Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 2 Eat melon and watch the show, risk your life to chase

"Awakening Technique!"

Seeing a sudden change, Lu Feng quickly put on his plate-armored helmet and used his mental power to connect the enchantment in the helmet.

A level 0 spell that calms the mind and calms the mind is activated.

Under the influence of the spell, his brain felt cool and his thinking became clear. However, Lu Feng looked outside through the armor and saw that nothing had changed. It was still the scene he had just seen.

"Illusion? Or did I accidentally enter the wizard's ruins in the stormy sea?"

Lu Feng frowned and groaned with an ugly expression.

It felt like I was in big trouble.

He bit his tongue lightly, but the pain was still there, not like an illusion.

Look around,

The smell of trees and flowers, the air flowing in the woods, the sunshine falling from the sky, everything is real.

If it is really an illusion, the strength of the wizard who casts the spell is definitely sky-high.

Lu Feng also came into contact with formal wizards who practiced psychedelic witchcraft in the [Botanical Garden] where he studied and lived.

The illusion skills of a first-level official wizard simply cannot create such a realistic illusion.

If a more powerful wizard attacked him and pulled him into a real illusion, Lu Feng would simply accept his fate.

Anyway, he, a third-class wizard apprentice, is nothing more than an ant in front of such beings.

Small and humble.

As for the possibility of wizard ruins, Lu Feng was not sure.

But the sky here is very different from the wizarding world.

There were three suns in the sky in the wizarding world, but here, Lu Feng only saw one.

Moreover, with the blessing of the level 0 spell [Awakening], Lu Feng also discovered that the energy particles in the surrounding heaven and earth seemed to be somewhat different from those in the wizarding world.

A little less violent, a little more gentle spirituality.

The completely different situation made Lu Feng feel like he was in a different world.

Could it be that he has traveled through time again?

Lu Feng did not rule out this possibility.

At the same time, Lu Feng also felt that the concentration of energy particles between the sky and the earth here was far less than that on the Trudeau continent, and was almost the same as some energy particle-poor areas on the Trandi subcontinent.

The wizard's apprentice is mentally weak and has not yet formed a complete energy circuit in his body. He can only rely on his mental power to communicate with energy particles between heaven and earth and cast level 0 spells.

The casting time and power are limited.

Here, the concentration of energy particles between heaven and earth is low.

Consuming a portion of mental energy to cast a level 0 spell will naturally have a worse effect than in Trudeau Continent.

"However, in places where the concentration of energy particles is low, the possibility of strong people existing is also much lower. After all, shallow water cannot raise dragons."

This situation is just like the Trandi subcontinent and the Trudeau continent.

Why are there so many young people with wizard qualifications who leave the sub-continent, but basically very few return to the sub-continent?

It's not because the concentration of energy particles on the subcontinent is low.

Compared with Trudeau Continent, there are fewer cultivation resources available, and daily cultivation is also half the result with half the effort.

In such an environment, the official wizards have long since run away, leaving only some unprogressive wizard apprentices, dominating the sub-continent.

Discovering this situation was a good thing for Lu Feng at this time.

At least the risk has been reduced a lot.

At the same time, in the distance, at the edge of the woods, the sound of fighting was coming to an end.

But what made Lu Feng frown was,

On one side, there were two light-footed women who seemed to have escaped the pursuit of the other side, fled into the woods, and were running in the direction of Lu Feng.

"Trouble is coming!"

The two sides were not far from each other, maybe three or four hundred meters at most.

Considering the movement of his plate armor, Lu Feng connected with the vegetation in the woods to create a dense bush, and carefully crouched in it to hide his body.

Hidden in the dark, you can just observe the "strong man" here.

As soon as Lu Feng hid his body, within a few dozen seconds, two young women, one tall and one short, came together.

She is a tall woman with a lean and muscular build, wheat-yellow skin, and is dressed as a warrior.

One hand was holding a knife, and the other hand was chopped off at the root and only tied tightly with a thick strip of cloth. It was obviously a fresh injury, but there was not much bleeding. The bleeding should have been stopped using special techniques.

There were wounds of all sizes on his body, old and new, and his whole body was almost a bloody man.

Even though she was so seriously injured, she still tightly protected the short woman and ran for her life in embarrassment.

The short woman's temperament and appearance are completely different from those of the tall woman.

Although she is wearing clothes that are convenient for movement, her exposed delicate skin and the temperament she displays in her movements give her a ladylike temperament.

"Where did the female guard and the young lady run away?"

Lu Feng, who was observing the two people from the gap between the bushes, guessed in his mind.

However, he had no intention of moving.

The short woman was pretty and pretty, especially the breasts in the tight clothes on her chest were particularly eye-catching, but this could not shake Lu Feng's heart.

He is fifty-two years old. Although his hobbies have not changed for many years, he has long lost the passionate impulse of his youth.

Nowadays, when doing things, we consider more pros and cons.

Of the two women, the only thing that interested Lu Feng was the traces of practice on the tall female guard.

She had a broken arm, was injured again, and the amount of blood that was flowing out would have been beyond the reach of ordinary people. How could she still be alive and running with people like her?

The tall female guard, with her regular breathing rhythm and obviously stronger physical fitness than ordinary people, reminded Lu Feng of knights in the wizarding world.

It is also a way to strengthen the physical body through breathing methods and exercises.

However, the upper limit of knight training is very low.

Even if the life seeds condensed in the body through the breathing method are cultivated to the extreme to become a great knight, they cannot block the spells of the wizard apprentice.

The tall female guard in front of him gave Lu Feng the impression that he was a knight who had just condensed the seeds of life through his breath.

His physical fitness is stronger than that of ordinary people, and he is equipped with weapons and armor. It is not a problem to defeat one against a hundred.

"Is this body-strengthening cultivation system a specialty of this place?"

Lu Feng stood still and continued to observe.

Behind the two women, noisy footsteps followed, and Lu Feng followed the sound.

More than a dozen fierce gangsters with cloths covering their mouths and weapons in their hands followed closely. Each one was strong and moved in an orderly manner, as if they had been trained in the ranks.

Especially the strong man in the lead, holding an iron spear and wearing iron-inlaid cotton armor, looked particularly fierce. While chasing, the strong man said:

"Sang Xiaoyi, why are you running away? You are also a warrior who has developed internal strength. Do you need to fight so hard for the Luo family? You are not satisfied with a broken arm. Do you still want to lose your life here?

Young Master, I admire your prowess, but I don't mind your disability, so why don't you just follow Young Master and be my wife in Yazhai? "

The two chasing parties were only one or two hundred meters apart, and the strong man's vicious words reached the ears of the two women.

What followed was the booing and ridicule of more than a dozen people behind the strong man.

Hearing this, Sang Xiaoyi was seriously injured and almost broke her silver teeth. According to her usually fiery temper, she wanted to turn around and plunge the long knife into the strong man's chest.

Let Shi Jingchun know what pain is.

Don't think that if you, Shi Jingchun, wear a face towel, I won't recognize you.

Sang Xiaoyi could smell the stench from that mouth that came out of the latrine halfway across the mountain.

However, at this moment, this scene

Sang Xiaoyi remained silent.

Even if she tried her best, she was powerless and could only use her last strength to take Miss Luo's family and run a few more steps.

But at this critical moment, a girl's exclamation suddenly came from behind, causing Sang Xiaoyi's expression to change drastically.

With a scream, Miss Luo tripped over a tree vine and fell to the ground.


Sang Xiaoyi looked back in despair, only to see Miss Luo's family falling down into a bush, leaving only one of her legs hanging out, twitching subconsciously.

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