Going Into the World!

Chapter 24

to New York

Roseanne majored in French at university. But I didn’t choose it because I really liked French. In fact, many students majoring in foreign languages enter the general workplace. Translation and related work are not easy to obtain, and language can be used in many fields.

I did some part-time work at a travel agency as an intern before graduating from school, but it was not easy to get a job.

Of course, if you try to get anything, it’s not that you can’t get a job these days, but Roseanne thinks she has her beauty.

‘Yes, what is this? You want a secretary at Expedia? The salary’s good, right? Well, I don’t have any experience. ’

I was a little concerned, but once I applied, I was able to get in at the favor of the interviewer, regardless of my career, whether my active personality and beauty worked.

Roseanne, who started as a secretary for executives at the company, often saw a very young Asian man joking and laughing with Richard, the president.

“Sydney, who is that guy? Are you close with the boss? ”

“John, you’re moving in. Isn’t he handsome? This is number two. Why do you have a heart?” Sydney tells me a little bit about Roseanne’s question.

Roseanne has had a few boyfriends so far, so she knows what men like. Even when I went to school, when I asked for a favor or I had a hard time, I used to be helped by boys with a little tail.

John was tall, handsome, and important to lead the company, trying to be more personal. I keep seeing that I joke well and work charmingly, but when I talk closely, I am surprised by the unknown excitement. Sometimes I felt bad about it, so I wiped my shirt saying I hit my chest with my hand or something, but I didn’t think John hated it either.


I pulled Roseanne with my right hand and sat on my knee. As I looked at my face, I leaned forward and leaned against me. The scent of women and cosmetics irritates me.

Sitting in my office, I feel my secretary on my knees and one hand on my thigh, the heat is hot from my body again. I can feel Roseanne’s butt in the middle of me, and it seems to pierce through me.

Ugh, I grabbed Roseanne’s waist and pulled her close to my body.

You find Roseanne’s red lips leaning on me and stick your tongue in. He opens his mouth to accept me if I am contagious to the heat of my body. I stroked the inside of my thigh with my left hand, which was a little loose.

“Haaa!” As my hand seeps into Roseanne’s panties, it suddenly hugs my neck. I put my finger deeper into the moist feel of my hands. I can’t stand the excitement of that heat being transferred to my body.

The feeling that I felt in my hands was transmitted to my brain, as if my body was experiencing the heat. My it rose unbearably and something seemed to erupt gradually.

Roseanne groans and doesn’t let me go because she’s too busy.

“Roseanne, wait.” I was extremely excited and worried that someone might knock on my visit. Tension, restlessness, and excitement drive us.

I support Roseanne’s butt and hold it steady, reaching for the door and locking the door. Then I took Roseanne to the corner.

“Roseanne, would you like to turn around and face the wall?” I turned Roseanne around and quickly took down my panties. Roseanne was a little embarrassed, but she lifted her foot to help me.

You let Rosanne hold the wall in both hands and place one hand under her skirt. Still moist. I rub my hands together again. I see white and luscious buttocks underneath the stretched skirt, which makes me more excited to see white under the brighter back of the office.

I turned my right hand forward and put it inside the blouse and grabbed my chest. Roseanne lets out an elongated groan, grunting in fear of hearing it loudly.

It is so irritating for a pretty girl in high heels to give me hips and breasts in her office and to groan. The tension of the day and the look in front of my eyes did not seem to give me more time. I unzipped, pulled Roseanne’s ass down a little bit, and put mine back in.

When that warm, sticky thing strikes me in the middle of my heart that I had no choice but to think about, I stab it further forward. I feel so good that the energy of my body extends forward.

“Huh-uh-uh. Hmm.” Roseanne lets out a little wailing, then soon covers her mouth with one hand. I lost my mind and instinctively shoved my ass back and forth. Roseanne’s body shakes as well. As I move for a moment like that, I suddenly feel a rush of strength and pull Roseanne close to me for an unbearable tremor. I felt the energy of my whole body rushing out at the same time.

Giving myself over to that pleasure for a while, I feel reasoned again. The breath of Roseanne leaning against the wall fades.

“You okay? Hold still.” I bit my neck a little and stroked my cheeks. Returning to my seat, I wiped Roseanne’s precious place with toilet paper first. The mix of Roseanne and I is thrilled. Something falls to the floor and it stimulates my stuff again. Heh. It’s time to finish, so I quickly cleaned up and hugged Roseanne.

“Did you like it?” I whisper in a warm voice.

Roseanne rubs my chest a few times with her bare hands and looks at me. I touched my earlobes and patted my butt.

“It’s time to work. ”

Roseanne smiles at the funeral and sheds her eyes once, then straightens out her wardrobe.


At the end of November, Grey gained nearly 60% support in the gubernatorial election, outvoting opposing candidate Dan Lungren.

Despite the early decades,

the series of advertisements hit and caused a gust, and the gust continued to push for an easy victory.

“Yes, Nick. Thank you for bringing John back then. You tell Jennifer thanks, and she’s a great friend. Haha.” Grey, who had time like this, thanked me on the phone with Jennifer’s father, Nick.

Grey had a very busy day shortly after the election, as interviews with various media and meetings with financial professionals were lined up. It seemed to be one of the largest states in the United States, so I was interested in many places. Moreover, he was too busy planning new talent equalization and acquisition for regime change.

Of course, John, the first official of the election, thanked him separately, but he was sorry he didn’t get a chance to pay.

When I had some time to relax, I turned to my cousin who introduced me to John, who blinked and called me because he didn’t say a word.

Grey thought that John was a venture capitalist, politically sensitive, and even while he was busy, he made a lot of money selling his company on Nasdaq, which he thought would help his journey forward.

“John, how are you?” Jennifer calls in a cheerful voice.

“Yeah. You, too? You look good today. ” ”

“Just. Uncle Grey called. Thanks for introducing me. Heehee! My dad felt like it, too. ”

Jennifer’s father, Nick, was very happy to receive a call from his cousin Grey. The others didn’t know, but Nick had a slight inferiority towards Grey.

Grey held an important position in the state government in his own way, even before he was elected governor. Moreover, he had quite a bit of wealth to collect and a six-room mansion with a large yard, so his relatives were mostly there.

As a normal worker, Nick had, of course, nothing to offer him, because he had never been thanked by Grey before.

“John, when do you have a minute? Want to meet?”

I felt sorry for your consistent voice. You’re getting stabbed.

By the way, you and Jennifer haven’t been on a proper trip, have you? I’m sorry about this. I’ve never been outside of California. ’

“Jennifer, why don’t we go to New York? Makes me feel better. ”

“Really? This weekend?” I think my excited voice is already packing.

“Yes, you should see the Empire State Building, the Metropolitan Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Statue of Liberty. I haven’t seen it yet. ”

“I went to New York when I was a kid, but I only went to the Statue of Liberty. Then I should plan a trip. Heehee.”

Jennifer is excited and talking, but even my listening is refreshing.


Jonathan Ive is an excellent aesthetic designer. I pride myself on having different senses, but I felt joyful when I took what others couldn’t see and feel.

After joining Apple a few years ago, he designed a variety of products, but his iMac, which he achieved last year, is his signature work. I can’t forget the first time he came into the world. When people were amazed by the products he designed, he felt excited.

‘As expected, I have something different in mind. You can’t think like everyone else.’ Look back at the past time.

When I designed the iMac in the beginning, it was not that stylish. The colleagues also did not understand why they had to bundle the computer body and the monitor together.

“Jonathan, this is a little weird. Computer’s too round to be a pumpkin. ”

“Jonathan, if the monitor breaks, you can’t even use the computer. Is this going to work? ”

“Jonathan, why can’t you see inside the computer? People who like clean things don’t like it. ”

Despite the frustration of designers who were obsessed with the old-fashioned and illuminated, Steve Jobs’ understanding of the design was different. I liked my idea too much

The work that was pushed out made everyone’s eyes curl when they came out into the world. As expected, the frame is broken. Ah! I can’t believe how few people know my heart.

Jonathan was often walking around the museum, museum, or city trying to get some inspiration, and he sketched whenever he remembered something, but small notes or sketches later were very helpful. When I saw something on the street, when I saw Jonathan standing there staring at me, I felt frustrated by ordinary people who didn’t understand “genius.”

I visited a friend in New York to try to make him feel better after his success. I was advertising for a special exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art.

“Hmm. Contemporary art exhibition. There’s a lot of Picassos out there. I’m the only one who understands Picasso. I’m gonna go check on her, too. ’

Some people don’t understand the art of Picasso. When I talked, I just felt like pretending to know because I like others. However, Jonathan’s hypnotic drawings bring something clumsy to his heart.

Jonathan stopped by the museum and slowly climbed up the hall and stairs, finally taking a step toward the exhibition of Picasso’s work. Perhaps to create something new, Picasso needs to understand a unique spirituality, which inspires him.

Looking at his work one by one, I can see a young Asian boy staring straight through the painting. I was going to at first, but after 5 minutes I keep looking at it.

Are you aware of something? You seem quite interested. ’

The young man looked at the painting 10 minutes later.

‘Hmph. I’m gonna go ask him.’ Jonathan walked towards the young man.

I flew to New York with Jennifer. Have you been in America for five years? I came running with a bag, and I walked down the street with a nice blonde beauty, and I laughed for no reason.

Jennifer has been cool as long as she walks around New York, the world’s largest city, and it stands out, and the people around her are looking clean.

As he regretted not doing what he had been busy with, we went around shooting. Of course, you can’t skip shopping.

Unlike me, Jennifer likes art and music. According to Jennifer’s wishes, many people come to the Museum of Contemporary Art to ask for exhibitions, but it’s the weekend. I enjoyed watching the story while following the complex exhibition. Jennifer explained things to me, but all I could hear was that happy voice, and I’m not sure what it was.

“John, I have to go to the bathroom. I’m on the first floor, so it might take a while. ”

I looked at the picture in front of me, waiting for Jennifer.

‘By the way, these drawings are strange. This is not art. ’

I don’t understand Picasso at all. I drew something out of the blue. What is art? What is doodling? Hmm. It’s a spiritual world that ordinary people don’t understand.

I was looking at the picture with my eyes and thinking about something else inside.

‘What are you doing for dinner tonight? Where do we go at night? Why don’t we go for a night?’ I’m in the middle of a plan, and someone talks to me.

“What are you looking at so hard for?” A white man in his 30s, with a British accent on his tongue.

“Yes? Oh, I like the painting.” I answered politely without much thought.

“Okay? I like these lines. Something so intense that something was suppressed… so simple and complicated…”

I don’t understand much, but I have to be polite. I fought hard. Giving the impression that maybe you feel the same way about me.

“Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Jonathan. Do you like paintings? I was looking at this for about 10 minutes. ”

“Yes, I’m John Kim. You just stare at something, and sometimes it’s flashing and inspiring. Did I look weird? ”

“Oh, not at all. You look like me. I agree with you 100 percent.” Jonathan is so pleased with my words.

“But what do you do?” Jonathan asks me.

“Yes, I’m a venture entrepreneur. I work in Silicon Valley. ”

“Really? Haha. I’m there, too. It’s a coincidence that similar people eat later, right? ”

Jonathan tells me about the painting and shows me his notes. I’ll give you a little lift and you’ll be thrilled.

“John, what are you doing here? Who are you talking to?” That’s when Jennifer came back.

“Yes, this is Jonathan. Jonathan, this is my girlfriend Jennifer. ”

“Wow, you’re really pretty. Do you do any modeling? ”

Jonathan opens his eyes with envy. Well, Jennifer’s a beauty. Hehe.

We first talked about painting, then we asked about each other.

I was surprised that he designed the IMAC, and Jonathan is surprised that I invented the search engine for Expedia.

At first I started with my pretentious confrontation, but unexpectedly I had similar tastes and enjoyed talking to Jonathan.

Hmm. So I’m a freak, too? He’s a freak or an artist, but I can’t be an artist.

Artwork Reviews

My sincerest apologies for the deviance, but in light of the bold events of ’99, the Clinton/Lewinsky case was so big that it was written in this way.

I posted a survey. Some people want Harem, and others want Harem, but the writer… I don’t know yet. But this is definitely not Haremwater. It’s the growing season of two things that are fortunate to grow through the turbulence.

For the record, Jonathan is the designer who declared Steve Jobs to be his right arm. Jonathan is the only person who understands the art of Jobs…

So, you’re making an iPhone now? The future developments are unknown to the author.

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