Going Into the World!

Chapter 180

8 volumes

“Where are we going?”

Jennifer comes out of the shower in the attached bathroom and asks as if curious. Because I didn’t tell him where I was going when I left.

“Where are they going? France?”

“In France? Well, is there anything special there? You didn’t consult me.”

“Hehe. I’ll tell you about that later.”

“Moya, what’s the secret?”

Jennifer doesn’t ask me if I felt something in my voice anymore. With curiosity and anticipation in his eyes, he said, “Are you trying to surprise me? ‘.

“Come here, by the way!”

I leaned back on the couch and called Jennifer. He carefully approached the gesture of my hand and leaned against me, sitting next to me. My hair touched my shoulders and smelled good and made me excited.

“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Time flies.”

“Yes, so far, I’ve been running short of breath. Good work, by the way. I’m sorry I haven’t played you a lot in a while.”

“I know, right? But the world knows John’s busy.”

“Thank you for understanding. I’ll play a lot of games for you now. Huhu.”


It’s Jennifer who starts running when I touch her. I’ve been saving a lot of money for this, but it’s my first day on a plane. I peeled the towel wrapped around my body and looked through the bushes. The golden hairs are neatly polished.

“Is this place trimmed every day?”

“Eww, I’m embarrassed to ask you that.”

Jennifer sucks at my face as I gently stroke her glutes. I put my tongue in between the woods and tasted a little.

“This tastes different today.”

“Stop it! What’s wrong with you today, keep going!”

As I savor the taste of the tip of my tongue, I slap my shoulder with one hand, covering my face. He looked lovely, so I lifted him up and took him to bed.

From the day I first came to the United States, what had happened so far has overlapped my eyes like a video. The muscle relaxes as if it were a marathoner running a very long way, and it falls over Jennifer feeling relaxed in an instant. Soft texture is transmitted throughout the body.

I grabbed Jennifer’s chest with my hands and looked for her lips. I chased after the sweet scented tongue and touched the soft skin with my hands. I let out an elongated groan, touching my longing heart and its slightly raised tip. Consecutively, I can feel the heat coming down and touching the valley between the forests.

I continue to covet my tongue and look up and down, and I can’t stand it. Especially when I thought I was on an airplane.

“Embrace this Westerner deeply. Huhu.”

“Oh, yeah.”

Jennifer screaming at my slutty voice. I grabbed one leg and pushed my center into the opening slowly. I liked the feeling of that cave that felt so hot. My stuff feels good, too.


“Tighten it!”

You slap the butt with your hands, spitting out more colorful words to make fun of Jennifer who is ashamed today. I can feel my muscles tightening tightly from the inside, whether they were working or reflexively. He shouts that he’s better.

“Sob, sob, sob, sob, sob!”

“John, I love you.”

I pressed Jennifer underneath with the technique I learned while riding at home. As I focus on the explosion, Jennifer grabs my shoulder and calls out. I’ve tightened myself with both legs if you want to accept me deeply.

I was exhausted and collapsed with all my strength, and time passed quickly. We received a call on the Internet that we would arrive in an hour after the first half of the day. I woke Jennifer up and prepared to land with her.

When I landed on the runway, I switched right to the car I was waiting for and rode the road. Old trees and houses appear to stand on sidewalks far from the roadside, as they represent the landscape around the highway.

After running for 10 minutes, the quiet river on one side of the bridge along the large road began to show stonework houses and shops on the other side of the road.

“Wow, where is this place? That looks like a palace right there!”

Jennifer marvels at the sudden change in the surrounding landscape as she passes through a long stretch of forest. I looked back together, and I saw a spire from a distance.

“This is the famous Loire region. This is where the nobles used to take vacations. So I heard there were a lot of castles built back then.”

“John, this is so cool. It’s really different from the United States, isn’t it?”

Jennifer looks out the elongated window and is amazed. If San Francisco, LA, New York, etc. are anything fancy, then Europe is sure to attract people to other flavors that emerge from the old landscape. Especially the annual wheel emitted from the constellations, but the deep flavor stimulates the sensation.

So far, my business is in the ‘US Korea China’, so I did not come to Europe much. I traveled to Russia at most a few years ago. I had never spent any time in France before, so maybe I’ve never driven a suburb like this in Western Europe.

It is clearly different from Eastern Europe or Britain, or the architectural style at the time these buildings were built. I… don’t care what kind of architecture it is. Wouldn’t that be cool?

“Oh my, look at these… flowers!”

“This place is… it’s like the old Renaissance.”

“Is this a museum? A hotel?”

She looks out and smiles at Jennifer shaking her purse. I clap my elongated hands, then slap my thighs, then shake again and enjoy the surrounding landscape.

“I’m sorry if I like you that much.”

At first, Jennifer liked it and I was glad, but then I also felt guilty that I couldn’t go out with her and make her like that. The wealthiest lover in the world couldn’t even make it to Europe. I wonder what I’ve done with my money so far.

“It’s not a museum, it’s not a hotel.”

I answered the question I asked, but I open my eyes in a circle and make an effort to understand what I mean. I pulled the ball slightly because I thought it was cute.

“Yikes, what a joke.”

“Isn’t he adorable?”

I ignored the light rebellion, grabbed the ball and shook it slightly. Jennifer with a big mouth.

The car approaches the castle in front of you, which is located on the river. In front of it is a large square, so I can even think about whether Seongju once held a speech or parade in front of him. As the cars stopped at the gate, Jennifer and I got out of the car, and the people in front of the castle greet each other as one.

“John? Is this it?”

Nearly 30 people greet me, confused and grab my arm. The expression in his eyes tells me to explain quickly.

I shrug my shoulders and extend my left arm. This is what you do when you’re escorting in a movie.

“Welcome to Chenonso Castle. Master!”

“It’s an honor to have you, madam. We look forward to seeing you in the future. I’m Alain, the butler. “

An early 50s figure formally dressed in the crowd greets us.

“Jennifer, this is now the first castle of our Johnstone Kim Street. And you are the owner of this castle. Go inside and have a look around.”

“Huh?! So you bought this castle? For me?!!”

Jennifer, surprised by my words, widens her eyes and looks up at me. I can’t believe I bought this huge castle for myself, but when I shrug my shoulders and stroke my cheeks, I get my focus back on my dazzling gaze.

“So far, there have been six queens and queens. You’re now the seventh. I want to start my own family, and you’re the mistress of that family, right?”

Jennifer nods at my words and looks around. I felt the strength in my hands that held my arm, and I felt it rising with me. I flew in with a pleasant smile to the look of respect and love.

First, there are traces of time on the tiles and indoor styles that are mosaic-like on the high ceilings and floors you can see.

“Oh, it’s so beautiful. Look at this piece. From the ceilings and the walls, I think it’s Renaissance, but not from the outside.”

Touching the wall with your hands, muttering to yourself, asking me if you agree with me, how could I not? Wrong number. I gave the steward a glance.

“This Chenonso Castle combines Gothic and Renaissance styles. It is a very famous place where François I and Louis XIV had stayed before. Do you mind if I walk you through it?”

“Will you do that, Deacon Alain?”

Heh. Jennifer imitates the movie, lowering her head and body slightly, as if she were already a noblewoman. By the way, I thought there were over 100 rooms, and you want to see them all? I felt a tremendous crisis.

“Haha. Jennifer, why don’t you take the rest of the day off and take it slow tomorrow?” Or just the first floor. ”

“I’m fine. I can’t wait to see your boobs. Aren’t you curious about John? I want to see the room where the queens stayed first.”

As if getting on the plane wasn’t tiring at all, seeing Jennifer’s eyes glare over, I sighed, but I went out with her because I was a little curious.

There are private cathedrals in this Chenongso Castle, and there are many rooms with special names such as Louie XIV’s living room, Queen Diane’s bedroom, Queen Lorraine’s bedroom, and Queen Gabriel’s bedroom. The group moves slowly and listens to the butler’s explanation.

“Is this the chair Louis XIV sat in?”

The frames are spectacular, with frames hanging on the walls of a framed frame that are painted all around in red and a foam that looks like Louis XIV. I sat in a chair, foaming at the armrest.

“Yes, Master.”

“Jennifer, why don’t you come sit down? I bought this, so you can sit wherever you want. If you came to see it, it’s a piece of cake in front of you.”

“Should I?”

Jennifer also approaches and sits down, as I said. The two of them sat facing each other at an angle and looked around the design of the large living room. Everything just looks cool to me.

There are 70 to 80 castles in the Loire Basilica, some of which are too small to be called castles, such as mansions or mansions. Of course, even if it’s small, it’s small in the neighborhood.

Chenonso Castle is one of the most beautiful castles in the world, and it is the second most visited place after the Palace of Versailles. There are more beautiful places on the outside, but there’s a lot to see on the inside.

“How many people have you entered?”

“Yes, Master. We know that there were about 800,000 visitors last year.”

“There’s a lot of them. In the future, let it be less public, once or twice a week, or just a couple of times. We’ll decide later if we want to keep the public out.”

He showed me his life around the building at the time and put wax dolls and manuals around it, but these things bothered me. I was a seller of this and wanted money, so I made it public to the public, but there are many monks around me who are not.

I cleared all the wax dolls, and now I told them to control everything to fit my side and schedule more than tourists. We keep the public out of our way while we stay.

“John, I like this room. Since it’s all connected there, why don’t we use this whole side?”

Jennifer was looking in that room over there, and she picked a place she liked. If I used a room separate from this large mansion, I chose the closest places so that I could walk for at least 10 minutes.

“Deacon Alain, please renovate the places Jennifer mentioned. It looks like there aren’t any beds, walls, carpets, or anything out of the ordinary. Please replace them with something more current. Tradition is good, but it’s not a good place to live, right?”

“Do you want to keep the same shape and design? Or it doesn’t matter? It costs a lot to bring experts in to keep the original.”

The bed itself must have been much more than a hundred years since I pretended to be 50 or 100 years old. Traces of time are too old for floors, ceilings, walls, and furniture. It doesn’t matter when it was a museum, but when I thought about staying, I even felt like a hundred-year-old tick would live.

However, it would cost around $100,000 to upgrade one of the queen’s rooms while keeping all the concepts intact.

“John, but this is where history is, isn’t it a little more modern? I’d like to keep it that way, wouldn’t you?”

“Sure. Money is important, but tradition is important. I’m a first-time adult, but I think I need to make some investments.”

First, we refurbished twelve rooms, living rooms, security posts, restaurants, and hallways to create a $5 million budget for us and the guards to live there. According to Deacon Alain, restoring the colors of the symbols on the ceiling or revitalizing the faded furniture and floors is all handmade. Moreover, it is explained that it is more expensive because it is an area of expertise that no one else can do.

Deacon Alain then briefly explained to me about the palace or castle maintenance, maintenance and management, which were quite beneficial. Jennifer also asks more thoroughly if she thinks it’s her last name.

‘I thought it was cheap, but maintenance isn’t a joke.’

The castle was $12 million when it first came out as a property. I thought 22 acres of land and 17,000 square feet would be a lot cheaper.

However, according to Deacon Alain, the total cost of going out to 30 full-time and part-time workers right now is more than a million dollars a year. The cost of maintaining, maintaining, and repairing facilities here is also one million dollars, and the cost of breaking things is not great from time to time.

In particular, he said he had been working on preventing the corrosion of the east wall that had been postponed so far, which cost him $200,000 to finish and an additional $million to finish the entire wall.

After paying for this kind of thing, eight million dollars just walked away. I understood why the previous owner received tourists. However, if I did it once, I was fortunate to say that 30 years had passed.

I learned the authentic French cuisine technique while dining with a chef’s specialty. Deacon Alain is a veteran who has worked as a deacon for more than 20 years in another castle nearby. I gave him that much salary and brought him here, but he became a good teacher because he was bright in various manners.

Jennifer had fun with her unpleasant etiquette education, but I got tired of hearing it with one ear and spilled it on the other. Since I was a child, I had a habit of doing everything with one pair of chopsticks, so I gave various forks and special meaning to the arrangement of knives, dishes, and so on. I had objections from my mind.

However, I could barely finish the effort without the goal of going into Europe and setting up a family.

This is why I didn’t want to come to Europe.

I feel insulted. These guys just need to eat, which, I guess… turns out they were Frank Barbarians, too, and they didn’t have much work to do in the Middle Ages, so they just made a bunch of formalities. I don’t know if it’s been much simplified lately…

Artwork Reviews

Photographs of Chenungs Castle, located in the high sanctuary of the Loire Valley of Ilduga, are located in the artwork settings.

According to 2008, it was the third most expensive castle on the market in the world, and the price tag was 10.600,000 dollars lower than expected. But the administrative expenses are no joke. In the photos of the castles in the Loire, there are quite a few that look really nice.

The most expensive castle, by the way, is Villa Castiglione, at the end of the Italian Capri Sea cliff, which is very humble compared to Chenongs, but with a subtle price tag of $38 million overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

One or two of Europe’s most prominent families have a mansion or a castle, and there’s only one.

Communicates the writer’s hidden efforts to explore more than 50 castles to make Ildu a holy landmark.

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