Golden Fishery

Chapter 43

Chapter 39: .This is also called a matter

Early the next morning, Qin Shiou was called by Qin Peng’s phone. He hung up the phone and checked the time. It was half past six and got up quickly.

When bidding farewell to the town, Qin Shiou’s work and rest are regular, no matter what time he sleeps, he can get up at six in the morning, and then run and exercise in the morning.

I went home now, but started to fall asleep. It is probably due to the environment. Qin Shiou was a boarding school when he was in high school, and he stayed outside to work after graduating from college. So every time he went home, he would definitely sleep in bed.

Qin Peng prepared a Buick GL8 commercial vehicle. Qin Shiou patted the front of the car and said, “This car is good.”

The Buick GL8 series of commercial vehicles is a very classic MPV under SH General Motors. It is equipped with a 3.0LVVT V6 engine and has a maximum horsepower of 178 horsepower. It is known for its “prestigious atmosphere, luxury and comfort”, and has always won government agencies and high-end groups. The favorite of businesses.

Qin Peng smiled and said, “Of course it’s not bad. It’s close to 200,000 yuan. This is the car of my dad and their boss. I loaned it to my family for a few days. It’s a lot of things without getting married, and it’s not convenient to have a car.”

Qin Peng’s father works in a quarry in the town. The boss is better, so although the work is hard, he has been working hard.

Qin Shiou heard what Qin Peng said a bit familiar, he thought about it, and remembered the last time he went to BJ, when he saw the Grand Cherokee that Mao Weilong had brought, the two said something similar.

Thinking about this, he felt that he had to prepare a reasonable wedding gift for Qin Peng. Not only did the two grow up, but when he was away, Qin Peng helped his parents to do many things at home.

In elementary school, Qin Shiou and Qin Peng learned the text “Daze Township Uprising” together. There was a sentence in it called “Don’t forget each other when you are rich.” At that time, a group of little guys promised each other. Promised.

When I was young, my partners would promise many things. As time goes by, they grow up. These promises are either naive, empty, or unfocused. They will slowly become vulnerable in the face of time, and then be forgotten by the owner.

Qin Shiou can also forget those promises. He can not buy a Grand Cherokee for Mao Weilong. He can give a gift of 1,000 yuan at Qin Peng’s wedding banquet. He can symbolically give his sister tens of thousands of yuan instead of hundreds. Wan, there is nothing wrong with doing this, but he doesn’t do it.

There is no other purpose, Qin Shiou just doesn’t want to become the kind of person he hated when he was a child after he became rich.

Qin Peng drove to the county seat. His home was in a town next to the county seat. At this time, he had already taken a bus to the county seat.

The county seat of Qin Shiou’s hometown is called Pingcheng. It is a traditional agricultural county seat. The economy is not well developed, but because of the large population, the area is quite large. In this way, the economy is not enough for the population to gather, but it also leads to the development of all walks of life in the county.

Buicks drove from the urban-rural junction, and the tall buildings in the county town were not too tall to show their faces.

Qin Shiou hasn’t been to the county for a long time. He looked at the brand new high-rise buildings and sighed: “The county is developing really fast. So many buildings have been raised all at once.”

Qin Peng curled his lips and said: “Now people with a bit of money are going to build buildings. I’m so **** up. Building so many buildings will increase the price. Let me see how such a small county town can absorb so many high-priced properties!”

“Are you not planning to buy a house?” Qin Shiou asked.

Qin Peng shook his head and said, “Buy a building in the county seat? I’ll forget it. How can I get the money? Four or five thousand per square meter! Besides, Lili’s house is pretty good too. Consider things like buying a house.”

The two chatted, and the car drove to a crossroad of a provincial highway on the edge of the county seat. Cars roared past, and it was quite a bit of a torrent of steel.

Qin Shiou saw several brand-new buildings around the intersection, and smiled: “I really made you right. People with a little money have gone to build buildings, and some places have been built. There are people here too?”

While waiting for the red light, Qin Peng pulled down the window and looked at the building on the side of the road with nostalgia. He said, “Don’t tell me, Little Ou, I think building a building here is the smart choice. The location is good and there are many cars. There are so many people. If you buy a door-to-door house and open a car repair shop here, you will definitely make money.”

Qin Shiou watched Qin Peng staring at a small building at the intersection. He moved in his heart and asked, “How much is the house price here?”

Qin Peng immediately said: “2000 a level.”

“That’s very cheap.” Qin Shiou said in surprise, “Then you can just buy that building and open a car repair shop?”

Qin Peng smiled and said, “You have to be rich, brother, it’s not expensive for a flat 2000? This is the urban-rural fringe! Besides, if you open a garage, you have to have a large yard, so you don’t have to pay five or six hundred thousand. stand up.”

Qin Shiou patted Qin Peng on the shoulder, and did not speak any more.

Soon we arrived at the agreed Times Central Square, the car stopped, and a few girls walked up lightly.

Qin Peng pulled Qin Shiou, and said cheerfully to the leading gentle girl: “This is my brother I told you, haha, his name is Qin Shiou…”

“Qin Shiou, Qin, Qin, Beast?” A girl in a long, straight black pen skirt tried to read it, and then she covered her mouth and laughed.

Qin Shiou touched his nose awkwardly, and said, “Actually, my friends call me Xiaoou.”

The gentle girl is naturally Yan Lili. She is about twenty-four or five years old. She is not very pretty, but she has delicate eyebrows and soft cheek lines. She always likes to smile with her mouth and she knows that she will become a good wife and a good mother.

She walked up to Qin Shiou and stretched out her hand, and proactively introduced: “Hello, my name is Yan Lili. These are my four best friends, Zhou Ling, Lou Muqing, Cao Hailu, and Wu Yi.”

After    introduced, she stood beside Qin Peng and stopped talking, just smiled.

Qin Shiou looked at Yan Lili and sighed: “Okay, okay, I didn’t expect that Dapeng, a idiot, could find you such a good wife! No wonder he is so anxious to get married, it seems that he is afraid of being snatched from this good wife.”

Lou Muqing, a girl in a pen-holder skirt, chuckled, “Actually, the reason they are in a hurry to get married is Lily…”

Zhou Ling beside    covered her mouth and said, “Qingqing, don’t talk nonsense.”

Lou Muqing apparently also noticed that he almost missed his mouth just now, so he stuck out his tongue and made faces and stopped talking.

Yan Lili’s four girlfriends all look good, especially Lou Muqing, with long straight black hair, a small white shirt and a black pen skirt. She is wearing crystal silk and black high heels. She looks very **** in the office. The feeling of a goddess.

Qin Shiou tried his best to make himself seem less ***, so after greeting the four girls, he looked at the square with a plain face.

Qin Peng asked Yan Lili and the four girls to get in the car. He touched Qin Shiou with his elbow and smirked: “How about, which one of the four do you like? I asked Lili to match you.”

Qin Shiou didn’t speak, Qin Peng said again, “It must be Lou Muqing, right? Hey, don’t I know your kid’s taste? Lou Muqing with long legs and glasses girl absolutely meets your aesthetic standards.”

“Fuck, which eye do you see that I like Lou Muqing?” Qin Shiou laughed.

Qin Peng habitually curled his lips and said, “Can I not understand your kid? His eyes were staring at the square, and the corner of his eyes was staring at Lou Muqing, right?”

Qin Shiou looked at Qin Peng in astonishment, and said, “Oh, your boy is good at observing now.”

Qin Peng blinked and said, “Wait and see, your sister-in-law is your matchmaker.”

Talking and laughing, Qin Peng got in the car and went directly to the wedding company.

There are more than a dozen large and small wedding companies in Pingcheng, and Qin Peng and Yan Lili are looking for a medium-sized company.

Originally, Yan Lili was more frugal in housekeeping and wanted to choose a small wedding company. But Qin Peng didn’t want to wrong her. After all, there was no accident. There was only one thing like marriage in a lifetime.

This time I came to the wedding company to determine the newly-weds team. Qin Peng and Yan Lili went to find the boss, and Qin Shiou casually looked at the wedding shop.

The owner of the wedding shop is a middle-aged man in his early forties. When Qin Peng exchanged a few words, Qin Peng asked: “Boss Zhu, I’m here to make sure that the wedding team is auspicious. Your team must be on the 10th. We will arrive at my house at 8:30 in the morning, and then we will set off to pick up the bride.”

Listening to Qin Peng’s words, the boss was stunned, and said, “Morning on the 8th? Aren’t you the wedding on the 10th?”

This time it was Qin Peng’s turn to be stunned, and he stupidly said: “What a joke, it’s obviously the 8th, how could it be the 10th?”

Boss Zhu hurriedly took out a notepad to check it, and said: “I clearly remember that you told me that it was…broken. It was the tenth day of April. I recorded it as May 10th.”

“Nothing, right?” Yan Lili asked worriedly.

Boss Zhu said embarrassingly: “It’s really an accident. Your wedding day is a good day. There is a couple on my side. The wedding team has been booked for them. Look, the contract has been signed.”

Qin Peng said anxiously: “Then what do we do? What do you mean?”

Boss Zhu said: “Otherwise, I will ask a friend to help you and make a team for you. What do you think? But the car models may not be unified.”

After hearing this, Qin Peng became angry and quarreled directly with Boss Zhu.

Qin Shiou didn’t understand what was going on, so he hurried over and pulled the two away. A worker at the wedding shop came over with a sullen face and asked, “What are you doing, do you want to make trouble?”

Just as Qin Shiou pulled the two away, this guy was about to cause trouble again, he pushed it up, frowning and said, “Go on your side, it’s nothing to do with you.”

His strength is amazing now. This one pushed it out and directly pushed the strong worker out and flew out. He threw out a long way with a bang, and he fell directly into shock. He didn’t dare to trouble Qin Shiou when he stood up.

This time, the wedding shop owner was put under control, and Lou Muqing and her group were also honest, standing beside them with their mouths in their mouths.

In this way, calm down, and Qin Peng clarified the cause and effect of the matter in a few words.

The owner of the wedding shop is not a rascal, a villain, or a stickler. He cried out: “Yes, brother, we made a mistake in this matter. The responsibility lies with us. What we have to do now is to make up for the mistake, right?”

Qin Peng said angrily: “What is it that you put together a team? What I want is a team of white Mercedes-Benz and 6 red Mazda 3s. This is the team that I ordered!”

There is a saying for the wedding team in Qin Shiou’s hometown. The first car should be white. This is called ‘Bai Tou Gai Lao’, and the following team should be red, which is ‘booming’.

Among the fleet, the most popular is Mazda 3, because this car is good-looking and the price is relatively low, and the rent is also cheap.

Yan Lili frustrated: “That’s not good, we can only change to a wedding company.”

Now it’s too late. Two days before marriage, the preparations are now in the final stage.

Boss Zhu also said: “Your wedding day is a big day. There must be at least 20 couples in the county. If you don’t believe me, go to other stores and ask, they definitely don’t have a team anymore.”

Now, things have fallen into a tricky situation.

Qin Peng walked out of the wedding shop in despair, squatting on the street and staring in a daze, watching the traffic coming and going. He was about to get married. The result was a bolt from the blue.

Qin Shiou was also very anxious. He looked around, smiled suddenly, patted Qin Peng on the shoulder and said, “Dapeng, what is this? Look at me, your team must be fine!”

&Amp;amp;amp;&&& I have no choice but to upload this chapter before, and the result was reviewed. I had to modify it myself, and I don’t know where the problem is! Why is it so hard to write a farming article? In addition, I would like to thank feiafei, farmland, guardian of the dynasty, xifuhong, galaxy and other brothers for their rewards, and thank every brother and sister who supported this book!

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