Going Into the World!

Chapter 382

15 volumes

Star Wars

It is the title of a very well-known SF movie. On the other hand, it is the name of the space defense system that was planned when the competition between the United States and the former Soviet Union began in 1980.

Star Trek

Along with Star Wars, this American drama, called the Dual Mountains of the American Space SF system, began ten years earlier than Star Wars. Is that so? It is loved by an age group wider than Star Wars and has a thick ‘mania’ class.

Space Race

It is a ‘proper noun’ that refers to the period when the United States and the Soviet Union took national pride and moved competitively towards space from 1955 to 1972.

Because they competed for their real lives, they put the plane into space in an instant, gave birth to the first astronaut, and Apollo 11 landed on the moon.

Humans built nuclear bombs in just two years, and astronauts built them in no time. It is another dramatic example of the power of ‘competition’.

However, the human climate, which was about to conquer the universe, was prevented by the United States and the Soviet Union, with some satisfactory achievements, entering into a ‘cosmological agreement’ instead of a 1972 competition. No, it’s better to change from “fast” to “regulation speed” than to “shut it down.”

“In 1955… when? Phew.”

I put the report on my desk and burst into laughter. A report on American cosmology outlined in the Information Team and Secretarial Room for me who do not want to read a thick book contains things I did not normally think of.

The majority of Americans grew up around the beginning of the space race and into Star Trek and Star Wars.

From grandparents to grandchildren, the universe is part of American life and also part of childhood dreams.

Americans fall in love with SF dramas like “Star Trek” or “Stargate” because they don’t just think it’s silly.

As they grew up, they heard on the radio that someone had gone into space, and they watched live footage of the moon landing. And the space shuttle, Mars and other satellite expeditions would often be on TV.

That is why, unlike other people in other countries, the universe is not a different world. Nowadays, I’m just a little slow because I need some money.

“On the one hand, we went to the Moon Country, and we were doing a birdhouse exercise. ”

Compared to Korea, I smiled again. The new village movement, which Korea started to live well in order to give up its barley heads, began in the ’70s, which is the year after Apollo 11 went to the moon.

I live under the same sky, but there’s a big difference. It was a miracle that Korea had progressed this much, but the gap seemed too big.

Having been stimulated by news of SpaceX’s rapid arrival in space, I felt I needed to take a stronger position in the field.

The U.S. government is also actively involved in civilian technology in space development due to budgets and efficiency issues.

We don’t have any plans to leave the shuttle immediately, so we have to rely on Russia to deliver our luggage to the International Space Station for a while. The business environment has changed dramatically.

Overwhelming technology.

That’s why Johnston Group has been able to stand out from its competitors so far. Still, Boeing and Lockheed Martin are the top three in the universe. I felt something bad about it.

[Bring me a ‘sure’ plan that will surprise you!]

I immediately summoned the relevant executives and gave them these instructions. Some people seemed a little absurd about what I said, but I’m not sure.

Along with reports that executives were moving around in my ears, I heard that the executives had gathered experts from Johnstone Techno Center, Obvion Science, General Atomics and Consulting, and it was not long before they came to me with a comprehensive plan.

“Chairman, I’ve set a few directions as you instructed me. Let’s take a look. ”

As I take my seat in the middle of the conference room, the Director of Planning Polo sends me a report. I nod, turning one at a time, and suddenly I can see it.

Step one, launch the manned space shuttle in 2010.

Phase 2. Launch of Johnston Normandy No. 1 in 2011

Step 3: In 2012, we built the nuclear space shuttle, Johnston Normandy II.

“Huh?! What is this, a nuclear warhead? ”

Surprised, I raised my voice without even knowing it. Unlike a silent moving submarine, it was not well understood to load a “nucleus” into a spacecraft that is launched with fire from the rear hole in order to gain enormous thrust.

“As it is written. using nuclear reactors as a power source. ”

“Hold on to this. I mean, is this really possible? If this goes wrong, it’s not a loss. Is the government gonna approve it? ”

A little bit of HilNanjo’s tone came out, I don’t know. Then I quickly controlled my voice, thinking there might be something I don’t understand. Because my sidekick wouldn’t have posted a stupid and ridiculous report.

“Sir, that’s not true. We’re already working on nuclear propulsion ships in many countries. And in the United States, we have quite a long history of related projects that were first studied at Alamo Base in 1946. It’s just that we don’t have as many budgets as other sectors, so we’re not really connected to the development of spacecraft. ”

“Really?!! ”

I’m surprised again. I was thinking, “Oh, America.” Was this when my father was three in 1946? But the funny thing is that it was also insufficient in money, so it did not receive the elasticity of development. Money matters everywhere.

Continuing descriptions show that they had been conducting ongoing research while they were in conflict with the Soviet Union, but there were strange projects such as “Long Shut,” “Didilus,” and “Mini Mac Orion.”

It is also said that the Soviet rival Soviet Union has fallen short of budgets and has never tried to build anything but research.

“And as you may know, naming the project ‘Orion Renaissance’ has a special meaning. ”

Following Polo, Max, Vice President of Nuclear Affairs, at General Atomic. I am curious about something I am proud of.

“What does it mean? ”

“The project we planned at Alamo Base is called ‘Orion.’ And the director of this project is Dr. Ted Taylor from General Atomics. In a sense, the Johnstone Group is what we call aid in this field. ”

“Haha. Is that so? We’re” aid “? ”

I burst into laughter without knowing it. I became increasingly interested in the word ‘assistance’. Whether he notices the smoke blowing in my voice, Vice President Max connects the words with a more confident expression.

“Yes, it is now called ‘Orion Returns’ in the sense of restarting the Orion project we buried.”

I wanted to compliment Max on his good name sense. It made me happy with a smile because I liked it.

“We already own the Westinghouse, which produces reactors for nuclear submarines. We even have General Atomics, which used to be a research engine for space propulsion, so we have everything we need. Perhaps two companies combined to represent two thirds of the workforce in the United States. ”

“Phew. Is that how it’s gonna be? ”

The original purchase of General Atomic was for unmanned drones, and who knew if there’d been any research on nuclear propulsion spacecraft. It’s also useful if you buy things.

It is another advantage of octopus management.

The reason for buying the Westinghouse was to prevent Japan from buying a company that was leading Toshiba to produce nuclear submarine reactors, after which it shined even brighter by acquiring the Grotton Shipyard. The Johnston Nautilus was able to solve the technology needed to build it itself.

Now that ‘General Atomics’ and ‘Westinghouse’ combine ‘Obi-tail Science’, something fits perfectly. I can’t be this sophisticated.

Johnston Nautilus, prince of the sea!

Johnston Normandy, ruler of the universe!

My heart skipped again when I imagined that beautiful look. In particular, nuclear propulsion submarines are more attractive because no one has them yet.

Not just my typical nuclear propulsion submarine… but my own nuclear propulsion ship. Heheh. I feel better just thinking about it.

Unlike those pathetic satellites circling the Earth for power sources, how cool would it be if you had a spaceship that could move space freely!

Earlier this year, I acquired a defense company called Kratos that could build laser weapons. I pay particular attention to my safety these days, but if any of my hostiles across the country fire a missile at my plane, they will defend themselves.

I’ve been waiting for Boeing and Lockheed Martin to install the Airborne Laser system on my plane, but these idiots are still testing it after they decided to complete their development until last year. There was a fire and I decided to make it myself.

But what if we attached this laser system to the Normandy spacecraft? Perhaps we can shoot down enemy satellites and shoot them down if we need to, because we can roam around the Earth.

‘Damn… that’s a lot of foam, right? ’

I clenched my fist because I thought ‘Star Wars’ would come true in an instant. If I could just have one Normandy, I’d be able to eat in space.

[John Kim, chairman of the Johnstone Group, the world’s wealthiest and most advanced corporation, has vowed to usher in the cosmic age. It might sound silly if someone else had said this, but it would be different if John Kim had said it.

Because we’ve already put dozens of satellites in orbit, and it’s actually a group of Johnstones that actually own orbital SARS, which is working on spacecraft and satellite-related projects with NASA, it’s not a new story.

However, according to internal sources, he is curious about what the plan is, knowing that the budget is worth 500 billion dollars.]

[The Johnstone Group has received shocking news about the construction of nuclear warships, and has sparked an unprecedented national interest.

It was recently discovered that John Kim’s space development project included the development of the “nuclear” spacecraft, the “Johnstone Normandy.” However, after the release of the Cupcept photo of the ‘John Stone Normandy’, countries are concerned about whether the United States is involved in the development of the ‘Battleship’.

The Johnstone Group, which is already in monthly relations with the largest military company in the United States, has recently gained more credibility as it was known to acquire ‘Kratos‘, a U.S. Navy and laser weapon manufacturer.]

[Wow, is Star Wars really happening?]

[The Frigate ship in my “Mass Effect” game is actually built… I’m impressed .]

[I can finally see the Battleship in my lifetime.] So why not build a nuclear propulsion ship?]

[I know. without printing, without refueling.]

[The Department of Defense has planned the “Johnstone Normandy” as part of the next generation of missile defense systems. They’re shooting missiles from North Korea to our United States these days. to intercept it.]

Oh-ho. Where did such advanced information come from? We can float over North Korea and hit it with a tribal laser, where the missiles go up. That’s a really good idea.]

The ‘Battleship’ snow rapidly spread because of the ‘Kratos’ I bought as a ‘self-defense’ company, Lockheed Martin, who recently had a close relationship with North Korea, and the situation in which they were trying to launch missiles at the United States.

But the problem is that not only did the general public think, but the governments were sensitive to each other. In fact, the Johnston Normandy, equipped with laser weapons, is capable of neutralizing satellites, the core of military communications in each country.

I had to make up a plausible excuse. In a word, it’s a lie.

[While the nations are overreacting to the Johnstone Group’s “Battleship” construction plan, the Johnstone Group has been dismissed as being unfounded.

The nuclear propulsion spacecraft, according to relevant executives, is part of the Johnstone Group’s development project, allowing the most recent Phoenix expedition to open the true space age by shortening the time it takes 295 days to reach Mars to 30 to 90 days.

The Pentagon, on the other hand, denied the ‘Battleship’ theory that Johnstone Group had not been consulted in advance regarding the development of its spacecraft, ordered that nuclear space development would not give special meaning to Russia and China already being pursued.]

I’m even more suspicious if I say no. Let’s actively deny it in Johnston Group and the Pentagon, but let’s be frantic. Fortunately, some of the excuses from the Johnstone Group have been compromised, which is the development of Mars.

It took 295 days, only 30.

If this really is true, we can make a mark on space history. People are making a fuss with this. Whether I did or not, I was delighted to receive the ‘spotlight’ of the world.

Heheheh. It’s my taste to blow something big.

Artwork Reviews

The Air Bone Laser System, a laser missile intercept system project that began with a $1.1 billion business expense in 1996, was tested and delivered to the Department of Defense in 2006 after its development in 2002.

Since then, Lockheed Martin has supplied missile detection and control systems and Boeing has constructed an unfortunate 747 aircraft with a blunt beak shape at the front of the aircraft.

It’s pretty good compared to what we’ve done in the last six or seven years with experiments. Physical photos have been posted in the settings field.

Kratos was interested in the news of a laser weapon delivered to the U.S. Navy that successfully shot down an airplane. It only cost a dollar to shoot a laser once. Instead, the laser system itself is expensive, but I think it will be fast if the unit price is lower.

Orion, a nuclear propulsion spacecraft project originated in 1946 in Alamo, the American nuclear test base, was actually launched by Dr. Ted Taylor at General Atomics in 1958. Then there were several baby projects as listed in the text.

In 2009, Russia announced it would launch a nuclear space shuttle by 2017. But this time last month, there was also an article that said China was at the end of its nuclear space development. Of course, NASA in the United States is developing nuclear propulsion ships through NASA.

Nuclear propulsion ships, which were buried for a while under the USSR nuclear proliferation treaty in 1963 (no nuclear tests except underground), were ‘returned’ by heatstrokes leading to China > Russia > the United States. The writer felt a bit terrified for a moment… but I’m still worried that the Wool Country still talks about the other universe.

It took 335 days when Viking first went to Mars in 1976. 36 years later, it took Curiosity 253 days to reach Mars 2012. We just shortened it by 82 days.

On the other hand, experts say the development of nuclear fusion spacecraft can reduce this period to 30 to 90 days. And it’s not a continuous morning, of course, but it’s just beginning.

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