Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 134 - The Sick Scholar’s Threat (79.3)

Chapter 134: The Sick Scholar’s Threat (79.3)
Translator: asassin
“Refuse?” The Sick Scholar didn’t expect that. Pausing for a moment, he looked at Ye Li with more threat. “Are you sure, Mr. Chu?”

Ye Li gave him a smile as she put down the teacup and said: “I heard about you a few days ago. Besides, I know nobody is better with poison than you are. But… if you don’t intend to use a poison which can kill me instantly, I don’t suggest you to do it.”

“What do you mean?” He looked at Ye Li menacingly.

Looking down at her hands on her knees, she said in a small voice: “I’ve heard you’ve hurt your hear by accident several years ago, haven’t you? Though I don’t know that kind of injury well, I have my own opinion. In my humble view, you’d better not strike if you can’t kill your enemy in a flip of your fingers since… your heart won’t be able to stand it, will it?”

His murderous intent almost came true for a slight moment. He said with gritted teeth: “Are you sure I can’t kill you?”

Ye Li smiled. “Try if you may, My Lord.”

Of course, he wouldn’t. This Chu Jun Wei who didn’t strike a single time on this trip didn’t seem to master strong internal energy. However, his instinct told him this calm young man wasn’t simple at all. Besides, there was a menacing Han Ming Xi as well, with a strong guard who hadn’t showed up yet.

Leaning on a chair and supporting half of his handsome cheek with a hand, Han Ming Xi gazed at the grim Sick Scholar then blinked at Ye Li who was all smiles as if he had heard some big secret.

“Huh, you are something, Mr. Chu. However… I don’t think you have a chance to say no now.” The Sick Scholar sneered.

“What do you mean?” Han Ming Xi asked with narrowed eyes.

The Sick Scholar answered: “I guess Mr. Liang isn’t in our lodge now after I’ve left.”

“Did you do this on purpose?” Han Ming Xi asked.

Nodding, the Sick Scholar said: “Yes. Liang is here for Luoyi Clan. Those clansmen weren’t here to find fault with us but to meet him.”

With a frown, Han Ming Xi asked: “So what?”

The Sick Scholar snorted slightly: “What do you think? He has achieved his purpose so he’s going to… Isn’t everything they did going to be for nothing if we run away?”

“Was it your idea that Zheng Kui invited us on this trip?” Ye Li looked at the Sick Scholar as she asked calmly.

“That’s right. Zheng Kui thought he was keeping guard for Liang on a business trip to Nan Zhao. I told him it was a good idea to travel with you, who are good with martial arts. To be honest… I didn’t want to pick you guys at first. However, I don’t have many choices since few will come here at this time of year and I need someone who’s good at martial arts. Besides, Mr. Han, we have our past, don’t we?”

Han Ming Xi smiled as he said: “I’m more curious about why you don’t have anyone from the Hall of Darkness with you this time. I believe a lot of men of the Hall of Darkness are willing to go through fire and water for you.”

The Sick Scholar turned dark and he said coldly: “It’s a personal business.”

Standing up, Ye Li went to the window and looked out at the pouring rain before she turned around and said: “What it is that Mr. Liang has that gets you through all the trouble?”

“It is better if you don’t know about it, Mr. Chu. The less you know, the safer you are. I won’t do anything to you guys for Mr. Han’s sake.” The Sick Scholar promised gloomily.

Ye Li glanced at him indifferently with a smile: “Sorry, I don’t like to remain in the dark while being used as a weapon.”

The Sick Scholar sneered: “You won’t get out of here if you don’t help me. Look outside yourself.”

In a flash, Han Ming Xi reached the window as he looked out. Everything was vague in the rain, however, the air was filled with a strange scent. Pulling Han Ming Xi aside, Ye Li shut the window instantly.

The Sick Scholar looked at her with praise and said: “I was right. You know poison well, Mr. Chu.”

Ye Li shook her head as she said: “I don’t. However, I was knocked out by a poison from Nan Zhao the other day so I’m just more vigilant.

She had recalled carefully and repeatedly after she fell for Ye Yue’s trick and concluded Ye Yue didn’t poison her after she was inside the chamber, instead, the poison was always there which came from two half-blossoming orchid in front of the gate to Yaohua Palace and another two inside the chamber. She saw the same orchid in the yard she was locked up by Mo Jing Li. Maybe that wasn’t orchid at all, just something that looked like one.

The Sick Scholar said: “They’ve blocked the way up the mountain. Besides, those flowers and herbs outside… You can smell them and won’t be affected for now since they are only poisonous in sunny days. However, when the rain stops, their scent is extremely poisonous that people who smell them can’t even move a single step.”

Looking at him, Han Ming Xi asked: “You have the antidote?”

The Sick Scholar answered in pride: “It’s a piece of cake for me.”

Going back to his seat and sitting down, Han Ming Xi said: “You mean you won’t give us the antidote if we don’t agree to help? What makes you think we won’t get out of here when it’s still raining?”

The Sick Scholar smiled: “Men who practice martial arts don’t have to worry about having no way out. You can try which means the same to me since you will help me draw those people and poisonous insects away.”

Thinking of the throngs of snakes from last night made Han Ming Xi’s skin crawl. He rubbed his arms hastily and looked at Ye Li anxiously.

With her arms crossed, she said calmly: “Is it right to assume you not only know how to deal with those poisonous flowers and herbs but also poisonous snakes and insects while it is left to us to handle those men?”

The Sick Scholar nodded in a good mood as he said: “Correct.” With the anger of being exposed of his weakness gone, he looked at Ye Li in a less intimidating way.

Ye Li nodded as she said after pondering for a while: “I agree.”

“Jun Wei, aren’t you afraid he’ll back out and kill us instead?” Han Ming Xi reminded her in a small voice. After all, the Sick Scholar wasn’t a kind person.

Smiling, Ye Li said: “I have faith in the promise of the third master of the Hall of Darkness.”

“That’s settled then.”

Well…does he has anything near credit?

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