Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 12 It’s hard for the Baron to deal with household chores

The middle-aged man who calls Lu Feng uncle is the third son of his second brother Andre Hall, named Houston Hall.

Houston's father, Andre, told him countless stories of Lu Feng's heroic deeds.

Houston's ears were about to get calluses as she talked about it.

In his father's castle, there is a portrait of Lu Feng before he left home hanging on the wall.

As a child, Huston almost grew up with Lu Feng’s portrait and listening to his father tell about Uncle Lu Feng’s heroic deeds.

Lu Feng's face has been deeply imprinted in the minds of everyone in Houston and even the Hall family.

Therefore, Houston recognized Lu Feng the first time he saw him. However, Lu Feng's appearance, which had hardly aged, surprised Houston.

Is this the power of a wizard?

Recognizing Lu Feng, Houston's face suddenly lit up with joy. He waved his hand for the escort soldiers to leave, and eagerly led the way for Lu Feng.

"I haven't been back for many years, and Hongye Town has changed a lot! By the way, how is your father's health?"

Lu Feng sighed with emotion, and then asked his nephew Huston about the situation of his second brother Andre.

"Father's health is not very good!"

When mentioning this, Houston looked gloomy, not daring to look at his uncle, and said with some evasive eyes.

"Take me to see him!"

Hearing this, Lu Feng's heart sank, and then he urged in a cold voice.

From the return to Hongye Town territory, what he saw along the way, and his nephew's words, Lu Feng had a vague premonition in his heart.

With the second brother, the real baron lord of Hongye Town, becoming seriously ill, some unpleasant things may have happened in the territory.

Huston was silent and led Lu Feng to the center of Hongye Town, in front of a large and towering castle.

The entire castle is made of black stone that is as hard as steel and is extremely stable.

It may not be enough for Lu Feng, but for ordinary people and knights on the secondary road, this black stone castle is an indestructible fortress.

But before the two of them entered the gate of Blackstone Castle, a group of soldiers blocked them at the door with their swords unsheathed and spears raised horizontally.

In the shooting port above the castle gate, there were archers who pulled up their long bows, set up arrows, and aimed at Houston and Lu Feng.

At a glance, Lu Feng already knew all the arrangements at the castle entrance.

The clearer he saw, the more nameless flames burned in Lu Feng's heart.

Just when Lu Feng was about to vent his anger and train these people into flower fertilizer,

On the observation deck above the castle gate,

A middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Andre appeared in their field of vision with a short figure wrapped in a black robe.

"Houston, didn't you promise me to always remain neutral and not participate in the power struggle in Red Leaf Town? Now, why are you going back on your word? Why are you bringing back Uncle Lester who looks like a young man? Do you want to use a fake person? Do you want to participate in the fight for the ownership of Hongye Town?"

The middle-aged man looked coldly at Houston and Lu Feng below, and asked Houston in a cold tone.

Listening to his eldest brother Lane Hall's dangerous words, Houston Hall, who had already identified Lu Feng's identity, tensed up, and drops of cold sweat couldn't help but break out on his forehead.

My dear stupid brother!

You really did a terrible job, talking nonsense about seeking power and usurping the throne in front of your uncle.

Houston wanted to stop his elder brother from speaking, but it was too late.

Houston Hall heard only one sentence,

"Where did this stupidity come from? Is there something wrong with Andre's brain? How did he educate him to do this?"

There was a whistling wind in his ears, and when he came to his senses, the uncle beside him had disappeared.

Looking again, Lu Feng had arrived at the observation deck where Huston's eldest brother was standing. He grabbed his neck with one hand and pressed him firmly against the gap in the observation deck.


The rock-hard fingers remained motionless no matter how much Ren struggled.

"The Baron is assassinated, hurry up, protect the Baron!"

At this time, Rain Hall's soldiers realized what they were doing. They were all shocked when they saw the baron being captured. Some of them reacted, shouting and wanting to step forward to rescue Ryan Hall.

"Quickly, save me quickly, Ms. Anne, save me quickly, kill him with your spell! I want him to taste the offense."

Lu Feng tightened his fingers in disgust and held back what Rain Hall said.

At the same time, Lu Feng snorted coldly and let go of the life force field on his body again.

An invisible aura spread from the observation deck, covering all of Ren Hall's men at the castle entrance.

Including the short figure wrapped in a black robe not far in front of Lu Feng, the figure that Ren Hall called Ms. Anne.

Each and every soldier, under the suppression of Lu Feng's life force field, was frightened and their legs were weak. Some of the timid ones were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground, with feces and urine flowing out.

And Ms. Anne, who had been placed so much hope by Ren Hall, knelt down directly on the ground and raised her hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Honorable Lord Wizard, Anne is willing to surrender. As long as she spares my life, any request will do."

A soft female voice came from the black robe, begging Lu Feng for mercy without any backbone.

Ms. Anne is not a brainless fool like Rainn Hall. She knows her own strength well in front of wizards.

"I'll deal with you later!"

Lu Feng raised his hand, and a red bloodthirsty vine flew out of his sleeve, tying up the surrendered Ms. Anne. The vines tightened, and underneath the robe was an exquisite and uneven body.

With Lu Feng's big hand strangling his throat, Ryan Hall had difficulty breathing. He was closest to Lu Feng, and when the life force field spread, he was the most affected.

From flesh and blood to soul, everything about Wren Hall was trembling with fear.

Amidst the fear, his only spiritual sustenance and hope is Ms. Anne's magic.

Ms. Anne's terrifying spell can turn a strong beast into ashes with one spell. No strong knight can be a match for Ms. Anne.

Is there anyone stronger than Ms. Anne in Hongye Town?

But the next moment, Ryan Hall saw it.

Ms. Anne's decisive words of mercy suddenly broke the only hope in Ryan Hall's heart and drove him into the abyss of darkness.

How, how is it possible?

wizard? Looks like uncle?

Could it be that my father's younger brother, the legendary Uncle Lester, finally learned to be a wizard and returned?

In fear, Ryan Hall was so frightened that he passed out.

"Houston, take over these soldiers, I said so!"

Lu Feng ordered as he threw Ren Hall's unconscious body off the observation deck in disgust.

"Yes Yes!"

Ryan Hall's body hit Houston's feet, and Houston slowly reacted, and then quickly replied.

With the power of the Lufeng wizard, the soldiers who had lost their hearts were quickly recruited by Houston, and the gate of the castle was opened.

By the time Houston finished everything and tied up his brother Ren, Lu Feng had already taken the lead and entered the castle.

The mental power spread, and Lu Feng quickly found his second brother's room.

Quickly arriving at the door of the room, Lu Feng slapped five of Ryan Hall's men who were guarding the door and flew them to the wall. Lu Feng took a deep breath and violently pushed open the locked door.


The three soldiers in the room died in Lu Feng's rage as soon as they reacted.

After taking down the guards imprisoning his second brother, Lu Feng came to the bedside and finally saw the second brother he had longed for.

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