Going Into the World!

Chapter 193

8 volumes

The impact of a showcase on the Times Warner is imminent. Regular boards usually do it over two days when they have an agenda, and have a meeting of mutual consensus while having separate meals. However, this time, the opinions were divided, and they just gathered and scattered.

I told Case to meet with the directors one by one, because personal meetings are effective to find out what’s on his mind. In order to get things going quickly, Case and Turner had to split the target in half, but I was relieved that they wouldn’t listen to Turner’s personality, so I told them to take a rest.

It can’t be easy to convince people. Especially those who are listed on the board of the dinosaur media company Times Warner have been socially successful in their own way, so most of them are self-respecting and disobedient.

Moreover, these people were scattered during their usual duties and were difficult to keep up with their schedules, making it more difficult to proceed.

Case is running around trying to persuade people before the two actors, “Turnkely”, disappear with the intense impact of passion.

He said he was dependent on all his work, but he had met 10 people so far. More than half of all 22 board members are outside of New York State.

Turner wanted to talk to me and get things done from time to time, but it was hard to keep up with good words.

Once again, Turner’s part in all this… is to help him stay put. Everyone has a role to play, but Turner and Case’s role is clear.

If it was Mr. Case who hit the desk loudly, the impact would have been minor. I smiled unknowingly when I imagined that Mr. Case had played the role of Turner. That scene…

Bang! I hesitated because my hands hurt when I hit my desk.

The board members, who raised their heads, frowned at the dull face without any tension at all.

The charisma didn’t work until you shouted it in a voice you couldn’t find.

“John, this isn’t as easy as I thought. I’ve been doing my best for a month, and only seven people have answered that question. Most of them communicate with change of management, but they are reluctant to support us. I never knew Mr. Parsons was so popular. I thought I was lucky.”

One day, Case who called me sighed and complained. I ran so hard that unlike the first time, I could feel sadness and something depressing in my voice.

“Hmmm. What’s the problem? Mr. Levin’s best friend. You tied him up and attacked him. It worked very well that day. We checked it together, you know.”

“I don’t know. I thought things were gonna work out. Phew.”

I have shared my opinions about the conversations I have had with people so far, including the initial and post-persuasive reactions, facial expressions, and the feeling of separation. A lot of people only agreed to get rid of him and didn’t hold his hand.

‘Then, would it be easy to pull out the stone that rolled in?’

I muttered to myself. There’s one thing I think Mr. Case is overlooking. Mr. Parsons has been working for Times Warner since ’91, so he’s been stuck for over a decade. Case, on the other hand, is a rock that rolled into a merger with AOL. Of course, the difference between supporters is inevitable.

Currently, many of the board members of Time Warner have worked with Mr. Parsons for more than 5 to 10 years, but it may not be easy to cut ties overnight. From what I understand, Mr. Parsons is quite smooth and maintains good relationships with people.

Moreover, Mr. Case’s AOL is shrinking to almost a tenth of the way now, no matter whose fault it is, people don’t see it well. I may be unfair that it’s not my fault, but others are not interested in other people’s circumstances.

I hung up after listening to more details. Again, the Time Warner Group is so big that the situation or power structure is complicated, and the names of the board of directors weigh too much and are not free.

In the last 20 of these weighty directors, there are about ten blatters. Blatters are not as dirty as the location, but not all of them can be blatters. Training with weaknesses works even when there are one or two.

“As expected, America is a great nation.” I muttered without knowing.

Last year, Time Warner was a $350 billion corporation. This is nearly two-thirds of Korea’s gross domestic product. A country called the United States is a vast empire full of corporations this size.

With the musical shield up and Warner music on the rise, it was a huge fortune. I also bought the Johnstone Center at the Academy Awards Ceremony, and I bought a beautiful castle in France. I invited royalty from Europe to throw a party, and people were lining up to meet me.

He also acquired Kirch Media and Tyler, FIFA’s Blatter President, who runs the world soccer world. Well, I guess he got cocky this time because he was sober. I realized that the coup at Times Warner didn’t perform as well as I expected, so I am one of the many people with great influence in the United States.

“Trouble. I took this knife out, and I can’t just put it in. Damn it!”

Hiya! Hiya!

I stood up and punched for a long time. A fabulous man stands in front of you, holding his fist through the mirror on one side. Are you having second thoughts?


I feel like I’m blocked by a big wall. I’m blowing stress with nonsense. Iso Dragon Foam in no time. I looked straight ahead and tried the gesture of waving my fingers to the left and to the right.

“Sir, what are you doing right now?”


I was surprised and turned around. Phew. Luckily, Eva came in. I was afraid someone else might see me. Face to face…

“Don’t you see? You’re holding a poop bag!”

I spoke out loud. You come in here without a sound, and you scare people.

“Things didn’t go well? Why are you so grumpy?”

I know what state I’m in because I’ve been caught doing this a few times before. Eva laughs and goes inside. After a while, she brings the wine and pours it into the glass. I often drank wine in the name of making my head spin faster.

“If you know you’re upset, rub your shoulders!”

I took a sip of the wine in my hand and blurted my lips. What’s wrong with making fun of my hands? I used my head a lot and my neck is sore.

“Chet, why would you ask your secretary to do that? Call Massa and do that.”

Eva squeezes the pinglass with her eyes and starts rubbing her shoulders. I used to do it a lot when I was close, but not for a while.

I felt a little better as I loosened my muscles with a slow hand. While I was doing this, I put my legs on the table in front of the sofa.

I thought I’d say something again, but I sit by my side and rub my legs. I’m leaning down against the couch, relaxing suddenly.

I get a massage from Eva, but my leg muscles sometimes tense, unlike when I sleep on my shoulder. Is it because I keep having the wrong imagination in my head? When Eva grabbed her thigh with her hands and pressed down, I felt a little better.

“Heheh heh. Very good. A little higher.”

“Seriously, wake up!”

Taking Eva’s saddle, playing a joke, and picking jokes, I saw a bit of trouble. We’re all like old times now, but friends…?

After Turner’s explosion, Levin was seriously questioned by the board of directors about his credibility and leadership, and announced his resignation less than a month later. Case went around here and did a lot of work.

However, it has developed in the wrong direction, and Levin will appoint Mr. Parsons as his successor and cooperate slowly with a four- to five-month grace period to allow the new CEO to adapt.

Case asked me to do something about the scenario from the beginning. I kept calling, saying that I didn’t have a plan anymore.

Turner was thrilled to have Levin expelled for the first time, because everything he had built up has been against him. And shortly after the announcement, Mr. Parsons called and asked for a lot of help. He called me a little spooky, gave me a good look. Well, Mr. Levin was just like that, and of course he smiled at Turner and reached out his hand… if only he had a little head.

Who am I? Honestly, I helped Casey and Turner because I was blind to the Time Warner cable business.

He sent Kunio to England to negotiate the import of American Idols into the United States, and luckily, he was one step ahead of Murdock. Murdock’s daughter also showed considerable interest in paying more royalties than I expected.

There were several other plans, but the problem is that we don’t have a TV or cable or a broadcaster.

I pushed two of my closest friends to seat Mr. Case and Mr. Vice President, and I tried to fly the Time Warner cable. There was once a story about separating cable TV businesses, because if I acquired it, I wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of setting up a separate station.

However, until now, I have seen this as a joke because I have succeeded.

I looked seriously at what went wrong and asked them to recollect information from the beginning, but this time I asked them to conduct an ‘SS class investigation’.

The information room has a general rating of D to A, depending on its importance. This is aimed at identifying the various information needed for each department’s business.

There are S and SS ratings for this particular survey, from which Thomas will take matters into his own hands. Class S will be rotated ‘Controller X’ to fewer than 10,000 servers at Thomas’ discretion, and Class SS will be discussed with Thomas to determine the server usage.

The investigation into the Time Warner was conducted with a general grade A investigation. This was not graded S from the beginning because there was almost a year of time. So far, Class S has been used to figure something out in a short period of days or weeks, so I didn’t think it was necessary for this time that there was not enough time.

However, when I saw too much time, it turned out that the data was getting poorer, but when I looked into the situation,

Originally, Levin’s two best friends were Mr. Pittman and Mr. Parson. Just at the beginning of the investigation, Mr. Pittman was recognized as the understated second-in-command. Pittman, founder of MTV and once a five-time record label, has now sold to Warner Communications, which has now been merged with Times Warner, has been a recognized media force by Zata.

Just a few months ago, however, Mr. Pittman resigned and left the company to set up a private investment company called Pilot Group. This decision confused everyone, but it seems that the succession had quickly changed and that the investigation into Mr. Parsons who became the successor seemed to have fallen short of understanding the situation.

In terms of ability, Mr. Parson felt that he had overlooked something in the information room because he was a difficult person to compare with Mr. Pitman. Objectively speaking, Mr. Parsons is lacking in favor of Mr. Pittman and even Mr. Case, why are the board so fond of Mr. Parsons? I heard you’re really good with people. So? It may be similar to a slightly awkward Bush being president.

“John, look at this!! How did you miss this?”

“What are you talking about? Did you get anything?

I’m searching the Internet in my office, and Thomas is jumping up and down. I was making a face that said I caught something on my face, so I had no expectation. I asked what was so urgent.

“I ran Controller X for 20,000, and I got some new ones. But this is what stands out to me. I sent an agent to check directly with the reporter who wrote this, and he told me more details about the breakdown.”

On the first page, I saw an article on the Business section of The New York Times, July 7, 94, written by a journalist named Lawrence Zuckerman, describing his career as being president of a mortgage financial institution called Dime Savings at a young age. Some of the sentences listed here are painted with a yellow fluorescent pen.

[Mr. Parsons says it’s really important. When I was growing up, I didn’t have much of a connection. I didn’t even go to school to make it. But luckily, since I became an entourage of the Rockefellers, I’ve changed completely. Since then, people have always been around to help me.]

[Previously, Nelson, president of the Dime Bank, Rockefeller really liked Mr. Parson. He thought Mr. Parsons was his personal counselor until he died.]


Mr. Parsons, who I knew, graduated from law school, worked for a corporation, worked for the governor of New York State at the time, and then Ford administration in the ’70s. After that, he was elected president of the Times Savings Bank and then re-elected president of Times Warner in’ 91.

There was also a detailed description in the middle, but there was something really important missing here. That’s how he got to the top of his game at that young age. The answer is in Thomas’ file. I can see the New York Times knight proudly telling me that he is wearing the Rockefeller family’s spotlight in an interview eight years ago.

‘Dammit, so you pushed Mr. Parsons away from the Rockefellers?’

Unfortunately, the current Time Warner group is currently housed in the Rockefeller Center…

Artwork Reviews

The relationship between Richard Parsons and the Rockefellers… has its own visas.

Originally, Mr. Parson’s grandfather was a trusted building manager at the Rockefeller Mansion in Pocatetino Hill. Although it is not in the article for exactly how many years, Mr. Parsons also briefly entered the building where his grandfather and his grandfather lived (usually a single-story housekeeper, a butler’s family living off one side of the mansion). No one knows why he went in there, but he volunteered to be there, so he could make a career out of it.

Since then, Nelson Rockefeller has been on the line. By the way, Nelson Rockefeller was the head of the Rockefeller family, which was New York Governor (then Ford). Later, Rockefeller’s introduction to the mayor of New York, Tyler, Justice of the Federal Court, and after Nelson Rockefeller, he also works for the widow.

Did you go to Times Warner in ’91 after Nelson Rockefeller in’ 79? Nelson’s brother Lawrence Rockefeller introduces himself to his president, Levin.

Mr. Parson… my connections are amazing, and I haven’t lied to you since Rockefeller helped me. That’s all for today, and more (actual) facts for you to read in a novel.

Time Warner, Levin Parsons Pittman, Case, Turner — it took me a while to get into complex relationships, but it turned out to be quite interesting. Are you in trouble?

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