Golden Fishery

Chapter 69

Vol 2 Chapter 65: .Victoria Day (call for votes)

After training the tiger and the leopard, the two little guys never urinate in the villa.

Qin Shiou got up early in the morning, and the two little guys also yawned and got up. They stretched out on the floor, swayed and went downstairs and out of the door, and went to the grass to sprinkle hot urine. Run back.

After Qin Shiou scrubbed, he ran around the fishing ground as usual. Huzi and Leopard ran behind with short legs, but after a while, they couldn’t keep up and lost interest. Leopard threw down Huzi from behind. The little guy started to fight.

While eating breakfast, Shaq asked happily: “BOSS, I think you planted a lot of seeds, why, do you plan to grow some vegetables in the fishery?”

Qin Shiou said: “Do it yourself, I have enough food and clothing, I do have the idea of growing vegetables.”

Shake said: “Then you have to hurry up. Today is the second day of Victoria Day. According to the usual practice, it is a good day to plant vegetables. Pan will bless the food and vegetables planted on this day.”

Canada has a vast land, but a large amount of land is in the frigid zone. In the past, when growing food and vegetables, the survival rate was relatively low. The weather around Victoria is getting warmer. At this time, the seeds planted are easy to survive, so there will be Victoria the next day in the future. Faun Pan blessed food and vegetables.

Most fisheries have vast land. In order to make rational use of resources, the fishermen will plant food, vegetables and even trees. Shake saw Qin Shiou’s hard work bringing vegetable seeds from the country, so he guessed his plan.

Qin Shiou heard that Shake said that farewell to the island has this custom, so he decided to open up a vegetable plot to grow vegetables today. The sea monster did not say that he was not doing business this time, and he also thought it was suitable to grow vegetables today.

“Not only can you grow vegetables, but you can also grow fruit trees, such as apple trees, pear trees, avocados, blueberries, and blackberries.” Nelson added.

“BOSS likes to drink ice wine so much, and he wants to set up a grape plantation.” Shaq said.

The sea monster shook his head and smiled: “No, no, vineyards are not that simple. Let’s plant vegetables first. But, BOSS, have your seeds germinated?”

Qin Shiou smiled and said, “Of course, the vegetable seeds in my house germinate very quickly.”

Of course a fart, if the seed germinates so quickly, it will become a god, but although the seed cannot become a god, Qin Shiou has a sea **** consciousness.

When watering the seeds in the box in the past two days, Qin Shiou has been pouring Poseidon energy into the seeds to promote their growth.

After absorbing the energy of Poseidon, the seeds broke their shells immediately, which was more powerful than applying urea fertilizer. The young seedlings kept absorbing water and then sprinted. Auerbach and Winnie had only planted them for a few days, and they had grown green oil. Of the seedlings.

Shaq called and contacted a plowing machine from the town. Soon, the red tractor came to the fishing ground while pulling the plowing machine.

Every fishery has farmland. The farmland of Daqin Fishery is to the northwest. As soon as you enter from the gate, you will see the farmland on both sides of the road. The area is not small, and it adds up to a total of five or six acres. It’s just a few years. No one is farming, and a lot of weeds grow.

Shaq commanded the plowing machine to turn over the land first. The modernization of agriculture in Canada is synchronized with that of the United States. The plowing machine here has the function of clearing weeds, grass roots and stones.

The tractor plowed the field back and forth several times, and the farmland that was covered with weeds immediately changed. The gray-brown soil turned up on the ground and the soil was loose. As soon as Qin Shiou stepped in, his feet fell into the fluffy soil. , Has been stuck to the ankle.

After the ploughing machine, the ridge pressing machine came out. Qin Shiou talked about the planting plan to the driver. The latter nodded to understand, and then turned on the machine and started to dig the ditch.

First, the wide ridges needed to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, and beans are the wide ridges that are about 20 meters in length and one meter or two in width.

This kind of ridge is a universal ridge. Most vegetables can be planted. Others such as garlic, celery and even sweet potatoes can also be planted.

The second kind of ditch is narrow. Qin Shiou also brought some leek seeds, which also developed into seedlings after absorbing the energy of Poseidon. He was used to putting a little leek when making sea fish. The taste was great.

While plowing the land, Qin Shiou called Auerbach and told him that he was going to plant vegetables today. The old man drove up and laughed when he got out of the car: “Great, Qin, this land is deserted. It’s been too long, and I will finally be resurrected in your hands.”

“Not only this piece of land, but the entire fishery will be resurrected in the hands of the BOSS.” Shake said with a smile.

Plow the ground and ditch the ground, then you can plant vegetables.

As the tractor left, the tiger and the leopard, who were almost scared to pee by the roar of the diesel engine before, became vigorous. The two little guys ran out from behind a tree and saw that the farmland was level. Into the farmland.

Qin Shiou closed his eyes and sniffed the fragrance of the soil, and for a while, he seemed to be back in the vegetable field at home.

People are such weird. When he was in school, Qin Shiou really hated working in the fields, but now, he misses the days when he was with his parents, and he listened to the days when his father educates his mother.

“Do you know how to grow vegetables?” Qin Shiou asked.

Shaq, the sea monster, and Nelson looked at each other, laughed together, and said, “BOSS, do you think that only your country has vegetables? Although Newfoundland is a fishing ground, there are many vegetable farms. Of course we will. .”

Qin Shiou also laughed and said: “I thought Canada only grows vegetables in Saskatchewan.”

Saskatchewan is located in the heart of Canada. It is rich in aquatic plants and is famous for pastures and wheat fields. It is known as Canada’s “granary”.

Vini shrugged and said: “I can only study on the spot, but it shouldn’t be difficult?”

“It’s not difficult, I teach you.” Qin Shiou suddenly felt that farming is actually a good job.

Before planting vegetable seedlings, you have to water the field first, and the pump will send the rolling water into the farmland. Shaq and the sea monsters removed boxes of vegetable seedlings and began to prepare for work.

Weini saw that the farmland was wet, so she took off her shoes, barefoot behind Qin Shiou.

Qin Shiou said differently: “Why take off your shoes?”

But this was the first time he saw Vinnie’s beautiful feet. Her skin was tender and white, with faint blue veins faintly visible, her arches were beautifully curved, her toes lined up neatly like silkworms, and her pink nails were small, exquisite, and lovely.

Having seen Winnie’s beautiful feet, Qin Shiou felt that he might have a **** in the future, which made him feel sad.

Weini noticed Qin Shiou’s gaze, she closed her feet a little shyly, and whispered: “The soil in the field is wet, how can I go in with shoes?”

Qin Shiou laughed and said, “Who said he was going in? Isn’t there a ridge left here? Just step on it.”

Seeing the vegetable seedlings with tender leaves and sprouts, Auerbach was very surprised and said, “God, Qin, what are these vegetable varieties in your hometown? They can grow out so quickly, even though they are grown in a greenhouse. , But this growth rate is too exaggerated!”

Qin Shiou shrugged. He didn’t answer Auerbach’s words because he didn’t know how to explain it. He couldn’t say that the Seagod’s energy was so domineering and blasting into the sky, right?

Auerbach muttered to himself: “No wonder you insist on bringing seeds back from your hometown. It turns out that your seeds are different from those in Canada.”

Except for leeks, all other vegetable seedlings are easy to grow. Just dig a small hole in the farmland and plant the seedlings together with the root mud.

“It’s that simple, but you have to pay attention to the spacing. If the distance between the seedlings is too small, they will compete for nutrients and cause poor growth. If they are too far apart, they will waste field space and will waste water and nutrients in the future.” Qin Shiou squatted beside Wei Ni. Teach the way.

Touching the wet and smooth little hand of the stewardess, he feels very refreshed.

Vini frowned and said: “That’s a bit complicated, how far is the distance?”

What Qin Shiou wants is complexity. If he just grows vegetable seedlings and just digs a hole to bury it, how could he have the opportunity to teach Viny?

The cultivated farmland cannot be used, the area is too large, and the seedlings have been planted, and only less than half of them have been planted.

Auerbach shook the dirt on his hands and looked at the green seedlings in the farmland. He was very pleased and said: “As long as these little guys grow up, then we don’t need to spend money on vegetables this year.”

Shake said: “Not only vegetables, but there are so many open spaces. I’ll go find some fruit seedlings.”

Nelson said: “My brother’s orchard happens to have apple trees and pear trees. Both can produce fruit. As long as they are transplanted, we will be able to eat apples and pears this year.”

“Then do it. I will get some blackberry and blueberry seedlings. If I can find pomegranate trees, fig trees and cherry trees, it would be even better.” Shaq said happily.

&Amp;&&&Thanks to the cats who are very small and can’t afford spicy strips, Mick, Yuexi, teng1861 and other friends, especially teng1861 friends, who directly gave a deacon, so awesome! In addition, I call for a recommendation vote. I hope my friends will vote for it. Thanks for the bullet shell!

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