Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 18 The Taste of Shock

"Is this the strength of Yuanyue Ten Heroes?"

Xing Ping Chuangzhen looked at the soup that was as clear as jasper in front of him, and just smelling the rich taste made his mouth water.

You must know that he heard that even if the person in front of him has reserved a seat for the top ten, he has not really received the education of Yuanyue High School.

Like him, she just graduated from junior high school!

"Light as water, with restrained aroma."

Xingping Seiichiro saw his son's astonishment in his eyes, but didn't say much, instead he commented on the dishes in front of him.

Let Nakiri Erina look happy.

"Your soup is not inferior to the soups of many old high-end restaurants in Kyoto Imperial Palace just by its color and shape!"

You must know that Kyoto Ono is the capital of East Yingzhou and one of the largest cities in the Far East. It connects the two food camps of the East and the West. The high-end restaurants that can gain a foothold here are at least eight or nine star chefs.

Nakiri Erina, who was still a student, was able to make soups comparable to those of these restaurants. No wonder the entire East Yingzhou culinary world regarded her as a treasure.

I think she will be the figure who will lead the entire East Sakura cooking world after the Demon King of Eater.

Not to mention her 'God's Tongue', which is comparable to a chef's god, she can detect all the flaws even in high-end cuisine.

She has become the culinary supervisor of countless famous restaurants in Kyoto, and her words can even determine the life and death of a restaurant.

"Let me have a taste, Erina, have you made progress recently!"

Nakiri Senzaemon picked up the spoon and scooped up a puddle of soup on the plate, as if stirring up a spoonful of clear spring, the closer to the mouth, the more intoxicating the breath of spring.


Just after putting it in, a pure smell erupted, and countless delicate smells piled up and exploded, turning into a whirlwind, involving Nakiri Senzaemon in it.

It was like entering a ball in a spring garden.

Nakiri Senzaemon seemed to be dancing heartily in the spring, so much so that the clothes on his body were slightly damaged.

"This is... the commander-in-chief's lapel burst!!"

Watching Nakiri Senzaemon take a sip of soup at the door, Erina's secret technique Nito Hisako couldn't help but exclaim.

After all, being able to make the clothes of the Demon King of Eater explode unconsciously is already representative of the dishes, and has completely reached the realm of must-kill dishes.

In fact, Nakiri Erina has not yet fully grasped the true meaning of this realm, and being able to use it this time proves that she has indeed made progress again!

"It actually made the old man feel a breath of spring, and saw a spring dance!"

"Erina, you've improved again!"

"I didn't even feel a trace of impurities in the soup, it's a perfect taste!"

Nakiri Senzaemon looked at his granddaughter in surprise, and then turned to look at Seiichiro Kohira.

However, he had already put down the spoon, and there was a trace of being shocked by the soup on his face, and Xing Ping Chuangzhen was even covered in fine beads of sweat.

"Why does this soup have no peculiar smell at all, it is full of the taste of various spring vegetables, wrapped in a mellow soup flavor, and finally blooms on the tip of the tongue."

"That faint fragrance makes people unable to come out at all, just want to indulge in it!"

Then he looked at his father.

"Dad, she didn't break the ingredients by stirring like that. Why is the soup still so clear?"

Seiichiro patted the excited Soma, instead of answering his doubts, he set his eyes on Erina's face.

"You used tofu in your Raft?"

Raft is the key to clear French consommé. The tradition is to stir together various vegetables, minced meat, egg whites, and tomatoes, and then put them into the vegetable soup. After boiling, turn to the lowest fire and simmer slowly. A layer of substance will form on the surface.

This layer of material will absorb all kinds of impurities and fats that roll up.

The way to make the topping soup in Yaozhou is also very similar, but the topping soup uses minced chicken to absorb impurities.

But Erina's "Spring Waltz" is different. She also ingeniously added tofu to absorb impurities. Tofu is an extremely fat-absorbing ingredient.

Especially in soup, once it is added, the fat and oil will be absorbed quickly, but the taste of tofu itself will be very obvious in light soup.

But Erina's soup, because of the taste of vegetables, turned the tofu into a kind of embellished fragrance, without a trace of obtrusiveness, making it difficult to distinguish.

Erina was also very generous when she heard Xingping Seiichiro's question, and her handling method was very subtle, even if she knew about adding tofu, it would not be able to be cracked.


Just when Erina nodded, Seiichiro sat down with a sigh.


A strange light flashed in Nakiri Senzaemon's eyes.

"What's wrong Seiichiro, what's wrong?"

Shaking his head, Seiichiro spoke the truth.

"Erina's soup, with almost perfect taste and the heart of the spring breeze, is even on the way to find the prototype of his own cooking heart. Even among the top ten heroes of our time, he can have a place."


No matter how high the previous evaluation was, when the word "but" appeared, everything became a foreshadowing.

"She shouldn't be the first to serve!"

"Even if she wants to build a delicious barrier, she still has to consider one thing, what kind of food the opponent is going to make."

At this moment, a hot smell occupied the air of the shop, like a bomb about to explode, destroying the elegant spring scene created by Erina.

Just like the hot summer after spring!

"Activating the taste buds of the judges may even become an assist for the opponent!"

After Xingping Seiichiro's words fell, taking advantage of the roiling heat wave, in the white mist-like steam, Zhao Youqian also brought his own dishes to the table.

Putting the steamer away, Zhao Youqian looked at the diners in front of him with a confident smile.

"Since I've eaten the soup, I should be hungry too."

"Come and try my Westward Journey to Flame Mountain!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Youqian opened the cage drawer, learned the lesson from the last competition, although he couldn't suppress all the smells, but taking advantage of the perfect time to let all the smells erupt is already something he can do.

Immediately, the temperature in the entire small shop suddenly exploded, like a burning flame lotus appeared in front of several people.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!"

Nakiri Senzaemon started panting after just one glance.

"What a domineering taste this is!"

Miss Erina's complexion was already ashen.

'This overbearing taste'

Just by her sense of smell, she has already noticed the horror of Zhao Yougan's dish, and just as Xingping Seiichiro said, it suppresses the taste of her previous soup!

Among the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, it is actually the spicy taste of pain!

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