Grand Slam

Chapter 29

Theory and practice # 3

One of the coaches pours a bubble into his mouth as if he were trying to get rid of the cold energy.

“Amazing! You’re amazing, marble!! ”

Phew. Phew.

Coach takes a deep breath and opens his mouth again.

“This is my theory. It’s going to be a little long, but listen. Who do you think is the tough guy in tennis? ”

“Good man. ”

The marble answered without hesitation. The coach scratched his head like a shrug and continued to explain.

“That’s right. Good people are strong. Especially someone who’s good at everything. Tennis is a game where you chase a ball in a space around 10 meters, sometimes over 200 centimeters an hour, for more than three hours alone. In other words, tennis requires an impulse to run 10 meters shorter than a short run, 3 hours of endurance longer than a marathon, and reflexes and judgments to identify a ball 200 kph faster than a major league ace pitcher’s ball. It takes a lot of different techniques, needle-like controls, thinking about how to build tactics in combination, and, most of all, this colorful ability to fight alone. Of course, what we’re talking about at the end is not measured yet, but that’s enough marble for you to move forward. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

For the first time in his life, he doubted his English proficiency.

‘What do they say · · · · · · · · · ·. ’

Coach swallows once and breathes, then raps again like a quickie.).

“Anyway, in a professional world, if you don’t have one of these, it’s a bottleneck. That is, if the average is 50 points, it’s better for people who have 100 points and zero points and 50 points for people who have both. Your physique skills are excellent, marble. These results tell us that all the skills necessary for tennis are superior and that we can continue to remain superior. So how can we not be surprised? ”

I don’t understand what the coach is saying too fast, but I know what he’s talking about.

‘There is no such sport, what · · · · · Over · · · · · · · · ·. ’

I thought of it in my heart.

It is the unilateral tennis eulogy of the person who loves tennis the most.

However, he also loved tennis, so the coach’s story sounded good. It was conveyed to me that I loved tennis as a child.

Anyway, she and her coach continued to discuss after dinner.

“What about this plan? ”

One of the coaches came up with a training plan for the marble. It was quite small for two weeks, but he thought it was fine.

“Oh, why don’t you do a little body-oriented barehanded training in the fitness training part? ”

Coach nodded and agreed to what the marble said.

“By the way, it’s better to use weight ( ) than water · · · · · · because your body hasn’t grown yet. ”

The coaches and quartz continued to worry.

‘Suddenly, there are times like this.’ ’

It felt good to be strangled and focused by white people with blue eyes.

* * *


Tadak, Tak.

The sound of a marble step with a constant rhythm cheerfully crosses the coat.

Bang! The ball flies into the marble’s forehand stroke with a loud bang and sticks it close to the base line.

“Quartz! Now the ball is stuck in position 3! ”

The coach’s voice bursts.


The marble clenches its tongue.

The bottom of the coat on which the coach is standing is strange.

It looks like a grid of lines. The lines have been hand-picked by coaches since dawn with white tape. This is for exercising control of your coat by splitting it into 9 pieces. The number starts at the left side of the baseline.

One, two, three.

4 5 6

7 8 9

It is indicated in this way.

1, 2, and 3 were the farthest from the marble’s field of view, and 7, 8, and 9 were the closest.

Of course, this training is not just for marble. It belongs to the original regular process.


This is a marble that continues to practice Forhand, but it’s hard to handle. 1, 2, 3 are easy to target, but short balls are difficult. Hit 7, 8, 9 and it falls to 4, 5, and 6.

‘Lesson bowl makes me unable to drop by 10% in real life. ’

Quartz bites his teeth.


Coach stops the marble.

“It’s too strong. Check it out on video later. First, I think we should move to the side coat and practice the backhand stroke. ”

Coach’s instructions were timely. It is better to turn your emotions into doing well and practice what you can’t do again, rather than doing it until you can.

‘This is definitely the Western way of thinking. ’

He didn’t shout. He went to the coat next to him. It is divided as well. However, it is only 25 segments, not 9 segments.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

‘You put that on well.’ ’

The marble was impressed.

“Here we go!”

The coach in charge of this coat’s lesson shouted to the marble.

And then he throws the ball to the back of his hand. However, there are conditions. The ball is given in a direction in which it can hit the back hand, but the ball that the coach throws is not constant. It is a more difficult condition than a nine-split coat, confirming that it has the ability to drop the ball wherever it wants, whenever it wants. You should not type in there until the coach gives you the number. However,

“18!! ”


“8!! ”


I stepped on the marble without stopping and stuck the ball several times as instructed by the coach. Coach stands at 18, but hits the ball regardless. They were able to take care of the ball that flew to them lightly.

“Okay! All right, take a break from the quartz! ”

You retreated and unconsciously found Jinhee after the coach shouted.

‘I’m working hard.’ ’

Jinhee sighs and chases after the ball from afar. Notice a pile of fluorescent balls behind the coach. So dazed, one of the coaches approaches Jinhee and says to the marble holding Jinhee in his eyes.

“Quartz. They want you in a nine-by-nine coat. ”

The marble raises its head and walks toward the nine-piece coat. Coach gestures at marble in front of Nate.

“Young stone! Come here for a second. ”

At this point, the marble jumped lightly to the front of the net.

“You can develop them through practice, not just marble, control. Anybody can do that. But I think I’ll give you a tip to speed things up. ”


“Yes. The sense of hitting the ball and the perception of where the ball fell. Of course, you know that you have to accumulate one-by-one with these two. ”

The marble nods at the coach’s question.

“Here’s a piece of advice I believe in menthols of marble. We need to value each ball even more. Imagine, for example, a battle against a ball. ”

“Image · · · · · · · · ·? ”

“Yes. I’ll do it with you. Imagine that. There’s a Wimbledon final going on in this court, and I’m the opponent. And Match Point. If you hit this ball well and drop it where you want, you win. Your opponent’s serve will continue. You use the backhand to send it straight. That’s what I would do with a cross and go after a hand as big as yours. You hit it with a running hand and put it on course three. Pinpoint. Do you understand what’s going on? ”

The quartz immersed itself in the coach’s explanation.

The coach’s orders are reasonable. It is much more beneficial to image the situation ‘· · · · · · · · ·’ than to image the situation that is losing. It also stimulates the motivation of the player and actually handles too much of the situation in the game.

A little bit livelier and clearer in the body that I trained mechanically.

“Okay, I think we’re ready. Then let’s go back. I’ll put in a serve. ”

Coach pushes cart aside and sits down to serve. Other coaches and students focus on them quietly. It deliberately gives the atmosphere of the match.




Coach’s serve was short on Tum.

A serve flew in before the marble was ready. However, considering the level of marble, it is only a slow sub with an hourly speed of 120 to 130 mV. The ball goes wide. A left-handed quartz’s backhand greets the ball.


The ball was processed in a straight line as instructed by the coach.

Then the coach sprints up and crosses the back hand.


The ball traverses the coat and plunges into the marble’s forehand.


The quartz quickly focused and ran without blinking.

Coach definitely gave the ball as per the scenario. It also calculates the ability of the quartz to close the ball.


I wanted to wait and hit the ball with my fast legs and elegant steps in advance, but it was not that big. A ball that can barely jump and hit. The marble that was immersed in this situation laughed hard at the bridge as it saw the ball fly away.

‘This ball had a winning cup in the Dream Major competition. ’

When I hypnotized myself, I felt a strange feeling of flaring up, and course 3 was clearly drawn in my head.


The marble’s forehand flies towards pin point 3, holding a massive spin with a huge thrust.

“Okay!! Hard!”

The ball fell on the line exactly.

With a ball like this, it’s hard to handle the projections easily. Coach gave a loud compliment.

Chuck- Chuck-

Only then did I realize what a ‘sensation’ was.

For example, to simplify your thoughts a little bit and get your body to feel better.

For example, ‘Forhand lowers posture, pulls the racket out, bats the ball,’ and trains the senses. In fact, the ability to coordinate strokes is required to get the ball where it wants to go. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to calculate it at that time by memorizing the differences. That’s why this training is so important.

The coach approached and praised marble for his elongation.

“Great! Best ball ever. Catch your breath. First, there is consciousness and unconsciousness in human behavior. In other words, reason and instinct, or more simply, the head and the body. It’s hard to balance your head and body. ”

“Balance of head and body? ”

“For example, rational people ignore what they want to do to focus on what needs to be done. When reason plays by instinct, efficiency doesn’t work. On the contrary. The best thing to do is to do what you want to do. Assuming this kind of image, it’s a training to find the unified nature of reason and instinct. ”

Coach’s description was correct.

The marble was greatly impressed and felt increasingly satisfied with Florida’s choice.

“I’ll make it easier for you to explain. When you take a shot out of tennis, there is a self-instructing self inside of you and a self-actuating self. Playing is not good when the self that steps out of the racket and directs back is dominant. It’s because he’s conscious of the procedure and he’s rigid. On the other hand, when the self that performs such things as’ send the ball there ’,’ draw a straight line with the ball ’,’ draw a parabola ’becomes superior, the best performance can be performed. Remember what you just felt. No, you have to brand the situation in your head. This is also a form of mental training. ”

Looking at the coach who was relentlessly and enthusiastically explaining, I thought marble was amazing. Mental training, added by the coach.

I think of my happiest memories in real life, not in fragments. It’s good to remember colors, smells, sounds, movements, even temperatures and humidity where possible. Think of it as playing a picture as a video. Think of it as remembering the best tennis day ever. Since the point of tennis is less than 20 seconds, mental training is a training that securely stores hundreds of these videos in your head and extracts images every 20 seconds to awaken your mind and body.

‘That’s amazing.’ ’

The tennis lessons that the coaches have are impeccable and rational.

Explain anything, any situation, and imprint on the players one by one. This is a waste free exercise.

“Good. Let’s skip the morning training and move on to schedule. ”

The quartz stops admiring the coach and starts stretching.

It’s only past morning. I have a long day and a lot of work to do.

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