Going Into the World!

Chapter 211

9 volumes

“The main operation in Iraq is over!”

On Abraham Lincoln’s ship, President Bush stepped up to the top with applause from the Navy and officials, looking around him in a relaxed manner. It’s a naval base in California. It’s nice weather.

“In the war on Iraq, the United States and its allies triumphed.”

Following the declaration of victory, he applauded more and more around him, his face slightly twitching, but he seemed like he was trying to resist the smile of the president. Yeah, you’re gonna be so glad you won. Kl .

The war in Iraq ended 21 days after the bombing, when Baghdad, the capital, entered the hands of the U.S. military. Saddam Hussein had no idea where he was hiding, and two days after Baghdad’s capture, the Hussein government was utterly destroyed. It looks like most of the area is now heavily organized.

“Rumsfeld must be thrilled.”

“Looks like his plan worked.”

Chief Polo, who was watching TV with me, says something. I gave him a fight. As the war was won, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, who planned the war, heard that he was shrugging.

Rumsfeld, who took office as Secretary of Defense and is accelerating the modernization of the military, has argued that the continued introduction of advanced technology should transform the U.S. military into a 21st-century military, and is continually raising its zeal for advanced weapons development, utilization and system building.

Sitting at the command center, the idea of taking out an entire Iraqi army in a short period of time by scrambling the enemy’s command with a satellite and annihilating it in an instant proved effective this time. With no communication from Hussein’s commanding officer, the vast army has just been ravaged and surrendered.

After all, Polo and Chief Jason came to my office to talk about the war in Iraq, Rumsfeld and the U.S. military because they didn’t have anything to do with the agenda they brought.

We were just chatting about it on TV, but CNN, which is a 24-hour show, seems to rerun the same news at least three or four times.

“Why did you make that offer all of a sudden in Dynkov?”

Polo surprised me by the unexpected offer of partnership at Dynkov. Of course, I was curious about the background.

“Homeland Security launched a large business this year. But they don’t have the skills to do what they want. You can only take some of them apart, but the ministry wants to contract them in bulk at a considerable scale.”

Since 9/11, the government has been pushing for new departments to build a systematic and effective defense against the mainland. That’s the new agency, the National Security Agency, that was officially launched at the end of January.

Homeland Security has been talking a lot since its birth, because there are many different ministries and overlapping functions. The FBI and the CIA also decided to keep all three separate agencies for a while, whether or not to include some or all of them in their Homeland Security agencies.

Instead, since March, he has been in charge of Customs and Secret Investigations, providing his own intelligence collection and analysis capabilities.

The appointed head of the department is surprisingly Tom Ridge, a politician from the governor of Pennsylvania. Lizzie was one of Bush’s best friends and was named for the vice presidential candidate and the defense minister, and she drank a lot because of her experience in the field of defense.

According to the intelligence team, despite some objections, President Bush has given up the position, which is no longer a good time to treat Lizzie. The White House also said that there was a bloody submersible.

“Hmmm, the network that you’ve built so far wouldn’t be so easy to push through this time. If we succeed in this deal, we will grow significantly, and we will share the profits. Isn’t that right?”

Of course I questioned it. It was a security issue with hacking before, and it was so hectic because it had no experience in the field and it was sudden, but it is common to sign multi-year contracts to build new systems from the government. It is customary to shout and watch the behaviour of people like Dinkob, but it is strange to approach with such caution.

“It’s complicated. It’s hard to say, but it’s also a skirmish between Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and Secretary of Homeland Security Lizzie, and Lizzie’s trying to show us something. Maybe this will explain more about Director Jason.”

Polo frowns slightly, looking at the Jason Information Team Leader sitting next to him for help. Chief Jason nods his head and starts explaining.

The FBI, CIA, and Defense Department already exist, and no one would like to set up a Homeland Security agency with controversial redundant department functions. Of course, he said it was a new department and a separate workforce, but eventually 180,000 people were relocated in various existing departments.

If you look at it this way, a new Department of Power was born. There is a natural slight tension between the FBI responsible for domestic surveillance, the CIA responsible for foreign surveillance, and the Ministry of Defense (MND) responsible for defense surveillance, according to the definition of “everything” related to domestic and foreign threats, especially protecting the mainland from terrorism. Perhaps it is an inevitable attribute of power.

Among other things, for Rumsfeld, who has expressed an aggressive opinion on domestic surveillance and terrorism issues to strengthen security as well as his minister of defense, Mr. Ridge, who has hundreds of thousands of manpower without knowing where to look, and who is in charge of the ministry for information collection surveillance, does not look good.

Rumsfeld, in particular, has been identified as developing terrorism surveillance programs through the National Security Agency under the Ministry of Defense. The project, code-named ‘PRISM’, is a very ambitious plan to expand surveillance of various media and information to cover the entire United States within five years and to keep the world under surveillance within ten years, according to the news agency.

“Looks like Rumsfeld and his men are tackling Lizzie. It was only during the conference that we agreed to cooperate and put security at risk, but we didn’t know that. I complained when Lizzie was assigned to Secret Investigation and Communications Inspection.”

When I heard Chief Jason’s story, I drew a big picture. Rumsfeld has previously been told to be quite original, often aggressive, and may experience some conflict with his opponent, but he and Lizzie seem to have a slight problem.

Moreover, in a situation where he was building a terrorism surveillance and prevention system, he said he had been tamed by a new homeland security agency and a U.S. Secret Service underneath him when he saw the possibility of invading his territory.

“As Director Ridge, we can’t just build a normal terrorist alarm system. because if you do, you’re going to buy Rumsfeld’s ridicule, and you’re going to end up sitting there with a man who’s an outsider in security, and you’re going to get credit for wasting your money. Is that correct?”

“Your point exactly. That’s why Dynkov couldn’t give out his business card by himself. The NSA has said that this time, unlike traditional contractual practices, they’ve put in a little bit of a complication. to demonstrate very thorough, concrete planning and execution.”

Now I understand correctly. By the way, the Johnstone intelligence team seemed to be able to identify the core of these complex relationships. What happened inside the Bush administration cabinet or the White House must have gone to Chief Jason.

“That’s fantastic, Director Jason. This looks like the White House is in the palm of my hand. How do you know all that detailed information?”

“We can’t compare our intelligence teams to the FBI, but I’m focused on a particular area of the FBI that covers the United States. If the FBI were a teenager in a regular car, we’d say one Lamborghini. If there’s only one target, we have the advantage. Haha.”

In my compliment, Chief Jason bursts out a smile explaining his proudest voice to the intelligence team. That makes sense, by the way.

Unlike the FBI or CIA online research teams, which gather only ordinary children, the Johnstone Online Intelligence team is overwhelmed with supergeniuses and geniuses. I could take anyone and put them in the FBI, and I’d fuck them up pretty good.

At least two dimensions above those of the FBI, Jason said, including databases built by online intelligence teams and search and management tracking capabilities. And if I had the capabilities I needed, I complimented them on being able to implement them in a day or two, so it was much easier to work. Looks like Thomas isn’t just playing for money. Hehe.

“Now, can you elaborate on Dynkov’s proposal?”

The Security Systems Agreement at Dinkopf was underway by Polo, who provided consulting services on anti-hacking and emergency defense measures. During this collaboration, a new proposal came in.

“I first inquired about the technology alliance, but I refused as you instructed. Next, we proposed a way to separate the IT sector from Co-Development and form a 49: 51 partnership.”

“Who is 51?”

“Yes? Yes. Dinkob says he’ll have 51.”

I don’t really like the offer. It doesn’t suit my personality that I don’t want to invest my money and start a company. I was thinking about how to do it, but I quickly remembered something I missed.

“Wait! How much would you like to win in Dynkov?”

“This order is worth 500 million dollars.”

As I shouted, Mr. Miller replied quickly, thinking, “This is not it.”

“That’s not the kind of system that Homeland Security is trying to build. What is the budget allocated to the institution at this time?”


“I’ll find out soon enough.”

No one answered my question, so Chief Jason left the room in a hurry, probably calling someone he knew from the government ministry. While talking about something else, I waited for five minutes, and then Chief Jason came back.

“It has been announced that 400 billion dollars have been set. “

“Wow, that’s a lot of burns.”

“Director Lizzy seems very talented.”

Everyone is a little surprised at the budget size. Although the Ministry of Defense is small compared to going up to $500 to $600 billion, it is still an amazing amount for a new department. I see Director Lizzie again.

“This is what we missed when we were dealing with crumbs, and if the annual budget was 400 billion dollars, it would be at least 300 billion dollars, minus labor costs and all the other costs. And I don’t think a terrorist detection system like that planned by the Intelligence Agency is going to cost one to two billion dollars. I need to spend at least 10 billion dollars watching America 24/7.”

Of course, the scale varies, but as an experienced person, it doesn’t cost a dime or two to build such a system. Costs go up exponentially, especially when they are done by the government, because they have to follow the procedures one by one.

Customs and airports throughout the United States and major buildings alone will cost $10 billion.

Here are data centers for processing data, billions of immigrants in and out of the United States, and computer systems for processing data and photographs. It’s a project that I think is going to cost billions of dollars over the years to be ridiculous. The smell of money is blowing away.

“Are you sure that Rumsfeld and Director Lizzie are rivals?”

I asked Chief Jason to confirm, because this is the main point I think.

“That’s right. It doesn’t seem like it at all, but Director Lizzie has a bit of a downside. Director Lizzie has noted several inappropriate remarks by Secretary Rumsfeld in the square. Specifically, the recent addition of intelligence agencies to the NSA has exacerbated relationships.”

‘If they fight amongst themselves, I have a lot of places to scrub in… Hahaha.’

I suddenly remembered a smile as I lifted my mouth slightly.

“I’ll meet with Director Lizzie myself.”


People are surprised by what I say, but no one is particularly refuting it. I don’t think it’s a bad idea for me to be a big project with over a billion dollars in business units.

“Mr. Miller, you’re going to have to postpone your negotiations with Dynkov. In the report, it’s only a billion dollars or less, and it’s too small to discuss this big business. If you need it later, you can buy your own IT business.”

I don’t need a crutch. In my judgment, Director Lizzie felt she needed someone to talk to. It is because he is surrounded by enemies. It wouldn’t be so bad if I put my hand out like this.

One big problem is that if I help Director Lizzie, I’ll have to stand on the other side of Rumsfeld. And the bigger problem is that Minister Rumsfeld is extremely powerful within the government.

Of course, no matter how well Rumsfeld fares as Secretary of Defense, he cannot pose a direct threat to me in the United States. However, you can use the National Security Bureau under your command to inspect me, or you can use your friends to bring out anti-trust laws and interfere with my business expansion. If that’s true, I’m not gonna take it lightly, but…

I instructed Chief Jason to gather more information and concluded the meeting. For now, it’s a matter of meeting and deciding who Lizzie is. If I just look at his face as he talks, I might feel powerful.

“My back is itchy, but the food is too big…”

I had wrinkles on my forehead without even knowing it. I wish there was a way to win business and maintain a smooth relationship with the various forces, but I don’t know how. Huff.

Artwork Reviews

Homeland Security starts with the Office of Homeland Security (OHS), established after 9/11 in 2001.

Tom Ridge, chairman of the Secretariat, became director after a year of controversy passed the Homeland Security Act in November 2002.

Lizzie had a hippocampus on her side several times, as in the novel, but she was frequently riding her horse, and she found herself here.

There has been a lot of controversy with other government agencies since construction, which eventually incorporated 22 ministries’ related tasks into the main organization with 180,000 people. By the way, this increasingly increased to $195 billion in 2002 and $37.7 billion in 2003, and was allocated a budget of $98.8 billion in 2011.

While 22 submission departments are less than the National Security Agency of the CIA, FBI, and the Department of Defense, there are still large, scattered agencies capable of performing similar functions. Treasury transfers include the U.S. Secret Service, the National Communication System from the Department of Defense, and the Department that was transferred to the FBI.

“FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, Homeland Security”… you know something about that?

For the record, it’s loud. Prism is a secret information system that the NSA, the agency responsible for national security in the United States, has collected records of email and phone calls from civilians.

Although the system had existed before 2001 under various names such as Echelon, since 9/11 in 2001 it has been increasingly controversial, starting with “Terrorist Surveillance Program,” “President’s Direct Surveillance Program,” “Cole Database,” “Stellar Wind,” and “Room 641A.”

As the problem eventually surfaced on the surface, the controversy was formally sanctioned by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 2007 and formally created by the Protect America Act of 2007.

Phew, did you have a long explanation today? If the description is too long, it will be interrupted, so reduce it here. But I feel like there’s a new villain coming…?

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