Golden Fishery

Chapter 2000

Vol 2 Chapter 1894: .The golden age of fisheries

Tomorrow’s finale, five changes to the end! Tomorrow the update time will be at noon, and then at noon the day after tomorrow, we will release the new book, thank you brothers and sisters for your support! In addition, the first release of this site is on the Internet. I hope that the brothers and sisters of the pirated version can support the new book of the magazine on the Internet. The new book is free to read for at least two months****

The brilliance of the sun fell on the grass, because the national park was so clean, the air seemed to be non-existent, the sun left the sun, and then fell on the green weeds.

Bathed in hot golden light, the little carrot head slowly walked out with graceful steps. At its feet and behind, a few small, soft, white-haired things chased after you, and they made a tender sound from time to time. Screaming, threw each other down and then stood up, chased and threw down again…

The unlucky wolf walked at the end with its head held high and a proud expression on its long wolf face. It was covered with clean white hair, which would become dirty and stained with dry and black blood, and its body was gray and black. , But there is no longer the heroic prestige of the previous days.

But its current state of mind is not comparable to what it used to be. This will make it look like a wolf king, with proud and gaze, but when it sees the little carrot head and those small things, its eyes will become gentle.

Vini ran out when she heard the howling of the wolf. She waved to the little carrot head with joy and shouted: “Luobo, come to my mother!”

The little carrot head rushed over immediately, opened his mouth and spit out a dividend tongue, jumped into Winnie’s arms and licked it.

The little things behind    were taken aback, they were anxious when they saw their mother running away, their short claws flicked quickly, and they chased after their tails with their tails, and they kept humming.

Melon was so happy when she saw the little white wolves. She rushed out and reached out to grab one, but the little white wolf is much more fierce than the little bully. Faced with the outstretched little hand, the little one looks soft and soft. The white wolf opened his mouth to bite her.

It’s a pity that it moves too slowly, or the melon moves too fast. The little girl slapped the little white wolf directly onto the lawn, and then hugged it up like a paparazzi, touching its fur and exclaimed: “Sister Duoduo, come and see, my puppy is more cute.”

The unity of the wolf pack was revealed at this moment. The little wolf pup was taken away, and the other little wolves surrounded Melon in a circle, grinning and slanting eyes to scare her.

Unlucky, ran over like a wolf, waving his paws and slapped them to the ground one by one: I don’t want to be mixed up, idiots, do you dare to provoke this monster? Don’t make trouble for Dad, Dad doesn’t want to be a wolf ride anymore…

Compared with puppies, little white wolves are much more fierce, but compared to wolf pups in the wild, they are much more docile, especially after being hugged.

Qin Shiou counted, there were five little white wolves in total. It seems that there are fewer carrots than the generals.

Vini took the little guys to take a bath, Qin Shiou input the Seagod energy to them by the way, the little guys began to refuse to go into the water all the time, and shivered together.

Later, the unlucky wolf opened his mouth and caught them in the water, so that they took a bath.

After taking a hot bath, they probably felt that soaking in warm water was more comfortable than being outside than in the sun. They refused to come out from behind. They shrank in the water and only exposed their small heads on the surface of the water, staring vigilantly at the stretched ones. Hand to evade.

This made Qin Shiou laugh dumbly, and the white wolf was naturally afraid of water. It seems that the offspring of carrot head changed this characteristic.

Then he suddenly thought, could this have something to do with Poseidon’s energy? The five little wolf pups began to absorb the Poseidon energy when they were pregnant, and it was different from the Poseidon energy when the little carrot head grew.

For example, melon, she is not afraid of water by nature. When she first learned to walk, she liked to play with seals. At that time, she dared to go into the water.

If you have this litter of little white wolves at home, it will be even more lively.

The bully dog and the wolf are natural enemies, and the two meet in the wild-the wolf must have eaten the bully dog…

To be honest, Qin Shiou learned about the fighting power of this beast after raising wolves. Except for the tiger and leopard, which are the gods of war between dogs, he doesn’t think any dog can have the advantage in the frontal conflict with the wolf, even if it is known as the king of fighting dogs. Pitbull or Tibetan Mastiff.

But for the little wolves, their fighting power is equal to each other. It is not called fighting between them, it is called rookie pecking each other…

Every day, as long as you open your eyes, the puppy and the wolf will look for each other, and then six fight five. They will fight when they meet, nothing said.

General Bully Dog expressed helplessness. He really didn’t want to stay here anymore. Whenever the child barked for him to come forward and help, he could only bow his head and ignore it.

The little bully dogs don’t understand. They haven’t noticed. Every time they fight with the little wolf, there is a pair of fat and strong adult wolves standing in the distance and staring at them.

If it weren’t for Vinnie’s always staring at the white wolves, then seeing the little bully dog biting her own baby, the little carrot head and the hapless wolf would have gone to eat these puppies alive.

After giving birth to the baby, the little carrot head still looks like he hasn’t grown up. He stays with Wei Ni every day. It seems that his own baby has nothing to do with it. It will go back only when it is feeding. Other times it is the hapless wolf. Bring children.

Unlucky wolf really enjoyed this process. It also found a melon toy and took it out to teach the children to fight and fight.

But maybe the reason for living with people is that the little guys are not interested, they prefer to fight with the little bully dogs.

In August, the Mao Weilong family will return to Hamilton. Melon is very reluctant to toy with Duo Duo’s sister and little brother, and the little white wolves are also reluctant to fight their opponents like little bullies. So Qin Shiou sent Mao Weilong away alone, while Liu Shuyan stayed in the national park with his children and dogs.

sent away Mao Weilong, Qin Shiou went to Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia, to buy the Carter Fisheries next door for 67 million Canadian dollars, which was easy to buy.

In this way, the two fishing occasions are one, and Carter Fishing Ground still falls into his hands after all.

Obtaining control of the fishing ground, Qin Shiou immediately launched a large-scale construction. He ordered a variety of fish, shrimp and crabs suitable for survival in warm waters from the fishing grounds within the Newfoundland Fisheries Union.

In addition, he moved the salmon school from the previous fishing ground to the No. 3 fishing ground. There is a large river here, which is convenient for the salmon to cruise and spawn every year.

The Carter fishing ground is the focus of his external construction. The Daqin fishing ground is the base camp, and this fishing ground is the overseas military base, which is the first line of foreign export.

In this way, Daqin Fishing Ground, Golden Bay Fishing Ground, Carter Fishing Ground, Star Fishing Ground, he has four fishing grounds in his hands.

Now Canadians know that if you have money, don’t invest in real estate but in fishing grounds, even small fishing grounds. Because the Ocean Fire Project was launched, as the fishery resources recover, the value of the fishery will greatly increase.

Qin Shiou also wants to buy a few more fishing grounds, anyway, he has nearly one billion Canadian dollars in his bank card, and there is a sunken ship worth at least two billion dollars waiting to be excavated.

Unfortunately, there is no suitable fishing ground to buy. The era of premium fishing grounds has come. The ordinary small fishing grounds used to be hundreds of thousands of Canadian dollars, but now they start at least 2 million Canadian dollars.

Like Carter Fishing Ground, under the stimulus of the Ocean Fire Project, let alone 100 million Canadian dollars, 200 million Canadian dollars will be taken over by someone!

As for the Daqin fishing ground on the farewell island? That is priceless! (To be continued ^ )

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