Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 128 - The Frontier (77.3)

Chapter 128: The Frontier (77.3)

Translator: asassin

“Who it is that dares to make our Mr. Jun Wei angry?”

Secret Guard No.3 was about to act when a lazy tone as smooth as silk reached them from upstairs. Looking up, Ye Li saw a beautiful man in a cozy crimson gauze robe leaning on the rails upstairs who played the coquette in his every move. The devil! Glancing over, that vulgar man who was struck dumb with and drooling over his beauty, Ye Li looked at Young Master Feng Yue who tried to charm her with his smile with a headache. “Brother Han, why are you here?”

Han Ming Xi jumped over the rail and landed on the stairs lightly with a smile as he said: “Well… I’ve thought it over, and still can’t let you go to such a dangerous place by yourself. Besides, you need a guide, don’t you? So, I volunteer my service.”

Ye Li can’t help rolling her eyes at him. “Brother Han, do you even know the way to Nan Zhao?”

“Don’t look down upon me.” Han Ming Xi said as he looked at Ye Li resentfully: “I’ve been to Nan Zhao at least seven or eight times. I won’t get lost with my eyes closed. Besides, I can protect you. Look at you, running into a lecher before you even leave Great Chu.”

Ye Li said with clenched teeth: “Brother Han, I’m a man!”

Han Ming Xi raised his brows in surprise. Giggling, he covered his mouth with a folding fan as he said: “Jun Wei, you are still too young. Who said a man won’t run into a lecher? Who do you think that fool over there is?”

That stupid and vulgar young man was nodding violently with a drooling mouth, the sight of which churned Ye Li’s stomach. She turned away and glared at Han Ming Xi angrily. She used to think he was only into women. However, it seemed both men and women were his target.

“Jun Wei, don’t take me wrong. Even if I’m into men, I won’t fall for someone like that. At least… it has to be a handsome lord like you.” Blinking at Ye Li, he was going to pinch her face. Ye Li wouldn’t let that happen. Snapping shut her folding fan, she knocked his wrist with it. Han Ming Xi turned gloomy at once.

Walking slowly down the stairs, he glanced at those men from Nan Zhao lazily. “Are you leaving by yourselves or do you want me to send you out?”

That vulgar young man walked forward with an obsequious smile: “My Lord, are you going to Nan Zhao as well? I’m the young lord of Luoyi Clan. I can show you around Nan Zhao.” Though he tried to speak in a genteel manner like those of Great Chu, with his bleary small eyes, skinny body which looked like a skeleton covered by skin and smiles only he felt good about, he gave others the creeps.

Ye Li’s lips twitched and she mourned for Han Ming Xi for his unfortunate love affair as she pulled Secret Guard No.3 to her side. If someone was going to come forward, they didn’t have to do it themselves.

Han Ming Xi’s flower-shaped eyes twitched and he spat out two words without any expression: “Get out.”

He was a romantic all right, but he wasn’t like that with men. Even if he was into men, he would be picky about his men.

This young man who called himself the young lord of Luoyi Clan was deeply wounded. His protective feelings for the beauty turned into anger at once. “Kill those two and take him!”

Ye Li was surprised. A while ago he wanted Secret Guard No.3 killed and her taken. Now that Han Ming Xi was here, he wanted her killed as well and Han Ming Xi taken? What is this?

Han Ming Xi’s lips curved in a cold sneer: “Get out of this place immediately! Or do you want General Murong himself to see you off?”

Hearing that, the young man finally became hesitant. Under the persuasion of his subordinates, he left a curse and fled in no time.

The hall went back to silence. The old innkeeper stood up behind the counter with greatest care knowing that no fight was started, apologizing to the remaining guests. Ye Li went upstairs and told Secret Guard No.3 in a small voice to give the innkeeper more money as a compensation when checking out.

Han Ming Xi listened to her as he followed. He chuckled: “Jun Wei, you have a tender heart. That old innkeeper has been running inns here for decades. He has seen it all. You don’t think he was really intimidated, do you?”

Glancing at him. Ye Li said indifferently: “It is a fact that his guests left because of us. It’s nothing to do with him. Besides… Brother Han, this is my room.”

Han Ming Xi smiled: “Jun Wei, aren’t you going to invite me to tea?”

“Why didn’t you have tea at the hall?”

Han Ming Xi curled his lips with dislike: “It isn’t a suitable place for an elegant man like me. Besides… I won’t want to be poisoned half way through my tea. Aren’t you lucky, running into the fearful Sick Scholar as soon as you are here.”

Ye Li raised her brows, letting him in and asked: “You know him? What is he doing in Nan Zhao?”

Han Ming Xi shrugged. Leaning pleasantly on the chair with both of his hands behind his head, he said: “Who knows. He almost died a few years ago because of Prince Ding. It was the first master of the Hall of Darkness who stepped forward himself and saved him. The Sick Scholar hasn’t been seen around for quite a few years. Now that he is here… Huh, everywhere he goes, he leaves victims lament and blood flow like a river. Don’t fall into his traps, Jun Wei. Better stay away from him.”

Ye Li nodded offhandedly, her mind already on something else. “I won’t have anything to do with him since I don’t know him. But you, Brother Han, don’t you need to run Cool Breeze Bright Moon House? How do you have the time to come here?”

Han Ming Xi sneers: “Cool Breeze Bright Moon House doesn’t need me. I’m better off watching over you, Jun Wei. After all… your Grace Fume Pavilion is my only concern. If anything happens to you, I’ll suffer great losses.” He said in a serious manner while his charming eyes looked playful.

Ye Li looked at him calmly. “I have very important business in Nan Zhao. It is inconvenient to bring you with me.”

“It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to look out for me. I can look after myself. If you ask me to go up the mountain of blades, I won’t go down the sea of fire. What do you say?” He flashed a bright smile. “Besides, I’m very important. Don’t you want the information of Tianyi Pavilion? With me by your side, you can access its information at anytime and anywhere, more convenient than waiting for it to come to you.”

Ye Li looked at him without a word for a good while before she finally spoke: “I’m afraid Master Ming Yue will kill me if he knows I get his younger brother into danger.”

The moment she brought up his brother, Han Ming Xi’s good mood disappeared. He snorted coldly: “Don’t mention him to me. He doesn’t remember he has a younger brother. Sooner or later, he is going to die in… hum! By then, I’ll bury him.”

Ye Li was moved. Though she had set up Han Ming Yue and got away safely, her guards were still up. However, Han Ming Xi, who looked extremely like Han Ming Yue, never gave her such feelings. It was probably due to Han Ming Yue’s ability to build Cool Breeze Bright Moon House and Tianyi Pavilion all by himself, or his old scores with Mo Xiu Yao which nobody can explain clearly or the fact that he was the first one who did threat her.

Looking at Han Ming Xi who was still angry without batting an eyelid, Ye Li said softly: “Go to him if you are worried about him. You don’t have to travel with me. It’s dangerous. Besides, you’ll regret it if anything happens to Master Ming Yue.”

Han Ming Xi stilled for a second before a smile appeared on his face again. “Nothing will happen to him. There aren’t many people in this world who can harm him. Besides, he doesn’t want my help. I’m only a trouble to him.”

Supporting her chin, Ye Li looked at him with a smile: “I thought you were on good terms.”

Han Ming Xi snorted slightly: “In a word, I’m going to Nan Zhao with you even if you don’t want me to. As for my big brother, you don’t have to worry about him. Cool Breeze Bright Moon House won’t run out of business any time soon without him.”

Ye Li shrugged as if she didn’t care. She might raise his suspicion if she said too much. Since they were going to stay together for quite a long time in the near future, she would find a way to figure out where Han Ming Yue was. She didn’t forget that Han Ming Yue nearly ruined her reputation for some woman that was related to Mo Xiu Yao. Who said she couldn’t bear a grudge after an apology was made? She simply didn’t want to rush her revenge. As for using Han Ming Xi… Ye Li looked at the man who was laughing at her flirtatiously. Well, he was the brother of Han Ming Yue, besides, it was him who came to her.

Seeing that Ye Li didn’t object anymore, Han Ming Xi went into raptures. He started to plan their trip happily. “Jun Wei, I’ve been to Nan Zhao multiple times. We can go to Ashen Mountain first, then head west along Qing Ming River where we can see Phoenix flower and the lantern festival before we arrive in the capital of Nan Zhao. What do you think?”

Ye Li looked at him coldly. “Brother Han, I thought you knew out schedule was tight. Do you think we can arrive in the capital of Nan Zhao at the end of May if we follow your plan?”

Han Ming Xi’s face dropped. He said unhappily: “Well, let’s go to the capital first. After you finish your business, we can go to the lantern festival.”

Looking at the pitiable Han Ming Xi, Ye Li felt her forehead throbbing. Pushing him out angrily, Ye Li raised her brows at Secret Guard No.3 who looked at her, worried. “What?”

Secret Guard No.3 said with a frown: “My Lord, Mr. Han…” Neither of them knew Han Ming Xi, however, they knew Han Ming Yue well, who was extremely difficult. As Han Ming Yue’s brother, Han Ming Xi can’t be good either. More importantly… Han Ming Xi had a notorious reputation. If the princess stayed with him for too long… Secret Guard No.3 shuddered when he thought of a possible consequence.

Ye Li said, resigned: “It is good and bad taking him with us. But since he’s here, it won’t be easy to get rid of him.” The information network of Tianyi Pavilion covered every corner of this world. Besides, there was this one kind of person who wouldn’t walk away at all when he was beaten up but would pester you whenever you wanted to get rid of him. Clearly, Han Ming Xi was one of those boring guys.

Waving her hand, Ye Li said: “Don’t worry. Let’s not think about that for now. Find big brother first when we arrive in Nan Zhao. Secret Guard No.2 should have found him by now, right?”

Secret Guard No.3 nodded: “He’s good at finding people. He left before we did so he has probably found Mr. Xu already.”

Ye Li said with a nod: “Take Han Ming Xi then. Pay attention to No.2’s clues after we are in Nan Zhao. Let’s go to big brother first.”

“Yes, My Lord.”

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