Going Into the World!

Chapter 380

15 volumes

Boeing walks surprisingly fast. Chairman McNunnie of Boeing contacted me just days after Milleberg’s return.

“Been a long time?”

“Haha. How are you? We have reached out to you regarding an affiliation.”

I don’t know him very well, but I’ve seen him a few times. Although he is from Harvard, where he is known as Denial and Moral Hazard (moral haze), he serves as the president’s direct export association within the Kerry administration.

When I ordered my own 747, I met him separately at Boeing Corporation, and somehow all the work planes within the Johnstone group were bought by Boeing Corporation.

Boeing and Johnston Group, the aerospace and defence industry, are in some of the same areas, but they still say they are ‘competitive’.

General Atomics, the Johnstone Group’s defence industry, specializes in ‘drone’ production, aerial control and communications, and nuclear processing.

On the contrary, orbital science, such as satellites, often does business with Boeing, which is common in terms of business costs and risk sharing.

“I received a report, too. But you’ve expanded your cooperation a lot more than I expected. “

“It’s not free. And I hope that we can continue to do more projects together. If we bind our strengths to each other, we can have synergy. And of course, it’s important to build mutual trust. ”

At first, we thought only of the cooperation between Apache helicopters introduced to Korea and the systems control sectors of F15 and 18 fighters, and Boeing offered to work together on other aircraft and weapons development as well as the next generation of bomber businesses.

‘I don’t know what it is… but I’m not losing it. ’

I muttered to Chairman McNunni. Boeing wants to involve me in their project because it’s the defense business that matters.

The South Korean government’s acquisition of weapons is a fire that fell at the back of its feet immediately. And he was probably worried about being pushed out of the race for Lockheed Martin.

Moreover, there is a problem within the United States of America that has proposed extensive cooperation. The analysis of the information team is that they want to step into the network of the military and administration I have set up. Especially in the past 6 to 7 years, a strong military network that has been oiling constantly seems to be beginning to take effect during the hidden years.

“I heard you need an Apache helicopter and aerial support, so send a cooperative to Korea. I would say that Boeing Company is also involved. ”

“Oops, thank you for this. As you’ve heard, Chairman Kim is really refreshing! ”

Chief Seung Hun Jung came to me earlier and gave me an answer, because there was also Boeing’s on the list. I’ll take care of the small business downstairs.

When my permission fell and Boeing intervened in the middle, the South Korean government quickly decided on a list of purchases. And shortly after, I came to the United States to inform them of the outcome of my negotiations with them.

“Over the course of several discussions, I made this decision. ”

On behalf of those who came to Ururu, a member of the National Defense Organization sends me a report entitled “Special Budget Execution Plan.” Over a few pages, there are five big lists.

Stage F35 ‘60 +60’ 120,

40 Apache newest armed helicopters‘ 20 +20 ’,

4 Airborne Rapids‘ 2 +2 ’,

2 Aegis‘ 1 +1 ’s,

4 Autonomous Scouts‘ 2 +2 ’.

“You’re distributing evenly to the Air Force? ”

The list shows the Army’s Apache armored helicopter and the Navy’s gift of Aegis and consideration.

“Yes, but the Navy doesn’t seem to have enough attention, so I decided to pay more attention to the budget next year. ”

I nodded in front of Senator Jung’s explanation. People get dozens of things, but two EZs are a little short.

“So how much do I owe you, roughly? ”

We haven’t done the final negotiation yet, but neither Lockheed Martin nor Boeing will be able to call a ridiculous price. That’s why I was a little curious about the price of the river.

“Well… that makes 85 billion dollars. ”

“Really? A little less than I expected? ”

“Yes?! Less than expected?! ”

When I first proposed ‘1 +1’, I was thinking about $10 billion. However, even if you only buy 8.5 billion dollars, it says I don’t know how much it costs. However, Congressman Kang Man-suk, who was sitting in his seat, was surprised and cried out.

“No, why is the Justice looking at the congressman like that? ”

“Yes? Oh, no, well, actually, I was worried that he might get angry because he doesn’t know your personality, and he has 85 billion dollars.”

“What? Am I angry? Phew.”

I took a whirlwind because of the absurdity, and the eyes of the people flashed and the face of Congressman Kang Man-suk ran flustered.

“It’s the lack of faith. The lecturer was still far away.”

“Don’t be so mean. It’s going to be another one.”

Following the political congressman, Im Cheol-kun also looks at Congressman Kang Man-suk. At the end, Seung-hoon Jeong will go out and finish. Only the members of the lecture looked ridiculous.

“Do I look like I’m mad at money? ‘

I laughed and laughed at the outside, but I didn’t like the way I thought I’d be mad at that kind of money.

What’s in your head that makes you so shy?!

You said you’d give me your 60s at first. And I increased it to ‘1 +1’. At this point, everyone thought I should be made aware of how great I am. But there must be an exception.


After a moment of refining my voice, I looked around my left and right. People who talk to each other pay attention to me.

“I was thinking 10 billion dollars. You can keep the change.”

“Yes?! Leftovers?”

I definitely wrote Korean, but they don’t understand me. In a loud voice, not only the justice who refuted ‘change’, everyone looks at each other with a puzzled look.

“You said that the cost of purchasing the items here totals $8.5 billion?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“And the first thing I thought about was 10 billion dollars.”

“Yes, it is.”

“So that leaves 1.5 billion dollars, minus 10 to 85 billion dollars?

The justice officer and the executive answer my questions once. I thought I had it all figured out by now and said it out loud.

“Isn’t that 1.5 billion dollars? Spend the rest of your money!”


Haha… Oh my god. I explained it one by one, but you still don’t understand. The justice, who repeats what I say aloud, looks strange.


I know the change by referring to “spent money,” “change money,” “spent money,” or “little money,” or something like that.

Am I mistaken because I’ve been in America for so long? ‘

I tilted my head for a moment because people didn’t understand, but I definitely remember correctly. At that time, the people on one side make a loud noise.

[1.5 billion dollars in change…?]

[Is that what the change meant?]

[The Chairman is right… It’s strange.]

[I seem to have lost my sense of money lately…]

$1.5 billion buys everything, right?]

[Something like that. Why am I the only one feeling weird?]

“I just buy a lot and give it to you as’ operating expenses’ in case you can’t operate it. Save it and take it well.”

“Yes, yes. Yes, sir!”

At the very least, a sober and organized congressman answers loudly. I felt refreshed by the clean finish.

I gave the change because I was annoyed. This way I can handle it on my own without my permission in the future.

[Often, you’ve bought things and said, ‘No change.’ However, the reporter who saw me would like to ask you this question. What is your base of change? ‘

Yesterday, according to news, there was an unpleasant situation that could be $1.5 billion in change. Visiting the United States… (Approximately)

1.5 billion dollars in remaining money. Some people say, “I had a lot of change.”]

[He is Chairman Ildu Kim of the Johnstone Group who drove the ‘1 +1’ storm. The debate, which began in the 50th edition of the F35, eventually included five items: fighters, helicopters, aerial vehicles, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and Aegis.

And the final amount was $8.5 billion. However, defense and government officials who had visited the United States to meet Chairman Kim Ildu returned with $10 billion in their hands.

And why is that?

According to an official who met with Chairman Kim Ildu, he was originally thinking about 10 billion dollars, and the change from $10 billion to $85 billion was the ‘change!’ Write it yourself, ‘he said.

By reference, change means two things: one means “money spent,” “change,” and the other means “money spent badly,” and “little money.” Whatever the case, Chairman Kim Il-du must have thought it was different from the world we live in.]

Once anecdotes about the change were made public… Korea was once again enraged.

[Wow, this is… awesome.]

[I’ve known you since you first said you were going to buy me 50 fighters. You’re the best! I can’t believe you paid the operating expenses.]

[Respectfully, I thought I was in a big company, but my sales are less than that…]

[Thank you for being born in Korea.]

[Something unrealistic… is it just me?]

[Chairman Kim Il-du probably gave us 1.5 billion dollars to spend on operating expenses. No matter how rich you are, 1.5 billion dollars is huge. It means “change,” not “small money.”]

[By the way, did we make $10 billion?]

[So that’s 85 billion dollars in this budget, plus the 10 billion that Kim Ildu gave me. 18.5 billion dollars. At this rate, North Korea will tremble. Japan must be restless, too.]

After South Korea’s list of weapons purchases was determined, Japanese media, who had turned their backs on the facts, were overwhelmed with grief and fear as they reported extensively.

Sadly, there is no one in Japan willing to donate 10 billion dollars.

Fear is a serious threat to Korea’s power boost. Korea won’t have to attack Japan, but it won’t be able to provoke the East Sea anymore. It is because the superiority in air force has shifted to inferiority.

Japan has been busy buying at least 50 of its newest fighter planes. It is a necessary choice for Japan.

North Korea is more horny than anyone else. Unlike Japan, where it exhibits an emotional landscape of conflict, North Korea is at a ceasefire on its own frontier.

However, the ‘feeling of crisis’ in the North as Korea’s power surges is extraordinary.

Moreover, the difference between the air force and the game itself is like a knife to the neck because the entire country’s army is useless as the command system is disabled in an instant through the Iraq war.

For some reason, North Korea is suddenly in a frenzy about launching ballistic missiles. It goes to hell.

After South Korea, the United States was thrilled by the massive purchase of weapons to Japan. It is good news that more than 7 million unemployed people have been raised in a year due to the economic crisis.

Moreover, due to manufacturing characteristics, the case was reported in detail in the size of employment effectiveness, especially in areas such as the F35 and Apache helicopters.

However, what concerns me is that I gave 10 billion dollars to Korea, so I feel the pressure to do something ‘popular’ in the United States. Of course, buying weapons in bulk helped me hire them, but I still had a feeling I was missing something.

The United States is a great nation.

So the whole country doesn’t feel like buying something like 10 billion dollars. People like Bill Gates have donated billions of dollars to the foundation, but they can’t think very highly of me for $10 billion. A country of different sizes

I suddenly remembered Thomas. I’ve been distracted for a while now, so I called him in to cool down my head.

“John, did you call me?”

It was Thomas who opened the door to my office a long time after he really did what he was doing. Unlike before, the fortress doesn’t look as dull as it used to be because its style has been switched to a living frame.

“Yes, what have you been up to?”

“It’s me… well. Just, uh, helping out with a project that the Pentagon is ordering.”

“I see. What can I do for you, by the way, to make Americans go crazy?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

I look at my questions as if I don’t understand them. So I had to explain briefly.

“The economy is tough these days and the people are depressed. There’s a limit to what I can personally save, and I need something to keep people cool.”

“Haha. Of course that’s… ‘Iron Man’!”

“What? Knng! Knng! Why is the Iron Man coming out of there?”

I was wrong to ask Thomas myself. I give the wrong answer. I stared at him empty-handed, and then my mouth popped open.

“Woohoo, I’m not kidding. It’s true!”

“Really? Then explain it to me.”

“You know what people need in difficult times?”

“Oh ho. What’s that?”

There is a reasonable argument. I was suddenly curious about the serious, sharp appearance I showed.

“‘Hero’, ‘hero’. Why do people love Iron Man? He’s a childhood hero. I want to be like him.”

You’re not wrong about that, are you? ‘

Thomas explains with a spit in his mouth. I saw the Iron Man movie last year, and I felt the passion.

“The Ministry of Defense said they were interested in the project. But I don’t know what’s gonna happen because I only gave him 10 million dollars.”

“Really? The Pentagon gave you that money?”

“Yes, I’m working there now. But I think there’s got to be at least a billion dollars to develop the technology in a short period of time… the Pentagon doesn’t have that kind of money.”

“A billion dollars? So you can make a real Iron Man?”

Bang, bang!

It’s Thomas, who suddenly hit his chest. Then he yells loudly.

“In fact, Iron Man is ridiculously expensive for the Pentagon. But John still needs a hero, right?”

“That’s it, yeah.”

As I answered, I looked at Thomas without even knowing it. This guy’s suddenly getting smarter. Like Thomas said, I don’t do “price competitiveness.”

Artwork Reviews

The Pentagon is known to have spent $10 million developing Iron Man suits, which they plan to use on-site around 2018.

Moreover, Hollywood’s special effects specialist Ironman was involved in the design of the suit, giving birth to a conversation. The film’s suit is inspired by technical design.

The Pentagon has already invested in similar suits, but this time it’s even more exciting because they’ve modeled the real Iron Man.

Other times, I was intrigued by the model of an experimental spacecraft that resembles the warp type of a famous American drama, “Star Trek,” to see if warp was actually possible on NASA.

Whatever it is, money is the problem. Honestly, there’s nothing the Pentagon can’t do if it’s funded. $10 million to make Iron Man, even with all that technology built up, doesn’t make any sense. I wonder what the author will look like.

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