Gourmet Beast Tamer

Chapter 21 The taste value of egg treasure

As Qin Lang opened the oven, a strong milky aroma mixed with the special aroma of caramel quickly poured out of the oven and hit one person and one spirit.

It was a sweet taste that Danbao had never experienced before, including his favorite egg fragrance.

In just a moment, Dan Bao couldn't help drooling, his eyes fixed on the baking pan brought out by Qin Lang.

"Don't forget, there is still the most critical step that requires your participation." Qin Lang reminded with a smile, then carefully took out the two molds on the baking sheet, removed the tin foil and put them into ice water, allowing the ice water to mix with the molds The outer walls are in contact with each other to cool down the pudding inside.

After a while, use a knife to separate the pudding from the mold along the inner wall of the mold, and then place an upside-down dinner plate on the mold mouth.

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle." Qin Lang coughed lightly.

Dan Bao's expression was serious, and he stared at Qin Lang's movements with wide eyes.

Qin Lang quickly flipped the mold and plate over, then picked up the mold.

The pudding inside easily separated from the mold and appeared in the center of the plate.


The lower layer of the pudding has a light yellow color, is bright and tender, and the degree of elasticity is visible to the naked eye.

The top layer of the pudding is the light brown color of caramel, which is the caramel liquid that was first poured into the mold. Now it is baked and integrated with the pudding, and the color is evenly spread on the pudding, making it look attractive. Incomparable.

A part of the caramel liquid has not been integrated into the pudding. At this moment, as the mold is inverted, it slowly flows along the edge of the pudding, and then forms a shallow layer on the dinner plate.

The rich aroma of caramel pudding has filled the entire kitchen.

Qin Lang leisurely sprinkled a layer of sugar on top of the two caramel puddings, then looked at Dan Bao who was eager to try, "It's your turn to perform!"

Caramel pudding is roughly divided into two types.

One is to smudge the pudding with caramel liquid to add a caramel flavor to the pudding, which is the traditional caramel pudding.

The other is based on the French baked pudding, where a layer of white sugar is sprinkled on the surface of the pudding, and a caramel layer is formed by baking in the oven or heating with a flamethrower.

The caramel flavor of the former is integrated into the pudding, and every bite is filled with the aroma of caramel. The caramel flavor of the latter cannot be completely integrated into the pudding, but it forms a crispy and hard caramel layer, giving it a unique taste.

Qin Lang's recipe is traditional caramel pudding.

Sprinkling with white sugar combines the characteristics of French caramel pudding.

"Use the concentrated firepower to fully activate the weakened version and spit fire at the white sugar on the surface!"

Dan Bao expressed understanding and then took a deep breath.

Countless small flames appeared in the gap between its face and body, and then when Dan Bao blew, they turned into flames as thin as a finger and spurted out.

After the flame comes into contact with the white sugar, the originally clear-grained white sugar melts due to heat and quickly turns into burnt brown.

No need for Qin Lang to say, Dan Bao had already turned his head and sprayed flames towards another caramel pudding.

Soon, the white sugar on the two caramel puddings cooled and turned into a crispy and hard caramel layer with burnt brown.

The rich caramel aroma blends with the sweet pudding flavor. The caramel layer on the surface of the pudding shimmers slightly under the light, and the layer of caramel liquid at the bottom of the plate also shines with a mouth-watering halo.

"You can start eating." Qin Lang took out a small table spoon, first tapped the caramel layer on the surface of the caramel pudding with the back of the spoon, broke it into small pieces, and then placed it in front of Dan Bao, "Taste it look?"

Dan Bao's little head had already eagerly poked out of his body, and now he couldn't wait to fly forward to taste the caramel pudding with his own participation.

Ignoring the little guy, Qin Lang scooped up a spoonful of caramel pudding with a fine caramel layer and put it into his mouth.

The crispy and hard caramel layer tastes like hard candy. Because it is very thin, it easily breaks into pieces during chewing. It is mixed into the dense caramel pudding, making the caramel pudding taste a little more layered.

The aroma of caramel mixes thoroughly with the milky aroma of the pudding itself, filling your mouth and nose instantly.

Bringing happiness to tasters with sweetness is the meaning of desserts.

Soon, everyone showed the same happy expression.

After enjoying the caramel pudding, Danbao felt that the two hours of special training today were really worth it.

Looking at Qin Lang who started to wash the tableware, it suddenly remembered the taste value just mentioned.

According to what Qin Lang just said, at the current one-star stage, the upper limit of his taste value is 100 points.

So has your taste value reached the upper limit?


It quickly came to Qin Lang's side, blinked and asked.

"What's your taste value?" Qin Lang put the washed tableware on the tableware rack, then rubbed Danbao's head, "We are going to visit Mr. Zhou Qing tomorrow, and we can drop by the Yuling Chef Association to test it out."

After learning about the taste value, Qin Lang also wanted to know what the taste value of Dan Bao would be now.

Although he was confident in his cooking skills, he didn't know the standard of taste.

Without measurement, everything remains unknown.


Danbao nodded his head expectantly.

"It's getting late, it's time for us to go to bed." Qin Lang held Dan Bao in his arms, "I will visit Mr. Zhou Qing tomorrow and recharge my batteries tonight."

After washing up with Danbao, they lay down on the bed.

"Good night egg baby~"


Early the next morning, after breakfast, Qin Lang took Dan Bao and left home.

He had already informed Uncle Luo Hui in advance that today's steamed sea bass would be arranged during dinner hours.

This gave him plenty of time to visit Zhou Qing, the recommender.

But before the visit, Qin Lang and Dan Bao had to go to the Yuling Kitchen Association to test the taste.

"follow me."

After collecting the two hundred yuan test fee, the staff quickly arrived at the test area with Qin Lang and Dan Bao.

There is a container like a glass lampshade in the test area that is open.

"Eating spirits enter."

After receiving Qin Lang's affirmative expression, Dan Bao obediently flew into the lampshade.

The lampshade closed after Dan Bao entered, and soon flickered with light.

Testing begins.

After debugging the instrument, the staff crossed their arms and looked at Qin Lang with interest, who was clenching his hands unconsciously.

There are many Yuling chefs who come to test the taste value immediately after the food spirit is born.

Based on his experience, the taste value of the food spirit of this Yuling Chef who has just been registered for three days must be between 60 and 70 points.

If the origin food taste value does not reach 60 points, a food spirit cannot be born.

Although this is only one of the conditions for the birth of a food spirit, what limits the birth of the first food spirit is often the cooking skills of the Yuling Chef.

Thinking in his mind, the staff turned to the screen where the results were already displayed.

[Food spirit taste value: 100 points]

staff member:"???"

His eyes widened suddenly, and when he turned to look at Qin Lang, there was a bit of surprise on his face.

It has only been three days since I became the Yuling Chef, and my taste value has reached the upper limit of one star? !

Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief and grinned while hugging Dan Bao who flew out of the lampshade.

Is it worth 100 points of flavor...

Unexpected and reasonable.

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