Golden List Live: I Really Can’t Hide Anymore!

Chapter 200: Reward of the Question Card, Resurrection Card!

Chapter 200: Reward of the Question Card, Resurrection Card!

At this moment, everyone understood that since a monk appeared as one of Tathagata's disciples, the following individuals should also be related to Buddhism.

Except for Sun Wukong, who held a deep grudge against Buddhism, the rest were advancing toward a common goal. But what was that goal? This became a question lingering in the minds of others.

Moreover, Sun Wukong had joined them. He was personally suppressed by Tathagata under Five Elements Mountain, a grudge as deep as the sea. After enduring so much suffering, how could he possibly follow Tathagata's disciples?

Even though everyone was speculating, none could figure it out.

At this point, the Jade Emperor Haotian grew somewhat concerned. Would the journey to the west be prematurely exposed? If everything was revealed hundreds of years in advance, significant mistakes could arise.

He and Buddhism had been preparing for so long, and there was a risk that their efforts could be in vain. But now, with so many powerful beings witnessing it, even he could only let things unfold naturally.

However, the image that appeared on the Body List was merely a snapshot. Although there were many powerful individuals, it was impossible for them to unravel their long-planned scheme based on just a single image.

At this moment, only Sun Wukong felt both anger and confusion. Every time he thought about that scene, he became enraged.

He, the great Monkey King, reduced to a mere follower behind Tathagata's disciples? What kind of disgraceful state would he have to fall into for something like that to happen?

Furthermore, the matter between him and Tathagata—who had imprisoned him under the Five Elements Mountain—remained unresolved. If he had the strength, he would dismantle Tathagata first.

Sun Wukong couldn't understand why he would ever act that way, but deep down, he wondered if it was just a fleeting image, not a glimpse of the future.

After all, no one could predict the future with certainty. Although the beings around him were formidable, they could still make errors in judgment. Sun Wukong had never allowed anyone else to determine his fate.

Lu Ya: "I know the answer. The monk who appeared first in the image is the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, a disciple of Tathagata Buddha!"

[Correct Answer! Reward: Resurrection Card!]

[The Resurrection Card can revive anyone below the level of a Saint, but it can only be used once!]

When the reward was announced, everyone was shocked. They had never seen such a reward before, and it was vastly different from the previous ones.

For some, this item could be even more valuable than the Chaos Lotus or fragments of the Creation Jade Disc, as it was a truly rare and unattainable item.

Sun Wukong: "Is this for real? A Resurrection Card that can bring someone back to life?"

Ancestor Minghe: "The rewards given by the Body List have never been false. As expected, the rewards for correctly answering the Question Card are far superior, even more so than treasures that enhance strength!"

Kong Xuan: "None of us have ever heard of such a thing as a Resurrection Card, and its power is beyond imagination!"

Sun Wukong: "But how does the Resurrection Card bring someone back? Does it go to the Six Paths of Reincarnation and pull the soul back?"

Taiyi Zhenren: "I don't think so. If that were the case, then Saint Houtu could revive anyone at will. After all, Houtu Saint controls the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and it wouldn't be as extraordinary as this Resurrection Card!"

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva: "This Resurrection Card claims to revive anyone below Saint level, but some powerful beings perished with their souls completely scattered, unable to enter the Six Paths. And back when Chaos first emerged, the Six Paths hadn't even appeared yet, so it's unrelated!"

Fuxi: "Regardless of the mechanics, if this Resurrection Card works as described, it's far too powerful!"

The emergence of the Resurrection Card shattered everyone's previous understanding. Even the strongest, like the Saint Hongjun, couldn't casually revive the dead. Yet this small card, with the only restriction being one's level, could do just that.

If anyone below the level of a Saint could be revived, wouldn't that mean almost everyone in the Chaos Realm could be brought back to life? After all, there were only a handful of Saints in Chaos currently.

The Chaos Realm had always been turbulent and chaotic. No matter how powerful, anyone who hadn't reached Saint-level faced the risk of death.

In the Primordial World, countless powerful beings dreaded a simple death. With this Resurrection Card, even if they died, others could revive them. In essence, the card was equivalent to a second life.

Erlang Shen: "This Resurrection Card can be used to resurrect others or kept for oneself. It essentially serves as a second life, but it all depends on how Lu Ya chooses to use it!"

Ancestor Minghe: "If it were me, I'd definitely keep it for myself! What's the point of giving it to someone else? Preserving your own life is the most important!"

Taiyi Zhenren: "Not everyone is as heartless as you. Many of Lu Ya's clan members perished in previous battles. Now that he has the Resurrection Card, he might revive one of them first!"

Guangchengzi: "All this discussion is pointless. It ultimately depends on how Lu Ya decides to use it!"

Lu Ya extracted the Resurrection Card from the Body List rewards. Holding the small card in his hand, he felt a strange, powerful energy emanating from its intricate design.

This was unlike anything Lu Ya had encountered before. Even he found it hard to believe upon first receiving the card, as such an item was exceedingly powerful.

It wasn't just him—though the Saints listed on the Body List hadn't rushed to speak, they were equally astonished by the Resurrection Card's potential. With their Saint-level power, they fully understood how potent this card was.

This card could achieve what even Saints couldn't, and its potential was incredible for a mere Body List reward.

However, the Saints and other powerful beings harbored some doubts. Without seeing the Resurrection Card in action, they couldn't entirely believe in its effectiveness. As powerful as it seemed, could it really do what it claimed? That remained uncertain.

They would only be convinced after Lu Ya used the card and demonstrated its power.

Now, everyone eagerly hoped Lu Ya would try it out, so they could see if it truly lived up to the Body List's claims.

Lu Ya held the Resurrection Card in his hand, his mind racing. The more he thought about it, the tighter his grip became on the card. Fortunately, the card was a product of the Body List, made with quality assurance. Otherwise, with Lu Ya's immense physical strength, he might have crushed it already.

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