Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 144 - Xu Qing Chen's Whereabouts (83.1)

Chapter 144: Xu Qing Chen’s Whereabouts (83.1)
Translator: asassin
Ye Li brought a collection of poems back to her room and started to read at ease. Princess An Xi didn’t become the inheritress of Nan Zhao for nothing. At least the men she sent to watch Ye Li didn’t make her uncomfortable, so Ye Li didn’t bother to say anything about it. If Princess An Xi did believe her, she would have questioned her intelligence.

“Miss, Princess An Xi has left the manor.” Secret Guard No.2 came in and said in a low voice.

Ye Li nodded and said below her breath: “That princess isn’t easy to deal with. Don’t stay too close to her and don’t give her any reason to be suspicious.”

Secret Guard No.2 frowned and looked outside as he said: “She doesn’t believe us at all. If we stay here, we can do nothing and can’t get away easily either.”

Ye Li shook her head. “She must know where big brother is. Even though she can’t find him at the moment, she doesn’t worry about his safety. What has big brother been doing after he’s here? Can you find that out?”

Secret Guard No.2 nodded. “I’ll hand it to you before tomorrow, Miss.”

Nodding, Ye Li stared at the book she had with a frown, however, her mind had already left for somewhere far away.Apparently, big brother wasn’t taken by someone but went to somewhere himself. However, he didn’t come back by the time he promised Princess An Xi. Since he doesn’t have any enemies here, it could only be Princess An Xi’s. If so… in the light that big brother has inherited big uncle’s wisdom to plan very carefully with every conceivable possibility taken into account, he should have left clues behind. Clues… Where are the clues?

Unfolding a paper, Ye Li took out a crayon and started to write quickly. She stayed up to read all the information about Nan Zhao sent by secret guards which spun in her head now as she drew a structure of all the powers in Nan Zhao as well as their relations. In no time, the paper was filled with all kinds of symbols and strange characters.

Secret Guard No.2 looked curiously at things he didn’t understand, however, he didn’t ask anything about it.

Ye Li put down the crayon and paused as she looked at it. She didn’t intend to conceal it from anyone since nothing on it was a secret. She just put what she read last night in order. Looking at the paper with at least four languages, she sighed inwardly. To be honest, she missed the life she had in the previous incarnation. She could be a perfect princess but she didn’t want to so after leaving the capital she chose to avoid protection from Mo Xiu Yao and proceed in a more dangerous way.

Getting rid of all the disturbing thoughts, she gazed at the paper for a long time before she asked with a frown: “Why isn’t there any information of the Holy Princess of Nan Zhao?” The graph showed clearly they knew little about the Holy Princess, a very important figure in Nan Zhao. Where the Holy Princess was mentioned, there were just a few words of her basic information, age and name without even anything about her appearance, only infomation Ye Li already knew back when she was in Great Chu. If the Holy Princess was fighting openly with the inheritress of Nan Zhao and maneuvering covertly in order to usurp power, there couldn’t have been so little information about her.

Secret Guard No.2 answered: “The Holy Princess is regarded as the guardian of all clans in Nan Zhao. She serves in the Holy Princess Shrine two miles away from here. She doesn’t leave there except for major events and festivals. Usually, only 36 maids who were selected to take care of her can get near her.”

Shu Man Lin, the current Holy Princess inherited her title when she was 15. She only left the shrine ten times in eight years, having worn a mask each time. It was said nobody knew what she looked like except her predecessors in seclusion.

Ye Li shook her head. “Impossible. The current Holy Princess doesn’t need to teach the next Holy Princess. Then who teaches and brings up a Holy Princess when she is little? Who are her parents? Besides… if nobody knows what she looks like, then… who can tell if it is indeed the Holy Princess of Nan Zhao under the mask?”

“Well…” Secret Guard No.2 hesitated with a frown.

Ye Li took the crayon and wrote something down heavily. “Look into the imperial family of Nan Zhao and the Holy Princess again. Don’t miss any details.”

Secret Guard No.2 answered immediately: “As you command. I’ll send men after this at once. Miss, are you suspecting that… the Holy Princess…”

Playing with the crayon in her hand, she smiled thinly: “If the Holy Princess seldom leaves her shrine, how does she get in touch with Prince Li? Several years ago, when Prince Li was on a diplomatic mission here, the Holy Princess didn’t show up. Then…”

Secret Guard No.2’s eyes lit up and said: “They have met in private. Prince Li can’t have sent someone else to negotiate an alliance with her. Besides, it wouldn’t be easy to meet her.”

Ye Li nodded and pondered as she leaned on the chair. “Holy Princess… what a strange position. Pushing a girl whose identity and ability nobody knows about into a shrine, is it that people of Nan Zhao are particularly naive?”

Secret Guard No.2 shook his head and shrugged as he said: “If we find someone in Great Chu and title him the prince, even with His Majesty’s weighty words, it can’t convince the masses.”

“Is the history of Holy Princess as old as that of Nan Zhao?”

“No. Before Nan Zhao established, each clan had their own rules. There wasn’t a Holy Princess. After its establishment, its priest selected the first Holy Princess.” Secret Guard No.2 recalled with his head lowered.

Ye Li’s brows rose. “It sounds like a priest carries out the same function as a Holy Princess so there wasn’t a priest after there was a Holy Princess.”

Secret Guard No.2 nodded. He pondered for a while before he said: “A priest wasn’t as restricted as a Holy Princess but performs a similar duty. However, in the mind of Nan Zhao, a Holy Princess is more worthy of its devotion.”

“Compared to an old man who travels a lot, people are bound to prefer a mysterious beautiful young girl.” Ye Li agreed.

In the morning, after having the breakfast brought by a maid, Ye Li was about to leave with Secret Guard No.2 when she met Princess An Xi who was obviously going out too at the gate.

“Miss Chu, are you going out?”

Ye Li walked up to her with an expectant yet uneasy smile.

“Sister princess, do you have any news about Brother Qing Chen?”

Princess An Xi shook her head in remorse as she said: “Sorry, Miss Chu. I don’t have any news of him for now.”

Ye Li lowered her head in dismay and said in a small voice: “It’s okay. He is going to be fine. I’m going to look for him with Lin Han. I believe I’ll find him soon.”

“Miss Chu, you are new here, unfamiliar with this place and the people. Where are you going to find him?”

Ye Li twiddled her fingers at a loss and said below her breath: “I… I’ll look everywhere. Perhaps I can find him.”

Princess An Xi can’t help smiling and said: “Miss Chu, if you are bored you can walk around the city. If there’s anywhere you want to go ask someone from the manor to guide you. However, there are many dangerous places here, please don’t get yourself in danger or Mr. Qing Chen will worry about you.”

Ye Li nodded as she answered: “I see. Thank you so much, sister princess. You will find him soon, won’t you? Or, or perhaps I can write to Uncle Xu. Brother Qing Chen told me Uncle Xu is the most intelligent person in this world. He must know how to find Brother Qing Chen.”

“Are you talking about Mr. Hong Yu?” Princess An Xi paused and said softly.

Ye Li nodded vigorously and smiled: “Sister princess, you know Uncle Xu too? Was it Brother Qing Chen who told you about him?”

Princess An Xi nodded slightly and said with a smile: “Miss Chu, don’t worry. I promise I’ll find Mr. Qing Chen soon. It takes a difficult journey here. Don’t get Mr. Hong Yu worried too. Mr. Qing Chen will be troubled if he knows, right?”

Ye Li blinked. She stared at Princess An Xi as if she didn’t quite understand her and nodded after a good while. “You are right, sister princess.”

Watching Princess An Xi leave, Ye Li followed with a smile. “Send men after Princess An Xi.”

“As you command.”

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