Going Into the World!

Chapter 278

11 volumes

In a sweet word, I told Thomas to make him feel good by boiling him to dream of the “future of rosy roses,” and then told him to say anything else, and he shrugged his shoulders.

“Is there anything else I can do for you or around you? Don’t you think we’re running low on funding? ”

“Money? Money… hasn’t been short yet. I’ll let you know if I need you later. ”

After thinking about my question for a moment, Thomas shakes his head to the left and to the right. I’ve never come to me for money.

“Really? I’d like to refine my new phone and bring it to the market, okay? Will it be quick?”

I points out the word “soon,” and I ask him, but the next time I shake my cheeks, I complain.

“We don’t have enough money, we don’t have enough people. If you want to commercialize your phone, you need to add a lot of functionality, and you need to stabilize it perfectly, but there aren’t any engineers left. Are you gonna give me back all the kids you took? Then I’ll be done in a month. ”

“Phew, if you have any such difficulties, you should tell me immediately. Dude, I know you live in a lab all the time these days. If you don’t do your job, you have to make a complaint like that. Isn’t that right? Tell me more. ”

“Uh, uh, actually. Heheh…”

Tomas is a hothead to my point. He scratches his head and makes a kind face in the past few weeks, even though he thinks about it.

Thomas explained that there was a shortage of people in my new business due to the large need for key talent.

There are tens of thousands of engineers in Johnston Group, and there is no shortage of people overall as they continue to recruit. But the talent Thomas asks for, they’re supergenic kids who can plant a new operating system for him in a few days.

“Needless to say, we’re pretty out of G and S engineers to build a Homeland Security system. But then, as the Skynet Artificial Intelligent (SAI) project team suddenly grew, G and S personnel came out.”

Johnston Group internally divides and manages key personnel at G (Genius) and S (Superman) classes. Among them, Class S is the supergenius Thomas talks about, and a core project that requires a high level of technical skills is a mix of one or two of these Class S and G talent.

The problem is that there are dozens of G and S personnel involved in the design and initial construction of a truly extensive security system that oversees the United States. I was so overwhelmed that I was forced to participate in an SAI project that many more, particularly Class S talent, were involved.

Honestly, artificial intelligence, like Skynet, has hundreds of thousands of foundations, and it’s not just possible to develop programs that can manipulate hundreds of millions of skeleton systems if you want to. It’s the same principle that a truck is better than a hundred people or a thousand people walking to carry goods from Seoul to Busan.

So far, every time I looked at it, the upgraded artificial intelligence of Skynet was impossible without S grade engineers and scientists.

“Huh, that’s what happened… This is bigger than I thought!”

I was more or less like that, but after hearing the detailed explanation, I was the cause of the shortage. When it comes to talent critical internal policies, it is unlikely that they would be lazy to hire people, but the supply seems to be out of sync with demand because too much has happened.

As the IT Bubble went out, Silicon Valley once had a situation where elite personnel remained, but it was just elite personnel. Real key people can’t come to the market unless they are willing to.

Growing freely and engineer-centrically, the Johnstone Group was overwhelmingly diverse with G and S talent compared to other companies, and I know there were about 200 of them who were specially managed.

Among the tens of thousands of engineers recruited and recruited, less than 0.5 percent of them are ‘special’ in HR and Chief Jason’s information teams. This is because it is no exaggeration to say that the future of the Johnstone Group depends on them.

Fortunately, I have never deviated from it, except to the extent that it is truly inconvenient, and Thomas’ work is not small.

There is a saying that we play amongst ourselves. Similarly, for those who cannot be ordinary, the existence of a class of Thomas is an important part of the company, perhaps like a foundation that confirms that the Johnston Group is their home.

Sometimes they let the frustrated play with tens of thousands of servers, and they make drone robots for the interested ones, or connect them to satellites for fun.

For others, this is the Johnstone Group, because I like it and do it naturally. Can this be done anywhere else? I’m so lucky. It is planting the perception without knowing it. That’s why I neglected some of his behavior.

“First, get the talent you need from other projects. I’ll take care of the rest. Okay, then?”

“Haha. Okay. Then wait a month! ”

When my permission fell, I shouted at my confidence, beating my chest. However, I was sorry to hear that Thomas was taking the kids off the Skynet project.

“Shit, you’re not wearing an” S “on your forehead… where are you going to find those kids? ’

I tasted it when I saw Thomas’ single face. This time I’m going out to catch fish myself. I want you to tell someone to go somewhere and throw a net, but that’s impossible, so I’m going to have to mobilize the intelligence team.

After Thomas left, he cleaned up and put himself on a private jet. It’s for an upcoming dinner with the Kerry Presidents.

In front of the private plane is the reception area where I rest. We have to fly three hours faster than a normal aircraft, so we’re talking about things like three sidemen, Crimson’s secretary, Polo’s director, and Jason’s head of intelligence.

“I feel so relieved that you three have been helping me so far. Even if I’m busy missing something, I want you to take a good look inside and out of the group.”

I started off with a good word. When I showed strong trust, three faces looked pleasant. Everyone believes in me, but sometimes I have to confirm it like this, but if I forget to say it once, I can feel my eyes change.

They roughly explained that I acted as a ‘planner’ in the presidential election and played a decisive role in the last round of overturning 90 percent truths and 10 percent lies. A slight blend of lies is because Skynet’s ability and the last manipulation do not need to be revealed.

“Don’t worry. If you don’t mind, we’ll let you know if there’s anything special.”

“We will help you focus on your core business.”

“I’ll be sure to keep track of in-house trends and locations.”

There are three of us, one by one, and the last Jason speaks for himself. It sounds like you’ll increase your surveillance if you hear it wrong. There is a professional soldier in every word.

Today, I brought all of them to meet the presidential elect, because Kerry and the weighted side workers were needed to do the underwater tug-of-war. Once upon a time, it was like taking flying generals for a fight. I made last-minute adjustments to dinner meetings and requirements.

“By the way, you have employees who are under special care. I want to recruit more people of that level, what should I do? You got any good ideas?”

He asked questions about G and S’s talent acquisition, a problem identified by his conversation with Thomas. The world is wide and there are many humans. There must be a lot of diamonds buried in the dirt.

“Executives of other companies are still complaining. that the elite troops are getting out in our direction. Most of the universities, venture capitalists and government institutes have been scanned, and are now overseas.”

Chief Polo speaks first. It is inevitable that the river flows from the valley into the river and the river flows into the sea. The seas qualifying Johnstone Group has naturally grown taller in talent. Of course, it’s still slow when I see it.

In the last decade or so of the IT boom, many engineers from all over the world have moved to the United States. Especially the actions of Russians have become prominent because the former Soviet Communist Party government had selected children who were talented in mathematics early and had special education at the national level.

In the Cold War, this educational system was taken to defeat the United States, resulting in excellent mathematics and scientists. It is a background that is ahead of the United States in the space race and ahead of the United States in computer theory.

Unfortunately, the IT boom in the United States, which began in conjunction with the collapse of the Soviet Union, provided new opportunities for high-end personnel in harsh environments.

According to data from the National Science Foundation, there are 20,000 Russian scientists who entered the United States from 91 to 2001. Even Microsoft reports that 30% of software developers came from mainland Russia in 2002.

Even in the case of Johnston Group, Russian scientists played the largest role in building systems that efficiently connect voiceprint recognition algorithms, databases and vast devices. Not to mention the satellite business, and their presence in artificial intelligence has become remarkable.

“How about this? to create a math and science competition for each country hosted by the Johnstone Group. And I think it would be great if we could manage the talent that we’ve chosen. It doesn’t cost a lot of money, but if you look at the future, it’s going to work pretty well.”

Chief Crimson, who was standing still, gives his opinion, seems plausible. Early detection of talent would have been good if they had been “elite” courses in the management of the Johnstone group since childhood, in addition to a little “mental education” would have been a gold standard.

“Haha. That’s a great idea. So we’re going to have national competition right now, and then we’re going to have continent-to-continent competition, and then we’re going to have a global competition.”

“How about the first competition in Eastern Europe?”

“Yes, why is that?”

He’s Jason’s team leader, who everyone says he can’t stay put. I straighten my mind for a moment in my curious eyes and answer.

“Unlike Russia, China and India, where politics is relatively stable and large, Eastern Europe is very weak on each side. If you host a mathematics and science fair in this area as well as a field trip, you can wind up in no time. Not only for future talent, but also for G, S engineers who need it now.”

“Jason has a point. At the end of last year, he acquired CME and entered six different countries in Izzie Station, and this year he acquired Hungary and Ukraine stations separately. According to local authorities, the Johnstone Group is in Eastern Europe. It’s also very timely.”

Director Polo walks you through the background. As plans for Eastern Europe accelerated last summer, the Johnstone Group’s reputation gradually rose in the region. Moreover, if I do this myself because I am politically and economically confused, I can sweep the area at once.

There are other ways to keep the International Mathematics Olympics under the influence of Johnstone Group, the organization’s most prestigious competition, which began in 1959, but is still not well-funded.

“Huh? The math Olympiad started in Romania?”

I Googled it because I was curious during the conversation, and the history came out, and surprisingly, it started in Romania. Although we don’t know the details, it was created by the USSR-centric Warsaw Treaty Organization, which is also dedicated to the selection of excellent talent for military competition. It’s a replica of a Soviet mathematical prodigy.

“If the Soviets got elected, wouldn’t they have started to take them? I’ve also heard that the Soviets have seized scientists from the East.”

Chief Jason makes his own assumptions, and I nod. I think I’ve heard it before. Then there’s a reason why the Soviets were able to defeat the United States. They’ve been wiping out the talent around them for decades.

‘It’s all mine now.’

This time, I decided to go and clean it up. I’m sorry for the countries in the region, but I can use my talents for the progress of humanity and myself instead. Talents can be better at Johnston Techno Center than in the countryside anyway. Hehe.

Artwork Reviews

Google founder Sergey Brindo was born in Moscow, and her family fled Moscow in 1979, avoiding oppression of Jewish nationals.

Over the next 91 years, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Soviet scientists fled to the west of Dagger. Thanks to that, the United States was excited, too.

The International Mathematics Olympiad began, it turns out, with the USSR’s military alliance, the Treaty of Warsaw. It has now lost its purpose (selection of talent to compete with the United States) and is purely transformed.

Your reader pointed out that the Johnstone Techno Center’s research and development costs only two billion dollars, which does not include outsourced projects such as Johnstone Electronics or research funding from the National Andostem.

Servers and data centers are also not included in R&D costs because they are captured as “assets” purchased. Unlike research and development costs for which future earnings are opaque, accounting regulations state that ‘assets’ are recognized as corporate values, which vary depending on the situation in which the business is located.

According to the worldwide research and development cost trends of Buzz Company, a global consulting company, in 2004, Samsung’s research and development costs were $4.3 billion (about 5 trillion) and $9 billion in 2011.

Based on research and development costs, most of the cars, pharmaceuticals and telecommunications companies rank higher than Microsoft and IBM in the top 10.

By the way, the 2008 crisis GM came out of nowhere at 8.1 billion dollars in R&D in 2007, and Nokia also used the top 10 R&D in the world to question a lot of people.

The conclusion is that it is difficult to find a clear relationship between R&D costs and innovation, corporate growth, how well you spend your money, and other external factors are more important.

For the record, Apple didn’t make it to this ranking until 2013. And Google has recently increased its R&D costs by a tremendous amount of money, but before that, it used to be talent driven. It also shows that people are more important than money.

If you’re interested, check out the links below to get a good overview of the 20’s R&D investment companies around the world.


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