Golden Fishery

Chapter 92

Vol 2 Chapter 88: .Uneasy

Qin Shiou hurriedly picked up the bear. The bear cub was frightened. In fact, it was thick and rough, and it was kicked on the sofa by Nelson, so it was not injured, but the shock was not light.

When    was picked up by Qin Shiou, the bear cub clung to his clothes and screamed non-stop, which looked like he was aggrieved.

Huzi and Leopard lie on the sofa and twitch their mouths, their small eyes are full of contempt, just like Xiao Ming despised both of them at the beginning: weak B, can’t even avoid such a kick?

Nelson saw Qin Shiou picking up the bear cub, and then realized that he had misunderstood him. He was immediately embarrassed and touched his nose and said, “I’m going out for a day? Why is there a brown bear cub in the house? I’m sorry, BOSS.”

“It’s okay, I picked it up from the woods.” Qin Shiou patted the big bear on the back like a kid. The latter kept whining and howling, and refused to let go of Qin Shiou’s clothes.

Qin Shiou asked Nelson to bring the swordfish over. Seeing that Nelson, the murderer who had almost killed him, approached, Xiong Da almost didn’t scare to pee. His four paws fluttered vigorously, and Qin Shiou hurriedly handed the swordfish to him.

In the world of food, food is the most important thing. It is a partner when you are alone, a cure for injuries, and a happy embarrassment when you are sad. In short, after the sailfish got his hands, Xiong Da immediately climbed down from Qin Shiou. , Squatted on the floor and ate happily.

Huzi and Leopard were also hungry. Seeing Xiongda’s ‘baby babble’ eating happily, they jumped up and sniffed.

Qin Shiou was afraid that the two sides would start to fight for food. As a result, Xiong Da did a good job at this point. He even graciously tore off two pieces of fish and threw them to the tiger and the leopard.

Unfortunately, the Labrador is not interested in raw fish, but Xiong Da’s generosity won their friendship. The two little guys went up and licked it, which meant that they would not bite it in the future.

Seeing the scene of the bear splitting the meat and the puppy licking, Nelson was stunned, and kept muttering: “God, are these guys mature? Their IQ is higher than their peers.”

Qin Shiou rolled his eyes and said, “Of course the children of a few months are idiots, how can they compare with these guys? Okay, go prepare charcoal fire, grill fish and barbecue tonight.”

In the spring, the night breeze on Farewell Island is no longer cold, and now it is approaching summer, the sea breeze is quite warm in the evening, it is a good time to eat barbecue and drink beer.

In addition to grilled fish, Qin Shiou also grilled mountain shiitake mushrooms, brazil mushrooms and other fungi. These wild-grown things can be regarded as mountain delicacies. They are burned on the grill and oiled on the outside, and the fragrance is immediately released.

The difference between mountain shiitake mushrooms and ordinary shiitake mushrooms lies in its fragrance and the oil contained in its umbrella cover. Under high-temperature roasting, these oils are quickly roasted out, leaving a strain of bacteria around the grill. Kind of fragrance.

Roasted eight mature, mountain shiitake mushrooms are ready to eat, Qin Shiou handed a bunch of oily, golden, and fragrant mountain shiitake mushrooms to a few people, and said: “Try it, guys, it should be good.”

These people have never eaten roasted mountain shiitake mushrooms. They took the suspicious ones in their hands and bite them down. The gravy of shiitake mushrooms sputtered out of the thick meat cover. Suddenly, the mouth was occupied by the deliciousness of shiitake mushrooms.

“Wow, it’s great!” Shaq muttered while chewing, and said vaguely with a thumbs up, “I thought shiitake mushrooms can only be used for soup, but they can be roasted, BOSS, you are such a genius.”

This way of eating is not common in Qin Shi’s hometown. Roasted mountain mushrooms are indeed delicious, but the requirements for mountain mushrooms are high. It must be fresh and fat, otherwise it will be easy to roast regardless of whether it is not fresh or the meat cover is not fat and tender enough. Burnt.

In addition to grilled meat, grilled fish and grilled mushrooms, there is also a large plate of oysters, that is, raw oysters.

Oysters are good things. They are found in all oceans, but they are of different species. The East American oysters are abundant in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Canada. Qin Shiou’s fishing grounds are close to the bay, and naturally there are many of these oysters.

However, I bought the oysters I ate tonight. The oysters in the fishing grounds are located in some places in the deep sea. The people on the beach had already been touched by the townspeople at low tide.

“I plan to breed oysters. Guys, such as Belon oysters, Kumamoto oysters, Asian long oysters, etc. I think there should be a market for this thing.” Qin Shiou said, sucking on a large oyster in his hand.

The big bear sat next to Qin Shiou quite familiarly, raising his head and staring at the oyster in Qin Shiou’s hand motionless. Huzi and Leopard despised his pure food-eating behavior, and sat away from him behind.

Qin Shiou pulled out the oyster meat and handed it to Xiong Da. Xiong was so happy that he would lick it with his tongue out.

As a result, the tiger is faster than it. When Qin Shiou put his hand down, he quickly got up on his stomach, rushed up, opened his mouth to **** the oyster, and ran back to share with the leopard.

The bear screamed in a hurry, and Qin Shiou had to cut out another piece and put it into his mouth. For the brown bear, the oyster was too small to be addictive, but Xiong Da was very happy to eat, so he clicked his mouth hard—

Brother eats not seafood, but status! You two cheap dogs, come again if you have a kind!

Carrying a red squirrel eating blueberries on his shoulders, a brown bear beside him, and two Labrador dogs behind him, seeing the appearance of Qin Shiou, Shaq laughed and said, “Boss, you are like the legendary Druid. .”

Druids appear in the mythological systems of America, Northern Europe, and Greece. The specific images are different, but they all represent animal friends. They can manipulate animals to fight or transform into animals to fight.

Qin Shiou smiled and said: “Yes, I am a druid, Xiong Da is my war bear, and tiger and leopard are my war wolves. But I want to say that I plan to breed oysters. Do you have any opinions?”

“Oysters and lobsters must be farmed, otherwise the fishery resources will be wasted. In addition, there are sea cucumbers. Our Newfoundland sea cucumbers are very famous. Especially the ginseng with good water quality is a good product that flows into the monopoly market.” Said the sea monster.

“Yes, there are lobsters.” Qin Shiou remembered that he had forgotten such a deal of business.

Building a profitable fishing ground is a long way to go.

While eating and discussing, the business was settled happily, and Xiong Da was happily full, dragging his fat belly to the villa.

Qin Shiou took the three guys into the room, and Xiong Da glanced at the small bed made of sofa cushions and blankets at the end of the bed, pulled his fat **** and lay on it.

Huzi and Leopard are not doing it. This is their place, and they suddenly lowered their faces and began to whine. Qin Shiou guessed that if it hadn’t been for the friendship between Xiong and Dafenyu before, the two guys had already jumped up and started tearing. Bite.

Hurry up, Qin Shiou dragged Xiongda up, went to find a blanket and spread it on the ground, and let Xiongda go to sleep.

Bears are big foodies, except for food, they are easy to pass away. They change places when they change places, and they fall asleep on the blankets.

Huzi and Leopard stared at the bear freshman for a while, and found that everyone really fell asleep and would not come to grab their own nest again, so they closed their eyes contentedly.

finally ended. Qin Shiou threw himself on the bed, and he made a muffled sound. The sleeping Xiong Da and the tiger and leopard who had just been going to sleep raised their heads together, and were refreshed.

This frightened Qin Shiou. He still wants to sleep tonight, so he comforted the three: “Sleep, sleep, it’s okay, go to bed soon.”

Beasts are the most vigilant when they sleep, because life is the most insecure during sleep, so after Qin Shiou understood this, he had to turn over carefully.

Lying on the bed, Qin Shiou used his mobile phone to connect to the Internet and first checked the identity of Zha Xiongda. He heard that Shaq and Auerbach said it was a Kodiak brown bear, so he checked this kind of bear.

Under investigation, Qin Shiou found that Xiong Da was born in a famous family. The Kodiak brown bear is the largest subspecies of brown bears. It is an adult bear with a body length of between 2-3 meters and a weight of more than 600 kilograms. The largest individual is 700. More than kilograms.

This kind of brown bear has an excellent sense of smell, which is about 7 times that of a Labrador retriever. They also have good eyesight and can see fish in the water clearly when they are fishing.

Although it is called the brown bear, the species of Xiongda may appear golden, brown, gray, black, or even silvery white after adulthood. Qin Shiou saw a few photos of adult bears. He was awe-inspiring and domineering, especially the golden bear. He was simply a local tyrant. Gold version of the bear.

Qin Shiou decided that when the bear grows up, if it can’t grow golden hair on its own, then dye it with golden hair. The golden bear should not be too beautiful.

Looking back, Qin Shiou became a little puzzled. How could there be a Kodiak brown bear on Farewell Island? According to the Internet, this bear lives on Kodiak Island in Alaska. Alaska is located in the west of Canada and the Farewell Island is in the east. The distance between the two sides is tens of thousands of miles.

In addition, although this kind of bear is not endangered because of the protection of the harsh climate in Alaska, no one is going to hunt, but the number is small, only more than 3,000 in the world.

Qin Shiou searched and learned about Xiongda’s living rules and dietary preferences, and then closed his eyes. The Seagod consciousness followed the large bluefin tuna. During the day, he released the fish and let it return to the deep sea. , And see if I can get a few more fish like this.

&Amp;&&&Thanks to friends such as Tinghui, Nongcheng Wantong, teng1861, sand in the water, dumplings and balls, thank you for your support!

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