Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 139 - Out of Danger, A Rescue Mission (81.2)

Chapter 139: Out of Danger, A Rescue Mission (81.2)
Translator: asassin
At a secret village of Nan Zhao, Han Ming Xi lay weakly on the ground. Tied up, he couldn’t move a finger. Not far away, the Sick Scholar was in a worse state, bruised and chained up by iron shackles as he kept coughing as if he had only half a life left.

Ignoring what a difficult position he was in, Han Ming Xi grinned at the Sick Scholar and said: “How are you feeling? Still holding on?”

“Are you sure they are going to come to our rescue?” The Sick Scholar coughed slightly as he looked up and asked.

Han Ming Xi answered with smiles: “I believe Jun Wei won’t leave me behind.”

The Sick Scholar snorted slightly and said: “I’d rather believe he will save you because of Tianyi Pavilion.”

Han Ming Xi wasn’t irritated. He said with a smile: “So what? He won’t be rescuing you because you are the Third Master of the Hall of Darkness. Besides, we can only count on Jun Wei now. As for you, Third Master, can you find anyone to rescue us?” Looking up at the Sick Scholar who was hung up there, Han Ming Xi was filled with bitterness. If it wasn’t the Sick Scholar that threatened them to look for some Green Void Flower, he wouldn’t have ended up in this sorry state. Though he hadn’t seen a Green Void Flower, he might be heading for Yellow Springs which echoed with Jun Wei’s “Above, he searched the Green Void, below, the Yellow Springs”.

The Sick Scholar coughed hard and said: “If you have such a strong faith in Chu Jun Wei, why won’t you shut up?”

Han Ming Xi paused then said below his breath: “You saw what it was like at the exit. Jun Wei doesn’t have the medicine for snake poison like you do. Who knows whether they can make it out there? They might pass out as soon as they come out. Besides… those poisonous snakes…”

The Sick Scholar was silent for a moment then he said indifferently: “Zhuo Jing took some medicine from me when we went down the cliff.” Seeing Han Ming Xi’s stare, he curled his lips as he said: “Don’t look at me like that. I only realized that after we separated. He took pallets that work on knockout drugs and soft tendon powder, the kind I gave you.”

Han Ming Xi rolled his eyes. “That’s why you only gave me another kind of medicine later. It stinks!”

“You can rest assured that they are fine.” The Sick Scholar stifled his cough and said in a serious tone.

Casting him a glance, Han Ming Xi asked: “How do you know?”

“That man, Liang, would love to kill us as soon as possible. However, Le Jiang hasn’t done it, I think, to wait for them.”

“They want to kill all four of us?” Han Ming Xi said with a frown.

The Sick Scholar said: “Don’t forget that Chu Jun Wei has been following us. However, when we were out, they didn’t catch up. It must have been something they did after we left that makes those men want them so bad. Do you think those men didn’t see your marks?”

Han Ming Xi said angrily: “Why didn’t you tell me, knowing they used us as a bait to get Jun Wei?”

The Sick Scholar sneered with disdain: “Why would I? At least now Chu Jun Wei has a chance to rescue us. If he doesn’t come, we are doomed.”

“If he comes, he might die as well!”

“So what?”

Pow, pow…

The window frame gave two clear sounds. The two of them looked over at the same time. A swift figure came inside through the window that gave them a smile. “Brother Han, don’t worry. I won’t die with you guys.”

“Jun Wei!” Han Ming Xi called in surprise.

“Shush…” Putting a finger over her lips, she blinked at him.

Han Ming Xi hurriedly lowered his voice: “How do you manage to come here? There are guards everywhere.”

Ye Li smiled: “There’s no perfect defense in this world as long as you find a break through. Well… Brother Han, Third Master, now you both owe me one.”

The Sick Scholar snorted slightly as he said: “It only counts when we are out of danger.” Chu Jun Wei must have heard what he said to Han Ming Xi. However, looking at the bright smile of this young man, he wasn’t sure whether he would bear any grudge against him at the moment.

“Well, right.” Ye Li said, resigned. Taking out a dagger and cutting the rope around Han Ming Xi quickly, she threw a sword at him as she said: “Hard to find a suitable weapon here. Make do with what you have.”

Catching the sword, Han Ming Xi said with a smile: “Thank you very much, Jun Wei.”

It was easy to get rid of Han Ming Xi’s ropes. However, it wasn’t the same with the Sick Scholar’s iron chains. It took her some time to pull the chain off.

The Sick Scholar stretched out before he asked: “Where’s that guard of yours?”

Ye Li smiled: “He is preparing a big present for Luoyi Clan.” Walking to the window, she made several different chirps like a bird. Shortly afterwards, sounds went up somewhere in the village, then more places. In no time, the whole village bustled with noise. Smiling happily, she said: “It’s time. Let’s go.”

As soon as the Sick Scholar pushed the door open, several arrows went his way fast. Han Ming Xi hurriedly grabbed him back from behind and Ye Li kicked the door shut. Those arrows hit the door instead. The Sick Scholar glared at Ye Li who smiled kindly at him as she said: “That was to thank you for inviting me to die with you, Third Master.”

Knowing that he was in the wrong, the Sick Scholar snorted but didn’t say anything.

Archers outside were gazing at the door vigilantly. Pow! The door opened and a dark figure flew out. Whoosh whoosh… a bunch of arrows were released.

Pow pow! Two people flew out through two windows on both sides of the lodge. With a few whoosh sounds, those archers only felt a piercing pain and fell. Walking out of the door and looking at the hedgehog-like cloth bags shot by arrows and bodies lying all around, Ye Li’s eyes turned a bit dark. “Hurry up. Let’s go. Zhuo Jing might not be able to hold up if we spend more time here.”

Right now, the village descended into chaos with fire at several places. It seemed Zhuo Jing set up quite a few at some important locations. Not far away, a few strange chirps rose. Ye Li took Han Ming Xi and the Sick Scholar to that direction.

As they passed a spring, the Sick Scholar sneered and threw something from his pocket into it. Han Ming Xi saw that. His expression changed for a second however he didn’t say anything and caught up with Ye Li. When they reached the destination, Secret Guard No.3 was surrounded, clearly in a difficult situation. Looking over, Ye Li found all important people of the village there. No wonder there were only a dozen guards back at the lodge. Ye Li recalled that thing she took from the underground palace. Clearly, Le Jiang attached more value to it than he did Han Ming Xi and the Sick Scholar’s lives.

“A bad deal rescuing two and losing one.” Said Ye Li, frowning. “Brother Han, can you seize that old man?” Pointing at Mr. Liang who was standing among heavy guards, she said in a small voice.

Han Ming Xi answered with a frown: “There are too many guards around him. Besides… he’s too heavy.”

The Sick Scholar offered him two things. “Scatter this in the air and put this into Liang’s mouth.”

“That I can.” Taking what the Sick Scholar passed him, Han Ming Xi weighed them and nodded as he said.

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