Granblue Fantasy: A Skyfaring Were-shark in Auguste

3: The Meg Among Us – Episode 1

Not long after Meg scared the sharks off at the beach, Vira, Djeeta, Lyria, and Vyrn come running onto the scene, having heard there was some kind of problem nearby. They arrive to instead find a troubled Meg sitting on a bench under a palm tree with Ursula still attached to her arm, hanging over the edge of the seat. Mari is sitting on Meg’s other side, doing her best to comfort her.


The captain starts to approach from Meg’s left. “Is everything alri-”


“Wait! Not from that side!” Meg suddenly yells when she sees her get close.


“Sharrrrrk!” Ursula suddenly lashes out in Djeeta’s direction, and it takes some effort on Meg’s part to remain on the bench and prevent the shark that’s seemingly stuck to her from closing the distance. Ursula stops trying to lunge at her target after a few moments and comes to a rest, but continues to look around in an agitated manner, as if she’s searching for something else to attack.


“Sorry…” Meg says dejectedly.


Vyrn circles around at a safe distance to speak with Meg and Mari from the other side, with the other crew members following behind. “Hey, what’s up with Sharky?”


Mari looks at everyone with worry. “It’s really weird, guys! Ursula merged with Meg earlier and now she won’t un-merge again!”


“Oh no! Is something wrong?” Lyria looks to Ursula with concern.


Meg rests her head in her free hand. “I… I don’t know… Nothing like this has ever happened before… Ursula was getting attacked by some sharks nearby, then after we merged to chase them off there was this weird feeling in my arm, and now we’re stuck like this and she doesn’t seem to be listening to me at all. I’m not sure what to do…” Her anxiety is apparent in her unsteady voice.


Vyrn looks shocked. “Wait, sharks are attacking again? Not just the big boy from yesterday?”


“I don’t know, It was super strange…” Mari looks out to the ocean. “It was only three sharks, and they weren’t, like, super aggressive like they were back then. They were just bullying Ursula for some reason, and didn’t seem to care about anything else.”


Vira furrows her brow. “This is sounding quite unusual indeed, why would they harass one of their own? Did something happen to Ursula?”


“She’s been acting pretty weird since we woke up this morning, maybe if I hadn’t let her go off on her own earlier I could have done something to help...” Meg looks down with a guilty expression.


Mari puts a hand on Meg’s shoulder in an attempt to reassure her. “This isn’t your fault, Meg. Sure, you have more experience with them than most people, but sharks are weird. How could you have known this would happen?”


“Thanks, Mari.” Meg smiles weakly. “It’s just that we’ve never been merged for this long before, I don’t know if it’s safe for us to stay connected like this.”


“Well, how are you feeling right now? We need to take care of you as well, Meg.”


Meg groans. “I guess the main thing is that the headache from yesterday is back… I wouldn’t be shocked if that has something to do with why Ursula’s acting this way as well.” She pats Ursula a bit with her free hand, hoping it will calm her a bit.


Vira studies the shark’s behaviour. “Well, she certainly does seem agitated. She may very well be suffering from the same affliction as you. How do you feel otherwise?”


Meg nervously chuckles a bit before answering. “...Maybe this is a bit weird, but I am starting to get really hungry. I’m not sure why though, it hasn’t been that long since breakfast.”


Vyrn shrugs. “It doesn’t sound that weird to me, Lyria is hungry all the time as well.”


“It’s true!” The blue haired girl raises a fist into the air.


“It’s definitely strange for me, though.” Meg places her hand on her stomach. “My survival training means I can get by without much food for a while if I have to, so I don’t understand why I’d suddenly get so hungry unless something was wrong.”


“Well, whether something really is wrong or not, I won’t have you going hungry on my watch!” Mari pats her on the back. “We’ll get you some food and then-”


“Shark! Sharrrk!” Ursula suddenly starts thrashing around again, and Meg has to hold her down.


Vira quickly steps back to increase the distance between her and the shark a bit more. “Well, it would seem that Meg is not the only one who is hungry here.”


Mari looks at her in confusion. “Wait, you can tell what Ursula’s saying?”


Vira shakes her head. “No, but Luminiera has picked up a thing or two since our trip began. I haven’t a clue how she’s managed such a thing, however.”


“Hey, I’ve got an idea!” Vyrn points a finger upwards. “Maybe if we get Ursula some grub she’ll calm down, and Meg’ll be able to separate from her again!”


“Sounds like a plan to me!” Mari jumps out of her seat. “We gotta go to the marketplace to get you two some food!”


Meg scratches her head. “T-Thanks, Mari, but I don’t think it’s safe for me to be coming with you, not with Ursula like this.” She motions to the shark on her arm that is continuing to thrash around on the other side of the bench.


Mari strikes a confident pose. “Don’t worry, the rest of us can grab everything and bring it back here!”


“If that’s the case, I think it would be best if I stayed here to keep an eye on Meg and Ursula. Something could happen to the two of them while you’re away.” Vira says.


“Good idea, that means you three are coming with me!” Mari points at the other crew members, and Djeeta delivers a fist pump in response. “We’ll be back soon with a bunch of tasty food, Meg!” Mari waves as she runs off with the others in tow.


“Y-Yeah! Thanks again, Mari!” Meg breathes a small sigh once Mari leaves, the anxiety returning to her face now that things are a bit quieter, and she gives Ursula a quick pat. “It’ll be okay, girl. They're getting you some food to help you feel better, hopefully you’ll be willing to un-merge then.”


“Sharrrk…” She quietly responds.


As Meg does what she can for her shark companion, Vira takes a seat on the bench and eagerly awaits a chance to speak with her, which was her true reason for staying behind. “So, Meg. How did everything go with Mari earlier?”


Meg leans back with a huff. “I was this close to asking her out when we got interrupted by those sharks causing a ruckus, Vira. This close! If I wasn’t so much of a coward and didn’t need to work myself up to tell her, it would’ve all been over by now…”


“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. But look on the bright side, you were ready to ask her out, after all. That means it’s just a matter of trying again, right?”


“Yeah, as long as we’re able to sort out this situation with Ursula, anyway. Mari would never go for a girl with a shark stuck on her arm…”


Vira looks to Meg in confusion. “...Meg, I doubt Mari is particularly bothered by your ability to merge with Ursula.”


“But it’s a whole other thing when she’s stuck like this! How are we meant to hug and hold hands and do other stuff with Ursula constantly attached to me?” Meg points at Ursula and absentmindedly waves her around a bit, causing the shark to cry out in protest.


“Look, I really don’t think Mari would take issue with that, even if you can’t manage to separate from Ursula again. I’m certain you’d still be able to come up with ways to show your affection for each other. You only need one arm to hold hands, after all.”


Meg takes a breath and looks down at the ground. “You’re right, I’m sure we can sort something out. It’s just… I really didn’t need this on top of everything else…Urghhhhh! Why couldn’t this have just been a regular vacation?”


“I’m afraid that just seems to come with the territory, unfortunately. No one can blame you for having a lot on your mind, though. There’s no shame in taking time to sort out this particular situation before trying to make progress with Mari again, just make sure to keep that dream of yours in mind to keep you motivated for when the time is right.”


“Yeah, I’ll give it another shot once we’ve taken care of this business with Ursula. I really hope it works out with Mari, though.” Meg sighs as she thinks about a potential future with Mari. “I want her to bite me again so bad…”


“I’m sorry?” Vira raises an eyebrow.


“Huh?” Meg’s eyes go wide upon realising she said that last part out loud. “O-Oh… I must be hungrier than I thought, I’m not thinking straight…” She covers her face in shame.


“It’s okay, but I really do think it would be worth confessing to Mari as soon as you can, especially if you want to be more intimate with her. Who knows, maybe it will help you realise something important? Something that you both might not be aware of, in fact.”


“Can we just drop this for now?” Meg says somewhat impatiently before looking down. “Sorry, I’m just… really not in the mood to be having this conversation right now. Ugh, I’m so hungry…”


Vira gives a sympathetic nod. “Very well, perhaps we can continue another time, then.”


The two of them wait for the others to return in silence, as a combination of hunger and embarrassment result in Meg not being much for conversation in her current state. Luckily, they don’t have to wait too long before the rest of the crew comes running back, and Vira notices Meg’s face light up again, even if only by a bit.


“Sorry for making you wait, Meg, but I’ve got some food for you!” Mari holds up a set of meat skewers in one hand, and a shopping bag full of goodies in the other. Vira quietly stands up so that Mari can have her seat back.


“Got plenty of stuff for Ursula, too!” Vyrn announces as Djeeta carries over a big bucket filled with fish.


“Thanks, guys. I’m starving.” Meg sheepishly smiles. “What’s in the bag, Mari?”


“Well I realised I didn’t actually ask what you wanted, so I just got a bunch of your favourite things! This will all last a few days, so I figured we may as well stock up just in case. Oh, and there are a few extra treats in there as well to help you feel better.”


“Gee, Mari… You didn’t have to do all that for me…” Meg’s embarrassment vanishes as she suddenly perks up and focuses entirely on the food Mari is holding out. “Those skewers do smell really good, though.”


“Hehe, I knew you’d want these! Now come on, eat up!” Mari hands Meg one of the skewers, and she immediately bites into it, as if she was entirely unable to wait even a moment longer.


“Mmmmm… Sho good…” She says, barely taking a moment to breathe as she chows down.


“Wow, you really were hungry!” Mari watches with satisfaction as Meg finishes the skewer in record time, noticing how she starts hungrily eyeing the remaining skewers the moment she finishes the one in her hand. “Good thing I got a few more!” Mari happily hands Meg another, which she eats just a bit slower now that she’s no longer running on a completely empty stomach.


“If it is okay with all of you, I need to procure some supplies myself.” Vira turns to Djeeta and her buddies. “I trust the three of you can handle feeding Ursula?”


Lyria gives a thumbs up. “Yeah! We’ll feed her lots of yummy fish.”


“Excellent, I shall be back shortly, then.” Vira leaves Mari and the other crew members to feed their ravenously hungry friends, and heads inside a general store just on the other side of the boulevard from where they’re seated.


“G’mornin’! What can we get you?” A middle aged Erune man jovially greets Vira from behind the counter.


“Good morning to you, too.” Vira curtsies towards the shop owner. “I’m actually looking for some information in order to help a friend, and I had wished to gather the opinions of the locals on the matter.”


“Well, I’m happy to help if I can!”


“That would be greatly appreciated. If I had to take a guess, there’s a good chance you know Mari, is that correct?”


Vira receives a nod and a smile in return. “‘Course I do! She helped me do stocktake when the part-timer sprained ‘er leg last month. I take it you’re a friend of hers? Saw you hangin’ out with her group out there.”


“Indeed I am, and I imagine you’re aware of Meg as well?”


“Yep. Never spoken to ‘er myself, but I’ve seen ‘er save the day more than a couple times now. Certainly helps that you can barely set foot outside these days without seeing ‘er face on something, or that shark friend of ‘ers, for that matter.” The man chuckles as he points to a shelf filled with Ursula themed oven mitts.


“Right, that brings me to why I’m here. Based on what you know about the two of them, would you be of the opinion that the two of them are dating?”


The shop owner smiles wisely. “‘Course I would! Don’t think it takes a local to see that.”


“I see…” Vira looks down as she considers this information. “And you’re certain of this?”


“Yeah, I mean just look at ‘em!” The man points outside, where the crew can be seen through the shop window.


While the captain and company take turns throwing fish into Ursula’s mouth from a distance, Mari has started spoon feeding Meg a slice of cake, now that she’s finished off the skewers. Vira can’t hear what they’re saying to each other from inside the store, of course, but she doesn’t need to in order to see what’s going on.


Mari is beaming, which is quite normal when the two of them are together, but even Meg seems to be in better spirits after her meal, as if she’s managed to forget about her anxieties and just enjoy the peaceful moment together. Vira watches as they both laugh together after the spoon misses Meg’s mouth and she ends up with cake on her face, and it’s the happiest the pink haired woman has looked the entire time they’ve been in Auguste.


The shop owner speaks up again after a few moments. “Dunno how you could look at a scene like that and think anything otherwise.”


“Yes, I suppose you’re right…” Vira softly smiles as she realises what this means for her plan.


Well, it would seem that they are indeed an item after all, it’s just an issue of Meg not being aware of this herself just yet. In that case, maybe pushing Meg to break the ice isn’t the best course of action, especially now that she has other issues to deal with. Perhaps it’s instead time to address the issue of how Mari has gone this long without telling Meg they’re in a relationship… She quietly signs to herself. I certainly have my work cut out for me with getting them onto the same page, it seems. At this rate I’ll barely have any time to focus on making sure this district is good enough for Lady Katalina…


She looks back to the shop owner. “Thank you for your assistance, sir. You’ve been a great help.”


“Don’t mention it, and hey, since you’re a friend of Mari’s I won’t even ring that up for you. 

It’s on the house!” The man grins.


“Ring what up? I’m afraid I don’t-” Vira suddenly notices a chocolate bar in her hand. One that definitely wasn’t there before she got lost in her thoughts after looking out the window.


“Ugh, Luminiera…”



“That’s the last one, buddy. Give it a real good throw!” Vyrn raises his fist in the air before watching Djeeta throw the last fish with pinpoint accuracy.


“Sharrrk!” Ursula catches it out of the air, swallowing the fish within moments.


Lyria jumps up and down, clapping her hands. “Great work, Djeeta!”


“Hehe!” Djeeta grabs her bicep with a grin.


Vira rejoins the group as Luminiera floats behind her, slowly absorbing a chocolate bar through the part of her face where one would expect her mouth to be. “How are the two of you faring?”


“I’m feeling much better now, yeah.” Meg wearily smiles. “Thanks for the help everyone.”


“Aww, don’t mention it Meg! It’s the least I could do for my heroes!” Mari gives a lively thumbs up.


A bit of a blush spreads across Meg’s face. “W-Well I definitely appreciate it. And it seems like Ursula’s starting to feel better too, aren’t you girl?”


“Sharrrrrrrk…” Ursula sighs contentedly.


Meg gives her a pat again. “So how about it, are you finally ready to separate from me?”


“Sharrrk.” Ursula appears to reel back for a moment, pulling herself back towards Meg, only for everyone to realise she isn’t actually moving. In the span of just a few seconds, Ursula starts shrinking into Meg’s arm until she disappears completely.


All Meg can do is stare in dumbfounded horror at her suddenly very normal looking hand as she holds it up in front of her.





Meanwhile, buried under a pile of rock underneath the hill, a certain beast calls out as if aware of the events transpiring on the nearby beach.




This chapter would have been out way sooner if guild wars and Astro Bot didn’t end up taking most of my free time lmao


Also, the first of September marked exactly two years since I started posting stories online (not counting my mod project from a while back)! It feels kinda weird to have been doing this for so long already, but I’m very happy with how it’s all been going, and I plan to keep writing for more years to come!

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