Going Into the World!

Chapter 130

6 volumes

Tutu, tutu, tutu.

The propeller of the helicopter forcefully pushes the wind up into the sky. The people hanging by the window reach out, gazing at us as if they thought they were leaving them behind.

What the fuck do you want me to do? ‘

You close your eyes to avoid that pathetic gesture. Looking out the 100-storey window, you see people hurting, but at the same time too unrealistic.

“Sir, there’s too much smoke!”

Like Eric said, the smoke rising in the clumps spreads thick and wide. I can’t see anything, but there’s no way around it. The north building with the restaurant is quite high, so the smoke rises to the top. Both sides of the Twin Towers are covered in black smoke, whether the wind is strong.

“Spin! Spin! Let’s go where the wind blows!”

On my command, Eric will circle the helicopter. It takes longer because the smoke was so heavy that I had to turn away from the two buildings.

I was able to look out the window and see dozens of fire trucks rushing in, rotating in circles. How many people were in the buildings and basements.

‘Damn, if I had to, I’d build a restaurant on top.’

Of course, there was a restaurant on the top floor of any building, but I was angry in the wrong place for no reason. Looking at the watch, it was already past 9: 30.

It seems like an hour has passed since I first crashed my plane. I couldn’t find the pilot in time for the Time Warner, so I feel like I’ve wasted my time checking on the plane.

“Chairman! There’s no smoke over there.” Marco then cries out for joy.

“There’s no one here, right?”

Luckily, a corner of the roof shows the floor because of the direction of the wind. But I don’t know why there is no one. Why don’t you come up to the roof? I saw some people fall, but I don’t understand why some of them didn’t come here. And why haven’t you seen any helicopters yet?

“Can you land? Marco!”

“Chairman, there’s nowhere to go. If there are obstacles in the smoke, you might hit your wings.”

If there’s an expert in this building, he’ll tell you what’s on the rooftop, but where in the chaos are you going to find an expert on this building?

“Let’s get a closer look.”

“I understand.”

I glanced at Erik and saw his face sweating. The tense glabella shows a nervous expression while piloting an unfamiliar helicopter. I think it’s a bit different from what I used to drive.

I’ve tried a few times to get close enough to the corner to see if I can land, but it looks dangerous. If someone comes down and sees what’s hidden in their vision, they should be able to land safely, but they just hesitate.

On the rooftop, the antenna, as well as the center tower, is clean. Last but not least, even if we get one antenna on the propeller, we all go to goal. I couldn’t make a good decision, so I frowned.

“Sir, what do you want me to do?”

Eric turns to me and asks, and Marco next to me also looks at me. Both of them are willing to follow my orders. Unlike Eric, who is a little tense, Marco doesn’t look like much. Khh. He’s not this nervous. He’s a runner on the battlefield, so he’s seen a lot of people die, and he’s close to the scene of this massive incident, but he doesn’t care. Rather, I think I’m overreacting.

While hesitating, Marco gets up from his seat and looks through his luggage.

“What are you doing?”

“Yes, I’m looking for rope. You only need 20 meters to climb down. Once you’re down there, you’ll have a clear line of sight.”

“Really? Can you do it?”

“No problem.” Staring at Marco out loud, I think it’s a good idea. You nod because it’s a much better way to go down than recklessly.

Pupperfuck. Whew!

I hung up the rope and opened the door, and when I was floating over 200 meters above the ground, the wind came out loud and made a gruesome sound. Moreover, I pricked my nose to the pungent smell, making my impression frown.

“Here we go!”

“Erik, get as far down as you can!”

As the door opens, you see Marco coming down the stairs, yelling at Eric. I hold the lever and look down, and Eric’s body swings from side to side. When I looked closely, I groaned without knowing it. Damn. I’m not even from the Air Force. I feel more empowered in my hands just in case.

The rope wiggles, but Marco is able to get down quickly, as Eric gets closer and closer. He says he’ll check with his hands and goes into the smoke.

I yelled something, but it was noisy and I couldn’t hear very well, so I just sent a OK sign.

Fuck you, Nikimida! ‘

When Marco doesn’t come out of the smoke, the second feels like an hour. The old insults that I shouted when I was a child, rolling up the mountain slopes after going to catch a rabbit, just come out. Then, when I was a child, I used to curse a lot.


I can see Marco coming out of the bottom row. It’s a mess because of the soot on my face and clothes. He looks at me and makes a big X with his arms. Dammit. Isn’t this an obstacle? What’s wrong with it?

I felt the beating of my heart extremely fast, overlapping with the cries of the people I had just seen.

Bang, bang. Bang, bang.

As I harden my mind, I feel like the sound from my heart is echoing to my brain. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I pulled out another rope and tied a middle knot. I thought it would be easier to climb if I had something instinctively to set my foot on, but it was funny to me that I wasn’t down yet.

This strong wind blows because of its height, but I can’t climb up the rope with such a great talent.

“Eric, I’m going down there!”

“Chairman, it’s dangerous.”

“Shit, Jennifer’s down there! Shut up!”

I unleashed my own restlessness and anger on the wrong Eric.

“I’ll go!”

Erik pauses for a moment at my shout and gives a crap whether he’s embarrassed. You’re flying a helicopter. Where are you going?

“Are you crazy? Then I’ll fly this thing!”

When I blow the whistle again, Eric can’t tell if he’s crazy, either.

Tour. Tour.

I carefully stepped outside on the rope, and the phone in my pocket vibrates. I hesitated for a moment, then quickly got back on the plane and thought, “God! ‘I prayed earnestly.

“Hello?” Please, Jennifer…

“What are you doing?”

Shit, it’s Turner’s brother again. Why does this knot keep getting my hopes up? This is annoying. I appreciate your concern, but my expectations have collapsed at the first sight, so there’s no such thing as a grudge. Is this the human mind?

“No, why did you call again?”

“Why did you get out of the helicopter? Are you crazy?”

“What? How did you know that?” ”

“It’s on TV and I don’t know it! He called me because he did something crazy.”

Turner told me that the CNBC telescope caught my helicopter, and I knew I was here this morning.

“Speaking of which, have you heard from Jennifer?”

“No, but someone in the restaurant called 911 a little while ago, and they’re pretty much alive.”

I’m still relieved to hear about this. Please stay alive. I have no further information, so I ignored your nagging and hung up.

“The door is locked!”

Marco yells as he moves back down. I couldn’t hear very well at first, but now that I’m focused, I think I know what you mean.

Here we go. I think the roof door’s locked. What do we do? My head aches from continuing obstacles.

You go to the back of the plane and search through the goods. You see the Sawyer and the Axe. Seeing that it’s installed on one wall, it’s possible that the original helicopter had these items. Thank goodness. The backpack is a gold painting, but there’s nothing.

I pulled out my axe, put it on my waist, tied the fire extinguisher to my shoulder with a rope. It looks ridiculous. This is really not foaming up.

“Eric, lend me your gun.”

“Here you go. Pull this to unlock it.”

I feel disgusted when I take the gun from Erik. Luckily, I practiced flying because I got a light airplane license, so I’m glad I’m not afraid of heights.

I’m coming down the rope, and I’m trembling at the thought of floating in the air. The wind is raging on my clothes, screaming like crazy.

Luckily, he tied a knot in the middle, so it was easy to get down.

“Sir, there’s a door over there and it’s locked!”

“Really? Let’s get going!”

I had to raise my voice even though they were loud and talking to each other. Marco rushes forward in a hurry, but on the one hand, he feels hot, but he’s tolerable. The problem is black smoke. It covers a part of the road with the stench of burning fuel from the plane. I took off my shirt and covered my face.

As you follow Marco forward, you see a large iron gate. There’s no one on the roof because it’s blocked. Damn! There’s a reason for that.

“How can you open it?”

“Wait a minute.”

Bang, bang!

I ran back and slammed into my body, and the iron door just shakes and doesn’t open. The wall next to the door was a little broken, so I thought too easily. I tried a few more times but it didn’t work


I dried Marco and pulled the axe around my waist and smashed the wall.



Your hands freeze as the axe slams into the metal door. My wrists are black, too. What the fuck did I do? I cut the iron down because it’s too quiet.

“Sir, are you all right?”

Marco screams in shock, but then he loses and dries up. I’ll float.

Bang, bang! Bang!

Marco, who took the axe from me, wrapped his wrist in a cloth, put on gloves and started slapping the wall. The iron gate is useless no matter how hard you hit it, so you are punching a crack in the wall on the handle because of the impact that the plane was hit with.

Marco keeps hitting for about five minutes, but the walls are too slow to fire. I don’t know when I’m going to break it down.

“Hello! Help me!”

“Over here! Someone’s here!”

I’m hitting the wall, and suddenly I hear a sound. Marco stares at me, surprised to hear it.

“Marco, is that a human voice?”

“Yes, I think it’s inside this door.” I think so too. Marco empowers the axe.

“Where are you?”


“Help me!”

“Over here!”

I don’t know how many people are inside, but I hear cheers about my voice.

You hear Marco scream and ask for help.

Marco cuts between the wall and the door with an axe, then slams his body back into the door with all his bare hands. The iron and concrete doors wouldn’t budge if they were normal, but the building is balanced and the door is slightly dented, resulting in slight gaps.

Bang, bang! Bang!

As the loop appears between the cracks, I fire my gun at the locking rod. I can see the lock dropping as I move away for a moment. I quickly pulled on the door.


As Marco and I heave at the door, the door opens with a gruesome scratch, and a tortuous smoke rises along with it.

“The door is open!”

“Oh, my God! We’re alive!”

“Rescue is here!”

“Janet, get over here!”

I open my eyes wide to see if Jennifer is there, but I look inside the hallway, and suddenly I can’t see straight ahead because of the sudden light difference.


I called Jennifer desperately. People rush to the door all at once, like fireflies chasing light. Why can’t I see him?

“Oh, I’m alive!”

“The roof!”

“Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh. Heave-ho!”

“Oh, my God! Oh, my God!”

People run screaming, they cry because they are restless on the floor, or they hug each other and share joy of relief. People look to see if Jennifer’s stuck in the mess, but don’t see her. My heart sank.

“What’s wrong with the rescue team?”

“They’re in suits, right?”

“Something’s wrong, isn’t it?”

“Awesome! He’s got a gun!”

“That helicopter is not a rescue helicopter!”

Joy, too, woke up for a while and then shouted something strange about us and the view outside. At first, you didn’t know because there was no situation, but something doesn’t fit.

I was wearing a suit on my way to Times Warner, and I’m still naked to cover my smoke and soot, and I’m still wearing a tie. He said he was tightening his neck, but now he realizes it was a tie.

Looking down at my right hand, I still have the pistol I used to open the door. At the top of the World Trade Center building, he painted his black ass a little, but he was wearing a suit, a tie, and he had a pistol in his hand.

Phew! I can’t explain this. Do I have to call you James Bond? I didn’t even know I was laughing.

I turned my head and looked at Marco, who was standing to protect me, but he was getting worse because he was in a dangerous situation and flashing his eyes over one face with a black ass paint.

Above him is a jumper he picked up in a helicopter, and below him is a pair of shoes just like me.

I’m nervous because I’m probably surrounded by people, holding the hatchet I used to break down the door and looking a little threatening.

“Here, have you seen Jennifer?”


“Have you seen a woman with long blond hair and a very pretty face?”


“A beautiful blonde, early 20s woman. And some breasts. No one saw you?”

Everyone is confused and speechless by what I say. I don’t know if they’re listening to me, or why we’re here, and they’re shaking our heads to understand why we’re asking them.

Come on, I’m gonna have to ask you a few questions. How do you explain that? I don’t even know what I was wearing this morning.

“There are still people downstairs!”

A man yelled at me. It’s no big deal, but it’s good to see you. I was going to try to go down again, but the moment I heard that sound, I just took a step toward the iron gate. Now that the smoke is out, I can see inside.

Marco looks up at the sky and sends a signal that his hand is going in. Erik sees the signal and suddenly the helicopter comes up.

“Oh! The helicopter’s coming!”

“Ow! What the hell!”

“Help me!”

“Hey! What do we do?”

“Who are you people?”

“I think I’ve seen him somewhere. Who is he?”

Erik on the helicopter is probably out of control, but he seems to have gone up to prevent people from grabbing the loose rope in case they hang onto it.

I thought I’d lived a lifetime, but I begged Aung and his wife to look at us and beg for help, not even trying to save them. Some of them scream and some of them seem to recognize me, but I don’t think I’m on the roof of this building.

I went down the stairs ignoring people’s aspirations. I have to save my girl first and then play the hero. I’m sorry, but to be honest, nothing came into my ears no matter what the others said.

Marco, who was following me, quickly opens the road ahead of me, lifting off the obstacle with an axe in one hand.

“Jennifer! Jennifer!”

I hold the fire extinguisher from the helicopter in my hand, following Marco’s back, and my voice blows, calling for Jennifer.

Even though there is a lot of smoke coming out of the top, it still covers your neck and eyes. I was choked.

Damn it! I’m going to live with this today. Jennifer, you just stay up late like you used to. I can’t believe I got up so early and made you suffer like this. If I find him today, I’ll just keep pressing him all night.

“Chairman! Chairman!”


The voice of a woman who suddenly came from afar. The word “Chairman” caught my attention, but I rushed to think. Miss Pamela?

“Over here! Help me! Jennifer, Jennifer’s here, too!”

Pamila calls out in a desperate voice, and the second is Jennifer. I think I mentioned Jennifer’s name twice that I might not have saved her. As soon as I heard the name, my heart was full. I can’t hear Jennifer.


“Jennifer!” At that moment, a small voice, without any energy, is heard as loud as tearing my ears. At that sound, my whole body felt relaxed and shaken as if I were sitting down.

Marco picks me up quickly. Soon I woke up and stood up straight away.

“It’s okay. Let’s go!”

Through an invisible corridor, I don’t know, but I think I went inside the restaurant. I don’t know if it’s through the window, but there’s a fire and smoke somewhere, and people keep coming toward it.

The fire is extinguished due to the fire extinguisher you brought. With clear vision, you see Pamela and Jennifer leaning against a wall across the street.

“Jennifer!” I hurried to grab Jennifer’s sheep balls with my bare hands.

“Cough, cough, cough. John, I was scared. * Sob * * Sob *”

“It’s okay. It’s okay now. I’m here, I’m here.”

“Hehe. Ahhhh. What took you so long?” Jennifer embraces my heart with tears of emotion, as I comfort her.

“Damn, so why are you up so early in the morning…”

I grumbled and patted Jennifer on the back and hugged her tightly. I also saw the bodies of Odaboni, but Jennifer seems surprised. My whole life, I grew up fine. When have I ever seen anything like this? I held her still to calm down.

“Chairman, let’s go. There’s no time.”

Pick up Jennifer, Marco pushes her back. Damn, I only have to get out now, but I’m worried about that, too.

“Yes, let’s go! Miss Pamela, can you walk? What about Jennifer?”


“Yeah, but give me a boost. I’m wearing high heels.” Oops, I’m wearing heels on my way to breakfast. Oh, come on.

We took the two of them back to the roof. I’ve already been there once, so it’s easy, but I hear people asking me to save them.

I wanted to help you, but I pushed my way by avoiding the sound. There are two women, and it’s hard to save the others. Critically, I have already used the fire extinguisher, and I am relieved of tension at one moment, so I have no energy at all. I thought I’d go to the roof and take a look at the situation.

“Here they come!”


“You brought someone!”

“What do we do?”

As Marco and I take Jennifer and Pamela up, the people on the roof scream. In that short moment, I was alive because I breathed. Among them, a few men are barely speaking.

“Back off!”

Marco stepped forward and threatened to push people away. The men who were about to take a step forward and take a step back, staggering.

Tutu, tutu.

The helicopter, which was far away from the sky, approaches the building to see if it had found us, but the rope also gets closer and closer.

“Ah! They’re the only ones trying to escape!”

“Don’t abandon us! Please!”

“* Sobbing * Help me.”

“Sir, what do we do?”

“Bastards, are you alone?”

“If you’re the chairman of the Johnstone Group!”

“Rich lives only!”

At first glance, there are 15 or 6 of us, except for the four of us. While everyone was on the roof, some people complained loudly and others criticized them for realizing their situation.

I’m even more upset that someone figured out who I am while I’m gone. Perhaps some of them are convinced that I, the chairman of a large corporation, am going to abandon them.

Jennifer grabs my arm tight and closest to me. Miss Pamela, who was next to him, also looks at me with worried eyes, pulling her gun out of her chest, wearing a Marcoman impression. Some people’s expressions get ugly.

‘Damn, I knew it. ’

Artwork Reviews

Why wasn’t there a helicopter at the World Trade Center? Why? Because we have to go back to ’93.

On February 26, 1993, a truck enters an underground parking lot in the north building. The truck had massive explosives, and the terrorists’ plan was to coordinate the basement of the North Tower, so that if the building fainted, it would hit the South Tower and destroy the twin towers.

As it explodes, a flame rises up the elevator to the top floor. At that time, some of the employees and guests who were in Window on the World evacuate to the rooftop in a hurry.

Rescue teams, including Greg Semendinger, from the NYPD emergency response team, will take the helicopter and evacuate 28 evacuees.

But the crazy thing is, this is where the problem happens. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and fire officials have denied that this evacuation was a useless “show up” behavior.

Why? Firefighters and Trade Centa management don’t have helicopters. From their point of view, they must have been the NYPD that got the attention of the helicopter. And at that time, there was no major damage to the upper floors except for the explosion from the basement, and some elevators and stairs were available.

After this incident, the Trade Centa Administration ignored the advice of the Helpline and locked the roof firmly. Even the antennas that had been removed during the rooftop rescue were restored so that they were not easily structured. That’s why nobody could go up to the roof at 9.11.

Instead, the authorities will restructure the walls, structures and elevators of the building in case of disasters while being thoroughly prepared for evacuation below. (Says this helped at 9.11)

Samandinger, a ’93 rescue team, was on the move at 9: 11. He searched for a clear landing site, but there was no one on the roof, and he returned to the base with a mandatory evacuation.

In a later interview, both buildings were covered by the direction of the wind at the time or by the massive smoke, but the northern corner of the building was clear enough to land right before collapse.

Some say the building may not be able to land because it’s lightly energized, but pilots testify that there was a way to do so. The problem is that the rooftop doors are closed, there’s no one on the ground, there’s a rescue team, there’s an invisible arm-two between the Central Administrative Department of Defense and the NYPD, and instead of an opaque rescue operation, the people at the top of the North Tower are forgotten.

Together with the later testimony, dozens of people were living on the upper floors until the collapse of the southern building and the collapse of the northern one (only people seen outside + communicated).

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