Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 161 - A Budding War Talent (89.2)

Chapter 161: A Budding War Talent (89.2)

Translator: asassin

Perhaps because the enemy’s vanguard suffered a crushing defeat, the rest of them arrived later than Yong Lin expected. Only by the following dawn were battle drums heard from outside the city.

Xia Shu and Yun Ting looked down from the wall.

Xia Shu gasped. “Has Mo Jing Li brought with him all troops of Ling Zhou?”

There wasn’t much space outside Yong Lin. As far as the eye can see, banners and people were packed densely together which left them unwilling to estimate how many men were down there.

Xia Shu said in a low voice: “When I was in the capital, I heard that Prince Li was a good-for-nothing. Now it seems that wasn’t necessarily the case.”

Prince Li’s troops outside the city wall were in uniform and awe-inspiring. It didn’t look like an army under the command of a good-for-nothing.

Yun Ting curled his lips. “Either he has masters who work for him, or he has been playing the fool. A good-for-nothing wouldn’t be able to stage an armed rebellion. Only a madman would do that.”

Several men came forward on horses. One middle-aged man who looked nowhere near a general called out: “Listen, men on the wall. Open your gate and let us pass.”

Yun Ting’s mouth twitched. “Who are you? Why should I listen to you?”

The middle-aged man answered: “I’m the governor of Yong Zhou. Yong Zhou has come under Prince Li. Now, open the gate and invite His Highness in!”

Hearing that, Yun Ting burst out cursing under his breath: “Turns out it’s that traitor. There is a way to heaven which he chooses not to travel on. A sensible traitor should have hidden instead of parading ostentatiously.” In an instant, he took a bow and arrow from a man next to him, drew the bow and shot the arrow at the governor without hesitation.

“Ah!” The triumphant-looking governor who was shouting on horseback was dragged by a man near him when the arrow flew past him by his ear. He almost fell from his horse due to shock.

Yun Ting clicked his tongue with a bit regret. “That was unfortunate.”

The governor’s word didn’t work. One of his fellows waved at soldiers to bring him back to the army before he turned to the two young men up the wall: “Is it Officer Yun Ting and Xia Shu up there? You have 20 to 30 thousand men at most. You can’t stand against an army of 200 thousand. Why put up a desperate struggle? We are all men of Great Chu. If anything bad happens to either side, it will be a pity, don’t you think?”

Yun Ting spat at that and sneered: “Funny. So, you do know you are a man of Great Chu, don’t you? I thought it was the traitor’s dog barking down there.”

The expression of the man under the wall changed a bit. However, the next second, he said smilingly: “The emperor is an incompetent ruler. Prince Li is the true ordained Son of Heaven. Naturally, we should obey Prince Li’s orders…”

“Bah!” In a flash, Yun Ting shot another arrow. He didn’t care that the man down the wall had dodged it easily and started to scolded angrily: “I’ve seen a lot of men who have no sense of shame, but none so like you. The emperor is an incompetent ruler… Well, has he killed your parents or taken your wife from you? As for ordained Son of Heaven… Do you think I don’t get news just because I’m stationed far away from the capital? Prince Li has hooked up with his future sister-in-law, caught in the bed with one woman when he was supposed to marry another for an alliance. Ah… I just recall that he passed out on his wedding day… If he is that weak, he should stay at home instead of making a fool of himself out here!”

Xia Shu felt a bit awkward as he stood next to Yun Ting and listened to him accusing Prince Li nonstop. Soldiers on the wall burst out laughing. Even Prince Li’s men down the wall had strange expressions on their faces. Other generals who wanted to persuade Yong Lin to capitulate wished they could dig a hole and hide themselves.

The man who was talking to Yun Ting pointed at him with resentment. “Good! Don’t fall in my hands, or I’ll make you wish you were dead!”

Lifting his chin proudly, Yun Ting looked scornfully at him. “Let’s wait and see.”

Behind the huge crowd of soldiers, Mo Jing Li was fuming. His grimness and coldness left the subordinates around him afraid to speak a thing. Though they were far from the city wall, Yun Ting had passed his words around with internal energy, and since those men around Mo Jing Li all knew some martial arts, they heard him clearly. It was understandable that Mo Jing Li was furious.

“Attack the city! I want that young man caught alive!”

“Yes!” A man next to him waved his hand and thunderous drums started to shake the earth. Meanwhile, troops began their attack.

Obviously, Mo Jing Li wanted to end this battle as fast as possible. His plan was to take over most areas south of Yunlan River before relief troops arrived so he went all out even Yong Lin was just a small town since Scattered Snow Pass lay behind it.

This time, Yun Ting and Xia Shu felt several times more pressure than they did yesterday. They could hardly hold the city wall, let alone sparing men to fight their enemy head-on. Even if they manage to send men to the battlefield, the few men they sent would be lost once surrounded by more enemies.

Outside the city, an enormous log started to bang against the city gate. The whole city wall seemed to be shaking because of that impact.

Men on the wall fell one after another but there were still endless enemies who attempt to swarm up the wall.

Yun Ting and Xia Shu wielded their weapons relentlessly, trying to fill up for their fallen brothers. The air smelled of blood.

Looking around at the weakening forces on the wall, blood blossomed on Yun Ting’s white garb. “Damn. This is my first time fighting as a commander. Is this going to be a complete failure?”

“Don’t worry. If you die here, the court will confer you a posthumous title.” Said Xia Shu and his lips curved in a faint smile.

“Thank you. That’s comforting. But I want those bastards dead first!” Yun Ting said when he cut down a man who climbed up the wall and was about to attack Xia Shu from behind. Then he picked up his body and dropped it on the men who were coming on the ladder.

“Brothers! Let’s get through this! If those traitors reach Scattered Snow Pass, all will be lost. It has deterred barbarians in the south since it was built several hundred years ago. We can’t let that end because of us!” Yun Ting raised his arm and shouted.

Men on the wall shouted back: “We stand with Yong Lin to the last!”

Though all soldiers, those who served in interior lands would find it hard to understand those who were stationed at the borders. Holding the border was their honor and mission, as well as a responsibility that were written on their souls.

Among the forest several miles from Yong Lin, Ye Li stood under the shade of tree and looked far into the distance. From where she was, she could hear the clash of weapons and neigh of war horses.

“My… My Lord, Yong Lin might fall any time now.” Secret Guard No.3 walked over rapidly and reported.

Ye Li said with her head lowered: “It’s already surprising it stands for so long with just 20 thousand men. Who is guarding Yong Lin now?”

Secret Guard No.2 answered: “Military officers Yun Ting and Xia Shu, General Murong’s men.”

With a frown, she asked: “Two military officers?”

Secret Guard No.2 nodded and answered: “There aren’t many guarding generals at Scattered Snow Pass. Those two are considered the most promising young man by General Murong. That Yun Ting has slew Prince Li’s van yesterday.”

She asked again: “Is Mo Jing Li with his troops?”

Nodding, Secret Guard No.2 pointed at a place with a banner waving in the wind and said: “Prince Li should be there. My Lord… shall we…”

She shook her head. “He must be under heavy guard. Besides, he is not bad at martial arts himself. It’s almost impossible for us to catch him. Secret Guard No.2, No.3.”


“Take a few men with you and kill the governor of Yong Zhou.”

Secret Guard No.2 and No.3 looked at each other and answered loudly: “As you command.”

Ye Li said in a serious tone: “Just kill the governor and do nothing else. Withdraw as soon as you finish your task.”

“Yes! My Lord, you…”

She took a breath and looked up at the blue sky as she said: “I’ll be with the Hidden Cloud Soldiers.”

Behind her, several men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers looked at her with respect. They were supposed to follow the princess’s order. Besides, a princess who was good at fight and quick to think won those proud and strong soldiers over more readily than a simply delicate good-looking one. Though they had only known her for a short time, she had traveled on a horse over land and water like they did. She was quicker in battles than average soldiers which won their heartfelt admiration.

Secret Guard No.2 and No.3 knew that though they were called secret guard, the princess didn’t need their protection all the time. She sent them out on missions in consideration for their future, hoping that they could one day stand in the sunlight instead of just being guards in the dark.

“Yes.” Said Secret Guard No.2. Meanwhile, he exchanged a look with the leader of the Hidden Cloud Soldiers as if telling him – make sure the princess is safe.

The leader of the Hidden Cloud Soldiers raised his brows as an answer to him.

“Ready?” Secret Guard No.2 and No.3 had left with several men. Ye Li turned around and asked those remained.

“My Lord, everything is ready. We can set out at any time.”

She nodded. “Good. Let’s travel in four groups and enter the battlefield from two sides. Leave in 15 minutes.”


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