Going Into the World!

Chapter 156

7 volumes

Lopez’s “Jairo” remix sold for 40,000 in a week, making it a huge hit. Three days after issuing, he stood up on the Billboard 200 saw and announced his success. In fact, no one expected a reaction like this, but I was a little surprised.

According to the Intelligence Monitoring Team, some hackers are being dramatic about finding the Jairo Remix album on the Internet, but this is the first time they’ve done anything special with Thomas. The hackers’ tribal musical shield captures them automatically. This is a complete competition between human and machine labor, so we can’t play games.

I’m a record owner, and I thought I’d need to know the details, so I asked Mr. Brandt in the industry to summarize the basics. This led me to a private tutoring session in the record industry where I saw earnings distributions on one page of the report.

“This is a common distribution method? The singer gets less money than you think?”

“Yes, it is. If you are a famous singer, the percentage increases slightly, but usually more than 80% of the distributors, retailers, and record companies take over.”

I’ve heard it roughly before, but I can reach my head because the number is written on the table like this.

singer, 6.5%

Producer, 2%

Composer, 4.5%

Publisher, 22%

CD Production Fee, 5%

Retail, 30%

Record company, 30%

When this happens, Jay is a 100% digital album, and most of his promotions are paid to Lopez, producers, and composers, all in my pocket except for some costs.

“Damn, this is really salty!!” ‘

In simple calculations, we eat 87%. We eliminate the cost of making CDs and work together as distributors and retailers. Do I eat and play by myself? Kuhaha! I felt so good that I was insulted.

“So if you give us 13 percent this time, we eat 87 percent?”

“Yes, something like that. I was going to give you 20 percent of the running warranty over there in terms of profit from online sales, but instead I asked you to put up the basic warranty, and it was only about 12 percent. Now that I know that the Web Store is working, I think it’s going to be about 20 percent better in the future.”

“Well, that’s more than 50 percent more than any other record.”

According to Brandt, the current revenue structure is that other record companies have to squeeze themselves or find other sacrificial lambs to give Warner a similar warranty, and that’s easy to say, to squeeze an additional 7% of their food by 30%. If you squeeze 7%, I’ll raise you a little bit more. My share is 80%, but to be honest, I’m too greedy.

“Oh, and don’t announce this until it’s done internally. If they find out that we’re taking 80 percent, they’ll talk a lot. But it’s not actually 80 percent. Since you create, manage and promote JTunes managers and websites in your group, you should start accounting for legitimate payments from the same affiliates.”

“Yes! But I guess that’s what Warner Music takes the most.”

Within a month of being sold to the Johnstone Group, Brandt was excited and excited. I heard you’ve been struggling with the deficit for a while, and I think you’ll be happier.

“Phew. You work hard, too, Brandt.”

“Yes! Thank you for your trust.”

I solemnly pledge allegiance to the nuance that I will take care of you if I am well. I don’t know anything about this industry, so I promoted Mr. Brandt in this field and put him in charge, so it’s very useful to get the information I need.

“I’ve outlined the revenue share for online sales, how about this? Of course, offline meets existing standards, but we would like to review integration and operation with the Film Distribution Channel.”

I’ve summarized what I’ve said so far. I don’t think I have a system, so I need to organize it myself.

singer, 10%

Producer, 3.5%

Composer, 6.5%

Warner Music, 40%

Manage Johnstone Consulting (pseudonym), 40%, System Operations, and Google/MyWay Linked Services

“Hmmm. You look good. What if it’s a Johnstone consult?”

“Currently, Google, Myway, Group Intelligence, Public Relations and Planning are all helping Warner Music. It’s okay if I manage this myself, but if I don’t, one of you will have to take responsibility. So I’m going to start a new company to manage the information systems of the group companies.”

Warner Music is advancing the establishment of Johnston Consulting. Perhaps Google or Myway has its own fields, but we can’t let other companies run and manage their systems.

I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but I postponed it because of an emergency, and I’ve instructed the organization to move on.

The fresh start of J-Tunes was enough to give investors a greater boost. According to the Finance team preparing for the conference, the heat was great, and I was a little excited about how much I would earn.

“John, welcome. You look good today.”

“Congratulations again on your success. I can’t believe you’ve been buying Warner music for less than a month now and you’re tripling the price. That’s amazing!”

As I go to the place prepared for the investment conference, Turner and Case, who were waiting in advance, greet me and say a few words.

“Hahaha, John used to be like this. Once you touch it, it’s awesome.” Turner is just as pleased with his work as he is, but he feels it, not someone who speaks in vain. Turner is the same person as the outside. Cook. It’s too similar, but…

“I was wondering when you’d buy an unfamiliar record, but you took a good look. I’m not kidding today. They’re pushing me in here and there to make sure I get a good look at their stakes. Phew.”

“Well, a little discount is available for those of you who know. Haha.”

I enjoyed talking and went to the Investment Prospectus. Almost 200 people are sitting there, even though the invitations were only supposed to come.

As I go inside, suddenly hundreds of pairs of eyes gather and become silent. When I went to sit in the front with the people who were with me, Polo, the moderator, started the lecture.

After a quick finish with reference to the initial boring description, the microphone was handed over to me, and I went straight to the point where people were curious.

“First, there was an offer to acquire 25% of Warner Music for $2 billion. Another organization offered 10 billion dollars in shares in Johnstone Entertainment.”

“What?! $10 billion? Only 10%?”

“Phew, isn’t it amazing?”

“Isn’t the unit too high from the start?”

“Oh, this is too much for everyone. Really.”

A lot of people in the hall are making wind noises in their lungs. The price is too high from the start, so there must be some complaints. These guys are groaning when they come to share my stuff. People, if you don’t have the money, you should go home. Heh heh.

“Haha. It’s useless to yell at me to get a discount. In fact, I didn’t want to get any investment in Johnston Entertainment, but people I knew kept asking questions, and if I wanted to eat all the benefits by myself, I could pose as one.”

“John, I only asked you this once. By the way, will you take care of my share?”


“Huh, it’s Goldman’s Paulson, right?”

“Isn’t the person sitting next to you the president of Evant Investments Finance?”

As soon as I finished, Mr. Paulson, the CEO of Goldmak Sachs, who was sitting with his close friends in the middle, made a joke. Mr. Paulson informed me of his involvement through a personally friendly investor. I was quite friendly with the business in China, so I decided to give the weak heart another advantage.

“John, you left mine out, right?”

As Mr. Goldman joked, Turner’s teased me again because he caught the attention of the left eye and led the atmosphere at once. Turner, who likes to stand up, can’t sit still because his mouth is itchy.

“Ah, yes. Absolutely. I’ll get it for you if you don’t mind.”



“Huff, Turner, you’re going to have to be quiet today. Otherwise, there’s no soup.”

“Shhh, yeah. I took a swing at John.”

Turner’s funny character gives a smile on the left, and he gets attention anyway. However, the atmosphere rose as the two of them stepped forward. First of all, everyone feels that the competition for equity to be divided today is not great.

The rights to the algorithms of the Music Shield core engines have been vested in the Johnstone Group. However, the exclusive license was granted to Johnstone Entertainment, not Warner Music, as words can apply to music shields, actual videos or movies. Of course, investors were interested in the latter having these rights.

People who have already learned about the huge profitability structure of the Jay album through data and descriptions can see the geese giving birth to this golden egg.

He also sees the future growth clearly in situations where singers, producers, and composers all have to pursue high returns and become immersed in Warner Music. Moreover, there is a lot of room for other fields, such as movies and videos.

“This is the return on the Jairo Remix that was released. As you can see, over 400,000 have been sold in the Web Store in the last week. Total revenue is 4.8 million dollars for this album, which, as you know, doesn’t cost much.”

I showed a table of some internal data, particularly on margin and turnover.

“Phew, it’s completely grounded swimming, right?”

“Wow, that’s amazing! Why is the margin so high? I’m going to collect money!”

“Aren’t all the other places going to hell? Is it going to be a competition?”

“It’s not like 10 billion dollars is a lot of money.”

It’s a very simple number, but it sounds like money. Most people now nod as if they know how much business is left. I promised to speed up my 10 million songs within the next year. People stick their tongues out for my aggressive expansion schemes, which don’t seem impossible.

Because when I think about my business and reputation so far, I am more likely to do so.

“Under Johnston Entertainment is now Bungee Soft, Marble, Polygram, and Warner Music. The film business will make this year a leap year as the acquisition of Marble and the maintenance of the Polygram is over.

And in November of last year, Halo, an Xbox game, sold 500,000 copies for a month and a half. And this is incredibly high margin. I’ll give you an idea of how much I’ve made. Haha. ”

Microsoft’s Xbox, launched at the end of the year, is selling well. Of course, Halo, the killer title, made $25 million in sales in a month and a half.

In fact, the cost of developing this game is not that great compared to sales. Moreover, there was a lot of money left to cover any costs, such as marketing, at a poor Microsoft. The Treasury reports that the net income is estimated at around $10 million.

The more I explained the short-term profit structure and future plans, the more heat rose, and everyone couldn’t hide their surprise as things that had been hidden in the veil so far had been peeled off one by one.

The investors gathered here value future growth more than current cash flows. Johnstone Entertainment is expected to be great over the next few years as there is a definite item called ‘J-Tunes’. The problem is that all of these things are expected, already reflected to some extent in the price, as seen in the 10 billion dollar wager.

Then, let us find out if there is anything else. The first thing we have to think about is who is the chief. The importance of a CEO in a rapidly growing company is not controversial. I am already at the forefront of key business factors such as technology innovation, marketing, and money, making people feel more attractive.

Objectively speaking, Johnstone Entertainment is certain in the short term and is certainly an attractive investment destination in the long term.

At the end of the discussion, I submitted my willingness to invest, and I consulted with more than 30 investment sources separately, because the minstrels refused to deal with it and only agreed to invest more than $1 billion.

The two-day negotiations resulted in a $1.1 billion turnover for 1% and a total sale of 20% of the shares for $21 billion. After seeing the huge amount of money, I became generous, so I sent a “special” discount to my close friends, and the $1 billion was reduced.

Abandoned Warner music, golden goose lays eggs overnight

When I finished a successful investment presentation and the results came out, the newspapers and the media united on the first page of the economy with a detailed analysis of Johnstone Entertainment, as well as an article on my property.

Once more than $100 billion of Mr. Gates’ wealth was reduced significantly by the collapse of IT bubbles, a little more than $58 billion last year. However, when I sell a 20 percent stake in Johnstone Entertainment for $22 billion (21 billion in reality), my estate estimates will have to increase. The other companies, without question, have come first to this company.

“Sir, here’s the report you asked for.”

“Oh my, is this 50 pages? You’re out faster than I thought.”

Honestly, I haven’t checked my property since 9/11 last year. Business has changed as much in the last six months as it has in storms. I asked Director Crimson to look into it, and he brought me a report today.

Property History

Johnston Investment $3 Billion

Johnstone Entertainment (Street Address, Polygram, Marble, Warner Music) $120 Billion

Google (Total $50 Billion, Share 70%) $35 Billion

Johnston Holdings Data Center, Headquarters and Other Assets, including 10% Apple Shares ($700 Million) $20 Billion

$15 Billion Myway

Johnstone Living (Fijik 57, Lululemon, Jens) $2 Billion

$100M Johnson Consulting

Wall Street Journal (5 Billion $, 40% stake) $24B

Other Expedia 10% 1.5B $

Assets: $197 Billion

Liabilities: $5 Billion

Net assets: $192 billion, $192 billion.

“As you can see, Myway’s estimate has dropped from 20 billion to 15 billion dollars, and Expedia’s stake has dropped from 1.7 to 1.5 billion dollars. This is amazing in an IT bubble. There has been an ongoing growth in user growth and new service creation, so it has not been a big hit.”

Khh, the two of them cost 5.2 billion dollars, right? ‘

Overall, it grew considerably, but the two fell. However, it is not a mistake, and in fact, the data centers and assets for Myway and Google belong to Johnston Group Holdings.

Since Google and Myway’s stakes are not 100% mine, new services, facilities and other value-added core technologies, such as Jay Tunes, have deliberately driven to Johnstone Holdings. This is why the present value is a little less than the growth. In particular, Google has made significant investments over the past few years, each time I have continued to increase my stakes by paying money. In the process, early members Sergey and Brin joined the ranks of billionaires, but fortunately, the IT bubble exploded soon enough to raise my stake in a cheap price.

“Phew, this is amazing. This is more than the last few years combined, isn’t it? Damn, but why are you so devastated…? ‘

Less than $2 billion, including Johnston Entertainment’s bungalows, marbles and polygrams, suddenly jumped to $120 billion to announce one more Warner Music and J Tunes. Of course, it would have been impossible without existing skills and capital, but other efforts seemed to be futile because my fortune became tabble at once.

Artwork Reviews

Fortunately, at Google, someone in the United States wrote a record revenue-distribution scheme that was so detailed that it was hard for anyone to read. It was interesting to know the writer for the first time. The proportion of distribution in a novel is taken from that article.

For reference, Halo was released for $49.. 99, a hit that sold a million copies in just over four months and three million copies in seven months a year.

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