Going Into the World!

Chapter 264

11 volumes

“The more I play, the more I want to play. Ugh!”

I went to work after the holidays, and I was frowning. As I stretched my hands to the sky, I turned my back on my base, and I heard a sound of ‘Dook ‘.

Unlike in the United States, where I have my own gym in my home and company, there are only a few running machines and children in Korea, so I don’t have much fun exercising. Moreover, I was lazy even after I was overlapped with Thanksgiving, so I rested for a few days at all.

By the way, people’s minds are tricky, they’ve only been in the house for a few days, and I think they’ve rested for a few months since they came to work.

“Chairman, I brought you some coffee.”

I turn around and unwind, and the new assistant, Yeon-hee Yang, brings in a coffee pot that smells like the aroma she just gave me.

I put a cup of coffee on my desk and I feel like my mind is cleared by the strong smell. I also have to drink my morning coffee to start my day properly.

“I love the smell of coffee. I think Yeon-hee is getting better and better.”

“I’m glad you liked what you learned. I was a little worried, to be honest.”

Yeon-hee is very happy with my compliment. My face suddenly brightened. By the way, when I carefully put down the coffee, I thought I noticed it, and I guess there was a reason.

“Who taught you what?”

“Oh, you didn’t know? Our secretarial girls need a three-month-old barista education. I’m new here, so I started late, and I’m still getting it.”

He opened his eyes wide and said, “Who are you educating for? Did you really not know? The question comes to my face. However, I really didn’t know that the process of making coffee was a required course for my secretaries.

When did I come to Korea to think the coffee my secretaries serve was pretty good, but when I found out about it, I nodded my head secretly.

Suddenly, I think the cabin talked about coffee for a while, but at the time it was just like that. This is the secretary who knows the taste of the owner and is doing his job properly.

‘Wait… why is this all over Yeon-hee?’

Thinking about why the coffee tastes different, I hold my hands together and look at my secretary standing somewhere, my chest looks more fluffy because I hold my hands together. Her face looks pretty young, but she is completely Western in body.

I also once told you about secretary recruitment, and asked you to ask Chief Crimson.

When I was making jokes with Chief Crimson, I used to say that I liked glamour on a cute face like Jennifer’s, but now I see that this is exactly where I recruited. There seems to be some misunderstanding about me.

I opened my laptop while drinking a fragrant coffee poured by a bagel beauty. I checked my email and thought, “Tsk! ‘A sound tells me there is data coming from the SS level.

Sensitive materials are text-only and should be downloaded into an account created by a specialized security team separately. I downloaded the password-bound document to my computer and had to put in a password and crack it Clicking on the unlocked document, the document opens soon, and something pops into my eyes.

Suspicion of Tamiflu – avian flu treatment

[Suspicions have been made about the clinical trial and effect of Tamiflu, the approval process and the government procurement program, which is the only official treatment by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Rumsfeld was the CEO of Gilead from ’97 to’ 2001, after which he was commissioned by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche to complete clinical trials and obtain formal approval. This drug is currently sold under the name Tamiflu.

It is clear that the relationship between Gilead and Roche and Rumsfeld and its acquaintances involves experimentation, approval, manufacturing and volume regulation of this drug. It also helped Roshi in part this year’s U.S. $1 billion budget for Tamiflu purchasing programs for public health within the Bush administration.]

I naturally knew the word ‘avian flu’, ‘Tamiflu’, but I had no idea it was Rumsfeld’s idea.

It may not have been made by you, but it’s roughly because it was developed by the company as CEO for five years.

He also provided Rumsfeld with plenty of stock options for the company and its board of directors, who were serving as Secretary of Defense at the CEO. This is perfectly natural.

There are numerous lobbies before pharmaceutical companies sell new drugs, and their CEOs enter the real world within the U.S. Administration, which I’m guessing is completely unclear.

This scenario stinks to no one. The CEO of a biocorporation became the top seller in the U.S. Administration, and shortly after that, he gave a license to a third party and passed a dummy experiment for approval.

In my view, we could have done clinical trials and production directly from the American company Gilead, which went to Switzerland far, far away, and was approved, perhaps to conceal Rumsfeld’s direct relationship with Gilead.

Once Tamiflurane’s product comes out of Roshi, there’s very little in the newspaper about the source technology provider, Gilead. I lost people’s attention.

Alternatively, you may be close to someone in Rothssa based in Switzerland whose money is easily laundered.

‘Have you seen this filthy man? But you didn’t plant the virus on purpose, did you?’

I hate him, but I think I overreacted a little bit. He’s still a human, but I think he did it to make a lot of money.

[Keep investigating, be careful not to provoke others]

I sent a short email to Director Jason. Something smells too dark, but you need to be careful that they are the head of the National Security Agency (NSA).

“Oh, by the way, is there anything more refreshing?”

As long as Tamiflu has doubts, it is a big drink for Rumsfeld to be dropped by the Secretary of Defense. However, this time, I don’t really like doing the backwork.

Unlike so far, the other person must have some information about me. What worries me the most is the oversized Johnstone intelligence team.

[An information company with 2,000 individuals?]

This smells a little unusual. Together with some of the key guards from similar training courses, 3,000 people work in the field of Information Security.

A company with a large training ground near its headquarters and a mountain training ground in Serbia? I don’t own any mercenaries. Rumsfeld can tilt his head very badly.

[The number of externally known servers has reached millions, emperors of the Internet, and satellite businesses, as well as the core systems of Homeland Security?]

In addition to this, my access to Korea may increase, as the Johnstone Group is deeply embracing the core business of moving the United States.

In the fight so far, I’ve held a weapon called ‘information’ myself, but this time, I can’t move forward with my opponent because I also have the weapon. If there are two or three of these, you can hit them with one and get the next, but not yet.

“Rumsfeld… I would like to battle differently than you…”

It’s an honest feeling. I wanted to do something else because I was uncomfortable with the information. Just like Turner’s brother, you’re just gonna run him over?

“I was wondering what you said at the party last time. Now that we’re here together, I want to hear more about it. I think Secretary Rumsfeld said he was hurting people. What exactly does that mean?”

I had dinner at the Johnston Hotel with Commander Lafort and General Daniel, U.S. Army 8, to find another clue. It was because he was accompanied by a couple at the party that day, and he did not talk about it as much as he had a seat.

“Khh! Hmmm, Rumsfeld didn’t do anything wrong. The war in Iraq is killing only the mourned soldiers. It was a foolish decision to attack the capital in the first place and only kill Saddam Hussein. You pretended to know everything about war, and now this?”

Commander Laport suddenly starts blaming Rumsfeld violently as I give him a speech. Even so, the sudden rise of the uprising of armed forces in Iraq has caused this problem to rise again to the surface and the voices of criticism are high.

The newspapers complained about when the annual war would end, saying, “The war is over. ‘It is because Bush has already declared that it is much more than a year old.

If I didn’t say it, I’d be ridiculed even more because it’s a horrifying yard like I won. The blame is also focused on Rumsfeld, the organizer of this war, as much as Bush.

“War is hard to predict, isn’t it? I’m out-of-the-box about this, and I don’t know where anything’s wrong. I want your insights.”

Even though I don’t know why I’m blaming Rumsfeld. I quietly lowered myself and raised Commander Laport.

‘You know, I have more complaints than you.’

Even though I looked away, I said something while swearing together inside. If you hate Rumsfeld the most, I don’t want to be his age. It is because I am in a situation where I am very directly damaged.

“This war should not have started at all, and it would have taken more than 250,000 people from the beginning if it had been forced to. However, as he laughed at the war and started grumbling, he started a smart war and trusted his weapons and troops, he missed his chance to correct his order early on. The damage of that stupid decision is an endless war and an ever-increasing casualty.”

After placing the board in a quiet place, it explains the misjudgement of the articulated article, and it is the same as my common sense.

The Iraqi garrison has 150,000 U.S. troops, some 20,000 multinational troops, and a total of 1,70,000, according to General Laport, which is not enough.

According to experts, there must be at least 250,000 to train an Iraqi army that is stable and smooth.

However, the discussion of this tribe was raised several times before the war, but Rumsfeld did not listen and just pushed out.

“So what are the men who called for reinforcements before the war now?”

“Some left Iraq, one volunteered.”

“Voluntary? Who is he?”

“General Newbold. Shortly after the Iraq War was confirmed, he publicly rebelled against Rumsfeld inside the military and eventually resigned.”

General Daniel intervened and answered, but to be honest, I was a little surprised. No matter how frustrating it may be, the courage to venture away from all the benefits of being an American officer. It’s not as easy as it sounds.

Why didn’t I know this? ‘

With the introduction of General Schwartz, more than 20 former members of the military met, and were directors of Johnstone Consulting, Energy and Security.

This is the first time I’ve heard this story since last year, even though I often attended regular meetings at my hotel and expanded my intimacy and face.

The area I was interested in was mainly business related, so I listened to what had happened in Iraq so far and sent it to one ear. People aren’t that interested in me, so I probably didn’t tell them the details inside the military.

“What is General Newbold doing right now?”

“We are currently attending university as a special instructor. I know you don’t do any other revealing activities. I think it’s out of alignment with the government, so there’s a lot less we can do. Honestly, there’s a lot to do on the other side of Rumsfeld, but there’s very little money to be made. And there’s a big difference between being a full-time man and being a full-time man.”

General Daniel says a little sad. I heard he was a 3-Star General, so he was acquainted with him. I didn’t talk about it in detail, but I felt that there was something else complicated going on.

The world does, by the way. Of course, it is not that college teachers are bad, but usually they work after retirement unless they have a multifaceted relationship.

“General Newbold is from the Navy? ‘

“Marines, actually. Until last year, I was in the first division of Pandleton south of LA. Used to be a Pacific Fleet regiment.”

“Well, tell him to come see me later when he has time. Our company also develops special training courses for information teams and security teams, and we have underwater cable installations and some business in the Pacific and North Sea, and we can mock those who have experience with that. Right?”

“Oh my, he’s going to love this. You’re the chairman as well.Please let me know if you need me in the future.”

“Haha. So does General Schwitz, and I have a feeling Bunn might be able to help. As General Daniel said, you may have a favor to ask of us, but I will do my best.”

Two generals sneak up on me and say a few words. After all, I have the ability to create a seat if I just want to, so everyone has to bow their heads like this. Look at General Newbold right now. In a position similar to that of General Daniel, however, there is no one who can help us.

‘Take care of yourself before I ask you! If you have to come back to me later, if you want to come with your head up. ’

Suddenly, I muttered to myself, seeing two people with a more familiar attitude.

“Can you give me a comprehensive explanation of why Rumsfeld is abusing me? Newspapers and broadcasts, and I’ve heard a lot about it all over the place, but it’s not very organized because of the middle heat. I’ve also heard that it makes a lot of enemies because of its unique personality.”

“Phew, personality? He’s an absolute subordinate. How he became the Secretary of Defense. Well, I don’t want to say this, but he’s going to ruin the country.”

“Yes? A country wreck?”

“We are creating only unrealistic policies because we cause internal chaos and ignore the surrounding proposals and sound of the site. to some extent. Rumsfeld, that’s too much for him.”

“Hey, look at this. ‘

I began to have strange thoughts in my mind. As I looked back and forth at the two generals who were crushing Rumsfeld, I felt that this was not just a problem I disliked.

Artwork Reviews

Rumsfeld and Tamiflu, who make a lot of money around the world…

What kind of contract? Why? There is no “truth” to know whether Rumsfeld licensed Rosheed, but there is nothing suspicious about it.

By the way, the Bush administration bought Tamiflu for a billion dollars in 2008. Other than that, a little why? It’s all based on facts other than the author’s imagination of.

Questions about Tamiflu’s medicinal effectiveness, officially recognized by the WHO in 2004, were raised in the European Medical Journal and Independent Research Institutions, and asked Roscoe to disclose information about clinical trials.

It’s also true about General Newbold. I was discharged when I protested the war and complained to Rumsfeld, and the “protest” sign is the general view.

The last United States commander… Newbold, Rapport, General Daniel, our protagonist, and the bastard Rumsfeld… bam!

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