Going Into the World!

Chapter 197

8 volumes

General Schwartz, who had retired from the coalition commander in South Korea, was heartbroken only when he returned to Washington. It was because I felt like my life was over because I thought I was coming out of the army my whole life.

Although he was in charge of a region as a 4-star general, in fact, his deployment to Korea is not a very good position. In other words, it is a good light apricot because it has never been resolved well after working in Korea until now and returning to the United States.

Generals usually work the most after retirement as a defence industry or related consulting firm, with the Pentagon as their last place of employment.

If it is not, everyone takes one place, but if you take a boring position with tens of thousands of people, you will be discouraged.

It’s good to be at the center of everything. After retirement, there is a joke that he has a more powerful career as a star in the Ministry of Defense than a 4-star general on the outskirts, because he is fluent in various military contracts, project timing, and so on.

Of course, many people are connected to each other through friends, motivations, and leadership, so even if you don’t work for the Pentagon, you can win a contract while working as a lobbyist. However, there is also a difference in lobbying skills depending on the location of work.

“Thomas, what are you going to do now? Did you figure out where to go?” A friend asks General Schwartz,

“Uh, Charles. I intend to be vice president of the Wall Street Journal, because I’m chairman of the board there. Thanks to you.”

“What? No, you don’t know much about newspapers.”

“Hahaha. You, too. Come by my office sometime. It will be very easy to find. Here’s your business card.”

I shrugged my shoulders when I was surprised to see my motive after a long time in Washington. As opposed to many generals working as lobbyists in companies like this, I have a triple title ‘Vice President’s Board Chairman Appreciation’ in places like this, the largest newspaper in the country in 130 years, and 10 homeless or undercover if I don’t know it as an American.

As soon as Chief Secretary Crimson came back from Korea, he brought me a nice card with a bright, golden glow. When I handed it to you, you said you might need it to go to Washington, I came up with the idea that you were a really quick and decent guy. If you have a business card when you meet people, it’s a good idea to introduce yourself.

“Wow. You weren’t in Asia, were you? How did you come up with this? I like this guy. Haha.”

I had a pleasant conversation and broke up with the jealous motivator. But this was just the beginning. Since the process of retirement didn’t take a day or two, hundreds of people met and had private conversations. It’s because it’s an organization that has worked for decades.

And meeting people like this, maybe at least 20 or 30 times, “What are you going to do? ‘You must have heard the question. Every time I talked about my career and handed over my business cards,” Thank you, Vice President “positions in the” Wall Street Journal, “my eyes became frozen without exception, so I felt relieved. Although I’m not that proud of myself, why don’t I like the way others envy me?

“Sunbae, I’ll come and see you.”

“Oh, yeah. Come to New York and play.”

“General, it’s a shame I don’t see you more often. Thank you for everything.”

“This guy. Four to five hours from here to New York at the most, so I’ll see you often. If you need me, don’t hesitate to call. We’ve been together 20 years.”

“Right? I’ll see you often, then. Haha.”

“Thomas, I’ll see you next time. Good work, then.”

“Yes, I’ll invite everyone. You know the New York Palace Hotel? I’m meeting up with my comrades next month, and you’re coming, right?”

The Palace Hotel is one of the most luxurious, old-fashioned hotels in central New York City.

“A rally? You want me to bet you a dime? Haha.”

“Huh? How did you know? I’ll pay for it.”

“What, what? At the Palace Hotel? Are you going to pay everything?!!”

General Schwartz smiles, looking back at his happy memories in Washington. Thinking about the past few weeks, I was just so pleased.

“I was good at getting my ball in when I was in Korea. Phew!”

I didn’t know the relationship I had with the Joint Commander of the United States Army in Korea would be so helpful. At the time, I believed it would make a place in the Wall Street Journal, but I never imagined it would be so useful.

“Honey, what are you saying to yourself?”

Mrs. Schwartz, who was sitting next to her in the car, smiles at her mumbling husband and gives him a pint.

“No, I just need to think for a second.”

“Hoho. Did you think you were boasting about meeting people again?”

“I don’t know what to boast about.”

“This one, too. But these days I feel good, too. How far is it to the condo?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there in about 10 minutes. It’ll be quick.”

Now the couple are on their way to a condo in New York. Johnstone Group purchased the luxury hotels “New York Palace Hotel” and “Waldorf Hotel Residence” from hotels in New York City that were hit by 9/11, of which Waldorf Hotel is a composite of hotels and partially distributed condos.

The Johnstone group had General Schwartz use a condo on foot in the Wall Street Journal, but he said he was ready to go.

“By the way, isn’t your salary too high? How much would it cost to pay 300,000 dollars to get a place to stay for free? The condo is located here, so I’m guessing it’s over $10,000 in rent. Isn’t that right?”

“$10,000? It’s not that cheap. This is like central Manhattan, right? Would a salary and benefits add up to half a million dollars? Oh, and the hotels run by Johnston Group, my family can use them for free. I heard you have a great party hall at the Palace Hotel. Should we throw a party there? You’ve never done it before, have you? They told me to use it at work if I wanted to.”

General Schwartz shrugs at his wife. Indicates that I am competent Mrs. Schwartz smiled at him.

“Really? It’s on TV, right?

The palace hotel is often featured in dramas and films because of its fabulous exterior, which has become its setting in recent TV series. As a soldier’s wife, I am excited because I have never partied in such a place in my life. Of course, I’ve been to a lot of parties in hotels, but going and hosting is another issue.

When I arrived at the Waldorf Hotel, I spoke to the front desk, and a man named the dominant came down shortly, and he said he received a call and was very gentle. I liked that the house was also located in a luxury building with a guided tour.

General Schwartz has three children, and his youngest daughter joined New York University last year. She originally majored in international politics, and when she heard that her father was going to work for the Wall Street Journal, she turned it into a major in journalism. I used to make her laugh by saying nonsense that she was interested in journalism.

Until now, I have only seen it once or twice a year because it is so far away, but it is good to meet often because I am at most an hour away.

General Schwartz, who started working at the Wall Street Journal, loved his work environment. I greeted Marcus and the Vice Presidents, the key executives and editors, and looked around the newspapers, most of whom responded favorably.

Of course, Marcus had a somewhat vigilant look on his face, but that did not make him hostile. I was probably entirely responsible to date, but I thought it might be awkward or noticeable because the chairman of the board was approached by someone close to him.

I started the day reading the newspaper that morning and sometimes check out the articles coming out tomorrow, sometimes giving my opinion about the article. But nothing is too busy.

The Johnstone Group companies in New York are Warner Music, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Palace Hotel and the Waldorf Tower, which are small businesses in the east.), so I had to visit with the principals once.

“Is Dad’s office here? These are my two friends.”

“Really? Welcome, everyone.”

As General Schwartz settled in New York, people started coming to him one by one. At first, my daughter brought her friends, and I often met her motivators, friends, or alumni. The wife also often asks for a real estate meeting to make sure she has quite a lot of friends.

“Wow, this looks foamy! I have a secretary.”

“Now that you’re here, shall we go for lunch? ‘

“Sunbae, why don’t you join us for dinner?”

“Okay, I’ll see you later.”

“Honey, I’m meeting Senator Jefferson’s wife and in-laws on Saturday night.”

“Got it.”

“We’re meeting this time, where should we meet?”

“The Waldorf Hotel, right? Everyone attend without any pressure.”

“Haha. Thank you. I’ll tell him that.”

As more and more people came to visit, especially soldiers, the Wall Street Journal became a joke to men.

“Sir, what does Mr. Schwartz do?”

“I don’t know. I don’t really know. By the way, did you do well in the army? I can’t believe you’re retired and all these people are here.”

“That’s what I’m saying. I’m here at all. I thought you had a room. This tickles because the stars come and go every day.”

“What? Have you sinned? And you’re like a soldier and a cop? Write a story, man!”

In fact, this is how General Schwartz became popular.

A four-star rating tells me you have that much power and conviction. Although General Schwartz was also the last to remain in Korea, he is an elite among the elite who survived his own rivalry with his predecessors and comrades within the military.

However, trust in the military and military service after retirement are separate issues. This is because we are interested in politics and have to constantly walk it.

Word quickly spread to Washington and the Ministry of Defense that General Schwartz, a man of character and appreciation, had become Vice President of the Wall Street Journal.

Not many 4-star generals anyway, they’re all connected in any relationship, and this particular retirement story was published in a newspaper published by the military, so you can’t be caught off guard if you care a little bit.

Friends of mine come to General Schwartz for a meal, and they say, “If you go to General Schwartz for lunch, you get a very nice treat! ‘I was also rumored to be serious, not joking. This is because General Schwartz has brought people to the New York Tower Palace Hotel and Waldo Hotel and related restaurants for free.

Moreover, at the end of the month, this decent rumor spread rapidly as one meeting was held. After making a lot of money, General Schwartz felt encouraged to pay a dime and his friends to hold a few dinner parties in a row.

For lobbying, most retired generals hang out with senior members of the Ministry of Defense or base. In these cases, everyone keeps a little distance. Even if we are close, it is not as easy as we think to ask or listen.

But look at General Schwartz!

Because I am a good person and have a good relationship and work in a place where others will envy me after retirement, I am 100% likely to be helpful once I know. It’s a constant compliment that everyone I meet here is a good boss, subordinate, and friend.

He also works for the Wall Street Journal, which has nothing to do with defense business or lobbying. I’ve been told you’re involved in other businesses like The Warner Music Wall Street Journal Palace Hotel Waldorf. How is it so unpopular that you can meet them comfortably without causing trouble?

As the holidays approached, General Schwartz didn’t know what to do with the incoming phone calls. I believed I had maintained a smooth relationship throughout my life, but I really didn’t expect many people to want to be this close.


I used my head because of the Time Warner cable, and the whole year passed. It was an event that left a slight stain on my career that I had won. Above all, it was a good experience to feel what it means to have connections and deep roots.

“Chief Crimson, how is General Schwartz?”

“Yes, we seem to be building a good rapport within the military. Chief Jason says there are a lot of people looking for him.”

“I expected it, but it’s too popular.”

“I didn’t know it was going to be like this. Maybe two hotels and the Wall Street Journal got a hit on the name. And General Schwartz likes people. Because you can’t give it so far, people are less attached.”

“Keep pushing. It seems that in order to enter satellite businesses, gas, oil and electricity, we need people who are weighted. I’m glad General Schwartz has a wide berth with the Air Force.”

‘It’s more important than money, of course.’

If you put five retired four-star generals on the board of directors… if I eat orbital science, no one will say a word.

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The anchor found in the news during the research, he said, “When generals (active or retired) call, they listen. because they respect the weight of a high-ranking person like that.” He says.

Yes, that’s correct. Generals, especially four-star generals, have a sense of weight. Of course, it’s true that one general on the defensive side earns far less than the one coming out of the Department of Defense. Maybe it’s because there’s no hot information or connections that we just worked with?

It turns out that in the United States, 70 percent of retired senior adults work in the defence industry or as lobbyists. Of course, they hate being called lobbyists, which is why they call them “consultants.”

And if you’re talented in lobbying, and you’re passionate about making money like this, your pockets are always thick. To summarize what the author listened to,

In 2011, he spent $113 billion and 136 trillion on top 5 contractors. But the cost to the lobbyist is enormous. Here’s a summary of the articles in the huffingtonpost:

1. Lockheed Martin

In 2011, 89 billion won for lobbyists ($74.23 million);

Won $36 billion, 43 trillion in 2011.

2. Boing

2007-2011, lobbying funding of approximately KRW 100 billion ($86.93 million);

2011 $21 Billion Won 25 Trillion Contract

3. General Dynamic

In 2007-2011, the lobbying fund is 6.37 billion KRW ($53.08 million);

$18 billion signed in 2011, 21 trillion won.

You missed fourth and fifth place on the ground, but it’s incredible, isn’t it?

The ROK defense fee is $24.1 billion in a newspaper (2011, the base exchange rate is ambiguous) … a little more than Boeing Company’s defense contract. Tsk.

For your information, before 2007, only $140,000 was paid per annum after the retirement of a four-star general. This is too little, and the amendment to the Act of 2007 has drastically increased it, now it’s around 220,000 dollars.

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