Going Into the World!

Chapter 70

Rooted Tree

Lachlan Murdock didn’t feel well after hearing what she said to her father. During the new year, I was okay with my first return to Gold as Vice President at headquarters in New York.

However, even though I worked willingly from morning to evening to show you something for the past month, even though I said I was working hard in my own way, it was not easy to do my role properly because of the elaborate interference of my father’s side.

I have been working as Hong Kong’s star TV since ’95, and have thought of running newspaper, magazine and other media companies in Australia to show me something.

At one time, I thought I knew my father’s company well because I had learned to work as a director at headquarters, but the atmosphere changed after taking an important position.

I thought I’d finally gotten the recognition of the Crown Prince, but my father’s side doesn’t take Lachlan lightly.

What are you talking about? Are you sticking with James? Then the winner is already decided! If I take my place, you’re all dead meat! ’

Lachlan grins and slits her throat with her hand. I don’t like trouble, but it bothers me.

“Wow, that’s some crazy shit. How did you get to Sir Izzie?” Lachlan screams, leaning against the back of the chair.

What Lachlan’s father built was once said to be a kingdom. The original revolt of the Amtuna shamans surrounding the Crown Prince was somewhat understood by Lachlan who had studied the Theory of Caesarean. Although frustrating, the behavior of those who value their own interests or who push their younger siblings is not unexpected.

What’s ridiculous is what happened last year. He often went to China, where he stood by the Chinese government to debate for Asian businesses.

I recently spoke to the Western world media like a spokesperson for the Chinese government about why the movement “Parun Palace” is so bad and why it is necessary to oppress political organizations beyond its purest purpose, and this good relationship established its place in China and Hong Kong.

“Shit, this is all good. It doesn’t matter what you give or take. Just pretend to be a gentle helper and forget the eggs. I don’t care. But… Aaaah! ”

Lachlan screams out of nowhere.

“Damn you! Shit! Shit! You’re a feisty little bitch. ”

“Boom! Boom!” Lachlan smashes his desk.

“This Chinese bitch is after my property! If you rolled in, you should have just eaten the decent bread! ”

A Lachlan who gets even more aggravated by his own anger as he speaks.

The father of Lachlan, Rupert Murdock, divorced his mother more than 30 years ago. Okay, let’s say you can get a divorce. Well, he’s not a very good husband.

What the hell is this? A little over three weeks after he got divorced, he married a Chinese woman named Wendi Deng who was executive in Hong Kong.

“How can you do that in three weeks after you broke up with your mother? What did this Chinese bitch do? “

I treat my stepmother with a smile on the outside because of my father holding the company tightly, but I pour all kinds of swearing every day inside.

‘Maybe she’s a spy from the Chinese government. What talent did you play under the bed that your father fell for? Shit.’

Yeah, let’s say my dad’s been hanging out with a young woman in his old age. Even that can be forgiven. The problem was that the stepmother who came like this became pregnant. It was unthinkable at my father’s age.

“Well, that’s a nice name for Grace. Yeah, for you, Grace, but for me, it’s a déjàster. ”

When my mother divorced me, I thought about my children, so I made sure to distribute my property. The inheritance was only stamped on divorce papers after making sure they were stamped on documents that were centered on the current children.

According to the inner servants, a pregnant new mother is trying to seduce her father and the heir. There, the father nods his head to find a way to have a baby late.

“Hello? Is that Jeff? ”

I was furious, and my cousin Jeff called me.

“Lachlan, how are you? You don’t sound so good. ”

“Really? I’m a little pissed off. What’s going on? ”

“No, it’s not different. I have a temper, too. Maybe you and I have a connection. ”

“Huff. Are you and I level? The little guy wants to play with the little guy. But what’s going on? ”

I have a big age difference, but I’m nervous about saying it at the same level, so I stop trying to say something.

“You know that Chinese guy, John, from before? ”

“What’s wrong with him?” Lachlan is allergic to the word China.

“Hmmm. I met him today. But he’s totally ignoring me. I brought an expensive sports car, and she was wearing women next to her. She was a pretty girl who opened her eyes to Chuck. ”

Jeff complains that it’s unfair to talk subtly.

‘I never lied to you. You ignored me because you didn’t say a word. The car looks expensive at first glance, but from the sound of it, it’s a sports car. You were with three women, so you were right about the girls next to you. Jennifer, you’re right. She’s a bright girl. I mean, I’ve really reduced the chances of lying, right? ’

I feel pathetic for saying it to myself, but I feel like I’m being too honest.

“What kind of a person does that? You’re lucky if you get better, but you ignore people? You were wearing beautiful women next to each other? ”

“The woman next to me was amazing. It’s like being a movie star with a lot of volume and a lot of visibility. ”

“It’s a habit for him to acquire the film company. I knew the Chinese were trouble everywhere. So the article I wrote was a perfect match, right? You’ve been carrying actresses around already? Hah! Oh my. Funny guy.”

Lachlan clenches his tongue with a wild guess. If you just listen to Jeff, you’ll get the wrong idea. I still have a bad feeling about the Chinese, but after hearing Jeff’s story, it’s like gassing the fire.

“Your prediction was right. Why would a guy who runs an Internet venture suddenly buy a movie company? Obviously. Shouldn’t you be beating him up, by the way? ”

“Of course. It fits the butt. This time, I’ll send you on a feature. Tsk, tsk.”

Jeff and Lachlan grumble as they greet each other.


“Ugh! My whole body feels so sad. It’s very realistic that it won’t come out. ”

I come to work at 7 in the morning, and I usually have to work at 10 in the morning. We’ve had to be thoroughly prepared to negotiate with America online, so we’re doing background and character research in our own way, and we’re calculating a number of cases and discussing countermeasures.

This kind of negotiation is when you are careless for a moment and go back and forth from billions of won to billions of won. No matter how experienced you are, you cannot ignore it. If you save that much for a week, it’s like tens of millions of won per hour.

“Ms. Grant, I got a new cup of coffee. ”

“Oh, thank you. Katie, I didn’t think there was enough coffee. Haha.”

Katie is the new assistant. As the company grew, it seemed like Eva was short of one secretary, and Crimson replenished two, so there are now three. There are three working hours remaining from morning to evening, with Eva mainly there in the evening.

Another was a Korean Jessica who now had large companies operating under the Johnstone Group, and the Americas in Johnstone Construction also started coming into the building and needed a Korean speaking secretary.

I feel comfortable with Eva showing me a good example. Eva always brings me coffee a few times a day, and her senior Eva does that every day, so Katie and Jessica follow behind her.

“Heh heh. It feels good to have three different beauties serving coffee.” ’

It is no longer an asset or employee size company that it was a year ago. Despite South Korean companies and newly acquired polygrams, new employees grow differently every day as Google or Mayway grows. There are not many secretaries of this size.

When the company suddenly grew up, Mr. Crimson was primarily in charge of the secretarial and management support offices that took care of the company, and the planning room was taking apart and looking for new people.

‘Mr. Crimson has really good eyes, by the way. I liked you from the beginning, but you work well and count my heart. ’

I can’t just say that I’m his secretary. Well, it’s okay, but it’s not okay. Of course, it should be based on abilities, but it is good to call it the Da Hong Chi Ma, but the two chosen by Mr. Crimson did not give up on expectations either.

Katie and Jessica also have fun body and face. Heh heh.

I was conducting a final inspection of the strategy for the past few days, reflecting on the clarity of the morning, and Mr. Crimson brought me the report.

“Chairman, I have the research report you mentioned last time. Let’s read it. ”

“Oh! Is that about the newspaper article? ”

“Yes, that seems a little malicious. I don’t think it just came out that way. ”

[Lachlan Murdock, the eldest of the two sons and daughters of Rupert Murdock, was first appointed to the Operations Director of a newspaper in Australia at the age of 22, starting at the age of 18 in the Daily Mirror.

He was promoted to Senior Executive Officer of News Limited and parent company News Corporation at the age of 24, and has been responsible for Hong Kong’s “Star TV” since ’95. He also operates newspapers and various media companies based in Australia on his father’s behalf.

Although he was under one year in competition for James and his successor, he is considered to have gained a favorable position as he rises to office this year. Some people say they tend to be a little self-centered and selfish when they hear the criticism of ‘cheapskate villains’.]

“No, Lachlan Murdock? What’s wrong with him? ”

“Yes. The last ridiculous article you mentioned came from a company run by Lachlan Murdock. And secretly, it looks like there’s been a lot of bad rumors going around in that company, and then other places followed a rather critical press release. ”

“What? No, what’s wrong with him? ”

“I don’t know why exactly. We’re currently hiring detectives to find out more. This is the middle report.”

I’m working on it to see if I thought I’d direct the investigation.

[Rupert Murdock was born in Melbourne, Australia, where he graduated from Oxford University and successfully expanded his business by running a news limit established by Murdock’s father. Since then, it has grown into a media boom, including acquisition of Australian newspapers such as’ Australian ‘,‘ Daily Mirror ’and‘ Sunday Times’ and consumption of New Zealand’s ‘Dominion’ paper. Other Australian music and other media companies also acquired in turn.

In ’68, he entered the UK and acquired The Sun. At that time, the medium-sized newspaper transformed The Sun into a celebrity newspaper tablet, which grew to become a daily newspaper of 10 million subscribers.

Starting with the acquisition of the famous‘ Times’ and ‘Sunday Times’, he established a solid position in the UK, and once again grew rapidly under the protection of the Conservation Party, especially with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and his relatives, and successfully switched to Tony Blair’s Labor Party at the end of the regime.

Personally, he is known as Jacob Rothschild’s 30-year best friend, who is part of Europe’s largest celebrity.]

“Wow, this guy’s dad is amazing. If I run a company or a résumé, I’ll get a book. ”

“Yes. Apparently Rupert Murdock is famous and notorious. In the media, it’s probably a deep tree. It’s been 27 years since I entered the United States, although not as much as Britain and Australia. We have Fox News and other media companies in several local newspapers and magazines, including The New York Post. ”

Oh my… My head hurts from hearing this. Even if I hand over the report, this is too much for me to take the time to read.

He’s already 70 years old. It was a blue life. By the way, I think I wrote a few books. ’

I read the report slowly after Mr. Crimson left, and it taught me a lot.

“You said you had things to learn from your enemies, and this man has offered me a path. How many companies do you have? I guess you don’t know either. ”

In my opinion, the company’s subsidiaries and connected equities add up to a hundred small ones. Now I’ve divided it among my two daughters, son-in-law and sons, but they’ll all be divided if they die. I’ve lived a long life.

‘No, there’s a problem with that. I liked the octopus, but it’s not much money, is it? ’

According to Google, personal property ranks in the top 50. The company may be numerous and influential, but it seems to be pushed back by the IT financials that have emerged in the past decade or by traditional prestige.

“Yes! I have to go after Jill and Yang at the same time. With at least a million employees, number one on the list is property! ”

This report gives me a stimulus for wanting to loosen up. So, why is Lachlan Murdock playing like that?

Artwork Reviews

I went through all the newspaper articles to understand Murdock’s family and characters. Especially Murdock’s children and in-depth articles on succession plots. About 20 chapters of difficult English came out and took a lot of time to decipher.

Comfort the writer with a triple pack…

It’s almost the weekend. I’m not sure if the writer will be able to use his strength to sweep the next side or stay up late sleeping. My head hurts and my fingers hurt a little. When you’re young, you play a lot of games, you touch your computer too much, and you get the sequelae.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.