Golden Fishery

Chapter 33

Chapter 29: .Canary in the ocean

Beluga, the most beautiful canary in the sea.

This kind of gentle character generally lives in the seas of Europe, Alaska, and Canada. Qin Shiou didn’t know that Farewell Island also had them.

You should know that as long as the areas where beluga whales are concentrated, they are almost all holy places for whale watching, such as the lower reaches of the St. Lawrence River in eastern Canada and the mouth of the Churchill River in the west of Hudson Bay.

For fishermen, beluga whales have never been prey or rivals. They are similar to dolphins, with a simple and gentle personality, high IQ, strong communication and a desire to live in groups-hopefully, they have been spread since they were discovered in the late eighteenth century. Stories about the beluga whale making friends with fishermen.

The reason why beluga whales are called canaries is that they are the best “ventriloquist” experts in the fish kingdom, they can make hundreds of sounds, and the sounds they make are varied.

After this little white whale appeared, it opened its short mouth and made a ‘wheezing’ sound like a passenger ship’s whistle. The first time it saw the motorboat, it was very curious, and happily followed it after it surfaced.

Qin Shiou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that a small white whale appeared. If a tiger shark or a man-eating shark came out, he would have to spend a lot of time to clean them up.

Seeing the little white whale curiously following behind, Qin Shiou speeded up and circled, teasing the little white whale.

The little white whale fluttered awkwardly in the sea and chased after it. Hearing the sound of the motor boat’s motor, it also imitated and yelled: “Boom…boom…”

Qin Shiou was attracted by the cuteness of the little white whale, but he didn’t make a moment of teasing, and a little far away suddenly sounded the whistle-like sound of the little white whale when it first appeared.

Hearing this sound, the little white whale lifted his head out of the sea, looked at it, and dived into the water to swim.

Qin Shiou’s Seagod consciousness followed. It turned out that there was an adult beluga whale not far away. This little beluga whale should have followed its mother to hunt.

Out of affection, Qin Shiou injected the sea **** energy into the body of the little white whale, and then reluctantly left.

Qin Shiou wanted to bring the little white whale back to the fishing ground to be a pet, but for the beluga mother, it was a cruel thing. He would not do it. At present, the number of beluga whales is decreasing and he needs protection. Such a lovely life.

Since the 17th century, due to the high profits of whaling, whalers have carried out frantically killing beluga whales, resulting in a sharp decline in the number of beluga whales.

What’s even more sad is that the ecological environment of beluga whales has been devastated and damaged by a series of toxic substances, such as polychlorinated biphenyls, DDT, and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzene chines, which makes many beluga whales immune. The system was severely damaged and died in batches.

Farewell to the little white whale, Qin Shiou no longer wanted to continue playing around, and speeded up to return to the fishery pier.

A group of children stayed on the pier, pointing around another motorboat. Qin Shiou got off the motorboat and smiled to Shake: “Let the children sit on it and have fun.”

The children let out a cheer. Xiaosha and several others looked at Shaq pitifully. The latter said embarrassedly: “The splashing sea is a bit cold, which makes the children sick easily.”

The little guys headed by Xiaosha shouted: “Not afraid, we are not afraid!”

Qin Shiou smiled and said: “Slowly open, no problem, besides, do you want your children to make flowers in the greenhouse, or are you arrogant and upright pine?”

Shaq stopped talking and started the motorboat to take the kids around.

Everything was delivered, Qin Shiou personally counted them, and he paid for it without any problems, which cost more than 800,000 Canadian dollars in one lump sum.

However, in this way, apart from the fishing grounds and fry, the fishing grounds are basically opened.

I took a few photos of myself riding a motorboat and posted them in the group space, and a bunch of guys started making noise again.

Mao Weilong: “Birds and beasts, your small days have passed and become more comfortable, when will you buy a yacht? My buddies will go to your place for fun.”

Chen Lei: “Damn, this motorboat seems to be awesome, beasts, beasts, honestly, is this yours or yours?”

Song Xuemei: “Please don’t show off your wealth, what should we do if these cities are pushing the white-collar workers? I’m still worried about the rent next month, and I will live on the street.”

Zhong Dajun immediately came out: “Xuemei, don’t pay the rent, come to live with me, buddy is welcome.”

Ma’s blond hair had a sullen expression, and replied: “It’s the limbs up to the sky.”

“Go to hell!” Several female comrades condemned Ma Jin together. Of course, Zhong Dajun was even more scolded as a dog-blood spray.

Qin Shiou laughed and participated in a few sentences, and then the QQ portrait in the lower right corner of the computer jumped. He clicked to see that it was his brother Qin Peng in his hometown: “Birds and beasts, buddy, I have half a month to get married. Can you come back? Yes, why can’t you get through on the phone?”

Qin Peng is Qin Shiou’s hair, and the two can be said to be brothers who grew up wearing a pair of pants. From elementary school to high school, they lived in the same school and class.

In fact, Qin Shiou’s friends are relatively few. To put it mildly, he is a bit self-centered and has a bigger temper. Qin Peng is naturally temperamental and always laughs. Therefore, there are many people of the same age in a village, Qin Peng. Play best with him.

Qin Peng’s academic performance is not very good. He dropped out of school to work before finishing high school. He really likes machinery and vehicles, and now he runs a small car repair shop in his hometown.

Qin Shiou is not at home, and only his old parents are at home. Qin Peng has been helping to take care of him. When he is busy with farm work, he will help with work, and give a cake for his birthday.

So, seeing his message, Qin Shiou immediately replied: “Go, I will definitely go, and I will be your best man, and give me a place.”

Qin Peng did not reply afterwards. Qin Shiou sent the phone number again. He felt a little guilty about this. He changed to Global Access in Canada, and he hadn’t told the phone to the little brother.

Unknowingly, Qin Shiou had been in Canada for nearly a month. He came in early April, and it was almost the end of April now. Not many days before Qin Peng’s wedding, he quickly called Auerbach to help book a flight ticket.

The fishing boat has not been bought yet, and Qin Shiou has nothing to do. The next day, he decided to apply for a driver’s license, and by the way, apply for a gun license.

It’s easy to apply for a driver’s license. Find a driving test company, and Qin Shiou can send his information and 600 yuan to it.

The driving test in Canada is more stringent, but this kind of strictness is the time of the test. During the training period, because almost every household has a car, many people will come to take the driver’s license after driving, so as long as they have learned five lessons, they are allowed to refer to it.

It will be more troublesome to apply for a gun license.

First, Qin Shiou submitted an application form, and then went to an officially designated mental hospital for psychological examination.

This does not stop there. Then he has to go through a three-level review by the St. Johns Police Department, the Newfoundland Police Department and the National Bureau of Investigation to determine that there is no criminal record. In addition, after applying for a gun license, the local police department will check you from time to time. Whether there is alcoholism, quarrels with neighbors, domestic violence, etc.

This process takes about 2 months, everything is okay, you can go to the police station to get a gun license and buy a gun license.

After getting these, Qin Shiou had to buy a gun within 30 days. After buying the gun, he had to go to the police station to register the gun number within 72 hours.

Although it feels troublesome, Qin Shiou can only cooperate. After all, in the celestial dynasty, no matter how obedient you are, you can’t get a gun. In his opinion, a man who has never played with a gun is incomplete.

#### I really didn’t expect, brothers and sisters, we would be able to sit on top of the new book list on the homepage! Oh my god, this is crazy! Thank you very much to every brother and sister who has collected and recommended this book, and thank you brothers such as Xinghe, Sirius, Maoyan and so on! Thank you all brothers and sisters here, thank you for supporting our fishery!

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