Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 36: An Liya (below)

The round table continues.

咚咚咚 咚咚.

The sound of my fingertips striking the table inadvertently, revealing the inner confusion of this oldest scholar.

Over the years, in the face of the persistent efforts of female scholars and many research results, even his heart gradually began to shake.

"Antonio once said that the development of faith is to continue to believe in oneself, and the development of knowledge is to constantly doubt oneself, even the great pioneers, admit that they are only a milestone on the road of human exploration of truth, and the former law of truth In the future, perhaps only the barbarian discovered the flames of summer. "

The barbarian discovered the flame of summer, which is a story circulated in the Principality of Zealand.

According to legend, a barbarian accidentally discovered that when summer thunderstorms arrived, flames ignited in the bushes before the rain came. For many years, this barbarian thought he had discovered a great truth.

That is: the bush will ignite in summer, so this barbarian is regarded as a tribal prophet by other barbarians.

Until one year.

In the summer of this year, the thunderstorm did not ignite the bushes. In the face of the law of truth was subverted by unknown supernatural forces, the barbarians were afraid of the unknown, and were anxious. The prophet attributed everything to God ’s punishment. Get forgiveness from God.

The barbarians offered the cattle and sheep sacrifices to the bushes, and did not get a response from God.

So the prophet asked for more precious sacrifices. In order to get the response of God, the barbarians began to sacrifice with living people ...

This story is said to have originated from Gauss Adolf in the Principality of Zealand, and it has been impossible to verify the specifics.

In the story, the barbarian who discovered the flames of summer is a metaphor for Gauss Adolf himself, a lonely explorer on the road of truth, who also has his own fear and is at a loss.

The old man raised his head and kept scanning between the female scholar and Gu Bo.

In the end, the old man's eyes fell on Gu Bo.

"The reason why the college chose you to be the teaching director of this enlightenment student, the dean, I am afraid that I hope you can prove your point with your results. Over the years, we have looked at the efforts and achievements of An Liya. It ’s time for us to face this great new academic proposition, what do you say? "

An Liya is to publish alienated psychic academic female tutor!

Gubo was silent, unprecedented pressure, on his shoulder.

The old man commented on the ancient blog for a long time, and continued low: "This matter is not only about the college, but also has a great impact on the laws of nature and evolutionary academics. We must not act cautiously. So, three years later, we will use the ancient blog. Freshmen's graduation assessment results, as the direction of alienated psychic academic discussion, have come over for more than ten years, and we can afford to wait for three years! "


After reviewing by another scholar who did not speak, he did not want this meeting to end in a meaningless debate. He said: "This meeting, let's discuss first, how to face the pressure of the church!"

Paused, and the man went on: "I see that although the church claims to visit a red cardinal to search the Royal Science Laboratory, the real goal is probably just to make the committee compromise and isolate the Principality of Barda."

Gubo and An Liya did not want to speak in the next meeting because of the previous dispute.

Although the college ’s authority has some contradictions on academic issues, it still maintains basic unity with external forces, and there is not much difference in ideas.

Sulphur extinguished the cigarette rod in his hand and muttered: "I don't know if this is the meaning of the old pope, or the will of the new pope who is about to board the plane. Anyway, some of our old guys did their best to complete the task and put those few The arbitrators dealt with it, and the rest of the matter should be given to the committee and the president. "

Each royal family has its own royal academician committee. Although it is not the authority of the college, it has enough influence due to the inextricable relationship, similar to the honorary president of the college.

If the dean of the college has the right to allocate resources within the college, then the Royal Academician Committee will gain more resources for the college by influencing the Principality's politics and governance.

Smash it.

Sulphite re-ignited the smoke pot and continued: "I only hope that the committee will try its best to make a balance. On the one hand, it must not completely abandon the Principality of Barda, otherwise his today may be our tomorrow, on the other hand, the Royal Academy ’s collection of literature books , All the scholars of the past have worked hard to pass on the research ... "

The church has a long history of searching the Royal Academy of Sciences in various countries.

Since the pioneers of Ben Nivens were tried by the religious court, in order to insist on the truth and died of fire, every time there were some accidents in the major colleges where the church could intervene, the ultimate goal was always to search the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Once the church successfully enters the Royal Academy of Science, a large number of progressive books will be burned, and even some large-scale experimental processes will be interrupted, so that the college ’s many years of research results will be burned.

no doubt!

The goal of this negotiation among the churches is the isolation of the Grand Duchy from the Barda College of Nature. If the expectations are not met, there will inevitably be huge losses.

Who made those wizards who had disappeared for more than ten years to appear in the Grand Duchy again, also collected sacrifices under the eyes of the academy, and fled safely, even without alive!

Speaking of it, it was Gubo ’s mission failure that led to the college ’s current predicament.

It is precisely for this reason that in this round table, Gu Bo did not show that aggressive attitude, almost said nothing, and was crushed by An Liya.

"The scholars of the Principality of Barda have really made some remarks in recent years. Although the UU reading church has failed in two successive expeditions, its prestige has fallen sharply in the past 100 years, but atheism is already the limit that the church can bear , Those guys even preached that mankind can break through his own potential and become a god. Although it is a short-term development of the Academy, it is looking for its own way! "

Old man's words, resentment.

Since the Utoran Principality's hesitation trial, the royal families compromised with the church and burned a large number of progressive books against the will of the church. Over the years, the two sides have been peaceful.

The church can focus more on the will and expedite to the place of night, and the colleges of various countries have also vigorously developed during this period.

Although no new pioneers were born, the number of basic scholars is far greater than ever. The basic education in major colleges has flourished. The “magician” has become a symbol of knowledge, elegance, wealth, mystery, and power in the eyes of people.

And now!

The Principality of Barda, for a momentary development, has gone beyond the unspoken rules of the Royal Colleges and Churches of various countries, not only putting themselves in danger, but also involving other colleges in other countries. How can the old people not be angry?

If it was changed to more than ten years ago, a similar wizarding incident occurred at the Gran Nature College, the church would not have such a big move at all.

"I suggest that before the Cardinal did not arrive at the college, on the one hand, through the mercenary association, he would do his best to catch some church fugitives, and then it would become our bargaining chip to reduce losses. On the other hand, step up contact with Barda Nature College, give pressure in exchange for some compromise of the church! "

Said one person.

"There is also the fugitive wizard, who can escape under the eyes of both Gubo and Sulphur Rock. Even if it is not the legendary big witch king, it must be one of the prestigious big witch in the dark world. Try to contact the dark world and talk about it. Let ’s see who is there! "

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