Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Zither and Dance Battle, Ye Ying Schemes

Even though Ye Li thought that it was very boring, since the Hundred Flowers Event would become the yearly and most valued distinguished meeting of the entire Da Chu’s well-bred young ladies, naturally it still had its own unique highlights. While the banquet was removed, when Zhao Yang Chang gongzhu[1] ordered someone to carry up the prize that was prepared to be given to the winning well-bred young lady of the Hundred Flowers Event, seeing the young ladies who were still reserved previously showing a look of longing one after the other, Ye Li was also somewhat surprised and understood.

Not one of the young ladies present didn’t come from a prestigious family; since they were little, one didn’t know the number of numerous treasures they’ve seen. A treasure that was capable of also emotionally moving them naturally wouldn’t be a commonplace product. What was even more important was that, winning this kind of prize would give their reputations an advantage; no matter if it were in the boudoir waiting to get married or in their pojia[2] when they get married in the future, it was sufficient for them to turn their nose up at other people of the same generation. The appearance of several people appearing on the left and right of Chang gongzhu following the prizes made the hearts of these young ladies who were waiting to get married thumping even more incessantly.

The judges that Chang gongzhu invited this year were clearly all highly influential characters; even though among the six males and one female seated at the tables on the left and right of Chang gongzhu, the only one she recognized was the cold-faced Li wang[3] Mo Jing Li. There was also a man dressed in brocade smiling coquettishly and who mysteriously directed a smile towards herself. Although it was only for a split second, Ye Li was certain she didn’t see wrong; that man had indeed smiled at her and that smile was also more than an ordinary smile of courtesy, “Who is that dressed in red?” Ye Li asked, whispering at Qin Zheng‘s ear.

There was only one person dressed in red among the seven people, Qin Zheng naturally was able to tell who she was referring to with one look, covering her lips as she whispered, “That is the capital’s Feng family’s third gongzi[4] Feng Zhi Yao. It was said that his natural disposition is merry and was born from a concubine, and that he is not well-liked by the head of the Feng family. Two years earlier, there were rumors that the head of the Feng family wanted to have him driven out from the Feng home. However, his zither skill are unparalleled in the capital.”

Seeing them whispering to one another’s ears, Murong Ting also moved over closer and smiled, saying, “This year Chang gongzhu contrarily put in ample capital (went all out) and actually invited so many personages to come.”

Hua Tian Xiang attentively looked ahead with a compose face, yet her mouth on the contrary wasn’t idle, “This year’s prizes are also very generous ah. Zhuyan pearl[a], purple phoenix hairpin, as well as the late emperor’s bestowed Xue Yin zither. If it weren’t for my zither skill being indeed a bit lacking compared to Ye Ying, I would have also wanted to go down and try.” Hua Tian Xiang somewhat regretfully admired the Xue Yin zither placed in front. Ranked third among the only surviving five big names of zither at present, it was the treasure that every person who loves zither dreams about.

Ye Li was even more regretful, “It had already been so many years that I haven’t touched the zither.” The four people each glanced at one another and helplessly shrugged their shoulders as they admired the prizes and people on stage.

Qin Zheng continued to introduce the people who were present to Ye Li in whispers, “Among those several people on stage, that laoxiansheng[5] is the administrator official of the Imperial College of Supreme Learning, Su Zhe laodaren[6]. He is also the current emperor’s teacher. If it weren’t for Chang gongzhu‘s face, I’m afraid that even if he was invited, he wouldn’t have come. As for the others, there is the current assistant minister of the Ministry of Appointments who was a former top scorer on the passing list of the palace examinations, Mo Jian. Mu Yang hou‘s[7] heir Mu Yang. General Zhen Bei fu‘s[8] eldest gongzi, Leng Qing Yu.”

Ye Li‘s gaze seamlessly streaked across the people Qin Zheng mentioned, remembering them one by one on the inside, “What kind of person is that young woman?” Although she had never felt that Ye Ying was truly beautiful to the point of shaking one to the core, Ye Li had always recognized that Ye Ying was already beautiful enough. However, she only discovered by coming out today that Ye Ying‘s name of being the number one beauty in the capital seems to be somewhat on the verge of collapsing.

Not mentioning that Xi Xia gongzhu from Nanzhao, Hua Tian Xiang‘s appearance was enough to be on par with that of Ye Ying‘s. Qin Zheng‘s appearance was elegant, but wins in her graceful and subdued scholarly temperament as someone from a family with a literary reputation, which also really isn’t something that Ye Ying‘s delicate and moving demeanor can match with. There were also several young women not far away yet not close by at the banquet who were also all extremely remarkable; if it was only this slight disparity, how could they have let Ye Ying sit steadily on the title of being the number one beauty these several years?

Once again she looked at that person seated on stage whose beautiful complexion carried a bit of attractive appeal that could charm people; even though she was seated between two men, she still had a calm and composed bearing. A kind of charisma that was completely unlike that of unmarried daughters of noble houses.

Qin Zheng‘s expression was somewhat odd, pausing for a bit and only then said, “That person…is Qing Cheng Fang‘s[b] Yao Ji guniang[9]. Both her zither and dancing skills are absolutely praised; compared to her, Ye Ying‘s dancing absolutely cannot be watched at all. Moreover, she and Mu Yang hou‘s heir as well as Feng third gongzi all have rather friendly relations.” Qin Zheng spoke as though she were somewhat embarrassed; Ye Li nevertheless understood this young woman’s identity. Seeing her sitting between Mu Yang hou‘s heir and Feng third gongzi, her eyes bright and agile, she only felt that this guniang could also count as the kind of woman one is not used to seeing.

As the four people chatted and laughed, Chang gongzhu had already announced that the Hundred Flowers Event‘s competition had formally started. Ye Li originally was also quite curious about how zither, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, singing and dancing–these many events could begin at the same time. However, it was obvious that everyone was all very much clear on the course of the competition. A table with a writing brush, ink, paper, and inkstone was placed at the edge of the venue; the well-bred young ladies who had the intention of taking part in painting, calligraphy and poetry voluntarily stepped forward. Maids sent up every kind of musical instruments, stationing them at the very front on two sides of the venue, whereas the open space at the very center was set aside for praising the dancing young women.

Ye Li couldn’t help but want to praise the banquet’s organizers; it was indeed a very user-friendly set-up. There wasn’t a rigid regulation that everyone all had to demonstrate which event; after all, not everyone could be proficient in all skills of zither, chess, calligraphy, painting, and everything else; also avoiding the possibility of a lot of people making a fool out of themselves.

At Zhao Yang Chang gongzhu‘s side, Xi Xia gongzhu and Rong Hua junzhu[10] got up at the same time. However, Rong Hua junzhu walked towards the area where the writing brush, ink, paper, and inkstone were placed, whereas Xi Xia gongzhu walked towards the center of the venue. It was obvious that what she planned on performing was dance. And Ye Ying nevertheless walked over to the area on the side where a Yao zither was placed, her jade-like fingers frivolous, a pleasant-sounding tune flowing out from beneath her fingers.

瑶琴 – yaoqin – the ancient term for the guqin, which is one of the oldest Chinese instruments as well as China’s earliest string instrument – References: ,
“It appears that Xi Xia gongzhu is really competing against Ye Ying.” Murong Ting laughed as she spoke. Who in the capital didn’t know that Ye Ying was best at dancing? This Xi Xia gongzhu chose dance the moment she went down the stage; clearly it was because she wanted to give Ye Ying an initial show of strength.

Hua Tian Xiang admired Xi Xia gongzhu‘s quick and light dancing posture and movement, praising as she said, “The people of Nanzhao are good at singing and dancing. Not to mention, it’s the Xi Xia gongzhu who is known as the number one beauty. It can be said for certain that today it will be Xi Xia gongzhu who will splendidly overshadow all other beauties.”

Xi Xia gongzhu‘s dancing was passionate and graceful; neither was it lacking the exotic unrestrained passion of a foreigner, nor did it lose Da Chu‘s dignified atmosphere. In contrast, Ye Ying who still hadn’t danced already appeared inferior based only on her clothes. Murong Ting also agreed, nodding her head as she laughed and said, “I feel that based on the dance alone, it’s also only Yao Ji who is capable of getting the better of Xi Xia gongzhu. In this round of dancing, Ye Ying will have to be defeated this year.”

“Ye Ying is also not to be trifled with. Seeing that Xi Xia gongzhu‘s strength was like this, she unexpectedly is still able to be so calm.” Qin Zheng reminded.

Hua Tian Xiang laughed as she spoke, “If she didn’t even have this bit of an ability, Ye Ying wouldn’t have the face (means honor, reputation) to come out. In terms of dancing, she is destined to lose; she naturally would need to stabilize her zither skills no matter what.”

Ye Li frowned and said, “I only fear that Xi Xia gongzhu had come prepared.” Although she was no longer a marksman in this lifetime, it still wouldn’t affect her good eyesight. Ye Li didn’t at all miss Xi Xia gongzhu‘s cold smile flashing by as her gaze swept over Ye Ying.

Murong Ting was speechless, “Don’t tell me this Xi Xia gongzhu‘s zither skill is also more impressive compared to Ye Ying.”

Hua Tiang Xiang shook her head and said, “If it were really like that, Xi Xia gongzhu ought to have first competed with the zither and then dance. Dancing extremely consumes physical strength, playing the zither after dancing very easily influences the exertion. Listen to the sound of Ye Ying‘s zither.”

The originally melodious and sweet sound of the zither suddenly and hurriedly switched, the tune becoming more urgent and enthusiastic. Xi Xia gongzhu‘s light and quick figure also moved even faster, only seeing the sleeves flying up and down on the center of the stage, like a storm wreaking havoc on a hundred flower blossoms.

It was clear that Ye Ying most likely also discovered this point or perhaps she could sense that Xi Xia gongzhu‘s strength made her feel threatened.

Everyone on the viewing platform clearly also sensed the lifting and descending changes; Zhao Yang Chang gongzhu‘s eyebrows knitted, her gaze that had landed on Ye Ying somewhat cold. Yao Ji who was sitting in an elegant posture as she admired Xi Xia gongzhu‘s dance giggled out loud, inclining her head towards the solemn-looking Mo Jing Li and laughed as she said, “Your Highness Li wang, the future Li wangfei[11] sure enough is impressive. Yao Ji admires.”

Mo Jing Li‘s face was cold, not even giving Yao Ji an expression through his eyes and only wrinkled. In his eyes, Yao Ji who originated from the singing and dancing subdivision absolutely didn’t deserve to talk to him at all. He naturally also didn’t need to pay attention to Yao Ji‘s words. Towards his disregard, Yao Ji also didn’t mind as her beautiful eyes roamed, talking and laughing sweetly, “The name of being the number one beauty in the capital sure enough wasn’t in vain, it’s just that it rather lacked a bit of hospitality.”

Yao Ji‘s voice wasn’t at all loud, but the place where Ye Ying was seated was exactly the place that was closest to the viewing platform. Yao Ji‘s words that so happens to be neither light nor heavy traveled into Ye Ying‘s ears; the administrator official of the Imperial College of Supreme Learning Su Zhe who continuously didn’t declare his position also gave a light humph. If one were to say that Ye Ying didn’t need to mind Yao Ji‘s words then Su Zhe‘s attitude made Ye Ying tremble on the inside; the finger movements that were originally like the moving clouds and flowing water (very natural and flowing style) paused. Although she managed to react again very quickly, Feng Zhi Yao who was sitting next to Yao Ji gradually puckered up his eyebrows, indifferently laughing as he said, “I had originally thought that after a lapse of one year, Li wangfei‘s zither skill ought to be even more dedicated in progressing. I didn’t expect……”

The words that the people in front were saying, Ye Li on this side naturally couldn’t hear it; although Ye Li was proficient in reading lips, she also didn’t plan on saying it out loud to share with others. Thus, what Qin Zheng and the others saw precisely was that once the song had ended, Ye Ying‘s complexion looked even more unsightly than that of Xi Xia gongzhu who had just recently danced and been schemed against. And Xi Xia gongzhu who used a perfect posture to wind down also ruthlessly glared at Ye Ying then turned around to returned Zhao Yang Chang gongzhu‘s side. The drops of fragrant sweat on the side of her forehead also showed that she didn’t at all perform that effortlessly. After all, the tune that Ye Ying had played, the disparity between the before and after due to the sudden sharp turn was too huge. She who wasn’t the least bit prepared for it not making a fool of herself was still because of her own excellent dancing skill and her ability to adapt herself to changes. Daring to scheme against her in this way, she definitely needs to make her feel humiliated!

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