Grass Story

Chapter 39: Photo and bullets

After their intense "fight," Aya found herself sweating and lying on the ground, utterly exhausted. Kusa, on the other hand, stood above her with a triumphant smile, clearly reveling in Aya's sorry state.

"I didn't think you had improved so much, Aya!" Kusa praised the tengu enthusiastically, her words laced with genuine admiration, which managed to bring a smile to Aya's tired face.

"You're making me proud," Kusa continued, conjuring a handkerchief to humorously wipe away invisible tears. Aya, still panting from their danmaku exchange, couldn't help but chuckle at Kusa's playful antics.

"Shut up!" Aya retorted, her fatigue not diminishing her feisty spirit. "You know I was struggling out there, and you just had to make it harder than normal!"

Kusa couldn't help but laugh at Aya's reaction. "Hey, at the very least, you captured them successfully! You're a professional photographer, after all," she complimented, her eyes shifting to the photographs Aya had taken, admiring the vibrant images.

"Of course!" Aya proudly proclaimed, her fatigue momentarily forgotten. "I'm the best there is!"

As Aya attempted to stand, Kusa extended a helping hand. Aya grasped it, allowing Kusa to effortlessly pull her back onto her feet. Kusa then summoned a small table and two chairs, along with some refreshing fruits and juice.

Taking a well-deserved break, the two enjoyed the fruits and drinks, savoring the moment of respite. As they finished their snacks, Kusa prepared to unsummon the table, chairs, and the remnants of their meal.

But just as she was about to do so, Aya, who had something on her mind, held up her hand, signaling for Kusa to wait.

"What?" Kusa asked, her curiosity piqued by Aya's request, which seemed to brim with excitement.

"Can you turn into your tiny form?" Aya inquired eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. Kusa blinked, momentarily taken aback by the request.

"I can," Kusa began to respond, but Aya interrupted her before she could elaborate further.

"Then hop on!" Aya declared enthusiastically, her voice filled with hope and wonder.

Kusa stared at Aya's expectant face for a moment, contemplating the unusual request. There was something about Aya's excitement that made her agree without hesitation.

She began to shrink, her form gradually transforming into that of a petite chibi. In this new form, Kusa had very short light green hair with a pair of leaves adorning the top. She wore a white hairband, her green eyes sparkled with childlike innocence, and her pale green dress was paired with green shoes and light green socks on the left foot. A tiny bag hung from her shoulder, containing minuscule books as an adorable accessory.

Aya couldn't contain her awe. "Oh!" she exclaimed, marveling at Kusa's charming new appearance.

Unable to resist her curiosity, Aya reached out and touched the leaves on Kusa's head, making the tiny goddess squirm in response.

"Hey! Don't pull my hair!" Kusa protested with a miniature glare, though her voice retained its familiar playful tone.

Aya immediately ceased her hair-pulling exploration, looking bewildered but intrigued by the idea that Kusa's hair was composed of leaves.

"These leaves are your hair?" Aya inquired, her journalistic curiosity fully engaged.

Kusa nodded with a solemn expression. "Yes, they are."

Aya grinned, her excitement undiminished. "I see. Well then, let's get going!"

With Kusa now reduced to her tiny form, Aya gently picked her up and placed her inside a small sling bag. Securely fastening it, she soared into the air, carrying Kusa along on their aerial adventure.


"So, you're looking to capture the Aki sisters' bullets?" Kusa asked in amazement, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, do you happen to know where they are right now?" Aya inquired, as Kusa had an uncanny ability to locate beings in Gensokyo.

"Minoriko is likely tending to her potato stand in the Human Village, and Shizuha is probably helping her," Kusa replied promptly, having already pinpointed their whereabouts.

"A bit anticlimactic," Aya remarked, not expecting them to be engaged in such mundane activities.

"Don't worry, we can find them during lunchtime," Kusa reassured Aya, dispelling her disappointment.

"Alright," Aya agreed, pondering their next subject.

"In that case, let's seek out Hina!" Kusa proposed, prompting Aya to nod in agreement. They took to the skies to locate Hina Kagiyama.

Upon arriving at an old shrine nestled within the forest, they found Hina peacefully sipping tea.

"Hina!" Kusa called out in greeting, drawing Hina's attention.

"Hmm? Kusa and Aya... What brings you here? By the way, you look wonderful, Kusa," Hina said with a warm smile, offering a compliment to Kusa.

"Thank you, Hina! We've come for a little favor," Kusa exclaimed with enthusiasm, hopping down from the table and landing gracefully.

"For what?" Hina inquired, her eyes fixated on Kusa's new appearance, which piqued her curiosity.

"Well, I'd like to capture images of your bullet formations," Aya explained, looking at Hina with a hopeful expression.

"I see... In that case, you have my permission," Hina replied, her warm smile indicating her agreement. She couldn't resist Kusa's earnest request, chuckling at her eagerness.

"Thank you so much!" Aya expressed her gratitude to Hina. With Kusa's guidance and a successful warm-up, Aya effortlessly evaded Hina's bullets and obtained all the necessary photographs for her project.

"Here, Hina!" Kusa presented a basket filled with fruits and various products as a token of their appreciation.

"Kusa, you truly are a sweet child!" Hina affectionately rubbed Kusa's cheeks, eliciting giggles from the cheerful grass.


"Next on our list is Nitori," Kusa declared, displaying a list she conjured into existence, which Aya found quite impressive.

"I know where she is!" Aya excitedly exclaimed, immediately heading towards the base of the waterfall, where a group of Kappa were gathered.

"Is Nitori here?" Aya called out to the kappa as she arrived, drawing the attention of the group.

The kappa exchanged hushed words among themselves, trying to decide whether they should fetch Nitori or not upon seeing a tengu inquiring about her.

Eventually, the kappa agreed and located Nitori, bringing her over to Aya and Kusa.

"Aya, Kusa, what brings you here?" Nitori questioned, as she was quite accustomed to seeing them, given their regular collaboration.

"We're looking to photograph your bullet patterns," Aya explained her request to Nitori.

Nitori took a moment to deliberate, weighing the potential benefits of having her creations showcased to a broader audience against any possible drawbacks.

"Alright, I'm in," Nitori finally agreed, recognizing the advantages of increased exposure for her inventions.

"Fantastic!!" Aya couldn't contain her excitement, assuming the photoshoot would be a straightforward affair.

Nitori's proximity to a water source had amplified the aggressiveness of her attacks, causing Aya to get soaked and hit multiple times by the powerful water-based bullets.

"Kusa... could you please dry me off?" Aya cheekily requested, hoping to tease Kusa a little. However, Kusa responded with a playful yet slightly sinister grin, creating blood vines known for sapping the life force of creatures. Aya quickly changed her tune.

"Never mind, just help me get dry and remove the water from my clothes, please," Aya requested in a hurry.

Kusa obliged, using her powers to swiftly dry Aya's clothes and even using a solar beam spell to send her soaring into a tree, where she was caught by a spell card.

As a token of gratitude for Nitori's cooperation, Kusa provided the kappa with a generous supply of food for the month, earning their appreciation.

Continuing their ascent up the mountain, Aya and Kusa encountered Momiji Inubashiri, the diligent mountain patroller.

"Momiji!" Aya called out in surprise, catching Momiji's attention.

"Aya? And Kusa?" Momiji was equally surprised by Aya's appearance alongside Kusa, whose new look was quite distinct from what she remembered.

Aya came straight to the point. "I need you to showcase your bullet patterns," she requested, leaving Momiji puzzled by Aya's unusual politeness.

"That's it?" Momiji inquired, half-expecting Aya to have additional demands or questions.

Aya, satisfied with Momiji's cooperation, wrapped up their visit. Kusa tried to offer Momiji some fruits, but the dutiful patroller initially declined. Aya, however, insisted, and Momiji eventually accepted the gesture of goodwill.

Next on their list was the Moriya Shrine, where they hoped to meet some familiar faces.

"Sanae!" Kusa cheerfully called out when they arrived, catching the shrine maiden's attention.

"Hmm... Kusa? And Aya," Sanae replied, acknowledging their presence.

Kusa couldn't help but wonder if this was the first time Sanae had seen her in her tiny form. She had met Sanae before, but that was in her previous appearance.

"I've seen your old look, but this is the first time I've seen your new one," Sanae clarified, understanding Kusa's question.

"I see... Well, in that case, I'll allow you to shoot some bullets at Aya," Kusa suddenly offered, causing Aya to raise an eyebrow as she exchanged a knowing look with Kusa.

"What's with that offer... but thanks, I'll take you up on it!" Sanae agreed, feeling a bit rusty and eager to shoot some bullets.

Aya, knowing Kusa's unpredictable nature, kept herself on guard at all times when near the mischievous grass. She skillfully avoided Sanae's winds and bullets while capturing shots with her camera. It was a thrilling experience for her, feeling the rush of dodging bullets and capturing the intricate patterns they formed.

After a few minutes of exhilarating bullet pattern displays, Sanae finally felt a sense of liberation, having unleashed her full power.

"Finally, I felt free!" Sanae exclaimed, her face flushed with excitement.

Kanako, who had been observing the entertainment, couldn't resist joining in on the action.

"Even I want to test the Tengu," she declared, showing her competitive side.

Aya, always up for a challenge, readily agreed. She skillfully dodged Kanako's bullets as well, showcasing her incredible speed and agility.

Meanwhile, Suwako and Kusa engaged in a casual conversation, and Sanae served tea to everyone. It was a relaxed yet enjoyable atmosphere as Aya continued to capture pictures of the bullet patterns on her camera.

"Kusa! I'm out of special papers!" Aya called out amid the intense bullet storm. Without hesitation, Kusa conjured another batch of special papers and tossed them into the whirlwind of bullets. To Aya's amazement, not a single paper was hit.

"Thank you!" Aya exclaimed, grateful for Kusa's quick response. She continued capturing shots of the mesmerizing danmaku patterns with renewed enthusiasm, knowing that she could count on Kusa's support.


The two bid their farewells at the Moriya shrine, and Kusa kindly gifted them with an assortment of fruits and fruit-based products.

"You seem to have quite the energy boost compared to the last time we met," Kusa remarked to Aya, not expecting an immediate transformation.

Aya couldn't help but beam with pride and happiness upon hearing the compliment.

"Absolutely! After that intense three-person battle, I've been training for group scenarios," Aya responded, clearly prepared for such situations now.

"You've truly made remarkable progress... how time flies," Kusa mumbled, deliberately pushing aside any dark thoughts that threatened to creep in.

"Speaking of time, it feels like it's been ages," Aya reminisced, thinking back on the journey from her novice days to becoming a seasoned journalist.

"Then let's pay a visit to Tenkai!" Kusa suggested, her curiosity piqued as she glanced at the next name on the list.

"Sure thing," Aya agreed with newfound determination, taking off swiftly as she ascended the mountain's peak.

Upon reaching their destination, they found Tenshi receiving another lecture from Iku.

"Tenshi, Iku, good morning, I suppose," Kusa greeted them, despite it being a less-than-ideal morning for Iku, who had once again fallen victim to one of Tenshi's pranks.

"Kusa and Aya," Iku greeted them, maintaining a composed demeanor despite the ongoing chaos.

"Kusa!!!" Tenshi excitedly exclaimed upon spotting Kusa's new appearance. She rushed over and embraced Kusa tightly, showing her affection for her friend.

"It seems Kusa and Tenshi are quite the pair," Aya remarked, noticing the strong bond between the two.

"Indeed, they can be quite the handful when they're together for too long," Iku sighed, recalling past headaches caused by their antics.

Aya chuckled, having experienced Kusa's mischievous side firsthand.

"Well, I'm here with a request," Aya finally spoke up, drawing Iku's attention.

"Alright, I'm all ears," Iku replied, curious to hear Aya's request.


"Aya, are you feeling thirsty?" Kusa asked, noticing Aya's parched expression.

"Yeah," Aya admitted, her voice a bit shaky.

Kusa quickly conjured a cup and filled it with fresh, warm milk.

"Here," Kusa offered, handing the cup to Aya.

Aya accepted the cup, and as she took a sip, her face turned a shade redder. She couldn't help but think, "Kusa's milk," which sent her mind in a more suggestive direction. Her blush deepened, and she fidgeted restlessly.

"Is there something wrong with it?" Kusa asked a hint of concern in her voice, wondering if maybe the milk substitute she'd created didn't meet Aya's taste.

Aya didn't answer verbally but instead downed the entire cup in one go, her blush intensifying.

"One more, please!" Aya requested, her voice quivering slightly as she looked at Kusa with eager anticipation.

The enigmatic milk scene from my past writings. It's like a mysterious artifact hidden in the depths of my creative mind. I'd love to have a chat with my past self and unravel the secrets behind that dairy-based escapade.

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