Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 175 - Guest from Xi Ling (94.1)

Chapter 175: Guest from Xi Ling (94.1)

Translator: asassin

At Prince Li’s camp outside Yong Lin.

“Damn! Why is Mo Xiu Yao here?” In a tent, Mo Jing Li looked gloomy and twisted, which created a chilling effect when it was nearly June.

Nobody dared to speak, not only due to Prince Li’s anger, but also because of their fear of Prince Ding who showed up on the battlefield without a warning. If there was anything more horrifying than the appearance of Prince Ding, it was that he showed up healthy.

When that silver white figure appeared on horseback in the air, despair and regret rose in almost everyone. Could they really stand against the man who was named god of war when he was still in his adolescence, who was regarded as better than his ancestors? In addition, some even started to doubt whether it was a right choice to join Prince Li’s rebellion. Though they might enjoy wealth and power if Prince Li won, it was horrifying to think of the cost of failure.

The military adviser who had always remained calm now was also ghastly pale. In his plan, Mo Xiu Yao shouldn’t have shown up so early. No, Mo Xiu Yao shouldn’t have shown up at all. But right now… A crippled Prince Ding was fearsome, a healthy Prince Ding who could move around easily was even more horrifying. “Your Highness, is there news from the capital? Prince Ding…”

Mo Jing Li snorted coldly as he said: “Mo Xiu Yao has left the capital before I raised the banner. And Ye Li! It was her!” Every time he remembered that it was Ye Li who led the Hidden Cloud Soldiers in his way for the past few days, he wished he could have her flayed.

His military adviser said: “Rumor has it that Princess Ding is missing. Now it seems she has been in Nan Zhao all this time. A while ago, there was news from Nan Zhao that Mr. Qing Chen went missing… I’m afraid Princess Ding went there for him.”

The more he spoke, the more frightened he was. Prince Ding, Princess Ding, Murong Shen, and Mr. Qing Chen who might also show up. Between Yong Lin and them, there was a group of people that crushed their chance to break that little town. “Your Highness, I think we should abandon Yong Lin at once and head for the east, having the whole area south of Yunlan River before the relief troops arrive.”

Mo Jing Li said in a serious tone: “Now that Mo Xiu Yao is here, do you think he’ll let us go easily?”

Stroking his beard, the military adviser said: “Your Highness, given how much you know Prince Ding, do you think he would stop so easily today?”

Deep in thought for a while, Mo Jing Li shook his head and said: “Mo Jing Li was called ‘Fierce Wind’ when he was young. He has always been swift and resolute in battles. Given his temper, he won’t stop until his enemy suffers loss.”

The military adviser nodded smilingly and said: “That being the case, Your Highness, why didn’t Prince Ding pursue us when we retreated?”

Mo Jing Li blinked. His voice rose a bit: “He didn’t have enough men!”

The military adviser clapped and laughed: “Right. Because of the special terrain here and how fast the Hidden Cloud Soldiers came, we couldn’t tell how many men he has. But he knew how many men we have. The fact that he didn’t pursue us only shows that we have two times or more men than he does.”

Mo Jing Li nodded. “Right. My emperor brother would never let him have several hundred thousand soldiers. Besides… he couldn’t have come so fast with a large army. Then why don’t we…”

“Absolutely not!” The military adviser hurriedly stopped him and tried to persuade him: “Your Highness, please think again. Prince Ding might not have as many men. There isn’t a suitable place around here for a big fight either. As long as he stays inside Yong Lin, we can do nothing about him for the future half a month. After half a month… no matter how slow the relief troops are, they will be here. By then, it will be late for us to head east.”

It was a euphemism. With 20 thousand men of Hidden Cloud Soldiers in Yong Lin, the city will stand for months as long as it has enough food and weapons. Hidden Cloud Soldiers’ skills with arrows were feared by the crack cavalry of Bei Rong. Their men might not even be able to get near Yong Lin’s walls.

“Well…” Mo Jing Li’s expression was complex. There was unwillingness, anger, and fear which wasn’t easy to notice. The fear might not come from Mo Xiu Yao. But same as all soldiers of Great Chu, he has an instinct reverence for Army of Mo Family and Prince Ding’s Manor.

“Your Highness, as long as we have the south of Yunlan River and guard the river, Yong Zhou won’t be a problem. With the help of Nan Zhao, the court can’t do anything to us. Now that Prince Ding has recovered, the one that sits on the throne must be scared, which means he won’t use Prince Ding against us. As long as Prince Ding and Army of Mo Family aren’t here, half of Great Chu will be yours. As for the other half, we can take it bit by bit.” The military adviser suggested.

There was nothing left for them to do here. It would be better if they could have the south of Yunlan River before the relief troops were here, in case all their efforts ended up in vain.

Looking the undetermined Prince Li, the military adviser was worried.

Prince Li had always been indecisive. He could be a wealthy prince untroubled by state affairs but wasn’t material for conquering.

As Mo Jing Li was still in thought, a soldier outside the tent reported: “Your Highness, an envoy from Xi Ling wants to see you.”

“Xi Ling?” Mo Jing Li frowned. “What is he doing here? Call him in!”

Soon, a scholarly and gentle middle-aged man was showed into the tent. “Your Highness, I’m He Wu Yuan from Prince Zhenan’s Manor.”

“He Wu Yuan?” Mo Jing Li narrowed his eyes slightly.

The military adviser that stood next to him seemed a bit excited: “Are you Mr. Ying Li, one of the three masters that work for Prince Zhenan?”

The middle-aged man smiled faintly: “Right.”

Mo Jing Li stared at him and said: “Mr. He, you are Prince Zhenan’s right-hand man. Why are you here?”

He Wu Yuan smiled: “I come here for an alliance under His Highness and the young lord’s command.”

“An alliance?” The military adviser was confused.

He Wu Yuan said smilingly: “His Highness and young lord admire that Prince Li has raised the banner. Well, you must know that both Prince Zhenan and Xi Ling were mortal enemies with Dong Chu and Prince Ding’s Manor. Thus, my master ordered me to serve you, Your Highness. The day you ascend to the throne, my young lord – the eldest son of Prince Zhenan will come to Ling Zhou for your celebration.”

Mo Jing Li looked at him and asked: “What do your master want in return?” Where there is a gain, there is a loss. He had known that a long time ago.

He Wu Yuan smiled: “Xi Ling doesn’t need anything from you, Your Highness, but… Prince Ding and Army of Mo Family. Prince Ding has recovered. I think you already know that now, Your Highness? Mo Xiu Yao was ambitious when he was young, having almost wiped out Nan Zhao. Now he has stopped seclusion and resumed, I’m afraid he will be a fierce tiger out of its cage and nobody will stand against him. My master is worried about the safety of Xi Ling. That’s why he wants an alliance in order to keep Prince Ding’s Manor on leash. Please think about it, Your Highness.”

Mo Jing Li was a bit unhappy. Though He Wu Yuan talked about an alliance against Mo Xiu Yao, all he talked about was how great Mo Xiu Yao was. He said indifferently: “Mo Xiu Yao was in seclusion for over a decade. Besides, he was fierce when he was young but that might not be the case now. I think you are exaggerating.”

He Wu Yuan wasn’t annoyed and chuckled: “Whether it was an exaggeration, the fact is Prince Ding’s Manor has produced great generals in each generation and Mo Xiu Yao hasn’t been defeated once.”

“Do you have ideas on how to take him down?” Mo Jing Li raised his brows in scorn.

He Wu Yuan said: “Though I can’t guarantee a win over Prince Ding, I can help you sit on the throne, Your Highness.”

“Oh?” Something changed in Mo Jing Li’s eyes. He looked at He Wu Yuan with more interest.

He Wu Yuan didn’t mind that and smiled calmly: “Your Highness, don’t worry. Prince Ding won’t remain here for long. As soon as he leaves, not even an army of over a million people will stop you by then.”

Mo Jing Li was quiet for a moment, then he said: “Take Mr. He to have some rest. I’ll think about it.”

He Wu Yuan wasn’t eager to get an answer from him. He simply nodded smilingly: “Then, please think about it, Your Highness. I’ll leave for now.”

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