Golden Fishery

Chapter 1980

Vol 2 Chapter 1875: . Tao Hua Ji who came to the fishery

The recommended tickets from everyone have not come to the fishery? In addition, the bullet shell will have some small interactions with everyone on the official account. I hope everyone will participate and I hope to communicate more with my brothers and sisters. ****

At this time, Qin Shiou realized that his daughter was not young anymore and he was already careful.

He smiled and hugged the girl up and threw it out, saying: “Dad doesn’t like crying children, if you cry again, Dad won’t want you…”

The little girl hurriedly yelled: “I didn’t cry, I didn’t cry, Dad, I was actually lying to you-ah no, I am teasing you, Ma Ma said you can’t lie.”

Qin Shiou looked at Wei Ni, who blinked and asked, “How is it, is my education okay?”

“Good job!”

At this time, the bull entered the villa and heard Qin Shiou’s praise, he asked: “Hey, BOSS, did you see Peach Blossom Princess? Isn’t it, it’s really beautiful, they came to the fishing ground.”

Qin Shiou was stunned and asked, “Peach Blossom Princess, what Peach Blossom Princess? Is Ejiao Cake? There is a very famous Ejiao Cake brand in my hometown called this name.”

The bull said: “Peach Blossom Princess, it’s a peach blossom jellyfish. Didn’t you see it? Then what do you say is pretty?”

Qin Shiou released the sea **** consciousness into the fishing ground, and took out his mobile phone to search for the species of peach blossom jellyfish.

Peach blossom jellyfish, a kind of small jellyfish mainly living in freshwater, 11 species are currently recorded in the world, and there is also a small marine jellyfish named Arctic Peach blossom jellyfish.

This jellyfish is very famous in the world’s marine aquatic knowledge, and it is mainly related to China. Now there are 11 species of peach jellyfish discovered. Nine species are Chinese specialties, but China only has freshwater peach jellyfish, and marine arctic peach jellyfish can generally be seen in North America.

Whether it is freshwater peach blossom jellyfish or marine peach blossom jellyfish, they are all world-class endangered species. It is a first-class protected animal in various countries, and Chinese experts in aquatic biology call it “aquatic giant panda, a “living fossil”, which has extremely high research value and ornamental value.

In fact, the true value of peach jellyfish is as a species formed in the process of biological evolution. Its status is not inferior to that of the giant panda. This species records the development of life on earth with its own unique life formation. Its unique genes are of great value to the research of modern genetic engineering, and it also provides conditions for studying and understanding the genetics and evolution of species.

The seagod consciousness did not find the peach jellyfish after a circle in the vast fishing ground. Qin Shiou asked the bull: “Where did the jellyfish be found? The peach jellyfish came from the fishing ground?”

The bull nodded triumphantly: “Yes, yes, this is what I found, BOSS, from this point of view, the water quality of our fishery is too clean. It is close to the pollution-free Arctic waters. This is really something to celebrate. !”

Indeed, peach blossom jellyfish is useless in terms of applicability. Although they are beautiful, they are too rare to be artificially fed, so they are of little use to ordinary people.

But it is very important for a sea area. Because they are the ultimate standard for measuring the water quality of a sea area: the life history of the peach blossom jellyfish is the alternating generations of asexual and sexual reproduction, and the “childhood” of the polyid-the jellyfish has very low environmental requirements, and once the jellyfish is separated, it will They have extremely high requirements on the environment and water quality. As long as the water quality does not meet the standards, they will never survive.

The peach blossom jellyfish came to the fishery, which proves that the water quality of Daqin fishery is the best in the world!

This is a good opportunity for publicity. For Wei Ni, after she learned about the peach blossom jellyfish, she quickly asked Shaq to take Qin Shiou to film and record the life of the jellyfish in the fishing grounds, and then to promote the town and use high-quality waters to attract Passengers.

Qin Shiou knew her plan by seeing her sparkling eyes. Had a wry smile. Said to the bull: “Let’s go buddy, take a diving suit and an underwater video recorder, let’s see how beautiful this most beautiful jellyfish is!”

The bull on the road told him that it was completely coincidental to find Tao Hua Ji. When he took the fisherman out to cruise, he casually dropped a net, and after he came online, he brought a few small jellyfishes. Then his professional gaze worked at this moment, recognizing their identities.

He came to the villa to inform Wei Ni, but when he heard Qin Shiou said that she was very beautiful, he thought that Qin Shiou had discovered the peach blossom jellyfish.

Qin Shiou smiled and said: “How could it be possible that I just returned to the fishing ground today, and I haven’t gone to the sea to see it. How could I find these cute elves?”

The bull said of course: “But you will find the Dragon tactic, the Five Elements Dragon Quest, can’t you find different species by using this? Then you should also find the peach jellyfish? BOSS, you are omnipotent!”

Qin Shiou laughed. It seems that he has a good impression on the fishermen. He has remained mysterious for a long time, and the fishermen feel that he is a little unpredictable.

The bull drove him to the northern waters in a boat, and he approached the waters where the luminous jellyfish was previously found before stopping. He said: “We are the peach blossom jellyfish that we saw here. If you look into the water carefully, luck is good. See them.”

Peach blossom jellyfish is very small, ordinary freshwater peach blossom jellyfish is only 25 mm in diameter after opening the umbrella surface. Arctic peach blossom jellyfish is considered to be large, the largest can be more than ten centimeters, but they are almost transparent, with white or green tones, so It is difficult to see in the sea.

However, Qin Shiou didn’t care, he had the consciousness of the sea god, and this powerful function, after releasing it, he took control of this sea area, and all life was well understood.

As soon as the Poseidon consciousness entered the ocean, I first saw a small school of striped sea bass wandering over, and then saw a group of large lobsters migrating on the seabed. This group of lobsters is a mixture of ordinary lobsters and rainbow lobsters, and there are very few fisheries. See.

Rainbow lobster is one of Daqin Seafood’s flagship products. It is not only delicious but also beautiful. Nowadays, a manual work is popular in the United States, which is to eat the meat of the rainbow lobster and assemble its shells, and then watch the patterns on the shells for fantasy.

Qin Shiou feels that this manual work is not fun, it is simply to toss the corpse after eating meat, but Americans like to play this way, especially young men and women, they are obsessed with it.

Between the sea surface and the bottom of the sea, some large and small jellyfish live here. They should be flowing along the Arctic ice floes.

Qin Shiou looked at the sea area and understood why the Arctic peach blossom jellyfish survived here, because this sea area has warm currents passing by and the water temperature is relatively high, while the Arctic peach blossom jellyfish prefers high temperatures.

In China, the origin of the name Peach Blossom Jellyfish is thought to be because they often appear in the spring and are accompanied by peach blossoms when they appear, so they have this name.

In fact, this is not the case. In the academic world, the name of this jellyfish is also the peach blossom jellyfish. The reason is that their shape is as beautiful as a peach blossom. In the clear water, one jellyfish is swimming in the clear water. They are transparent and green in color. , Like a small transparent umbrella floating leisurely in the water.

The Arctic Peach Blossom Jellyfish is particularly beautiful. They are round without a head and tail. The umbrella cover is crystal-clear and soft as silk. The body is covered with tentacles around the body, with five tentacles growing in the middle, and the shape of the tentacles separated is like a petal. Peach Blossom…(To be continued ^ )

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