Going Into the World!

Chapter 227

10 volumes

“Welcome. It’s hot out there, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know. He said it was the worst heat in history, and that’s exactly what he said.”

“It’s not far, and I hope to see you often.”

“I’d love it if you’d sing me! Hahaha.”

This is General Budwell speaking to me in a friendly manner. I’m commander NATO, based in Europe, and I joined the region with four stars at the end of last year. His wife and son are still in the United States, where they say they are alone.

General Budwell was in the Texas base until the end of last year, and he briefly greeted General Schwartz at a party. At that time, I didn’t seem to have a lot of conversations about whether I only noticed ‘4 stars’. In the meantime, I put one more star in between and now I can see it clearly. There is also a big difference between three and four radiances.

“I don’t think it’s too late, but congratulations on your everlasting life.”

“Thank you. Let me introduce you to the other generals here. Some of you may know it.”

General Budwell introduces you to other generals, some of whom he’s familiar with.

“When I see you in New York and I see you here in Germany again, I feel more familiar. You won’t be able to make it to the meeting for a while.”

“How are you? She’s been on the news a lot, so she’s listening. I won’t be able to attend a few times a year in the future because I have to be here for a few years.”

General Ruth was there shaking his hand. General Ruth, a three-star general, has met several times. He is quite close to General Schwartz, who was assigned here a few months ago.

At least once, people who have a face treat me like a teenager because I first call out my name and pretend to be close to them. I think I did a good job checking the details once in the morning and remembering the name and face together.

I don’t think it’s much of a small thing, but it’s very effective at boosting my appeal. All I could do was smile and say hello to the generals I knew, but my vigilance and doubts had already disappeared on the faces of the men gathered around me.

It would be odd if there were a pile of military officers who were invited to a place where entrepreneurs invited, but they would all be mistaken for a few people who acted like they had been for decades. This is an invisible psychological effect.

“By the way, I’m glad you sent me a private jet. And I think a lot of these attendees today had a private jet effect. Hahaha.”

“Is that so? I invited you, and you should consider the convenience. It’s so hot.”

On the lookout for a moment, there are more than 20 people. If more than 40 generals were scattered across Germany due to the presence of more than a Korean ship, now more than half a dozen American generals in the Southwest would be seven out of ten. I thought it was a good idea to send a private plane, but once there are many sides, it forms.

While I was in Seoul, I was only 30 minutes away by car and many of them came, but getting on a plane here today made me proud that everything I had done through General Schwartz has worked. Of course, there may be a fishing boat on its way to see the private plane.

More than 60 large and small bases have been scattered across the country since the end of World War II.

Looking at only 120,000 American troops across Europe, the presence of roughly 60-70,000 American troops in Germany is a good indication of Germany at the heart of the current U.S. military strategy in Europe.

Given the partisanship between East and West Germany, and the presence of Russia and Eastern Europe as communist nations, this centralized German strategy has often been pointed out to require change.

Since the end of the Cold War, more than 200,000 European militaries have been reduced to the current 120,000, but the ongoing conflict between the Gulf War in early 91 and the former Yugoslavian nations of the Balkans, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo War, has continued to remain unchanged as NATO and the United States grew.

This situation began to change rapidly as Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld appeared. They sought a fundamental and strategic change: quality rather than sheep, and the new American Army. In particular, American troops stationed in Germany were greatly influenced by this. This is because the need for gardening has been significantly reduced and is at the center of change.

The German military was also responsible for a part of the war in Iraq earlier this year, with rumors of continuous troop lending and relocation. Moving from developed Germany to rugged Iraq or other underdeveloped countries nearby is not pleasant to both soldiers and their families.

This chaos between the U.S. military and the rampant insurgency of the government seems to have greatly contributed to my invitation by many generals. In times of chaos, a friend with a little effort is more desperate.

And in the meantime, for ongoing underwater support and regular meetings in New York, a free opening of my hotel showed an image of General Schwartz ‘best friend and supporter of soldiers.

The reason why we invited American military officers here today is because of the opening of the Fire Control Center. You may ask why the United States military is needed at the Fire Control Center, but that’s 10 million words. This is a thorough calculation based on data from the Information Team and the Planning Room.

The planning team wanted to make the event a platform for Johnstone Group to expand more quickly in Europe, not just as an introduction, but with the US military with resources available.

Since NATO was founded in 1949, the number of member states has steadily increased, except that France went out to try it on their own and rejoined again. Since the collapse of Eastern Europe, Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary have joined, and other countries have lined up to join. It is because it feels threatened by the presence of Russia.

Germany, particularly at its heart and at its defeat, has been unclearly influential because more than half of Europe’s U.S. forces are stationed. In this situation, he thought there would be many advantages to the future business and “majesty” if American officers were to be mobilized to the opening news.

By showing primitive strength and power, anyone can stop without even knowing it. This can serve as a bigger weapon when entering Eastern Europe, as most of them are actually tied up in NATO and the United States.

It is still early, but soon the German government will also come. Of course, reporters and broadcasters are already camped and waiting around the main control center. It is because it is a good knighthood in the heat of the day. Especially for a few days, it is said that it is difficult to breathe because it rises and falls to 38 degrees.

I also introduced my neighbours to the American military leaders. First, Mr. Crimson, the secretary, Miller, President of Johnstone Energy; Carls, President of Johnston Europe; Polo, Director of Planning; and Lee Chul-min, President of Electronics.

Before the formal event began, we simply refreshed and established friendship with each other, and we were able to laugh and talk together because we know each other well.

“Sir, we have a call downstairs from Prime Minister Shredder and government officials who have just arrived. We’re running out of time. Come on down.”

“Really? Okay. Do you want to get up now?”

Speaking with the elders for a long time, Director Crimson calls to let them know that the key figures have arrived.

If there were no other guests, I would have gone to the situation room first and waited, but I told him to contact me as soon as he arrived because it was more important to address the men here than Prime Minister Shredder.

Others are involved in the demonstration of the ‘Power Smart Grid’ and the ‘Fire Control Center’, so we could gather at the center right away, but the generals here had little to do with it, so we needed to communicate in advance.

Fortunately, a similar demonstration in the United States used to involve General Schwartz and other four-star generals, so he packaged and told them ‘power and energy’, ‘national security’ and ‘international status of the United States.’ If anyone asked me why I was here, I could at least give them a good reason.

I went down to the second floor with General Budwell, General Ruth and 21 other officers with the Control Center. When I got down from the elevator, I noticed that there was quite a lot of clutter inside. I see Chancellor Shredder.

“Thank you for coming.”

“Nice to meet you.”

However, I greeted Prime Minister Shredder, the leader of the country first. She looks at me surprised to walk in, and she still looks confused after shaking hands. Look around you and say, “What happened? The question seems to be ‘.

“Haha. This is, as you know, NATO Commander, General Budwell, and the men from each of the local bases.”

“Ah, yes. General Budwell, of course. Others.”

“You’ve come to glorify the opening of this center. More people were coming, but they weren’t there because they had support or were waiting. “

I felt bad that everyone would have come if it hadn’t been for the long haul. I feel like I’m getting more curious about that face. You never would have imagined these people would come here.

“Heheh. This is definitely one form since the stars are shining, right?” ‘

I looked around enjoying Prime Minister Shredder’s reaction with an awkward expression. My power is clearly dominant over the opponent, but flashing left and right highlights my presence.

No matter how well I wear a suit, I can’t seem to reach the shining stars, medals, and shining lights of the uniform. That’s why I like generals. I love stars.

I even felt like Prime Minister Shredder and the Cabinet were relatively weak, but as if this wasn’t my own mistake, people responded more to my movements. As I move forward, everyone follows on their own. Reporters and broadcast cameras were shining on us, leading people into the main center.




“Fantastic, I think I see the situation at a glance!”

As my waited staff raises the main switch according to my gestures, the dots in one wall are connected in several colors, with a transparent screen of curves along with music on one wall that is black. At the end of loading, the dots, lines, and regional screens appearing next to each other on the transparent glass and various statistical tables made a mistake in the command center of the ship.

I made a slight change to the demonstration when it was made public in the United States, and I got the whole concept from a movie called “Minority Report.” This time, an expert from Polygram Film Company came up with the idea that he had a special effect on the film.

The people in the center caused a momentary misunderstanding of sound and screen, and amazement erupted from everywhere.

“Not to mention the real time temperatures in each area, based on the weather and power consumption measurements over the past week, they show a color like ‘Red Blue Green.’ If we accumulate more data in the future, we’ll be able to use it more widely.

Power generation and demand are also tabulated on the right, allowing us to see them at a glance and respond quickly. Unlike before, if there is a power outage, you can inform the residents beforehand to take appropriate action. ”

Though it was made in less than three weeks, at least the control center here is beautifully designed. The number of smart grid devices installed across the country is insufficient, so no more detailed statistics can be obtained, but this is enough for the people here. Originally, it would only look plausible at this top line, but employees are still running hard at this moment, so it will be secure within a week or two.

Described the most important power management. Hydroelectric plants are in chaos because the heat and drought are less than half of what they used to be. The situation is so severe that the water is so dry that it can’t run on the Rhine, as opposed to this rapid decrease in power generation, consumption has increased significantly. Of course, the supply imbalance led to power outages and blackouts.

Despite some of the events in California’s electricity crisis, the current system is difficult to determine the flow of power demand, which has led to unpredictable power outages. Of course, the electricity was out in the unlikely event, so the damage and vitality of the residents was great.

In the future, everyone nods, saying they have at least a prior notice or can prepare in advance with a forecast. Knowing and not knowing is the difference between heaven and earth.

Residents used the internet and telephone to check the schedule for power outages and to explain that even when power is out, an automated response system is available to confirm the situation in the area by entering the postal code.


“It’s great to have an automated response system ready to go to the homepage in such a short time. I honestly heard it, but it’s definitely different from how it looks. I can’t tell you how complicated it is to create something like this in three weeks. Phew.”

“We already have similar systems in California and Illinois, and we recently introduced a new call center system into Johnstone cables with 20 million customers. This is not a job. Hahaha.”

Prime Minister Shredder is very surprised at the prepared system, as were the government officials who attended. Looking at the facial lights, I think I attended with the idea of doing something great in 3 weeks. However, it is vertical degradation of all related technologies and products to other companies or to the Electronic Construction Energy System, so reliance on the outside can produce a speed that cannot be compared to what is going on.

Of course, this time, the employees of the Electronic Construction System struggled, especially with the “speed warfare” and “adversity march.” I called Chairman Lee Cheol-min next to me and told him to give me this month’s salary in Tablo. I’m amazed at what I’m saying, but at least five billion people in total will fuck each other. It’s very cheap to pay for my dignity. Hehe.

Artwork Reviews

It’s true that a lot of American troops have been shaken at this time of year. Rumsfeld said the turbulence of senior officers, including officers, was severe, especially as a major military reform began following Rumsfeld’s ‘smart’ strategy. We’ll explain this in more detail later.

The German and European Garrison estimates estimate five or six (newspaper articles + wiki + forum) data. By the way, Burwell B. Bell III) After completing the NATO Commander as a General, I came to the United States Commander. He also retires at the end of the Korean Union.

(Even a writer can’t dance in the heat. I wrote three of them every weekend, and I had to settle for two in the last two weeks. We wish you, readers, good health in hot weather.)

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