Going Into the World!

Chapter 236

10 volumes

“I just got a call from an informant in New York. All of a sudden, you lose a part of your phone, you lose a part of your phone, you lose a part of your cell phone, you lose all your electricity. The streetlights are said to be completely paralyzed, but the rest of Manhattan seems to have stopped completely. People are coming to the streets right now.”

“If there is a problem with electricity and communication, were the power plants and communication centers attacked?”

Chief Jason gives me an embarrassing look at my question. I acted as if I knew everything normally, but this time I don’t see the situation. Come on, if the comms and distance are down, it won’t be easy for agents to get anywhere.

“It’s only been 20 minutes since this happened. Right now, NYPD is saying they’ve gone into emergency mode, but we need to keep an eye on things. And we just started the broadcast, and I don’t think we have a good idea what’s going on. Fortunately, no casualties were reported.”

“Glad to hear there are no casualties. No one knows exactly what this is, so please have the agents contact you when new information comes in.”

Obviously, there’s a command center on the plane, so we can keep track of everything in real time. On one side of the screen, TV broadcasts were going on, satellite phones and the Internet were set up, so it was less frustrating. I watched the situation together.

[Power outages in the eastern United States, Ontario Canada, about 55 million households!]

[The government is investigating the biggest blackout in history!]

[Tens of thousands of citizens, right-wing king in Manhattan! Dispatch the police force!]

As more time passed, emergency power rose, and information gathered from each region began to convey the situation properly. New York police and disaster centers have reported no explosions or other direct attacks to date.

Although it is likely to be a simple power accident, it is said to have happened in a wide range of areas and all possibilities remain open.

I can’t say it’s chaos, because the power’s been cut across the heart of state-of-the-art New York City and most of Eastern America. There’s not much you can do in this age without electricity.

The subway stopped immediately, and a lot of unlucky people trapped in elevators came out of the building. The phone network of Verizon, a telecom company, also stopped and was temporarily disconnected from 9-1-1.

The traffic light on the road is out, so it can’t be good. The cops are running around their asses, but there are people we need to get to right now. We don’t have enough people on the streets to control the traffic.

The computer went out, the TV didn’t come in. It became difficult to communicate information to people Who carries a radio these days? As a citizen, you must be frustrated to be mad and amazed.

“9/11 happened, and when they said they were fixing the disaster center, it was completely desolate. You don’t know the situation, you don’t fix it. Tsk, tsk. ‘

I was watching TV and had no choice but to wear my tongue. Reporters were commenting, showing citizens walking to their homes and tangled distance.

The situation happened a little after 4: 00, but it is now 6: 00, but many people still do not know what to do, and still wander around. Come on. Who’s gonna walk home in 10 hours? I just have to hang around.

“I don’t think we’re prepared for a massive blackout, given our focus on preventing explosions and countermeasures. No one would have ever imagined that would happen.”

Chief Jason said I nodded, too. One or two power stations in one area have been cut off before, but this widespread situation would not have been easy to predict. In 1965, Jason said there was a massive blackout in the eastern United States, and that was almost 40 years ago, and he didn’t care.

[According to a briefing from the Canadian Prime Minister’s Office, this incident was triggered when a lightning bolt struck a power plant in upstate New York that caused problems with nearby power grids.]

[The New York Power Agency immediately rebuked the announcement of the Canadian Prime Minister’s Office and dismissed Canada’s claim that the New York power grid is intact.]

[Canadian Defense Secretary John McCull said the problem with the nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania was the cause of this.]

[George Pataki, the governor of New York, said that all of this started in western Ontario, Canada, and that there was no problem with the system in New York, and he left it to Canada.]

[CNN speculates that there may have been an overload in the grid near Niagara, the U.S. and Canada’s borders.]

[According to some claims, the beginning of all of these problems occurred because of a hole in Ohio’s power grid. However, the reporter called the power company, First Energy, and confirmed with the representative that this was not the case.]

“This won’t be easy to figure out for a while. They’re not kidding, they’re trying to frame each other for something they don’t know.”

“Perhaps, at this rate, blame will follow. It’s not that I don’t fully understand.”

At first, I thought I was going to give a presentation in the prime minister’s office. However, I wanted to feel the weight as a prime minister of a country. However, when I saw the arguments and rebuttals that were coming at me, I realized that they were all nonsense.

If you don’t know, just shut up. What happened is, the argument is “Cardinal” communication. Canada’s prime minister, the defense minister, the New York Governor, CNN, and so on, were all utterly nonsense. I think we need more time.

I was watching TV, talking to Chief Jason, and then I came back to my room. It is concluded that it does not seem like terrorism, unlike what we had originally thought. It’s a lot to take in, but it doesn’t mean I can’t sleep. I had to call Jennifer back.

A profound combination of talented and outdated systems

[This incident was an opportunity to stop several times, but it turned out that officials did not take appropriate action at each time and were talented.

Moreover, due to the outdated relationship between the entire Eastern region and the Canadian power grid management system, some region’s problems quickly drove a ridiculous 25 million households power grid down.

It is the common opinion of experts that managers would not have happened if they had just checked again, or if there had been a proper system.]

[New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, former energy minister, said about the blackout, “The United States is a superpower with three power grids.”

He said he knew how vulnerable the only superpower in the world, the United States, was to minor attacks, and that he needed to upgrade his outdated power grid as soon as possible.]

[A massive blackout hit the eastern United States, including the world’s center, New York, with a response that many 55 million citizens around the world cannot understand.

In particular, media from some countries, including France, have sent out articles of ridicule, saying, “Fix the power grid or fix the war in Iraq.”]

In most areas, the stock market agreed to operate as normal as the power was restored thanks to authorities working until dawn.

While taking a breather, one side began to reveal new findings. Turns out, it started in Ohio, not Canada, not New York. However, the process was a little absurd.

The first mistake was for employees of the U.S. central monitoring agency. There was an error in the system checking the flow of the power grid in real time that day, and the manager just corrected the error and forgot to restart the monitoring system. Monitoring was stopped due to an employee’s inattention. Probably because nothing has happened for decades, they think it’s a big deal.

The second problem was the total irresponsibility of First Energy powering the Ohio region. The company has had ongoing problems lately, often repairing the system, and the power plant has stopped on that day.

In this state, the line snapped as the wire hit a tree in one area. However, the first energy alarm system was broken and the situation was not recognized.

What is absurd is that the First Energy official who received it later saw that the line had been cut off in another route and left the alarm system unchanged. Again, no monitoring. What’s gonna happen? ‘I don’t think it was a big deal.

The higher-level system that monitored power in the U.S. Central Region was inactive. There was a problem with the power company, so the power plant stopped, and the wire hit the tree, and the line was cut.

The alarm system of the company supplying the power was not working either. It seems that something suspicious has already begun around this time. In other words, it was an outburst.

Originally, one twist keeps twisting, and the unlucky day keeps getting unlucky.

It’s already a series of things. ‘As if it were going to explode, a new incident occurred with the last firing switch held.

Somewhere else, unfortunately, the wires hit the trees and electricity went out.

First energy hasn’t fixed the alarm system, so there’s no way to know for sure.

A power plant has stopped, and there are two problems with the front. No matter how old the fist is, you cannot know very much where you are monitoring. However, even though the voltage has dropped and is abnormal due to a series of incidents, officials also said they simply did not take any special action. They’re so unstoppable.

After that, things got faster. With the voltage down, the Mongrel Grid System automatically switched the power lines to another location, and the lines were cut off again as the power ran out. In this way, the line breaks whenever the dominoes run out, or nearby power stations block transmission as they enter emergency mode.

As the situation reached this point, the Buryanese officials began to advance, but it had already reached a point where repairs were impossible.

In the wake of the crisis, I didn’t contact the other states in the neighbourhood. However, one or two things must be broken to determine the situation. By this time, it was already wrong, but it was too wrong, so it was irredeemable for a short time.

Reports show that Ohio’s power grid began to shut down one by one at around 4: 09 p.m., when it completely shut down.

From then on, he was absolutely right. I’ve never known a power grid to run this fast before. In just three minutes, we stopped seven states in the eastern United States, including Ontario, Canada. It’s so fast.

The current system said it was a way to just stop on its own in the event of overloading or a surge in power supply, but that once it did, people had to go out and solve it themselves.

Something this big has happened, and the broadcasters can’t help having TV discussions. Each of the experts came out and they were in a hurry, and Richardson’s former minister of energy said, “A superpower with a tri-state power grid.”

“But why is it more chaotic in Europe? Whether this is a pity or a good thing or a controversial one.”

I read an article in the newspaper on my desk and said something I didn’t know. Executives were sitting in the conference room, calling for analysis and measures on the situation.

“There’s been a lot of blackouts this summer. So I was criticized by the people, and this time there’s going to be an intent to dilute the wrongdoing of the United States.”

Mr. Carls, who is in charge of Johnston Europe, explains the background. Now that I hear it, I can see why they say it’s so good. In other words, it seems that our blackout is nothing compared to that of the United States.

Three days before the massive power outage in the United States, the temperature in Paris in France rose to 44 degrees, killing 144 people in colostrum. For this reason, the French media, in particular, published a paper that ‘old power systems and infrastructure’ are a global problem, and that France is still better than the United States.

“Eight states in three minutes, by the way. Stupid system is fast.”

“Haha, you’re right. Originally, today’s system was a simple program that would stop if you weren’t sure. That’s why the domino phenomenon seems so widespread.”

This is Mr. Morris, who replies to me quickly. I gave him a look and asked him about the wavelength of the incident.

“How are you feeling?”

“Illinois with our smart grid system was not hit this time. We stopped the overloaded areas, and we kept the rest of them intact, and if it was the old system, Illinois would have been no exception to the blackout.

And in some parts of Manhattan where we have power plants and buildings, electricity has come back to normal. New York City and the media were asked what happened. ”

Johnstone Energy acquired the East River power plant at the end of Manhattan in New York earlier this year, which was completed just a few months ago.

We were powering several recently contracted major buildings, including the Johnstone Group family near here, the Waldorf Hotel and the New York Palace Hotel, but it seems to have remained normal during the blackout.

I’m sorry, does this smell awesome? ‘

At first, I thought it was terrorism. However, as soon as I realized that this was actually because of the stupid system in the power grid, I had a hunch.

Fifty-five million people were injured. In addition, everyone now knows how vulnerable industry networks are to attacks such as terrorism. I can’t help but use my hands in some way.

If we knock down all the outdated systems, it’s tens of billions of dollars. I don’t want that, but selling the smart grid to New York alone is gonna cost me 500 billion dollars. The smell of money began to grow.

Artwork Reviews

The massive blackout that occurred on August 14, 2003, as described in the text, is remarkable how such a series of settling practices and negligence occurred.

I initially thought it was a terrorist attack, and I went to the heavily armed forces in New York City, and I got confused, and I couldn’t get a 911 call because of the Varaizon network.

It’s really not that quick to figure out what’s going on. It took months to identify the cause, because everyone was trying to hide their mistakes from each other.

The first energy that led to this catastrophe, of course, was also sued. I made a series of mistakes.

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