Grass Story

Chapter 26: Dreams and Nightmares.

In the tranquil space, a girl with vibrant green hair occupied a chair, while the dark-haired girl sat some distance away, maintaining a clear separation.

Kusa's attempt to ease the tension was met with skepticism. "I'm not going to bite you, so calm down."

Doremy's response was swift and filled with exasperation. "Do you have any idea how painful it is when someone bites my tail?!"

Kusa's tone remained light, her explanation casual. "To be fair, you agreed."

Doremy's voice took on a tone of disbelief. "I thought you were joking! I never thought you would do it!"

Kusa's straightforwardness was apparent as she clarified her approach. "When I say something, I follow through. It's as simple as that."

Doremy's discomfort was evident, her tone reflecting her preference. "Still, I'd rather you not be near me."

Kusa sighed, acknowledging the request. "Fine..."

Doremy couldn't help but press further, her curiosity evident. "But seriously, why do you insist on using such an energy-consuming attack?"

Kusa's response was matter-of-fact, revealing a facet of her nature. "When I'm in that state, no barrier can prevent me."

Kusa's explanation continued, shedding light on her impulsive behavior. "So, every impulse that I had at that moment became my every movement. I didn't possess clear consciousness during that time."

Doremy's inquisitive nature probed further. "But you did it because you wanted to?"

Kusa's response was direct and succinct. "Exactly."

Kusa's attention shifted, and she posed an unexpected question. "By the way, where are the doors here?"

Doremy's quick rejection was marked by concern. "Nope! I can't let you enter others' dreams and turn them into nightmares."

Kusa's plea carried a hint of playfulness. "Come on, just one time~"

Doremy's tone shifted, her suspicion evident. "Wait... are you still in a state of elation?"

Doremy's concern grew. Kusa's nonchalant response didn't reassure her. "What are you talking about?"

Doremy breathed a sigh of relief, realizing her mistake. "Thank goodness, I thought you were..."

Kusa decided to playfully mess around with Doremy, pretending to still be in a state of elation. As Doremy looked at her, Kusa disappeared with a mischievous grin.

Doremy's confusion and uncertainty were palpable. "I..."

Then, suddenly, she felt a presence on her back. Before she could react, Kusa's voice sounded in her ear. "Please~"

Startled, Doremy turned, only to find Kusa standing behind her. Her heart raced, but she tried to regain her composure.

Doremy couldn't help but express her shock.

However, Kusa was determined to have some fun. Swiftly, she moved to Doremy's backside once again, causing Doremy's surprise to deepen.

Doremy's mind raced as she attempted to process the situation. "Is this some kind of horror film?!"

Kusa's playful demeanor remained intact. "Come on~ I just want to mess with someone."

Doremy's resistance was evident in her next question. "And if I say no?"

Kusa was determined to get her way. "I'll make you say yes."

Doremy sighed in resignation. "Fine..."

As if in response to their interaction, a door materialized beside them, catching both of their attention.

Doremy pointed towards the door. "There you go. You'll have an hour before you're forcefully ejected from the dream."

Kusa's excitement was palpable as she dashed towards the door, gleefully pulling Doremy along.

Doremy's protests were in vain. "Wait!!!"

But it was too late. Kusa and Doremy had already stepped through the door, embarking on a dream adventure filled with the unexpected and the unknown.


The setting shifted, and they found themselves inside a cozy wooden cabin.

Doremy was frustrated. "Stupid! Why did you have to drag me along!"

Kusa shrugged nonchalantly. "I just wanted to."

Doremy's irritation didn't wane. "You...!"

She let out a resigned sigh, realizing arguing with Kusa might not get her anywhere.

Doremy muttered, "I can't communicate with you properly when you're in Elation."

Kusa offered a mischievous smile. "Well, at least we can find common ground in that."

Doremy couldn't help but roll her eyes at Kusa's response, her frustration evident. She began to survey their surroundings with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"It looks like we're inside a house," Doremy observed.

Kusa chuckled playfully. "I was under the impression we were outside it."

Doremy glanced at Kusa with a sly smile, brandishing her book as a not-so-subtle threat.

Doremy warned, "Say something sarcastic one more time and you'll meet the cover of my book."

Kusa responded with an amused grin, "Yes, ma'am."

Doremy then turned her attention to the situation at hand, acknowledging their surreal surroundings.

Doremy remarked, "Still, we find ourselves in a random dream."

Kusa's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "So that means we just need to figure out whose dream this is?"

Doremy nodded in agreement. "Exactly."

Kusa decided to take a more direct approach, calling out loudly, "Hello! Is there a person here?"

Doremy's exasperation was evident. "Idiot! This is a nightmare, not an ordinary dream!"

As if on cue, the lights in the cabin suddenly vanished, plunging them into darkness, save for a single light source on the ceiling, casting eerie shadows around them.

In the darkness, a chilling figure materialized—a tall, slender silhouette with long, featureless limbs that seemed to stretch into eternity.

Kusa's initial reaction was filled with a mix of awe and amusement. "Wow~!"

But her demeanor quickly changed as she recognized the figure. "Wait... Slender Man?!!! Lame!!!"

Doremy facepalmed at Kusa's typical irreverent response.

The eerie creature appeared offended by Kusa's mockery and lunged toward her with unnatural speed.

Kusa's mind raced as she dodged the creature's attack. "There's no sun, there are no plants... Is this my end?"

However, Kusa wasn't about to give in without a fight. "Nope!!!"

Using her unique ability to manipulate her size, Kusa rapidly shrank and utilized the creature's elongated limbs as footholds, darting around its body.

Kusa eventually reached the creature's neck, a green orb glowing smaller than her hand. With determination, she transformed the orb into a seed.

Kusa planted the seed into the creature, and almost immediately, confusion washed over the entity's formless demeanor.

Doremy observed the scene with a hint of curiosity. "Do you want me to help you?"

Kusa shook her head, her confidence unshaken. "No need, it's already finished anyway."

The seed began to sprout, sending roots deep into the creature's form. A sapling emerged from the core of the seed, rapidly growing and extending its roots.

The roots encased the creature, forming an intricate network of tendrils that covered its body.

In a desperate attempt, the creature attempted to remove the seed, but its actions only seemed to accelerate the process. The plant growth intensified, and the creature found itself ensnared in a tightening grip of roots and vines.

The once-chaotic entity was now overgrown, encapsulated by the very plant that had sprung from the seed.

Kusa grinned with satisfaction, looking at her handiwork. "See~!"

Doremy couldn't help but admit, "I was worried for a second there."

Kusa teased Doremy playfully. "So you care about me~!!!"

Doremy rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a faint smile. "Don't get carried away."

As the overgrown plant continued to envelop the once-menacing creature, the room started to brighten, and the haunting atmosphere began to fade.

The black silhouette of the slender creature became less distinct, its form merging with the vibrant growth of the plant.

Kusa reached her hands towards the tree, and as if responding to her touch, the vines began to wrap around her arms.

Doremy's voice carried a note of concern. "Kusa!"

Kusa reassured her, her tone confident. "Don't worry!"

The vines encircled Kusa's arms, their movement almost gentle, as if they recognized her.

Doremy watched in awe as the vines started to be absorbed by Kusa's hands. The tree that had grown so rapidly began to shrink, its size diminishing with each passing moment.

Gradually, the entire tree disappeared, leaving behind nothing but a sense of tranquility. The once-ominous presence had melded with Kusa, leaving an indelible mark that only she could comprehend.

Kusa turned to Doremy, a triumphant smile on her face. "See?"

Doremy's expression softened, understanding that Kusa had achieved something beyond the surface of their encounter.

"Then let's go out of this dream," Doremy suggested.

Kusa nodded in agreement. "Fine..."

The two of them walked out of the room, the door leading them back to the expanse of the white world.


Doremy sighed, seeming a bit resigned. "I guess that's finished. Can you stay put for a second?"

Kusa grinned mischievously. "Nope! One more time!"

Doremy rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but chuckle. "Fine..."

A door materialized before them, and Doremy quickly stepped back to put some distance between herself and Kusa.

Kusa tilted her head, looking at the door. "You don't want to go inside?"

Doremy shook her head. "Just go by yourself."

Kusa's expression turned playful. "Okay~!!!"

Without any hesitation, Kusa eagerly stepped through the door, disappearing into whatever dream or realm awaited her on the other side.


On a table surrounded by silhouetted figures engaged in lively conversations, Kusa's voice suddenly rang out.

Kusa smirked mischievously. "Well-well, who do we have here..."

The girl at the center of the scene had short, purple hair and wore a black hairband. Her purple eyes were striking, and a red "third eye" was positioned over her heart, connected to her head and wrists by cords. She was dressed in a blue shirt with yellow heart buttons, a pink collar, and a pink skirt with a faint flowery pattern. Her pink slippers completed the ensemble.

Startled by the sudden voice, the girl turned her attention to Kusa, only for the silhouetted figures to abruptly disappear.

Kusa's grin widened. "Yes, you! I don't know who you are."

The third eye on the girl's chest briefly glowed before shutting, and she clutched her head in apparent discomfort.

Kusa's tone turned accusing. "Did you try to read my memory? That's a very bad decision, you know."

Kusa's expression grew more serious. "After all... despite how relaxed I may seem, my brain processes hundreds of thousands of words per second in the background."

The girl winced, her face contorting with a mixture of surprise and unease as she seemed to realize her mistake. Kusa's confident demeanor remained unchanged, and she continued to look at the girl, waiting for her response.

The girl continued to clutch her head, visibly affected by the headache caused by her attempted mind reading.

Kusa's voice softened. "It seems you need a minute to recover from it..."

With gentle care, Kusa lifted the girl into her arms and fashioned a simple bed using a mattress and a sheet. She skillfully conjured a pillow, placing the girl down on the makeshift bed.

Using her powers, Kusa created feverfew leaves and a wooden cup. After filling the cup with water, she harnessed the sun's heat to bring the water to a boil. Once the water was properly heated, Kusa added the feverfew leaves, letting them steep and infuse the water.

Kusa waited patiently, allowing the tea to cool slightly before holding the cup out to the girl. "It's bitter, but it can help lessen your headaches."

The girl took the offered cup and obediently sipped the tea, her expression gradually relaxing as the soothing warmth spread through her body.

Kusa spoke again, her curiosity evident. "I didn't think that I would encounter a mind reader..."

As the effects of the tea began to take hold, the girl's headache started to fade, and she offered a faint smile in response to Kusa's words.

"Do you not despise me?" Satori asked Kusa, her voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and curiosity. She was surprised by Kusa's lack of malice or aversion, despite knowing about her mind-reading abilities.

Kusa looked genuinely puzzled by the question. "Why would I?"

Satori hesitated, her gaze dropping for a moment. "Everyone usually dislikes me because I can read minds," she admitted softly, her words heavy with the weight of the memories of the people who had treated her with fear or disdain.

"I see..." Kusa's response was accompanied by a warm smile. "I'd love to meet someone who can read minds."

Satori's confusion was palpable. "Why?"

Kusa took a unique approach to answering Satori's question. She temporarily disconnected herself from her connection to the natural world, allowing her thoughts to be open for Satori to read.

"To harass them with lewd thoughts," Kusa's mischievous thought echoed in Satori's mind.

"Please don't," Satori responded with a pout, clearly unamused by the mischievous notion.

Despite the playful thought, Kusa's expression softened as she smiled at Satori. The girl felt a mixture of fascination and wariness toward Kusa, sensing her unpredictability.

"Fine, I won't..." Kusa assured her, her tone sincere. She extended her hand in a friendly gesture. "My name is Kusa."

Satori cautiously shook Kusa's hand. "Satori, Satori Komeiji," she introduced herself, a small glimmer of vulnerability peeking through her usually composed demeanor, especially after hearing Kusa's thought about finding her cute and wanting to pinch her cheeks.

I think I prefer the dialogues on the left side rather than on the right side.


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