Going Into the World!

Chapter 339

14 volumes

Earth really didn’t lie.

And Skynet, who communicates with the Earth, did not lie.

As the hot winters continued from December to February, the value of heating gas and oil plummeted. The result was more than double the instant $30 billion invested in risky futures trading.

Money for money!

Futures trading is a world where such bets are made. However, I invested $30 billion because I had reliable information, and without it, I focused on revenue rather than risk because it would not interfere much with my life. However, when the money suddenly rose, I felt sad to say, ’I wish I had invested more!’

In addition to investing, the easiest way to attract capital is to sell shares in subsidiaries. Nevertheless, I have no intention of disclosing the company immediately, since it is largely large and the process is complex and even if it is, it is not possible to sell shares to the market immediately.

Instead, I chose a private way of selling. Some stocks, such as Johnstone Energy and Entertainment, have already been sold to friendly investment institutions or banks through an invitation presentation, which was a long time ago.

Investigating its own needs, Johnstone Entertainment, which became a dinosaur company, reported its own report that it could raise $30 billion if sold for as little as 10 percent immediately.

Affiliates leading cutting-edge technologies intend to have 100% stake in the end, but in the case of entertainment and cable, they were instructed to drive some stock sales because they did not have to.

Some are still willing to sell at a high price when the stock market is good and, crucially, both companies have tremendous social impact but their growth and monetization has reached their limits compared to other key affiliates.

You can already see more in listening to dinosaur sounds, and it moves with connections and capital than innovation, so there is no difference in your share.

Moreover, these companies have their own unique technology or very little support for the Johnstone group’s affiliates, and most of them have nothing to hide from the outside.

Once the direction was set, Johnstone Capital stepped up and revealed its plans to place 40% of Johnstone Cable shares and 20% of its entertainment shares in the private market, although the conditions were very poor.

When more investors unexpectedly investigated the cause, they turned it upside down, and there was an unexpected flow.

As last summer’s housing bubble began to fade, the media raised their voices of concern as more and more people were leaving their homes instead of paying their debts by subtracting the money they had borrowed from the price of their houses.

More and more small financial institutions have filed for bankruptcy this year to cover one page of the story, and HSBC, one of the largest banks in the world, has fired the department leader for more than $10 billion deficits only in the mortgage sector.

Investment companies have to invest money somewhere anyway. However, the stock market continues to thrive accordingly, but it is no longer a significant increase, and uncertainty has only become increasingly intense and real.

Many institutions or funds that need to invest a certain percentage in stocks are more stable, such as Microsoft or IBM, but relatively young ‘Johnstone‘ stocks have come to be much more attractive than companies with little growth rate.

It adds uncertainty to the age of uncertainty and can expect additional revenues in future corporate disclosures.

With such an active interest in the market, 40 percent of cable shares were at $80 billion, and 20 percent of entertainment was much higher than expected to be sold successfully at $80 billion.

When $160 billion in sales came in, we were able to raise nearly $400 billion in combined gift returns, other investment returns, and monthly incoming profits.

“Really, I’ll kill the weather once. Right?”

“That’s right.”

I get off from a private plane arriving in Washington and feel the spring energy. I spoke to Marco, who followed me as a bodyguard, without a thought, and he heard a short answer.

“Marco, why don’t you impress him, too? You’ve been with me a long time, haven’t you?”

“I’m sorry, that’s just the way it is.”

Has it really been over five years? Marco also followed me around, taking off the first crude teas, and now he has made great progress. Not just because I’m well-dressed, but because I look stylish somewhere. In other words, it is called ‘refined refined refinement.’

In addition, I also gained ‘weight’, but the people who are looking at me heavily will feel overwhelmed. There are still few words. But that’s also an advantage, of course.

Even though I chose the new members of the security team, it makes me happy to say, ‘These men are loyal to me,’ even though it may be Marco’s influence.

Where my car is headed is the Capitol. It is because the first event is to give a magnificent lecture to the members only by the name of ‘International Order in Northeast Asia’.

Recently, the region’s disputes over North Korea’s missiles, China’s military buildup, and American trade resins and Japan and China have brought attention to the area, but no one knows China as well as I do.

“Oops, Chairman Kim. I see you often.”

I was about to enter the Senate with the guards, and I met someone from the entrance. Congressman Billy is the one who greets him in a loud voice, even if he is the savior.

When people who don’t know it well because the behavior is too much, they will think that we are very close, but they also seem to be interested.

“Yes, it is. Where are you going?”

“No. Chairman Kim is coming, so I was in the wind.”

Senator Billy with a slightly unfamiliar answer. However, I don’t seem to mind. I asked a lot of questions.

“The keep doesn’t suit you, does it?”

“What are you talking about! Of course not. We’ve cleared the relationship.”

It was Senator Billy who originally had a critical view of me as a councilman. I called and returned it myself, but I heard it had been criticized by the Japanese for a while.

Not that I like it very much, but…

I was talking to Senator Billy and I rolled my head inside. I have been actively working for myself since I turned back then, but seeing that I met you first today, I think you want something.

At one time, I was hesitant to reach out my hand because the person who criticized me as a relative suddenly became too different.

Of course, it doesn’t necessarily mean that Senator Billy is a close relative. It’s because I didn’t do anything against American behavior as a senator. Congressmen in the United States basically have a firm idea that the United States is the best, so even if it is for other countries, it is only considered as a personal network.

“I look forward to it. Call Chief Crimson if you need anything. “

I hesitated for a moment. I laughed and talked because I had a lot to do right now.

“Huh? Really?!!”

Senator Billy looks at me in surprise. The unbelievable look on his face is powerful, but he is making a very complicated face with a smile of joy in his mouth with a frightening look.

“Of course. Let’s not do this here. Let’s go inside. “

“Yes, yes. Let’s go, Mr. President! ”

Accepting confirmation, Senator Billy steps forward to meet with the guards and confronts the guide.

“You have a very good personality. ”

“Haha. I hear that a lot. ”

I walked along the hallway and talked, but I think I can do whatever I’m told to do well, even for a politician. I pointed out that nature with a smile, but instead I smile and listen as a compliment. I even think I need someone with this personality.

There are a lot of ‘friendly’ lawmakers in Washington, but there are still only three or four. I have not yet had any reason to directly engage with the political world, so I have remained that way.

But in spite of the small numbers, they create an atmosphere to do things to suit my tastes when I need them.

One of our underlings has performed at least ten of our allies, and we’ve accepted additional members of Congressman Billy because we need more men to represent my intentions in Washington right away.

“Chairman, don’t you care if it’s the East Sea or the Japanese Sea? I’m just curious why you care so much about such trivial matters…”

I’m Senator Billy, who asks me questions like I don’t really know when I’m going up the stairs. I took a breath and answered.

“Phew, that’s all because of my face. I have a lot of followers in Korea. Not long ago, he asked me to change my name on a company map, and I didn’t think much of it, but it got a little twisted, so things got a little bit bigger. Now, it’s very difficult to see people down there when they’re bitten.”

“Haha. I see. I know that your influence in Korea is greater than the president’s. It’s hard to remember a single word when you’re in a high position.”

Then I nod my head as if I understood. I gave you a few background descriptions and asked you to take care of whatever’s going on in Washington.

Why is the East Sea suddenly here?

That’s why I came all the way to Washington. Congressmen and lobbyists are swarming from Japan right now, and this is what’s happening.

Two months ago, an immigrant senator and several people came to the United States. We talked as usual, and just before we got up, we added a word.

[Chairman, there are some words on Google that still refer to the East Sea as the “Sea of Japan.” I’ve been pointing out the East Sea weapons, but can we change that?]

[Did you? Do it. You can talk to Director Crimson.]

Just like Senator Billy, the American idea of a toddler is that no matter what the name of the sea is in the corner, it’s a hassle. At that time, after lunch, I was carelessly told to do so, thinking it was nothing. I just thought that if I went to the service team and made a simple modification, that’s it.

It was five years ago, but a similar issue was introduced to South Korea by the U.S. Navy Admiral to seek assistance from the International Channel Organization, which was reflected by the launch of mapping services on Google.

And at the beginning of last year, I knew that the East Sea and the Japanese Sea were staged, but I thought that was probably wrong in the process of updating the service.

And I knew it, and I forgot about it. However, after a while, there was a commotion on the Korean Internet, and news articles and reports were pouring out of various newspapers and broadcasts.

“Gosh, things have become a nuisance…”

When I think about the process of things getting twisted, I think about it very frustratingly. In the future, when I think about meeting people and shaking hands, I feel like eating again. It’s so annoying.

Google’s mapping services are often referred to as “private” services. There are only one or two mapping service providers operating satellites worldwide, including Johnston Group.

It is such a unique service that, of course, we know that there are over 500 million users worldwide.

However, in this map of Google, we changed the old common notation to the “singular” notation.

Of course, there was a commotion in Korea and protests in Japan.

Is that all? I wouldn’t have a headache like that.

The bigger problem is that the name of the sea has not just changed with Google’s mapping service.

The ‘master’ system of the Johnstone server.

Later it turned out that the updated place was the “nomination” database of the “master” system, the parent system of the Google Maps service. And the master system is also connected to Johnstone consulting and government servers that are in charge of security.

In the official website and reports of numerous government agencies, the ‘East Sea’ standalone designation has been formalized. Not to mention the many other agencies and businesses that have had Johnstone consulting and service contracts here. If you look at the travel service sites, hotels, and other maps, one of them is the “East Sea.”

We investigated how millions of servers were connected, servicing billions, and how the ‘master’ database connected to the Ministry of Defense and various government agencies was changed so easily without any checks.

It was Saturday. It was E. S. Son of a bitch.

The day you interviewed me. A group of immigrant members stumbled across “Thomas” on their way to Director Crimson to take care of business with my permission.

Thomas also knew that they were under me in Korea, and knowing that he was my right hand made us talk to each other.

As a congressman, Thomas, an online “information” team leader who seems to know more about the field than an “assistant” director, found it appropriate to talk.

Thomas has very high user privileges. And there’s no way those server room guys who know Thomas is my right-hand man are gonna stop him. No, I rather cooperated. Thomas can’t go there because there are only a few places, including the control room where Skynet is located.

The incident simply did not check exactly what I allowed, instead of picking and replacing them, Thomas accessed and updated the master database directly, and executed automatic updates to the subsystems.

It has original authority, and if it had changed a lot or planted malicious code, the system would have ‘warned’ itself. Since it only changed the ‘Sea of Japan’ and ‘Sea of Japan (East Sea)’ to ‘East Sea’, the information system just executed the instructions.

As things grew, I summoned Thomas to ask him why he changed his mind.

Why are you messing with the master database? And we’re supposed to co-sign it. Are we gonna do it alone? Who told you that?]

[Huh? I thought this senator would be a good singular.]

That’s what the story is! Ugh.]

How would I know that?]


All I can think about now is Thomas, and I can only sigh. The real one is simple enough to distinguish between a joke and a joke.

But he’s not wrong in his defense. He has no value to the American Thomas or the Japanese Sea. I mean, it’s no big deal.

Whew, that’s why communication is so important.

I walk through congressional halls thinking things through.

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