Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 168 - Night Raid (91.3)

Chapter 168: Night Raid (91.3)

Translator: asassin

Right now, Yong Lin was filled with joy. This great victory made Yun Ting’s steps lighter.

“Don’t get too excited. Once Mo Jing Li figures out the truth, we won’t be able to stand against his large army,” said Ye Li.

Yun Ting spoke excitedly: “How about we conduct more raids?”

Xia Shu rolled his eyes at him a bit angrily. “Do you think Prince Li’s men are idiots that they will make the same mistake again? Perhaps, right now they are waiting for us to bite the hook.”

Ye Li nodded and said: “Xia Shu is right. We did take a dangerous risk. If Mo Jing Li comes to his senses and launches an attack on us instead, it won’t help even if we can kill another 20 to 30 thousand rebellion troops.”

Slowly, Yun Ting recovered from his excitement as well and started to worry. “Then what should we do? When will the damn relief troops come?”

“My Lady,” said Secret Guard No.3 as he walked in with a letter.

Ye Li gave Yun Ting and Xia Shu a nod while saying: “You two get to work.”

Yun Ting and Xia Shu bid their farewell and left.

Ye Li took the letter. As she read, she was happy at first then turned dark quickly which made Secret Guard No.3 a bit confused. He wondered what was in the letter that made the usually calm princess so unusual.

After a good while, Ye Li slapped the letter on the desk and said: “Spread my order. All troops must be on alert from now on!”

“My Lady, what happened?”

She said: “Mo Jing Li might launch an attack against us in two days.”

Secret Guard No.3 was still at a loss. According to estimation, the rebellion troops wouldn’t act in a short time.

Glancing at the letter on the table, she explained: “Relief troops will arrive at Yunlan River in three days. Soon, Mo Jing Li will get this news too. If he doesn’t attack in two days, he won’t have any chance of success when our relief troops are here.”

Secret Guard No.3 nodded. “So… all we need to do is to get through another three days…”

“I’m afraid it won’t be easy.”

Among Prince Li’s camp, Mo Jing Li glared at the confidential letter he had just received. It seemed as if he wanted to burn a hole on it by his glares. After a good while, he said angrily: “Good… good, Hidden Cloud Soldiers. I want to know what master is in charge at Yong Lin!”

The confidential letter stated clearly that ten days ago Mo Xiu Yao had been to the palace to meet Mo Jing Qi. Even if he had left the capital that same day, he wouldn’t be able to be here in such a short time. Therefore, standing in his way for the past few days wasn’t that cripple at all. As for the Hidden Cloud Soldiers… It seemed there were no other men of it except for the two thousand in Yong Lin.

“Your Highness, now…” The military adviser looked grave. “Relief troops are traveling fast. It will take them three days at most to cross Yunlan River. Please make a decision soon.”

Withdrawing from Yong Lin and heading for the east or continuing to the west, taking Scattered Snow Pass and joining troops of Nan Zhao.

“Attack Yong Lin at all cost!”

Another battle began, fiercer than a few days before.

Mo Jing Li didn’t hesitate to send out his most elite troops.

Though the defense of Yong Lin had been strengthened with the help of Hidden Cloud Soldiers, endless attacks led to heavy casualties and soldiers tired in Yong Lin.

The rebellion troops didn’t withdraw until night fell and remained one mile outside Yong Lin.

However, in this single day, Yong Lin had lost half of its troops. At night, it didn’t get a proper rest in fear of night raids.

Ye Li can’t help frowning at the current situation. She waved at men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers to guard the city wall so that soldiers up the wall could have a good rest.

“Ah Li, can we hold Yong Lin?” Late at night, standing on the wall, Murong Ting looked at the distance. The dark mass that was the enemy camp weighed them down.

Ye Li turned to her with a smile as she said: “What, you are afraid now?”

Murong Ting curled her lips and said unhappily: “What are you talking about? It’s only… I’ve never seen so many people die. In the past, my father always says I’m a kid. Now I finally understood him. I always thought I knew more than others since I’ve stayed at the border with him for several years. In fact, I never saw a battlefield.”

Ye Li comforted her softly: “You are doing a great job.”

Today, Murong Ting had been busy, running around the city with doctors to help wounded soldiers, sending food and arrows. She looked really tired.

“General Murong is going to be proud of you.”

With a shy smile, Murong Ting said: “I barely did anything. You are the best, Ah Li. If you are my father’s daughter, I bet he is going to be so happy that he will wake up laughing in his sleep.”

Ye Li smiled softly and said: “Well, how about we ask General Murong if he is willing to switch daughters?”

“No, my father loves me the most.”

Ye Li chuckled and said in a small voice: “Don’t worry. We’ll be alright.”

Murong Ting paused and then sighed, saying: “I’m not afraid. If the rebellion troops do get in the city, I’ll kill every one of them!”

Murong Ting acted like a soldier which made Ye Li giggle.

However, Ye Li sighed and turned to the waning moon, a trace of worry crept up her beautiful face.

At a corner of the wall, Xia Shu and Yun Ting stood together when they both looked at that slender figure not far away.

Ye Li was in moon-white men’s clothes. Her hair was put together casually with a white ribbon instead of a hairpin. In the moon, her face was lit silver which seemed a bit sad. Quiet as a lotus, graceful as an orchid, she made the girl in red next to her pale in comparison.

“If I get through this alive, I am going to join the Hidden Cloud Soldiers!” said Yun Ting with conviction. Joining the Hidden Cloud Soldiers had always been his dream. Now, he was firmer about realizing it.

“If we can’t hold the city tomorrow, you escort the princess and leave first. Head for the north. After you cross Yunlan River, you’ll meet the relief troops soon,” said Xia Shu calmly.

Glaring at him, Yun Ting said: “Do you think I’m the kind of coward that will flee at the time for battle?”

Xia Shu threw an indifferent glance at him. “Do you not know what happened between the princess and Prince Li? What will happen if he has her?”

Yun Ting paused. He turned to that girl who stood in the wind and scratched his hair in annoyance as he said: “I’m not capable enough to escort her away. You take the job. You are more persuasive. I don’t think she is the kind of person to leave Yong Lin behind for her own safety. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen a princess like her.”

Xia Shu nodded in agreement. Though he had only known her for a few days, this girl who was younger than him had completely changed his idea of what a princess was like. She looked frail but was tougher than a man on the inside. In addition, she had amazing talent and was quick to make a decision as the commander, as well as her kung fu skills which were better than the average. At times, he had a feeling that she wasn’t a pampered and spoiled princess but a battle-tested veteran.

“If we all get through this alive, do you think the princess will agree to let me join the Hidden Cloud Soldiers?” It was Yun Ting’s habit to put a problem aside when he couldn’t solve it and he started to imagine his great future.

Thinking about it, Xia Shu answered smilingly: “Perhaps you can ask her if the Hidden Cloud Soldiers still recruit.”

Looking at the one that was talking to Murong Ting not far away, Yun Ting’s eyes lit up, eager to give it a try.

Resigned, Xia Shu shook his head and turned to leave as he spoke: “Go back and have some sleep. We still got a bloody battle tomorrow.”

Casually, Yun Ting nodded. He was hesitant about asking the princess. After all, not everyone was lucky enough to meet the master of Hidden Cloud Soldiers. Looking at the graceful figure in the moon, he turned around and left the wall. If he could make it through tomorrow, he was going to join the Hidden Cloud Soldiers even if he had to beg her for it.

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