talking about?

Suddenly, steam rose like a lid on my head. I don’t know what to do with her.

If you get excited, you lose.

I calmed down, concentrating my energy on the lower ship. Sometimes people live like this, sometimes like that. Let’s calm down.

“Khh-hmm. Surprisingly, they gave me a good seat. You know I didn’t hit on Sony very much.” I pressed excitement and spoke in a voice.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to miss out on a good opportunity for me. But it doesn’t overlap with polygrams.”

He said he knew it was pointless to listen to her anymore and sent her away.

Being alone gives me more heat. Earlier, I endured being president. I have to be serious all the time…

“Sonny bastards! You’re all dead!”

I tolerated some disruption to distribution. Pixar’s release is coming soon, and we’ve been waiting for the time to get it done once we get the movie right. And I was busy.

“But now you’re taking people away? How dare you!”

It’s not important that he didn’t know. Results matter – the more I think about it, the angrier I get. You bastards!

I called Thomas just downstairs. It connects right away.

“Thomas! Turn that program around!”

Artwork Reviews

The stock price of Marble Entertainment had plummeted to over $1.43 in 1996, falling through 2000.

Started climbing again in 2000, broke 30 dollars in 2004 and 50 dollars in 2009.

I bought it for 4.44 billion dollars in Disneisa in 2009.

As of October 2012, there were 49,923 servers running on Google.

Server Room Photos in the New Prison have been posted in the Settings column. Be sure to watch.

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