Going Into the World!

Chapter 268

11 volumes

My car is approaching the main center building, and I can see employees coming out. Hoffman, in charge of the training center, looks familiar to me. You can also see Tober next to him.

Mr. Hoffman, in his early 40s, was a former Navy SEAL Team 6, now a Special Forces veteran who oversaw the training process there.

The rapid increase in headcount and the creation of various training courses required proper training manuals and supply of relevant personnel.

With the introduction of one executive, I was able to recruit Hoffman who wanted to work in a more stable and free atmosphere, but when he came out, I was able to take another instructor out and reinforce the program.

I heard later that they are both very satisfied with their current position. He particularly enjoyed the relaxed life, the ability to settle in one place, and the education and surroundings provided by Johnston City.

“You two must be busy. Were you there?”

“No, I got a call from the front door and I’m coming out now.”

When I get out of the car, Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Tober will step forward. I say hello, and I look at Mr. Newvold, who is following me. I’ve spoken to Tober before, but I’ve never met either of them.

“Here, Mr. Newvold will take over the training center in the future. He’s a veteran who led a Marine Corps and joined Somalia, a 3-star general who also served as a director at the Joint Chiefs of Staff and is an educational specialist.”

Mr. Hoffman is in a hurry to greet me if I introduced him too greatly. He doesn’t seem too reluctant to ask if General 3-Star appeared high to Hoffman, a former major. Tober also asks for a handshake.

After giving a light greeting, I took the elevator up to the control room with Mr. Hoffman’s guidance.

“We monitor the condition of the training grounds and the fences here. We’ve got men on the second floor standing by, in case anything should happen.”

“It’s nice to see all the Training Hall at once from here, by the way. If something big happens, it’ll be easy to recognize.”

While listening to Hoffman’s briefing in the control room, I looked around out the window and saw people moving down there, giving it to him.

“That’s right. Great location.”

Suddenly, the training ground is located scattered around a low mountain range. Thanks to this, the main center, which is almost at the top of the mountain, looks like a transmission tower. Looking down from the fifth floor, I can see the training ground at a glance.

“How many people are you training today?”

“Approximately 100. Intelligence and security for Libya.”

This time, Tober intervened and replied.

“So many?”

“Some genetic facilities are now in place, and as international oil prices rise, local knowledge and control is more important than ever. Not a lot of people.”

Having heard the local situation from Tober, he had to nod, but as oil prices rose in different days, the need for asset protection increased dramatically. In addition, information activity is essential for the Johnstone Group to maintain its dominance in the region. I agree with you deeply.

Moreover, more people are dispatched than usual, as the Libyan government says that the war on terrorism in the United States has begun to cooperate at any time.

Beep, beep.

“Huh? What’s this noise?”

I heard a faint beep as I was talking to President Tober. New Bold, who is looking around, asks Hoffman as if he is curious.

“Maybe it’s coyotes near the barbed wire. You’ll see soon enough.”

Immediately, Tober instructs employees who were operating the computer to illuminate the area, and soon a coyote will be visible on the screen, wandering around the fence.

“Oh, this is what a reconnaissance drone would do this time?”

“Yes, that’s right. The screen transition to a specific point is very fast. The training center is currently being photographed with a radius, so it flies low so you can see the nail sized object.”

In fact, I came here today to observe the newly installed ‘surveillance system.

Thomas and Johnston Techno Center have been researching related technologies, as they have independently developed a number of drones and are starting to operate here.

The unmanned security system includes a high commuter main surveillance drone that floats 500 meters and a low-flying drone in its 20s programmed to punctuate along the perimeter of the fence. When the weather is bad or it’s raining, the drones are busy patrolling fences close to the ground.

This is an ideal condition for demonstrating these because you don’t need to be aware of the open spaces and others. It is said that some problems have already been discovered and improved, as proved to be different in theory and reality.

“At first, the fence patrol drones were too small for birds to attack. We can’t help but slightly enlarge it, and then we devise an instantaneous burst of noise and low frequencies that birds don’t like when they approach us in the air.”

“This is a problem even if it’s small. Birds are ridiculous.”

I didn’t even know I was laughing. It’s worth a lot, but we can’t let the birds ruin it. Fortunately, it was solved by using instant sensors and tiny, high-performance speakers to make dozens of birds hate it.

Currently, the lab is making low-frequency technology instead of sound, which is why it’s best to be quiet. Thanks to these birds, the price of the Great Hall has doubled.

After touring the Training Hall and encouraging employees to go to Libya, you left the Training Ground. Knowing that he operates facilities, trainees, and state-of-the-art equipment and drones, Newbold was very encouraged.

Even just outside of Johnston City, there were not many cars, so I was able to return to the headquarters in about 20 minutes after the road was breached.

“This looks like it’s coming to the Starbase.”

“Haha. It’s because we designed it to mimic the spacecraft in its original design.”

There are five doors to the central tower where my office is located. I use the three areas where regular employees come and go, where executives and information teams use them, and the last one I use.

The door I use is meant to curl up like a spaceship when the car enters, which means it looks similar to the aircraft entering the carrier.

Once inside the parking lot, there is an elevator that connects to the floor where my office is located. It is designed as a double corridor that allows you to get out of the elevator and through the secretarial room or directly into the room.

When I first built this building, I made it a bit of a secret structure, so sometimes my secretaries don’t know exactly where I am. I sometimes get out of the elevator and into my office.

When I came up to the office and had a new coffee, I really talked about what to do next. One of the most urgent and important things. I briefly explained the background of my work and specifically told them what to do. Newbold listens to me for a while and nods.

“First, go to New York and meet General Schwartz. I’ll be in touch. And I’m going to bring together a group of soldiers who are empathetic to Mr. Newbold’s ideas, and I’m going to say, frankly, I’d say we’re looking at 10. What do you say? I think there are a lot of people like that.”

“Of course there are. It’s only a matter of time, but we can do it.”

Mr. Newbold, clenching his fist. In less than a week’s time, if we want to gather that many people, we really have to wander around on our feet. Fortunately, there are some people who have had interactions so far.

We talked more about what to keep in mind when I did what I was asked to do, what to expect from the government in the future, etc. We’ve already had some discussions with General Schwartz, of course, but he’s also a party, so we had to be more specific.

“Well, I’ll see you in a week.”

After talking for a long time, Newbold’s eyes light up. It seemed pretty reliable to walk out of my office…

Ta-da! Ta-da!

I feel a rebound from the gun aimed at the target and my shoulders are slightly pushed back. The strange feel and smell of gunpowder on the handle seem to stimulate your destructive instincts, not so bad.

“Is this the gun James Bond uses?”

“The same company, this is a retrofit for Balter PPK, and we customized some models for our agents and some of our guards. And this is specially made for you.”

Eric, the security guard, explains my question in detail. The pistol in my hand is a well-known Valter product, often seen in the James Bond series.

“Eric’s is huge. ”

Mine is good because it looks or is small and fits in your pocket, but the power seemed a little weak. However, Eric explains various models and shows his own, which is the same Balthu product, but it looks very heavy.

“Do you have any business firing a gun? That’s for our bodyguard. ”

I envy the big things for a while, but I’m also right. Informants are all carrying PPK models because it’s easy to hide.

Eric, on the other hand, doesn’t have to hide it, and he’s got big hands, so PPK isn’t always right for him with a gun.

I’m having a great time shooting, but I got a call from the secretary’s office. Mr. Newbold came looking for me.

“Looks like things are going well, huh?”

I opened the door to the Oval Office, and Mr. Newbold was waiting for me, and I remember his face very well. It seemed like he wanted to hear a compliment, so he could quickly notice the results of the work.

“A total of 10, including myself, were able to gather 11.”

“Really? Eleven? That’s more than one target. Haha.”

“If I had one more week, I could have joined at least five more people, which is too bad. But I did my best.”

“That’s enough. Thank you very much.”

Having not proven your abilities more, it seems like New Bold has once again tasted very bad. After seeing his first mission, he seems to have done a lot of hard work, but there is also a regret that he was happy to have successfully completed it and was able to do better.

Unlike his initial impression, New Bold’s interpersonal relationship didn’t seem so bad, but what he instructed was not very difficult, nor was it easy to persuade people.

It doesn’t make sense that someone who even ate the General is immature. In retrospect, it was the same as retirement in the early 50s, but the general must have been very stressed out because he was unwilling and had nothing special to do.

Maybe he was nervous when he met me. I understood that I would play for more than a year and a half and get the first proper job.

However, now that you have a sense of belonging and everything is stable, you exert your abilities. Some people shine when they’re part of an organization, but I think New Bold is the same type.

When I compliment Yeongpu, I report diligently how I have done things.

“What was it like having them all in one place?”

“At first I was confused, and then I started throwing up tears suddenly. They all seemed to agree soon because they all had something in mind. And when I stepped up and shined on what it meant for us to do our part, they all empathized.”

“Empathy is empathy, and it wasn’t easy to decide what to do.”

“Of course. The first day I didn’t come to a conclusion, and the second meeting, General Eaton, who was hesitant, decided to take the lead, because I was about to take the lead with him. Once that happens, the other full-time adults will be confident that they have decided to release their statements and support them.”

After hearing the details, everyone hated Rumsfeld as well, but it wasn’t easy to move forward. However, they gathered only very angry people, and General Eaton, who was an elder and retired as a commander, decided to show his face when Mr. Newbold took action. Besides, judging by the judgment, it looks like it will be something, so they soon decided to implement it.

“I think I’ll have to go back soon. Two days later, we still have a lot to discuss.”

“Oh, of course. Go quickly.“

General Newbold rushes away, wanting to tell him he’s working hard. Of course, it made me feel good.

‘The dice have now been thrown. Rumsfeld… take a swing at him.’

I remembered a nasty smile in my mouth. This is a frontal battle.

Two days later, an emergency news bulletin hit major newspapers and TV channels. Eleven full-time adults gathered for a press conference.

Artwork Reviews

We’re sorry for the delay. I couldn’t keep up with the weekend when I had to write a lot. Thanks to you, I’m totally off the coupons list. T.

That’s right, Ildo takes on a frontal battle.

This is actually the background of the few “The Revolt of the Generals” in American history where generals in 2006 refused to see Rumsfeld.

We’ll explain that in detail in the next section.

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