Gourmet Beast Tamer

Chapter 118 Voting

Chapter 119 Voting

"Mom, let's vote for brother Qin Lang!"

Not far away, Su Zhi pulled the corner of Song Hui's skirt.

Su Zhi came with Song Hui as a family member, so she was not eligible to vote.

Looking down at her daughter, Song Hui had a smile on her face.

Today is not a cooking competition, and she is not sitting on the judging panel. She must be an impartial food recommender. She is just a guest invited to the food tasting feast.

Therefore, the ticket that belongs to her this time may be slightly flexible.

She gently rubbed her daughter's hair and handed the paper and pen to Su Zhi, "Then it's up to you to write down your name and cast your vote!"


Su Zhi's eyes brightened even more, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

She quickly wrote Qin Lang's name on the paper, and then trotted towards the ballot box excitedly.

She was excited not only because she voted for her favorite brother Qin Lang, but also because she felt the same sense of sacredness and responsibility as she voted for Song Hui as a food recommender for the first time.

Looking at Su Zhi running towards the ballot box, Song Hui crossed her arms and had a happy smile on her face.

It's great to get along with my daughter like this now.

After a while, all the guests finished voting.

It’s time to vote.

The assistant brought out a whiteboard and, while singing the votes loudly, drew the word "正" under the name of each Yuling chef who came on stage.

"Ye Qing, one vote!"

"Rake, one vote!"

"Qin Lang, one vote!"

"Qin Lang, one vote!"


A few minutes later, as the last ballot was taken out, the counting session ended.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the whiteboard at the back.

The one with the most votes is…

Qin Lang!

His vote count reached 42 votes.

After him was Lake's 36 votes, and then the other Yuling Chefs.


we won!

Dan Bao cheered and threw himself into Qin Lang's arms.


A whole cow!

Spicy's eyes lit up completely, and he couldn't help but drool when he thought about how much meat he could eat next!

Holding the two little ones in his arms, Qin Lang smiled.

It seems that there is no need to worry about running out of meat for a long time.

“Eighteen seconds of beef, it’s a great dish.”

Looking at Qin Lang in front of him, Lei Ke spoke seriously.

"This time, you still win."

"But I won't stop here. There will definitely be a time when we fight again."

"I'm also looking forward to the day when I can fight you again." Qin Lang nodded in agreement, and then changed his tone, "Next, you will leave Dongxia City?"

"Yes." Lake nodded calmly, "After participating in the Dongxia City cooking competition and the Zhenniu Restaurant beef tasting feast, my trip to Dongxia City is over."

Then, his voice changed.

"However, this trip was not a complete success, so I should come here again in the future to make up for this regret."

Qin Lang understood.

The other party's regret probably refers to not getting the Yuanhui badge. After all, when Mr. Li Yuantu presented the award that day, he vaguely heard some of the conversation between Lake and Mr. Li Yuantu.

"It's been half a year since I became the cooking champion of Danju City. It's been half a year since I left Danju City." Reike took the initiative and said, "Your twice-cooked pork made me a little homesick."

There was a look of longing on the face of this twenty-year-old young man, "Next, I will probably go home and take a look, and then continue my challenge."

"For the state-level cooking competition in five months?" Qin Lang's heart moved.

"That's right." There was a glimmer of expectation in Lake's eyes, "A new municipal champion will be born every three months, and there are twelve cities in Tianhua Prefecture alone, so look at a higher level. , the honor of the municipal championship is not as high as imagined.”

"It's just the beginning."

"Every Yuling chef who is interested in cooking starts as a municipal champion and moves towards higher glory step by step."

Qin Lang nodded in agreement.

Through communication with Yuling chefs in other cities and his understanding of the world of food spirits during this period, Qin Lang knew that few city-level champions would stay in this city for a long time. They would compete for more advanced competitions and stronger cooking skills. , start your own journey.

In other cities in the state, taking steps to other states, and even...

Leave the Samia region and go to other regions to accept new challenges.

Not only the cooking path, but the training path as well.

"In the remaining five months, I am confident that I will get the remaining four second-level food recommendation badges." Lake said calmly.

There is no show-off in this sentence.

This is a conclusion he made based on a full understanding of his own strength.

“So, I will definitely participate in the next state cooking competition.”

Reike looked at Qin Lang, "What about you?"

"If nothing else happens, our next fight will be at that time." Qin Lang responded confidently.

"I'm looking forward to it!" After receiving Qin Lang's positive answer, Reike's eyes suddenly lit up with excitement.

"Me too."

"In that case, I'll leave first." Reike laughed and waved to Qin Lang after taking a few steps, "See you in Bailu Mountain Arena in five months!"

Bailu Mountain Arena is located in Bailu Mountain City, Tianhua Prefecture, where there is the highest mountain in Tianhua Prefecture, Bailu Mountain.

Bailu Mountain Arena is located on the top of Bailu Mountain. It is not only the venue for municipal events in Bailu Mountain City, but also the venue for state-level events in Tianhua Prefecture.

"See you at Bailu Mountain Arena." Qin Lang waved in response.

Watching Lake leaving, Qin Lang turned his eyes to the side. Because of his conversation with Lake, Dan Bao and La La were also looking forward to the state-level competition.

"The feast is over, it's time for us to go home."

After saying that, he glanced at the Zhenniu Hall not far away.

As the guest with the best cooking demonstration at the beef tasting feast, Qin Lang got the cow promised by Fu Xing.

But that doesn't mean he has to take the cow directly home.

Pay Bank gave him two choices.

The first is to take it back and process and store it yourself.

The second method is for the Fu Bank to help with the slaughtering and refrigeration. When needed, you can come to the Zhenniu Restaurant to withdraw the money. If you are out of town, you can also contact the Fu Bank to send it.

The first method was more suitable for the Yuling Chef who had the conditions to preserve it, so Qin Lang chose the second method without hesitation.

The cow was slaughtered before his eyes and divided into different parts and placed in a special area of ​​the cold storage. For the time being, Qin Lang only took out five kilograms of beef brisket, which was delivered directly to his home from the Zhenniu Restaurant.

We’ll talk about the rest later.

Dan Bao and La La nodded in unison, their faces filled with anticipation and salivation.

By the time they get home, the five pounds of beef brisket should have arrived as well.

I wonder what kind of delicacies Qin Lang will cook with beef brisket tonight?

"We're having braised beef brisket tonight."

After hearing the name of the new dish, the two little ones became even more excited.


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