Grand Line: Why Are You So Good!

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Kahn’S Plan: Dismount A Four Emperors! (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 61

New World.

on a calm sea


The sea water suddenly rolled and spewed continuously!

a moment later,


The huge modern Panda rushed out of the sea water!


The moment the soap bubble film was exposed to the air, it shattered directly.


at last,

The Modern Panda landed on the sea of ​​New World steadily!

above the deck.

Kahn all six are here!

“finally reached!”

looking at the calm sea,

Kahn with a smile on his face:

“New World!”

while speaking.

Looking up at the clear sky,

The corners of the mouth are raised slightly:

“Today is a good weather, which means that our next voyage in New World will be quite smooth! Hahaha…”

Hear him.

The five Carina standing on one side also had happy smiles on their faces!

Come to a new beginning of adventure.


It’s such a beautiful weather again!

In this case——

People’s mood will naturally get better!

After some emotion,

Kahn looked at Carina and the others next to her:

“Come on! Let’s discuss the next action plan!”

When it comes to business.

Carina and the others all became serious.

everyone get together,

Kahn just said his thoughts directly:

“Come to the New World—_

“Whether we like it or not, as long as we don’t become the ‘Four Emperors’ ourselves, or join a certain ‘Four Emperors’, the original free voyage will be terminated!”

“This sea seems to be very free, but in fact, it is more dangerous and less free than all the sea areas we have passed through before!”

Hear Kahn’s words.

those present,

All nodded in approval!

As a barrier in front of One Piece’s throne, “Four Emperors “527”” has changed from a symbol of freedom at the beginning to a balancer and a restrictive force for the freedom of all pirate groups.

at the same time


It is also one of the lines of defense to prevent the birth of Second Generation One Piece.

all of these,

But regardless of whether “Four Emperors” did it intentionally or unintentionally, it has already become a fact.

“Facing the ‘Four Emperors’

Kahn’s face became serious,

Opened the mouth and said:

“Our strength is slightly insufficient, and our power is also weak! With the growth of your strength, it is difficult to have a great breakthrough in a short period of time! So next, I plan to expand the power first!”

Hear Kahn’s words.

Carina frowned:

“Expand our power in the same way as the previous acquisition of Baroque Works?”


Kahn did not deny this,

With a smile on your face:

“Seven Warlords of the Sea-‘Heavenly Yaksha’- Doflamingo, after getting rid of him, incorporate all members of the Donquixote family! This force is not weak, and it can more than double our power!”

“There is another goal—Golden Emperor-Gilder Tezzolo, if we incorporate his power, we will be able to have power comparable to the ‘Four Emperors’!”

Hear Kahn’s words.

Carina and the others fell silent, after thinking for a moment.

at last,

They all nodded!

Carina looked serious:

“Sounds like a viable plan!”

There was a pause.

Carina looks at Kahn:

“But the loyalty of the subordinates recruited in this way is a big problem!”

at this point,

It is also a problem for Robin and Nami to worry about!

This means of Kahn,

Indeed, it can quickly absorb a large number of subordinates!

But the problem is-

Loyalty cannot be guaranteed at all!

Just like the current Pirates of Daz Bowness and others, Carina and the others are actually only controlled by phone bugs, and the real internal information is not transmitted to the lower drive!


Not enough trust!


Kahn is not worried at all!

With a confident smile:

“There is no problem with insufficient loyalty!”

“Anyway, our usual voyages are just us! Let the forces under your command let them develop freely! We just need to use their power to fight against the ‘Four Emperors’!”

“At other times, they will not act with us, even if their loyalty is low, they will not affect our voyage!”

There was a pause.

With a twinkle in Kahn’s eyes,

Opened the mouth and said:

“Even, as long as we gain a firm foothold, the personnel of this large fleet will hardly be of much use! Later, we can slowly select the real core members!”

“And then—”

“It is that they need our flag to continue sailing in the sea! This is equivalent to a cooperation! The cooperation between pirates, if loyalty is considered, the plan cannot go on.”


After Kahn said it so bluntly, the sons and daughters of Carina on the boat all understood.

simply put

Now the subordinates obtained in this way,

They are all attributes of tool people. After gaining a firm foothold, they will basically not be used. For tool people who can half give up soon after using them, naturally there is no need to consider the issue of loyalty.


It can also be regarded as a collaborator!


The cooperation between pirates can be betrayed at any time, and loyalty naturally does not need to be considered!

As for the real subordinates——

After they gain a firm foothold in New World, they can slowly recruit a group of true core, loyal, and reliable younger brothers!

“This plan—-”

Seeing that everyone understands what I mean,

Kahn said:

“Who is for? Who is against?”

Hear Kahn’s inquiry.

Carina raised her hand:

“I agree!”


Nami also raised her hand:

“me too!”

Robin smiled slightly:

“I have no opinion!”

Kalifa nodded:


Perona also approves:

“no comment!”


He snapped his fingers.

Kahn said with a final word:

“Since this is the case, then follow the plan! First of all, the first goal — Doflamingo! Before that, go and join the people who came earlier!”

Speaking of which.

Kahn froze for a moment,

Then he looked at Carina in embarrassment:

“Speaking of which——Daz Bowness and the others, on which island are they gathering now?”

heard the words.

Carina rolled her eyes,

Randomly said:



stand up.

Kahn in high spirits:

“Very good! Everyone, let’s go to Mysteria Island!”

After a while.

The modern Panda sailed again, with smooth sailing, and headed directly towards Mysteria Island, their first stop after entering the New World!

over there

Daz Bowness and others who have grown up are waiting for him!

a day later.

Mysteria Island—

Several huge pirate ships are docked on the shore. Different pirate flags are hoisted on the ships, and a flag of Kahn is also flying in the wind!


It is one of the members of the Kahn Grand Ship Group established by the cadres of the original Baroque Work Club!

And at this time,

Daz Bowness and others occupy a corner of Mysteria Island, set up a temporary camp, and are waiting for Kahn’s arrival!

In the camp—

Daz Bowness, Bentham, Mr.3 and others are all present, and everyone is discussing who Kahn wants to target this time when Kahn summons them!

“Calling so many of us!”

Mr.3 has a thoughtful face on his face,

Serious look:

“Could it be that the BOSS is going to attack the Four Emperors?”

in the past,

Their boss is Crocodile!


Their BOSS is Kahn!

Hear Mr.3’s words.

Bentham had a frightened look on his face:

“Ah! What if we go to war with the Four Emperors? They don’t want to go to war with the Four Emperors!”

And hearing Bentham’s words,

inside the tent,

Everyone else nodded their heads

Existences at the level of the Four Emperors, they are not opponents at all, if they really start fighting, I’m afraid it will be the rhythm of giving away their heads!

at last,

Daz Bowness the Mightiest,


“The BOSS will not be that kind of reckless person! Just wait for the arrival of the BOSS with peace of mind! And—even if we start a war with the ‘Four Emperors’, the role we can play

It won’t be too heavenly either!”

“At most, it’s just dealing with some masters under the command of ‘Four Emperors’, or even trash!”

Daz Bowness is cool.

at the same time,

He also believed—

Kahn is definitely not the kind of guy who has no plans!


There is no need to worry about other people!

While they were discussing,


A pirate ran in,

Full of excitement:

“Captains, BOSS’s Modern Panda is here!”

Swish Swish Swish——

Hear what this pirate said.

The gazes of Daz Bowness and others are all looking at!

at last,

They all stood up:

Know everyone, get ready to meet the BOSS!”


All the members of the pirate group under the command of Kahn’s big ship group who gathered here were all anxious and lined up on both sides.


The Modern Panda docks.

Put down the ladder.





Footsteps sounded.

Immediately afterwards,

Kahn appears a

There is a demon knife on his waist.

He is wearing a black suit, a pair of leather shoes on his feet, and a white coat with the logo of the Kahn Pirates printed on his back, which is similar to the Marine justice coat. In addition, Kahn has a handsome appearance and black hair!

one word –


Not just Kahn.

Followed behind him–

Carina, Nami, Robin, Kalifa, and Perona are all wearing the same style as Kahn, but each has their own style of suit, which can be described as very heroic!

good results.

It can even be said to be outstanding!

after all.

At this moment, everyone in the Kahn fleet, including Daz Bowness and the captains of the ships, all had shocking eyes, and then all of them had serious expressions on their faces.

Su, stand up straight!

Mouth slightly raised.0

Kahn was very satisfied—

He couldn’t think of such a thing, the reason why it happened was all Carina’s plan!

after all,

Kahn is young and looks too young.

If she doesn’t do some external things, Carina is worried that someone will look down on Kahn, so when she was in Sabaody Archipelago, she specially customized a set of uniform clothes, which can also be called

Dress for the team!

For this,

Of course Kahn will not refuse!

He is also a handsome guy!

It turns out——

There is nothing wrong with the saying that Buddha depends on gold clothes and people depend on clothes!


Everyone came back to their senses.




All the members of the big fleet bowed their heads respectfully.

shouted in unison:


He glanced at these people.

Kahn nodded slightly.


It was the first time I walked down the boat ladder, and Carina and the others followed directly behind me!

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of all members of the big fleet,

Kahn directly led Daz Bowness and others into the built camp!

Sit unceremoniously on the top chair.

Kahn looked at Daz Bowness and the others standing below.

no nonsense,

Straight to the point:

“It’s all here! Very good!”

“This time you are called, there are three things in total: annexing the forces of the Seven Warlords of the Sea- Doflamingo, annexing the forces of the Golden Emperor – Gilder Tezoro, and pulling a’

The Four Emperors’ dismount, and we shall be the new Four Emperors!”

Kahn falls.

Daz Bowness and the others all stared blankly,


Look at each other in dismay!

Three things.

Doesn’t sound like much!


It’s all very difficult!

Especially the last thing-

Dismount a “Four Emperors” and become Four Emperors yourself!

this difficulty,

Simply not too big.

After speaking.

Kahn looked at the crowd,

With a little smile on his face:

“What? Do you have any opinions?”

Hear Kahn’s words.

Everyone’s heart trembled——

They don’t know why,

It’s only been less than half a year. When facing Kahn, I feel that the oppression brought by their new boss is many times stronger than when they were in Alabasta.


Kahn now—

It really feels like the king of the sea!


There are only wrong names, no random titles!

The title of BOSS “Young Emperor” is truly well-deserved!

the first to react,

Still Darz Bowness:

“No objection! The boss says to fight whoever he wants!”

To hear Daz Bowness say,

other people,

There are also examples:

“Listen to the boss!”

“no comment!”

“The boss has the final say!”

He smiled with satisfaction.

Kahn said:

“That’s good, let’s get ready! Set off in half a day and go to Dressrosa!”


Daz Bowness et al.,

They all said loudly:

“Yes! BOSS!”

He waved his hand. 2.3

Kahn signaled Daz Bowness and the others to go down.


Everyone is leaving.

After they left the tent occupied by Kahn, they both breathed a sigh of relief, and then reached out to wipe the sweat from their heads!

When facing Crocodile before, they will also be stressed, and they will also be very scared.


There really is nothing like facing Kahn today!

The new boss has no killing intent,

There is no pressure, just sitting there, arranging and ordering, it makes them feel more pressured, and now they come out, there is a feeling of surviving a catastrophe


It’s just off the charts!


breathed a sigh of relief,

Mr.3 has an emotional expression on his face,

Said in an inexplicable tone:

“Seeing the BOSS this time, I feel that this is the real Chosen King!


He really thinks that Kahn is the future One Piece!

As for the former Crocodile?

Feel sorry–

How unfamiliar!

I glanced at Mr.3,

Daz Bowness said:

“Go and get ready to sail!”


All the members of the Grand Fleet started to act, preparing life and war materials, inspecting equipment, and then called all the manpower to issue Kahn’s first order “Completely issue!

A blink of an eye,

half a day later—

Headed by the Modern Panda, together with several affiliated pirate ships, leave the island of Mysteria together!

Not long after they left.

a large warship,

Come to the island of Mysteria!

above the warship.

Aokiji is holding a phone bug and is in contact with Naval Headquarters!

on the phone,

Aokiji has a lazy expression on his face:

“Already left! All the members left together. It seems that there is indeed a big move. I don’t know who his target is yet!”

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