Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 166 - Night Raid (91.1)

Chapter 166: Night Raid (91.1)

Translator: asassin

Back in Yong Lin, Xia Shu already went to strengthen the defense of the city with several men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers.

Yun Ting, who was eager to join them, started to get busy as soon as he returned after speaking to Ye Li about it, completely forgetting to take care of her.

Murong Ting wasn’t interested in all the records and maps that Ye Li was reading in the study. She came up with an idea and went looking in the city for young men who were strong and women who were quick, preparing to organize them into a group which might not be of much help in battle but could attend to injured soldiers and provide other services during war. Ye Li applauded that idea. Having been kept within bounds by her father for too long, Murong Ting was happy to get an approval and left pleasantly.

Sitting in a study especially prepared for her, Ye Li’s brows drew tightly together as she read the map unfolded in front of her. She wasn’t a genius, apparently, at least not a genius at commanding large-scale operations. In her previous incarnation, as a special forces soldier, she was better at small-scale combat, scratching where it itches.

However, right now, under siege at the wrong time with unfavorable geographical and social conditions, it would be good enough if Yong Lin could stand until relief troops arrived, much less turning the tide. It seemed Scattered Snow Pass which stood strong against intrusion had given Yong Lin a great sense of security which led to the fact of a weak defense in Yong Lin, so weak it could not withstand a single blow from foreign troops let alone a troop from within the country. Who could have thought they would have to fend off attacks from within Great Chu?

“My Lady.” Xia Shu, Yun Ting and several other men arrived together and greeted Ye Li at the door.

Without looking up from the map, she waved at them and said: “Come in. How is it?”

The most forthright one among them – Yun Ting said with a laughter: “Thanks to brothers of Hidden Cloud Soldiers, we’ve strengthened the defense.”

The leader of Hidden Cloud Soldiers who came along shook his head and said: “The defense of the city wasn’t good to begin with. Even though we’ve strengthened it, I’m afraid it won’t last long.”

Yesterday’s attack was just to sound them out. The next one wouldn’t be so easy to get through.

Ye Li looked up with a little frown as she said: “I don’t think the rebellion troops will attack for the next two days. However, we must be careful. Watch out yourselves.”

Yesterday they managed to fool Mo Jing Li with a diversion. He wouldn’t act rashly before he figured out how many men there were in Yong Lin. However, that trick wouldn’t work forever. Once he found out about the truth, Yong Lin would only be showered with fiercer attacks.

“Yun Ting, Xia Shu, you are familiar with the surroundings. Come and look at this map.”

The two walked forward curiously. On the desk in front of them was a large map, on the top of which was a tidy handwriting – Map of Yong Lin. Soon, Yun Ting and Xia Shu realized that the map was more than Yong Lin. It also included all the terrain within 60 miles from the city, Scattered Snow Pass and part of Nan Zhao. Most importantly, it was drawn a short time ago.

Yun Ting asked, a bit confused: “My Lady, do you need a map? We have several in storage, including that of Scattered Snow Pass and Yong Zhou.”

Ye Li shook her head. Neither she nor the Hidden Cloud Soldiers knew much about Yong Zhou, which would be a deadly weakness in war. Therefore, when she was in Nan Zhao, she sent a message and asked the Hidden Cloud Soldiers to collect information about Yong Lin. The map was finished last night. However, since she never went on a field research, she wanted someone who knew this place to see if the map was correct.

Having read the map for a good while, Xia Shu’s eyes glowed as he exclaimed admiringly: “My Lady, did you draw this yourself?”

Ye Li rubbed her forehead and said: “I believe my men but I haven’t been on a field research myself so I want you guys to see whether there is anything wrong.”

After some time, Xia Shu pointed at a river marked out on the map, saying: “Here… it will be alright if it is closer to this mountain.”

Picking up a pen, she asked: “How far is it from the mountain?”

With his head lowered, Xia Shu made a calculation and answered: “About one mile.”

Ye Li’s brows rose. Then, on the map, the river was indeed erroneously far from the mountain. A tiny lapse on the map can lead to a huge mistake.

Looking her correct the map, Xia Shu felt an admiration for this princess from the bottom of his heart. Everything else aside, not even those who had traveled this land in person could draw a map of it while the princess could do it by just hearing about it. This map was clearer than any maps they had. What would help one in war? Besides military strategy, it was a right time, favorable geographical and social conditions. Not all commanders had the chance to inspect the surroundings of a battlefield. However, with this map, one could see everything around Yong Lin at a glance.

“My Lady, are we waiting for the rebellion troops to attack?” Impatient, Yun Ting asked.

Smilingly, Ye Li asked: “Is that your plan?”

Yun Ting felt a bit awkward. At first, there was no choice for Yong Lin other than waiting for the attack. That was the original approach because of a shortage of forces rather than a voluntary choice. But now that Yong Lin had two thousand men of the Hidden Cloud Soldiers, right? Those were men who were better at attack instead of defense. Certainly, Yun Ting didn’t enjoy hiding behind the city walls himself.

“Yong Lin is surrounded by wooded mountains. That will limit the ability of cavalry.” Xia Shu said with a frown, annoyed by all the mountains on the map for the first time. If that was a wide stretch of flat country, the Hidden Cloud Soldiers could do more. However, he also knew that if it was a flat stretch outside Yong Lin, the city would have been surrounded by rebellion troops already, which would be worse.

The leader of the Hidden Cloud Soldiers sneered: “Though Hidden Cloud Soldiers is famous as an army of cavalry, we are more than that.”

Cavalry was used against Bei Rong. However, since horses of Great Chu weren’t as nearly good as those of Bei Rong, even Hidden Cloud Soldiers would be at a disadvantage in a head-on combat against the crack cavalry of Bei Rong.

Looking at the proud leader of Hidden Cloud Soldiers and Secret Guard No.2 and No.3, Xia Shu said hesitantly: “How about we act ahead of them and disrupt their plan?”

Ye Li’s brows rose. “Keep going.”

Picking up a pen, Xia Shu made marks on the map as he said: “Now, the rebellion troops are six miles away. If we launch a sneak raid, we will catch them unprepared.”

Secret Guard No.2 chimed in: “Cavalry will make a lot of noise which will be detected before even getting near them. Besides… it is impossible for two thousand men to raid a camp of over a hundred thousand soldiers.”

Once among the hundred thousand enemies, even the Hidden Cloud Soldiers might not be able to get through in one piece.

Shaking his head, Xia Shu said: “We are not going for their base camp. Given the terrain around Yong Lin, they won’t put all their men together. If their base camp is here. Then, they will have a group of men here, and here to form a protection of the base camp. I think there should be less than ten thousand men at each of the two locations. Perhaps… we can cause some chaos?”

“Qin Feng, what do you think?” Ye Li raised her brows at the leader of the Hidden Cloud Soldiers.

Qin Feng answered with a frown: “If so, we can destroy one group if we cut them off the base camp in advance. If we can’t cut off the road, with a narrow road, help won’t come very quickly which will give us time to retreat. However, this might lead them to suspect that the main force of Hidden Cloud Soldiers isn’t here at all.”

Blinking, she asked with a smile: “What if both flanks are destroyed?”

Now, all the eyes turned to her. It would be difficult enough to destroy one flank, let alone both.

“Secret Guard No.2, No.3, collect everything you can about Mo Jing Li’s troops as quick as possible.” She gave an instruction.

Secret Guard No.2 and No.3 accepted the order and left.

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