Gou cultivates immortality in the wizarding world

Chapter 26 Bringing back specialties, the outlook of the Wizard Tower!

There are two women who are uneasy because of Lu Feng.

Lu Feng didn't know about this.

After activating the space door, he quickly returned to the underground laboratory of Kane Manor.

As soon as he returned, Lu Feng immediately inspected the two specialties he brought back from the Earthly Immortal World.

When he came back for the first time, Lu Feng took a small insect to test whether the space gate could carry life across two worlds.

Facts have proved that it can be done!

This time, I am carrying two souls without the protection of the body. I don’t know if it will have any impact.

After a few minutes of inspection, it was found that the ghost in the black wood was not affected, and the remnant soul of monk Huijing in the sandalwood rosary was not injured due to the space change.

very good!

Using the tools in the laboratory, he reprocessed the two special products to make sure everything was safe, then Lu Feng washed his hands and walked out of the underground laboratory.

After leaving the underground laboratory, Lu Feng stared at the laboratory for a while, frowning slightly.

This underground laboratory was transformed from a manor storage room after he took over Kane Manor.

The test equipment was brought back from the Trudeau Continent, and it was quite complete and acceptable.

But the protection of the underground laboratory is far inferior.

The walls are solidified with spells, the entire laboratory is protected by magic circles, spell guards... nothing.

Only some bloodthirsty magic vines were planted to protect the door of the laboratory.

I was used to using my tutor’s laboratory in the [Botanical Garden], but when I looked at my own laboratory, I felt a huge gap.

"And from now on, I will definitely have to travel back and forth between the earthly fairy world and the wizarding world. Nothing can stop this simple laboratory. If other wizards come over, they can break through with a little bit of tricks. If someone discovers that I have come from another world, The specialties brought back will cause a lot of trouble."

Lu Feng, who has always been sincere, imagined such a scene, and his head suddenly became big!

"No, I want to build a wizard tower of my own. It's no problem if it's simpler and has fewer functions. It must be kept confidential!"

Lu Feng looked at the door of the underground laboratory, his eyes shining.

Just as he was about to plan how to build his own wizard tower, a slight sound of footsteps came from far away and came closer.

"Master Lester, you have come out of the laboratory! You came out just in time. The cook has prepared dinner and is waiting for the master!"

Annie, the housekeeper of the manor, greeted Lu Feng when she saw him.

Lu Feng came back to his senses and saw that it was indeed dinner time.

Today was too exciting, I drank a bottle of vitality potion, and when I heard about the meal, I was still unsatisfactoryly hungry.

Lu Feng nodded and followed Annie to the restaurant for dinner.

The wizard's tower is the symbol of an official wizard.

After breaking through to become a formal wizard, the wizard's lifespan is greatly increased.

The most common first-level wizards can usually live to be three hundred to five hundred years old. Some wizards who are cruel to themselves can even live to be eight or nine hundred years old.

Increased lifespan means wizards have more time to study and explore the world.

In this process, wizards need a lot of experiments to verify their own path.

Spell experiments, biological transformation, bloodline tracing, machine manufacturing, preparation of potions, alchemy and enchantment.

These experimental studies all require a safe venue.


You need to pay compensation if your spells damage other people's things; you need to pay compensation if the modified creatures run out and hurt people; you also need to pay compensation for the pollution caused by refining potions, manufacturing machinery, and alchemical enchantments.

For the sake of your own wallet and your life.

It is extremely important to build a wizard tower that is completely your own and have your own small world.

In the next five or six days, Lu Feng was not in a hurry to explore the Earthly Immortal World.

Instead, he stayed in the laboratory and carefully worked on the plan to build the Wizard Tower.

Although the wizard tower he planned to build was far inferior to that of a formal wizard, it was still a large and complex project.

The structure of the wizard tower, the planning of each functional area, the energy circuit in the tower, and the protective array

These all need to be designed by Lu Feng.

Fortunately, Lu Feng had stayed in the [Botanical Garden] for so many years. When he was trapped as a third-level wizard apprentice for many years, he also imagined what he would be like after he was promoted to an official wizard.

I designed my own wizard tower based on some public version of the wizard tower design drawings in the [Botanical Garden].

Lu Feng still kept that design drawing.

Taking it out now, he doesn't need to start from scratch, he only needs to make modifications based on the original design.

By removing some functions that can only be used by formal wizards, and combining a series of factors such as the local environment, a simplified "apprentice version of the wizard tower" that Lu Feng is now capable of building.

After six days of laborious work, eyes red with tears, Lu Feng finally completed the design of the "Apprentice Version Wizard Tower".

In the basement, under the bright magic stone lamp,

Lu Feng spread out in front of his desk and said with relief.

"Ah! I finally got it done! If I hadn't learned a little more knowledge in the botanical garden and wanted to make a wizard tower during my apprenticeship, there really would have been no way!"

Lu Feng's voice echoed in the quiet underground laboratory.

on the desk,

In the sealed crystal bottle, the sandalwood rosary was listening to Lu Feng's voice, and his mind was filled with doubts, and the Buddha's light shone slightly.

"Monk Huijing, since you're awake, don't pretend to be asleep! The spirit-sealing bottle isolates the inside and outside, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth inside is constant. If you stay in such a small place, it won't take long for the spiritual energy to be exhausted. You'll starve to death alive!"

Lu Feng keenly captured the changes in the crystal bottle, stared at the sandalwood beads in the bottle, and said with a smile.

Although Lu Feng was busy designing the Wizard Tower these days, he did not forget these two specialties brought back from the Earthly Immortal World.

There is nothing special about the ghost in the black wood.

Except for being weak in strength, they are almost the same as the local resentful spirits and evil spirits in the wizarding world.

If it absorbs enough negative spiritual energy or negative energy particles from the wizarding world, it will definitely be as powerful as the resentful spirits Lu Feng once encountered.

However, Lu Feng currently has no means of restraining and controlling the ghost, and can only temporarily seal the ghost of the black wood.

After he finishes handling the wizard tower matter and communicates with other wizards around Hongye Town and the Tulip Principality, he might be able to get a spell to control the ghosts.

Lu Feng always used demonized plants as thugs in the botanical garden. He really didn't deal with death and shadow spells.

When the time comes, it will also be a good choice to train Yinhun into a qualified fighter.

As for another specialty,

The remnant soul of monk Huijing.

Lu Feng had always treated it carefully, and the things that sealed him were the best things in Lu Feng's hands.

The only one, the spirit-sealing crystal bottle.

The entire body of the bottle is made of low-grade evil-hating crystal, which isolates the inside and outside, and is specially designed to restrain ghosts and elemental creatures. A bottle can be sold for 300 magic stones in the botanical garden.

Monk Huijing in the bottle trembled slightly after listening to Lu Feng's words, showing his restless heart.

At the same time, we are also verifying whether the landing wind is correct.

After a while, a long sigh came from the rosary.

“Donor, we can talk!!!”

The second update is here! Thanks to my eldest brother, Bai Guqiu Shanju, for his recommendation, which helped my younger brother get his new book off the ground.

2700 average of good fairy tale books, the next recommendation is a high-quality one, you can check it out!

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