Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 109 - A Soft Kiss (1)

Chapter 109: A Soft Kiss (1)

Translator: asassin

“If Mo Jing Li does collaborate from within with Nan Zhao, it is treason he’ll commit. He won’t do that!” Feng Zhi Yao gritted his teeth and said. What Ye Li had said was a big shock to him. If Mo Jing Li did act as she predicted, the consequences would be disastrous. “Ah Yao?” Feng Zhi Yao turned to Mo Xiu Yao, who was lost in his thought, hoping that he would agree with him.

With a slight frown, Mo Xiu Yao seemed not to hear him, staring at the map that was put in front of them by Ye Li in a daze. After a good while, he said with indifference: “I think he might do that if he is forced to the wall. Feng San, I need news about Nan Zhao, as detailed as possible.”

Feng Zhi Yao nodded and said: “I see. I’ll get it to you in half a month. Do… the one in the palace need to know about this?”

Mo Xiu Yao shook his head and said: “If he knows about it, he may well lead a troop down to the south.”

Mo Jing Qi hated it the most when someone coveted his country. If he did learn about what they had guessed, he would have forced Mo Jing Li to commit treason even if he didn’t want to.

Feng Zhi Yao asked with confusion: “If Mo Jing Li does want to commit treason, won’t it be better if we get rid of him before he is fully fledged?”

Mo Xiu Yao sighed slightly: “If we start a war against Nan Zhao right now, it would only make the emperor of Nan Zhao and the Holy Princess let go of their disputes and direct their attacks against us. However, meanwhile, we might be faced with the attacks from both Xi Ling and Bei Rong. I wanted to get rid of Xi Ling or Bei Rong first, but it seems right now I am left with no choice but to deal with Nan Zhao first.”

“Getting rid of?” Both Feng Zhi Yao and Ye Li looked at Mo Xiu Yao, bewildered that he already had a solution for Nan Zhao in such a short time.

Mo Xiu Yao said with a frown: “If Nan Zhao finds it boring, let’s get it busy. I remember Brother Xu said he was good friends with the inheritress of Nan Zhao?”

Ye Li nodded slightly. Since Xu Qing Chen told them that directly, he didn’t intend to hide that from them.

Mo Xiu Yao raised his brows and smiled: “Well, that Mo Jing Li supports the Holy Princess of Nan Zhao secretly and Mo Jing Qi, as the emperor of Great Chu has always been friendly with Nan Zhao… it won’t be a problem if Great Chu assists the royal family of Nan Zhao a bit. Feng San, don’t let the news about Jing Li out yet and don’t let Mo Jing Qi know about it.”

Feng Zhi Yao nodded with a smile: “That’s a good idea. But… Mo Jing Qi won’t listen to you.”

In fact, Mo Xiu Yao couldn’t put forward any suggestions to Mo Jing Qi since Mo Jing Qi wouldn’t take any of those. However, Mo Xiu Yao wasn’t worried about that.

“There are people whose suggestions he is going to listen to. Besides, about Scattered Snow Pass… it must be defended by someone qualified. Which general is at Scattered Snow Pass right now?”

“General Guan Ting.” Feng Zhi Yao answered.

“If I remember accurately… Guan Ting hasn’t won a single war in his whole life.” Mo Xiu Yao said with a frown. Though Guan Ting wasn’t related to the Army of Mo Family, he knew the name.

Feng Zhi Yao raised his brows with a sneer: “In fact, he has only been in three wars so far. The first two wars that he was in, he benefited a lot from the military commendation of General Murong’s as a deputy general. The last one was suppressing bandits. Yes… he defeated 800 bandits at Dragoncoil Mountain, with 5000 soldiers while 1700 of them died, but it was still a success. Besides, the last time he was on a battlefield was some seven years ago. And… most importantly, Your Highness, he has hatred for you.”

“I surely remember that.” Of course, Mo Xiu Yao remembered.

In the past when Guan Ting went to suppress bandits at Dragoncoil Mountain, he was bent on having his own way and wouldn’t listen to any opinions from his subordinates. In three days, over a thousand of his soldiers died before he even went near the bandits’ camp. At that time, Mo Xiu Yao was out on a mission and was nearby so he went to check on Guan Ting and saw him asking his soldiers to use themselves as a shield to attack the bandits’ camp. Back then, Mo Xiu Yao wasn’t as good-tempered and beaten Guan Ting up at the spot. Sure enough, after that, Mo Xiu Yao was reprimanded by his brother as well.

“Try to put someone else in his place. I don’t want to see that idiot at Scattered Snow Pass.” Mo Xiu Yao said.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. He grew up with Mo Jing Qi and was his man. I guess Mo Jing Qi has placed him at Scattered Snow Pass to keep Mo Jing Li in check.” Feng Zhi Yao shrugged.

Mo Xiu Yao glanced at him coldly and said: “Feng San, let that fool leave Scattered Snow Pass in a month. I don’t care how you do it.”

Getting a threatening look from Mo Xiu Yao, Feng Zhi Yao got rid of his playful expression and said with all seriousness, who was one step away from making a vow to the heaven: “Yes, Your Highness. I think Mo Jing Li will have quite some interest in Guan Ting. But… who could take his place? Not one of our men. It won’t do. Mo Jing Qi won’t let that happen.”

“General Murong.” After pondering for a good while, Mo Xiu Yao said: “General Murong has been in the capital for over two years. Though Mo Jing Qi claimed to show solicitude for General Murong because of the contributions he made at the frontier, we both know it isn’t a good thing to keep a general in the capital for long. It will only take toll on his will to fight.”

“Mo Jing Qi won’t doubt General Murong, will he?” Feng Zhi Yao asked.

General Murong was way qualified than that loser Guan Ting. How would anyone let a general who could win wars sit on the cold bench and appoint an idiot instead?

“No. He just trusts Guan Ting more than he does General Murong. Get Guan Ting back and I’ll deal with General Murong.”

“No problem, Your Highness.”

After seeing Feng Zhi Yao off, the small study went back to its old quietness. Ye Li leaned lazily on the chair, looking at Mo Xiu Yao who was still studying the map on the table. The time they had been together let Ye Li know enough about this man. To her, he seemed to be a man who was used to take precautions more than everybody could imagine. “Aren’t you tired? What if what you are worried about never happens?”

Mo Xiu Yao looked up at her and smiled slightly: “It’ll be best if nothing happens.”

“If you tire yourself to death, who is going to deal with what happens next?”

His lips curved in a smile. As he put the map away, he said: “I never intend to tire myself to death. Besides, I have you now, don’t I? And… I’m only doing what I should do when I’m still alive. If I’m dead… then what will become of this world, what will become of Great Chu has nothing to do with me any longer.”

Ye Li was at a loss for word. Ever since Mo Xiu Yao found out that she was better at dealing with accounts, he wouldn’t handle them using his health conditions as an excuse. No matter it was the accounts of the inner manor or outer manner, even the accounts of the Army of Mo Family were left to her which gave her a more accurate idea why the royal family felt so threatened by Prince Ding’s Manor. In a month, from what she had learned, Ye Li didn’t know whether Prince Ding’s Manor was more abundant than the national treasury, but she was sure Mo Xiu Yao was more wealthy than Mo Jing Qi. Though the Army of Mo Family was supported by the royal court, Ye Li believed that even without its provisions, Prince Ding’s Manor was able to provide for both the Army of Mo Family and the Hidden Could Soldiers, concluding from the accounts she received from Mo Xiu Yao, which included gold, silver and bronze mines all across Great Chu and numerous lands and properties. No emperor would remain calm and without stress knowing that he was poorer than his subordinate. What end did those who had wealth equivalent to that of an entire nation come to? Look what sorry state Shen Wan San of Ming dynasty ended up in. (Translator’s note: Shen Wan San was the most wealthy business man in the beginning of Ming dynasty who was exiled by the emperor to a poor place because his wealth drew fire on himself.)

When the court descended into a turbulent state because of the open fight and covert maneuver between the emperor and empress dowager, it seemed a trifle that General Guan Ting, who defended Scattered Snow Pass accidentally fell off his horse while hunting with one of his legs broken stepped on by his horse but in fact it had secretly added tension to the relationship between the emperor and Prince Li. The question that who should take the position to guard Scattered Snow Pass had set off yet another fierce debate. But Prince Ding’s Manor, the one that had started this mess remained out of everyone’s attention, quiet and peaceful.

In a quiet and comfortable bedroom decorated in good taste, a middle-aged man was taking Mo Xiu Yao’s pulses by the bed. The middle-aged man was scholarly and refined but his eyes were sharp with an unrestrained and unyielding look. He looked more like a roving brave who led a wandering life than a doctor.

“His Highness told me that the prescription from last year didn’t work anymore?” The middle-aged man said with a frown.

Doctor He, who usually treated Mo Xiu Yao was standing there as well and answered: “Yes. That prescription stopped working as soon as winter came. Mr. Shen, His Highness’s condition…”

The middle-aged man was exactly the most famous doctor of Great Chu, Shen Yang, who said with a frown: “Show me the current prescription.” Doctor He hurriedly gave him the current prescription. After reading through it, Shen Yang raised his brows and said: “This prescription… would do. But, it surprises me that you didn’t use any painkiller.” Ever since he started to treat Mo Xiu Yao after Doctor He, he got to know Doctor He who was a military doctor better so he knew how he usually prescribed. Nobody would know how painful Mo Xiu Yao felt whenever his condition came except Mo Xiu Yao, Doctor He and him. Doctor He had a tender heart so it surprised Shen Yang that he didn’t prescribe a painkiller.

Doctor He said, a little embarrassed: “I did prescribe a painkiller but My Lady was against it so…”

Only by then did Shen Yang notice Ye Li, who was standing there without a word. If Ye Li wanted to, she could remain unnoticed as long as she would like to. Though Shen Yang knew that Prince Ding had married a princess this year, he didn’t notice what she looked like when all this time she stood behind him. Looking up at Ye Li, Shen Yang praised: “My Lady, your decision was right. Without the painkiller, His Highness would indeed suffer more but he would not be left with any disturbing sequelae. Besides, it will take longer before the next condition hits him which is why I insist on not using painkillers. This room is nice. His Highness could make do with it for another two or three years if nothing goes wrong.”

Hearing that from him, no one in the room looked happy. Because what Shen Yang had said meant his journey to the east sea to find the phoenix grass was a failure.

Doctor He, however, was still hopeful and asked: “Mr. Shen, the phoenix grass…”

Shen Yang shook his head with pity and said: “Phoenix grass does work on the toxin but is bad for His Highness’s health. Therefore, it is better that we wait for the Fiery Lotus. Of course, I’ll look into other treatments in these two years.”

Mo Xiu Yao leaned on the bed and asked calmly: “Phoenix grass is bad for my health?”

Shen Yang nodded and said: “It does improve your health, Your Highness, but it doesn’t eliminate the toxin. Instead, it contends with the toxin with its own toxin. Once it isn’t under my control, you will not only suffer from the old toxin but a new toxin as well. By then… even with the Fiery Lotus the toxin can’t be cured.”

Doctor He was curious and asked: “Don’t these two toxins eliminate each other?”

Shen Yang answered a little unhappily: “That’s right but their effects won’t vanish. In fact, most toxins exist together and might form an even trickier toxin.”

Mo Xiu Yao nodded and said: “Well, thank you for going to the east sea, Mr. Shen. After all this time, I can wait two more years. Mr. Shen, you are here as soon as you’re back. Better go and have some rest.”

Shen Yang looked at Mo Xiu Yao who was as calm as ever with praise. He nodded and said: “Your Highness, you have the estrongest will I’ve ever seen. Your Highness, My Lady, please set your mind at ease. Though I’m not good enough to help you get rid of your toxin, before the Fiery Lotus is ripe, I’ll make sure you are safe. Tomorrow I’ll make a new prescription for you, Your Highness. Your condition doesn’t get worse this year so I think you will be okay after it turns warmer.”

Ye Li nodded and said: “Thank you, Mr. Shen. Chief Steward Mo, take Mr. Shen to the guest room and let him have some rest.”

Chief Steward Mo answered and invited Shen Yang and Doctor He out.

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