Going Into the World!

Chapter 275

11 volumes

“Sir, don’t you know how much dust there is in this room? “

After seeing the dust floating through the sunlight in the classroom, Nicola, who felt like counting, asked the teacher who was looking at her.

“Nicola, can we please stop asking the wrong questions and focus on the class?”

The teacher looked down on her with pity and tilted her. If it weren’t for the kind-hearted teacher, a club might have flown instead of a tie. Looking at the sad eyes of the other students, Nicola realized that she had fallen into another thought.

Nicola Tesla, who was born in Croatia, was different from others since childhood. When I hung on to one thought, I often forgot where I was because I didn’t know how much time had passed.

There’s no way Nicola has a friend who’s more interested in himself than she is in running with other kids.

Moreover, I always had my head messed up in shabby clothes, so I became more ridiculed by my friends, and the more I did that, the more I was dependent on trying to figure something out.

Nacola always liked to do things alone, and she was worried about her parents not coming out of her room without saying a word. Especially since I bought a computer. He always bought what he wanted because he was sad to have it, but he seemed to be more into his own world.

Nicola’s mother felt sorry for her son. I’ve heard a lot about good thinking since I was young, but I became a lonely person without any friends at school. No matter how many times I was surprised with my son, he was not interested at all.

At least Nicola was talented in mathematics and science. If it were a developed country, it would be difficult to wish for such a system in Croatia where corruption is prevalent and society is unstable, although there is a system to help talented people with extraordinary talents in one field.

After all, Nicola, who was obsessed with computers and numbers, was fortunate enough to pass the Electrical Computer Engineering course at Zagreb University to ease her parents’ grief.

“Mom, I’m going to America for an interview next week.”

“What do you mean? “

I tilted my head to the nonsense words of my son who was in the fourth grade of Zagreb University. The University of Croatia is a five-year institution. My son doesn’t have an interview for another year to graduate.

I was Nicola’s mother who didn’t understand what her son said about going to America for a while. However, he was not surprised or confused, but he always cut off the front and the back and only said the point, so it was not easy to understand what he meant at first.

“I gave my résumé to a group of Johnstones in the United States, and they asked me to come and interview them.”

“Really? But you want me to come all the way out here for an interview? Nowadays, they say it’s also over the phone…”

On the one hand, he was happy and worried when he heard Nicola’s explanation. Of course I knew about Johnston Group. A little bit of TV and newspaper people can’t tell, but the chairman said he was staying in Germany for a day on TV in the summer, and not long ago, he was spouting over the acquisition of Nova TV’s parent company, one of Croatia’s largest private broadcasts, in Johnstone Europe.

It is good to ask your son to come to the interview, who has not yet graduated from the headquarters of such a large company. However, I heard that Germany has a European headquarters, but I was a little offended to ask you to come to the United States.

I had to go to Germany or Russia to change planes because my son had no direct port to LA in the United States, but the cost was not great. I don’t know if the interview is going well, or if it’s going to cost you money! The flight and accommodation costs were very large because it was not very wealthy.

“I don’t know. Come and get me. It’s good to see the United States. Haha.”

“So? If you like.”

Nicola’s mother was also happy to see her son, who was happy to go to the United States for an interview. He is a son who smiles as loud as a mother. I wanted to save money somehow so I could pay for it.

“Plane tickets must be booked early. Preliminary, isn’t it cheaper? “

“Haha. Don’t worry. Plane tickets from Johnston Group.”

“What! You’re giving me a plane ticket?”

“Sure, I’ll give you a place to stay when I get to LA. All I have to do is go to the body.”

“Bed and breakfast?”

Nicola’s parents were startled. I just came to interview a round-trip ticket to the United States, but I couldn’t believe I gave it to him. That’s not all – you can stay in a company managed accommodation and have up to three meals. This was a case I had never heard of anywhere.

“I sent you my research, and you must really like it. “

I felt very proud of my son. Nicola’s parents had wondered how her son, who had never been on a scholarship to school, got invited to an interview at a company that big.

Arriving in a city called Johnston City, Nicola felt ‘America’ in the face of well-maintained roads, beautiful buildings, and relaxed people.

It was a new world when I saw the Johnstone Group headquarters. Of course, I saw pictures on the Internet, but I felt a tremor in my heart when I saw the large, space-like fuselage. Somehow, I felt that this is where I would work. It was so big that I was a little confused, but with the help of people, I was able to go to the Johnstone Techno Center for an interview.

“There are eight balls. Seven weigh the same. One weighs a little bit more. Of course, you can’t tell by hand. If you can only weigh a plate twice, how do you find the one that weighs the most?”


Nicola looks at the interviewer’s face in shock. I was temporarily speechless with a question that was completely different from what I thought, but it wasn’t until I saw the face of a serious interviewer that I came to my senses.

“Don’t you know?”

“Oh, no. And the question is, why don’t you take two balls apart first, and then divide the other six by three? And if you put three dishes on each side, you can see which side is heavy.”

I felt energized by Nicola’s voice explaining things. I have been alone for 15 years, considering the number of cases. What surprised me earlier was that I was surprised, but I also shouted because I was happy with the question that suits my taste.

“If both weigh the same, one of the two separate weights contains something heavy, so you can use the scale again. If one side comes out heavy, you can take the other three out of the heavy side and put two on it. Either one is heavy, or in the same case, the other is the heaviest.”

An interviewer smiling satisfactorily at Nicola’s answer, explaining in detail.

“How many golf balls can you put on a school bus?”

“Let’s say Nikola is down to five cents in size, and the mass is down proportionately in order to maintain his constitution. and thrown into an empty mixer. What if, in 60 seconds, the blades of the mixer start working?”

Nicola is an increasingly misleading interviewer, but rather than embarrassing herself, she is overjoyed.

“How far does Pisa Tower go in a month? ‘,’ how much dust is in that breath of air? ‘Etc., I was teased that I had a lot of unusual ideas, but the interviewer at Johnstone Group chooses the questions that they like.

Nicola feels her heart pounding and cracking. Without knowing it, the brain is bleeding and spinning rapidly, creating its own logic. At the same time as I thought, I was already explaining it in my mouth. I was so excited.

After two days of interviews with guests at Johnston’s headquarters, Nicola was notified of her acceptance within a week of returning home.

Not to mention what my parents were happy about. He was very proud that he was chosen to be the head researcher of a world-class company.

Of course, Nicola’s mom couldn’t help but boast about her neighbors, so she made a lot of headlines in the press about the Johnstone Group along with Croatian nationals in Johnston Europe.

“Well, what are you doing taking my son to Johnston Group Labs? I even sent her plane tickets, and the masked meals are free. How much you get paid. Plus, they give you bonuses, and you’ve been smart ever since Nicola was a kid. Hoho.”

Proud children are common among all nations. Croatia is a patriarchal society with many men’s and women’s equalities under communism, but still retains a deeply rooted preference. Of course, Nicola’s mother had expectations for her son.

I have been worrying for a long time about my introverted son, but now I feel overwhelmed by the thought that he had been called by a company in the United States. Moreover, it was too easy to boast because everyone knows the name because it is a company that calls the topic nowadays.

Johnston City was a new world in Nicola. Up until now, I’ve thought I was different, but it wasn’t that surprising to meet people like me when I came here.

Especially at the Johnstone Techno Center, there were so many friends who could communicate, it was so much fun every day. I have lived without communicating with people for almost 15 years, and the people I met here became decades in a day or two.

He was able to choose his favorite field and research it, and if he had a good idea, helped him do it, even if it didn’t lead to a direct product. For those who were curious and wanted to make surprising inventions, it was heaven.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner and three meals are free at the company.

There is a dentist in the company and I am not worried about getting sick.

On one side of the satellite building is a salon, free of charge. Those who suffer from annoyance can also live neatly.

The laundry room is absolutely free, so it’s always available.

There is a separate gym and swimming pool.

I can always enjoy video game rooms, football, and ping-pong.

There’s nothing in the company. It was a paradise for Nicola, who was a little lazy in her life, although she didn’t know time to study. It’s because everything is in place, so you can only study what you want to do without wasting your time.

One day, I was having a pleasant day, and someone was looking for Nicola. He referred to himself as the team leader of the President K project, and his job was to create a thin, light and high-performance laptop.

“Our goal is to create a laptop that boots up in five seconds.”

The Project Leader’s explanation was simple. And Nicola has joined this new project team, which seems to have been referenced to Nicola’s career in online clubs for years.

The head-to-head study with the team showed that it was impossible to boot from the window within 5 seconds. Especially because I couldn’t fix the operating system of another company, but the conclusion was one.

So began the work of creating a new operating system. Talents of interest were gathered at the lab where the geniuses gathered. There was generous support from the company, and talents came in with their own names in the field.

In the meantime, there was an engineer named Endy Rubin who failed to commercialize the operating system into a digital camera and joined the project manager’s recommendation. I joined a team with a few of the men I worked with that showed me the Android operating system they were working on, but it didn’t quite fit Nicola’s eyes.

As the first five development teams moved to 50, the development of new operating systems accelerated. I was competitively aroused in my development because they were speaking together. One day, I heard that the primary outcome of ‘President K’ was a laptop that worked as a window. Everyone was greatly disappointed.

However, the study was not interrupted, but Thomas’ Information Team Leader asked him to come and create an operating system for the touchy laptop in his hand.

Thomas was renowned as a purely skilled engineer within the company with a strong sense of business acumen. Of course, as Thomas’ team leader, who frequently came by to check on the project, the cost of development and support of the project increased.

“Oh, oh, that’s amazing.”

“Haha. I feel overwhelmed by the way it works.”

Turning the somewhat completed Android to a touchscreen laptop, everyone was curious. Specifically, Thomas’ one-handed, light-screen, padded laptop was coveted to watch, and their new operating system was spinning.

“Good work, everyone. I’m going to order three or four prototypes for the Johnstone electronics, so please speed up your research. If the operating system is stable, I’m going to order you one by one to experiment on.”

‘It’s awesome…’

Thomas, who had a padded prototype in his hand, was inspired by the fire in everyone’s mind. A cool padded laptop with your own creations. Everyone was captivated by that thin and fluffy curve. The toys I wanted so badly were catching the eye of those who returned as children.

Artwork Reviews

Nicola Tesla is actually named after the genius scientist who invented transactive electricity and changed human history in Croatia. I felt limited as an inventor in Europe, and I came to a research center run by Edison in the United States, and I started to glow, and I was once jealous of Edison.

Croatia was widespread in society in 2008 at the University of Zagreb, where students were exposed to the practice of paying faculty to pass exams and were subjected to extensive investigation.

The three questions Nikola received were the truth. W. These are Google’s test questions. At Google, where we want creative and unusual talent, we ask these questions to find out how candidates solve problems.

It was hard to find Google’s test questions, but it took the writer a while to find the first one and solve it for Nicola and the interviewer. I didn’t think about it, so I had to go on and on the Internet. If you have time, think about it.:)

Again, from the three meals listed in the text, in-house doctors, dentists and salon laundry rooms are all benefits to current Google employees.

Finally, Android was founded in 2003 by Andy Rubin and friends to build the operating system of digital cameras, and soon realized that it was not marketable and turned to the development of mobile operating systems. He was acquired by Google two years later, and he said he didn’t have much of a reputation until then.

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