Gourmet Beast Tamer

Chapter 51: Carving a dragon and painting a phoenix

Different from Huang Shu's understanding of delicacy, the female judge named Qi next to her has a different understanding of delicacy.

In the view of the female judge surnamed Qi, sophistication is an attitude.

Just like the afternoon tea she enjoys every day, like the cakes she carefully bakes and savors, like her niche and unique necklaces, and the makeup she uses to make herself look bright and moving at the moment.

In other words, call it elegance.

When this crab-stuffed orange dish was placed in front of her, the sophistication of the dish made her forget about her own sophistication.

The pattern engraved on the surface of the orange urn, the orange of the orange urn and the white of the porcelain plate intersect under the light, the attractive color of crab powder flashes in the orange urn, and the crab roe, crab paste, crab meat and orange meat particles are clearly visible in the crab powder. .

It was a sight that made her index finger twitch in surprise.

Not to mention the rich and fresh scent that has already overflowed all around.

Without saying a word, the female judge named Qi picked up the small spoon on the side, dug into the orange jar and dug out a spoonful. She tried her best to slow down and make herself more elegant but still seemed eager to put it into her mouth.

After thinking about it for a while, the female judge named Qi suddenly widened her eyes.

Here we go again, this feeling again!

The familiar feeling when facing the braised oxtail cooked by Qin Lang a few days ago came to the mind of the judge named Qi again.

The indescribable taste made the judges named Qi intoxicated for a while.


It’s so exquisite!

The next moment, the judges named Qi's tasting speed suddenly accelerated.

But the nonsense-talking Judge Zhou sitting next to Judge Qi has not started yet.

He was still carefully observing the patterns carved on the outer wall of the orange urn.

Finally, Judge Zhou nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing these delicate patterns is like seeing exquisite patterns.

In his eyes, exquisiteness naturally refers to the appearance of the ingredients.

The appearance of the ingredient in front of me is worthy of the word "exquisite".

He was about to taste this exquisite dish with such a strange aroma, when out of the corner of his eye he noticed the orange jar in the hands of the judge surnamed Qi.

This pattern...is different?

His eyes looked at the orange urns in the hands of the other judges again, and the surprise on his face became more and more intense.

At first glance, there is nothing like an orange urn.

It's a pity that everyone is tasting at the moment, so he can't take away the orange jars from other judges and observe them carefully.

But unconsciously, Qin Lang's rating in his heart for this dish increased a few points.

Zhou Jingjing scooped up a spoonful of crab powder and put it into his mouth. The next moment he raised his eyebrows slightly.

This taste...

Extra points!

On the other side, at the farthest edge from Judge Zhou, sat the judge whose surname was Zhang who had complained about his nonsense before.

At this moment, the orange urn in Judge Zhang's hand is almost at its bottom.

Among the five judges, he tasted the fastest.

For this judge Zhang, exquisiteness has the simplest and crudest definition.

What is sophistication?

Exquisite is good!

It tastes good and is satisfying to eat, it’s exquisite!

Is this crab-stuffed orange dish exquisite?

If you ask Judge Zhang this question, he won’t even bother to answer.

Don’t ask, we’re doing the cooking!

Sitting between Judge Zhang and Huang Shu, Judge Li was also tasting the crab-stuffed orange dish.

After taking a deep sniff of the strange fragrance filling the air, his face became a little more amazed.

His understanding of exquisiteness focuses more on taste.

What kind of dishes can be considered to taste exquisite?

In his opinion, at least it cannot be dishes filled with a lot of spices and a strong meaty aroma.

The aroma of that kind of food is like a strong man rushing up to you and giving you a bear hug. It's so warm and rough that Judge Li can't accept it.

But it won’t work if it’s too bland.

Food pays attention to color, aroma, and flavor, and "fragrance" is a very important part of it. Dishes that can barely smell the aroma are soulless.

The dish in front of me, called Crab Stuffed with Orange, almost perfectly captured Judge Li’s preference for the taste of dishes.

The crab tastes fresh but not fishy, ​​with the thickness of crab roe and crab paste and the freshness and sweetness of crab meat.

The orange flavor is sweet and relieves greasiness, the sourness and rice vinegar are perfectly blended, and the smell is appetizing. The sweetness and rice wine blend together, making you happy when you smell it.

When Judge Li took a bite of crab-stuffed orange into his mouth, all his senses seemed to be activated at this moment.

His eyes were filled with bright colors, but there was a bit of regret deep in them.

Among the five judges, he has participated in the Tang Xie's eating competitions the most, and he knows a lot about the Yuling Chef who has recently become famous, and he also appreciates it very much.

However, this time Tang Xie may have encountered the most powerful opponent in Shi Dou's career.

Time passed by minute by second, and soon all five judges finished tasting Qin Lang's crab-stuffed orange dish.

But they did not have any communication with Qin Lang, nor did they reveal any of their thoughts on this dish.

Because the other Yuling chef has not finished his cooking, any biased approach at this moment would violate their professionalism as a food fighting judge.

Qin Lang also knew this, and took out a portion of crab-stuffed orange from the kitchen cabinet cart for Dan Bao to enjoy, while he stood quietly, waiting for Tang Xie to finish his cooking.


Ten minutes later, a tone sounded from the front of the stage.

The five judges and Qin Lang looked at the opened door of the kitchen on the other side and Tang Xie who slowly walked out pushing the kitchen cabinet cart.

At this moment, the aroma of crab-stuffed orange has spread throughout the dining hall. Because the dining hall is spacious enough, there is not much residual smell.

Tang Xie sniffed it inaudibly. Although he could smell some of it, it was not too real.

A trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but there was no expression on his face.

Calmly walking to the judges' table, Tang Xie took out the dishes from the kitchen cabinet cart and sent them to the five judges respectively. Then he returned to his seat, showed a decent smile and spoke eloquently.

"Five respected judges, this is the dish I cooked, carved with dragons and painted phoenixes."

"The cooking process of this dish is quite complicated. First you need..."

Like an accompaniment, he narrated the entire process of cooking the dish while the five judges were tasting the carved dragon and painted phoenix dish he cooked, and it ended just as the last judge finished tasting it.

Tang Xie ended with a polite smile and turned to Qin Lang, who was looking at him dumbfounded.

Never seen it?

This is the magic weapon that he has learned from dozens of times.

Although he finished the dishes later, with what he said just now, the judges' impression of his dishes must not be much worse than Qin Lang's. Not only did he perfectly make up for the disadvantage of finishing later, he was also more likely to buck the trend.

However, Tang Xie didn't notice at all that there seemed to be something wrong with the expressions of the five judges in the field.

He tried hard to make his dishes leave a deeper impression on the judges, but this magic weapon that had always been invincible in the past did not seem to have the desired effect this time.

"Both parties have finished tasting the dishes."

Huang Shu hid all her emotions and spoke calmly.

"The voting begins."

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